MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 3014 Fanwai Finale (17)

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   Chapter 3014 Fanwai Finale (17)

  Jun Lin was neither angry nor struggling, so he was dragged to the county master's mansion by Su Su.

   As soon as he entered the county master's mansion, Jun Lin made a request: "I want to live next door to you."

   "You are beautiful!" Su Su disagreed.

   "Didn't you ask me to come here because it was convenient for me to collect the corpse? I live next door to you, so it is more convenient for you to collect the corpse."

  Who is he to her, she wants to collect his body...

  Su Su pursed her lower lip with some discomfort in her heart, and then asked the maid to clean up the house next to her and let Jun Lin live.

As soon as the maid tidy up the house, Su Su asked the maid to separate Jun Lin's things in the room, but before the maid touched Jun Lin's things, Jun Lin said coldly, "You let her try to touch my things. "

  Su Su immediately thought that Jun's Landing didn't like others touching his things, especially clothes. So, she asked the maid to retreat, and immediately, she personally put everything in this room for Jun Lin.

   King's Landing eased his expression.

There is a pair of chess in the thing, which is the one she played with him. Su Su saw this when she was packing things for Jun Lin at the Qifu Inn. of complexity.

   Arranged everything else first, and finally, Su Su took the chess and put it on the kang table, and said to Jun Lin, "Let's go to the next game, I win, you can take the medicine."

  Jun Lin was already leaning on the kang leisurely. Hearing Su Su's words, he smiled and said, "I have never beat you at chess, and I won't."

   "Then what are you doing with your chess with you?"

   King's Landing just smiled and said nothing.

  Su Su didn't ask any more questions, but said, "There are many people outside, just tell them if you have something to do, and I'm leaving."

   said, Su Su really left.

   King's Landing didn't stop him either.

   But after Su Su left, he sat up.

   Put on the chessboard by yourself, hold a white stone in one hand and a black stone in the other, and play against yourself.

   Baizi won, I live here.

   Kuroko won, and I live here too.


   As soon as Su Su left from King's Landing, he went to the garden behind the county lord's mansion, and kept calm and calm by himself.

   Let King's Landing come to her house, it's really a temporary idea.

   Does she really want to collect the corpse for King's Landing? No, she didn't want to collect Jun Lin's body at all. Instead, she wanted King's Landing to live well.

   She doesn't want King's Death.

   Not at all.

   After sitting in the garden pavilion for a while, Su Su called a maid over, took the antidote to the kitchen, and asked the cook to add it to Junlin's dishes when he made lunch for Junlin.

   While waiting for lunch, Su Su went to Junlin's room to have lunch with Junlin.

   There are several dishes on the table, all the dishes that have not been liberated have been tasted, and those that have not been liberated have not been tasted.

  Su Su couldn't believe it: "How on earth did you find out!?" Even with a pair of dog noses, it wouldn't be so accurate!

  Jun Lin continued to eat the dishes that had not been detoxified, and smiled: "You haven't been a maid for me for a few days, so you underestimated me?"

   "Then die, die, I don't care about you!" Su Su really didn't bother to worry, and felt that her heart was broken because of a King's Landing.

   The more irritable Su Su became, the happier King's Landing was.

   Su Su wanted to leave as soon as she had a good meal, but Jun Lin stopped her. Su Su immediately asked angrily, "What are you doing?"

   King's Landing said with a smile: "Play chess with me and then go."

   "Did you need a beating, so you can't get down, and now you want me to get down!?"

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion