MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 9 We checked you

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"Miss, you should be pregnant at the time." Feng De said.

"No, I am not pregnant."

Feng De looked at the flat panel display. I saw that the data on the display screen was not a bit bleak. It was an honest answer. He could not help but have some doubts.

After a pause, he continued, "Impossible, after investigation, you have been at home for almost three years ago, and people who have seen you are also watching you wear loose clothes. If not pregnant, why are you? To hide from home for one year"

"That's because I am drawing comics. I like to live when I create. I like to wear loose clothes, I like it. Is it strange?"

When Xiao Nian is speechless, this can also become evidence.

"Where is Miss Dae on the New Year's Eve three years ago?"

"The New Year's Day should be a New Year in my hometown. I go back to my hometown every year."

"No, you are with our young master that night." Feng De said, "You are with the young master, and you are active."

If it weren't for Feng De's wrinkled face, it was too serious, and Xiao Nian almost thought he was joking.

"There is no such a violent man as he is, I see a disgusting once, how can I take the initiative to be with him?" When Xiao Nian sighed to Feng De, the tone was very excited.

Palace Europe.

Listening to these two words now makes her as disgusting as swallowing a fly.

The scene in the steaming hall was re-enacted in front of her eyes, and her inch and inch were all plundered by the arrogant man.


On the balcony outside the window, the man sat lazily on the white rattan chair, and the sound from the inside was immediately ugly, and the red wine glass in his hand was heavily placed on the table.


The woman actually said that he was disgusting. He didn’t think she was artificial. She thought he was disgusting.

"Mr. Gong, the woman’s speech is deliberate. If you want to get your attention, don’t worry."

The woman standing behind Miyau was wearing a thin, almost transparent pajamas, holding a pair of e-cups for him to shoulder, seeing him angry, and said softly.

"I want to squat"

Gong Ou was so cold that he looked in the window with a bad look. When he saw the little thought, he sat on the polygraph chair with a strong hate in his eyes.

Whether it is really disgusting or wanting to look at it, he can see it at a glance.

In the room inside the window, the butler Feng De frowned, and continued to say to Xiao Nian, "Miss, we checked you."

"You are just a foster daughter of a family. There is a younger sister who is one year old. From small to big, you can't be younger than your sister. From appearance to ability, you are just a third-rate cartoonist. She is a national actress who is popular all over the country. Wang Guomu's quasi-small grandmother"

The background of his own life was suddenly described one by one, just as the clothes were stripped in front of people.

When Xiao Nian clenched his fist, his teeth bit his lip.

"I asked psychologists to analyze that long-term inferiority and embarrassment will make you want to surpass your sister." Feng De said, "So on the New Year's Day three years ago, you designed to climb the bed of the young master, hoping to rely on one night of greed. Flying on the branches, but the young master did not pay attention to you, you ate a boring loss, and later found that you are pregnant, you want the mother to rely on the expensive, afraid that the young master does not secretly hide and give birth to wait for the right time?"

He said a bunch, and he said it was as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

Long-term inferiority

When Xiao Nian suddenly felt that all the anger in his heart had become bitter, he could not say a word.

It’s so funny, what kind of expert is that, know her, understand her, why should she give her a conclusion?