MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 85

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If Zhou Zi was woken up by splashing water.

He was still in Zhusha's room, and the time probably hadn't passed long, and the room was still completely silent. Zhu Sha stood in front of him, frowning and staring at him. The blood-red long skirt set off the red lips that also drank blood. The dim light and shadow painted her gorgeous face with a ghost-like hatred.

Zhou Ziruo's hands and feet were tightly bound by the hemp rope, and he couldn't move. His first reaction was to turn back into a fox and escape, but the free transformation skill didn't work at all. The system seemed to be dead, he was already screaming in his heart, but he didn't even reply a P.

Ha ha.

He almost forgot. That thing is not a system at all, but the "spirit" of the medium. No wonder it often has convulsions, no wonder it sleeps, no wonder it can't reflect the accuracy of high-tech precision instruments at all!

Lonely and helpless, he could only find a way to save himself, Zhou Ziruo raised his head and said, "What do you want to do?"

Zhu Sha stretched out her hand hidden behind her, held a fruit-peeling knife in her hand, and pointed at Zhou Ziruo: "Who the **** are you? You sneaked into Yunlanxuan to investigate Zhuohua's case? Are you an official?"

Listening to her question Zhou Ziruo probably understood the reason why she subdued him but didn't kill him. She suspected that he was an official sent by Zheng An to investigate the case undercover. .

Zhou Ziruo then climbed up the pole to find a way out for himself, pretending to be unfathomable and hummed: "I advise you not to jump over the wall in a hurry, the magistrate tried his best to arrange many arrangements in order to catch the real culprit who killed Mr. Zheng!"

Sure enough, Zhu Sha's face turned pale: "How many of you are there? Where are they all? I heard that you have an older brother who works as a long-term worker in the building. He is also an official post, right? When did you start to doubt me?! Tell me!"

Zhou Ziruo leaned his neck back, avoiding the blade attached to his neck, "Before we all thought that the murderer who killed Mr. Zheng and Zhuo Hua was the same person, and no one except me knew that you were the murderer..." Zhu Sha burst into joy, He hurriedly continued: "But we have a very special way of contact, especially my brother and I, if something happens to me, he will definitely find this place immediately, and the fact that you are the murderer will be exposed immediately!"

Zhu Sha hesitated, bit her lip: "Contact information..."

Contact information Damn!

In the ancient times when there were no mobile phones, no GPS, and no trackers, he and the dead fat chicken, as two good-for-nothing goblins who couldn't do anything but transform into P spells, had a special contact method!

The message Zhou Ziruo originally wanted to convey to Zhu Sha was that no one but him knew that she was the murderer. If he let him go, she would run away and no one would arrest her, but before she finished speaking, Zhu Sha wanted to kill him as soon as no one suspected her. Silently, in a hurry, he dug this pit that was too low in credibility, and now he also planted himself in it.

"You... are also similar to using a mirror to communicate?" Zhu Sha asked nervously.

Zhou Ziruo, who was frowning, was stunned, and suddenly felt the hard thing in his chest, "... Linghua Mirror?"

Zhu Sha's complexion changed drastically, as if she had been struck in the heart by these three words, "Sure enough... sure enough..."

At this time, Zhou Ziruo realized a problem inappropriately, that is, did Yushang and Zhu Sha team up to commit the crime?

Zheng Yu was killed that night after having prostituted Zhu Sha, and the body was thrown into the barrel of wine until a few days later. It is not known whether Yu Chang was involved. But Zhu Sha had an indestructible alibi on the night Zhuo Hua was murdered, and Yu Chang committed this crime alone. So before he speculated that Yushang's killing of Zhuohua was an imitation of Zhu Sha's killing of Zheng Yu, with the intention of directing the two cases to the same person and getting rid of his suspicion.

But this speculation has a doubtful point that cannot be explained-motivation.

Under the mantra, Yu Chang never revealed any grievances with Zhuohua. If she had no great hatred for her, why would a weak and wealthy woman kill someone?

Unless, this person didn't kill for herself.

He once asked Yushang bluntly if he knew who killed Zheng Yu, Yushang replied that he didn't know; from Yushang's mouth, Zhu Sha and Zhuohua were good sisters; Yushang and Zhuohua had never had any enmity.

These are the facts revealed under the mantra, and it is absolutely impossible to falsify.

Then there is only one truth: Yushang and Zhu Sha killed each other's target for each other without knowing who the other was!

To put it another way, there is a certain medium that connects these two women and helps them complete the exchange and kill each other anonymously!

This medium is that water chestnut mirror!

"It's that ghost in Linghua Mirror...helping you convey information and exchange killings?" Zhou Ziruo said.

Zhu Sha's face turned pale in shock, and after half a moment, she nodded like a walking corpse: "I found out by accident... I found something in the mirror by accident..."

"Unintentionally... combing your hair in front of the mirror in the middle of the night?"

"Yes... this mirror was brought in by a grocer who passed through Tongyang City half a year ago. It is exquisitely crafted and clearly visible... Many sisters in the building have bought it... A few months ago, I accidentally found the thing in the mirror Through it, I communicated with another person on the other side of the mirror, and learned that that person hated a person just like me, and wanted to kill that person... But we can't do it, because the person we want to kill will die, As soon as we check his relationship with other people before his death, we will be suspicious... At first, we just complained about our hatred and murderous intentions to each other, and then... Later, we figured out a way to exchange killings... I killed her target, she If I kill my target again, on weekdays we and the people who died under our hands are completely irrelevant and have no conflicts, no matter how we investigate, we will not be suspected of being on our heads..."

Zhou Ziruo felt his back go numb. These two women looked slender and weak, but in fact not only had the guts to kill someone, but they also wanted to kill someone without taking any responsibility and get away with it!

"So you and Yushang didn't know who the person on the other side of the mirror was from the beginning to the end?"

Zhu Sha said: "This is our tacit understanding. We both think it's best not to know who the other party is, so as to avoid more troubles after the event is completed."

Zhou Ziruo couldn't help asking: "But... you were the one who attacked first, right? You never thought that if the other party didn't believe in the dialect and didn't help you kill Zhuohua, then you would be in the hands of others for nothing. The knife, did you become a murderer in vain?"

"Of course I'm worried." Zhu Sha gradually calmed down. Perhaps these things were on her mind. These days, she was eager to find someone to talk to, and said slowly: "Although we agreed on the goal of helping the other party kill the other party, at first I didn't want to. I was also afraid of being taken advantage of if I planned to do something. But sometimes things happen so coincidentally, Zheng Yu came to Yunlanxuan to look for Zhuohua that night, taking advantage of Mr. Bai's snubbing of Zhuohua because of Zhuohua's intention to hurt Zijin, he wanted to reconcile with Zhuohua. He got angry with Zhuohua, and out of anger, he ordered the well-known good sister of Zhuohua—me. Huh, I don’t know that my relationship with Zhuohua has never been better. She can’t wait for me to die, and I can’t wait for her to die. !"

"Zheng Yu tortured me in every possible way, and vented all his dissatisfaction with Zhuohua on me! He pressed my head into a bathtub full of water to see how long I could last, while he raped me outside Laughing... I was not reconciled, I hated, so I pretended to be suffocated, Zheng Yu mistakenly thought that he had killed me by mistake, and was very frightened, when he pulled me up, I pushed his head in! He was struggling all the time, The water in the tub splashed everywhere, but my hands didn’t shake at all, until finally his resistance gradually subsided, and I still waited for a long time before pulling his head up... At that time, he was already dead!”

Zhu Sha who said these words had a sinister expression and distorted facial features, as if reliving the process of killing someone with his own hands in his mind.

With his hands tied behind his back, Zhou Ziruo was frantically looking for something to untie the rope. Except for the cold floor, he couldn't touch even a single hair on his tentacles. The back of his neck was covered in cold sweat from his anxiety.

"Then you threw Zheng Yu into the wine barrel in the wine cellar? Zheng Yu is the magistrate's nephew. You were the last person he saw before he disappeared. Aren't you afraid that the magistrate will investigate you?"

Zhu Sha laughed contemptuously, "Prefect? ​​Qingtian? He's just a pervert. I served that old man, and he didn't dare to come to Yunlanxuan himself when he was a prostitute, and he didn't dare to let me go to his house. He asked someone to take me to another courtyard in the city. That old man pretends to be a dog, but he is actually a scum just like his nephew. He only tortures weak women like us! His other courtyard The girls who were played to death by him and his good-looking fox friends and dog friends are eighty if not a hundred, and you still work for him? Go to his yard for a while, and I don’t know how many ghosts you can knock out! He died on his own body There are countless lawsuits, and I am afraid that once the mask is torn off and the family is raided, how dare people know that his nephew is a frequent visitor to Yanhualiu Lane, and he will be caught halfway? Besides, Zheng Yu is a fool all day long. He eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles, and often does not go home for three to five days. It is not surprising that his family does not see him for a few days, but these times are enough for me to clean up the traces left by the murder and create proof for myself. Zheng Yu After his body was discovered, the officials asked me for questioning. I only said that he did not stay overnight that night, and I also asked my sister to confirm. I have no contact with him on weekdays. Who would suspect that I did it for no reason? I would only think that he never I was killed after I went out here. Oh, yes, the officials seem to have suspected Yushang. Maybe Zheng Yu asked Yushang to have an abortion. His family knew about it, but Yushang was picking up customers those nights, so it is impossible to commit the crime. In fact, I also I thought about whether the person in the mirror was her, but I never thought about it... Heh, I looked at it tonight, and it was indeed her."

Zhou Ziruo admired it, Zhu Sha was much calmer, calmer, bolder and more careful than Yu Chang, who panicked when she couldn't find the comb! But as a kidnapped person, he is most afraid of such a cruel and scheming murderer! !

Damn, is Lu Lixiao still coming? ? He delayed for so long without even a ghost coming out! The one surnamed Lu wondered if he should be so cruel if he died again! !

Zhu Sha clearly shared the ins and outs of her crime, she let out a light breath, and calmed down completely, then her gaze returned to Zhou Ziruo.

"You, you, you, don't be impulsive! If you dare to touch me, my brother will find me right away!"

Zhu Sha didn't speak, she picked up the stool and smashed it on Zhou Ziruo's head.

Before Zhou Ziruo fell into a coma again, Lu Lixiao's figure appeared in his mind, but he probably felt that he was doomed this time, so it was rare for him to forcefully wave that figure away.

To die is to die, he doesn't want to die because of him in his last life, and still think about him in this life!