MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 68

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"Master, this time the disciples of the Immortal Family Dabi request to participate in the battle!"

Lu Lixiao put Zhou Ziruo down and solemnly kowtowed to head Qiu.

Head Qiu looked at him with a complex expression, but Lu Lixiao didn't get up, maintaining the movement of touching his forehead to the ground. After a while, Head Qiu sighed helplessly and waved his hand, "Get up."

"Master agrees?" Lu Lixiao straightened his upper body.

Head Qiu said: "You have always been very assertive, so what if you disagree as a teacher? Even if you are locked in the gate, you will still have a way to escape from Qingyang Mountain. Instead of you going to track down the crimson moon palace alone, which is full of dangers, how about Let you join forces with other immortal families."

"This time, the disciple was framed as the murderer who killed the elder brother. In order to protect the disciple from being killed by the real murderer, the master put the disciple in the discipline hall for strict supervision. The disciples understand this painstaking efforts."

Zhou Ziruo thought to himself that Head Qiu ordered him to be locked up to protect Lu Lixiao. No wonder Liu Nanqin said that Head Qiu would not hurt Lu Lixiao, she must have seen it long ago. Thinking back to the night when Lu Lixiao was attacked, Head Qiu never said that Lu Lixiao was a suspect at all, his stern attitude at that time was actually to cover up the purpose of protecting Lu Lixiao! Because of this, Lu Lixiao never suspected that the head of Qiu was the murderer.

"...It's just," Lu Lixiao continued: "This disciple bears a **** enmity, and there are some things that cannot be avoided. Although the master intends to protect it, the disciple needs to face it alone. The master is disappointed, and the disciple is terrified."

Head Qiu closed his eyes and shook his head, his deeply frowned eyebrows formed a plain word, as if he would never be able to heal the regret and sorrow in it, "I have taught you for many years as a teacher, and I have always been strict...but until Jing'er was killed As a teacher, I know that the elders don't want the success of the younger generations, but just want you to be safe and happy... You are the winner of the disciple competition among the disciples, and you were originally the one who went to the immortal family competition on behalf of Qingyang Mountain. Being a teacher doesn’t stop you, just let go if you have any plans, just remember one thing and cherish yourself. Being a teacher is old, and I can’t bear too much loss..."

This kind of head Qiu is no longer the head of Qingyang Mountain, the number one immortal sect, but an old elder who has experienced too many deaths of relatives and friends. Those low and helpless words are pitiful.

After coming out of the courtyard of Head Qiu, Zhou Ziruo turned into a human figure, picked up the clothes hidden in the grass and put them on. There was silence on the way back, Zhou Ziruo suddenly grabbed Lu Lixiao's arm from behind, Lu Lixiao turned around, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Ziruo hesitated and said, "Why... take me to listen to these?"

Lu Lixiao stopped and looked at him, "Didn't you always feel unhappy about it the few days you left Kill Fox Castle?"

Zhou Ziruo was stunned.

Lu Lixiao first learned about Jiangyue Palace's involvement in Fox Killing Castle from Master Han, and then remained silent for a few days. Willing to admit that he cared about Lu Lixiao, he kept a stern face all day long.

What happened so long ago, Lu Lixiao still remembers it? And because of this, he let him see his biggest secret...Compared to this, he never thought of telling Lu Lixiao his background...

"There is one more thing about Shuyu that you were curious about. In the years since I learned about Jiangyue Palace from Junior Brother Leng, I have inquired about it. It is the magic weapon that the lord of Jiangyue Palace, Siqin Jiangyue, can never leave her body."

Zhou Ziruo suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He hugged Lu Lixiao's waist, pressed his face against his firm chest, and said in a low voice, "Even if you don't let me know this, I will still be by your side and help you do what you want. Things to do!"

"I know. But I hope you and I...can be honest with each other." Lu Lixiao smiled.

Zhou Ziruo looked up at the gentle expression on his sharp-edged face, and opened his mouth to speak. At this moment, Leng Mo came from the front, saw the two of them far away, and bowed to Lu Lixiao.

Zhou Ziruo hastily let go of the hand around Lu Lixiao's waist, but Leng Mo's expression seemed much calmer than the night before, almost no response to him kissing me with Lu Lixiao, Zhou Ziruo couldn't help being surprised.

Lu Lixiao said, "Go to Master?"

Leng Mo didn't answer and asked instead: "Is Fourth Senior Brother going to this Immortal Family Grand Competition?"

"You want to go too?" Lu Lixiao said.

Leng Mo said: "Every immortal family in the Xianmeng Grand Competition has sent two people to fight. The second brother was seriously injured and the younger brother was lucky enough to win the second place in the disciple competition. I believe that the master will not refuse the request of the younger brother. .”

Lu Lixiao didn't discuss this matter with him, but said: "Have you gone to see Master Du?"

Du Hanfeng personally admitted that in the few years since Siqin Jiangyue left Qingyang Mountain, he had had several private contacts with him. Back then, when Jiangyue Palace attacked Lujiacun, Du Hanfeng got the news and arrived earlier than Qiu Xigui and others, but at that time, Lujiacun had been slaughtered by Jiangyuegong, and he picked up half of the sword on the battlefield after the scuffle. The half of the sword was strange. He did not recognize Lu Lixiao as his master, and Du Hanfeng had been hiding him by his side all these years. The wound on Feng Jing's neck was caused by Nabuli.

"Master Du told me that he doesn't think that person is hidden at all." Leng Mo said.

Zhou Ziruo understood. Before, he had vaguely guessed that Jiangyue Palace was responsible for the extermination of Leng's family six years ago, but looking at Leng Mo's serious and cold appearance now, he was indeed right. Where is Leng Mo for that Immortal League competition? He basically asked about Siqin Jiangyue from Du Hanfeng, and couldn't help but want to use the power of all the immortal families to search Jiangyue Palace through this Immortal League Competition, and avenge the **** sea of ​​​​the year!

This plan coincided with Lu Lixiao's.

Watching Leng Mo's back leaving resolutely, Zhou Ziruo couldn't help but feel sympathy for head Qiu, the eldest disciple died, and Lu Lixiao had just been sent away, and now the closed disciples are about to rush into the dangerous vortex. Ugh.

Lu Lixiao took his hand, "Senior Brother Third should be at the mountain gate now, let's go see him off."

That day, Liu Nanqin in the Yunqing Palace confessed that he was Jiang Yan who murdered his brother and threw away his corpse. Although Feng Jing's death had nothing to do with him, Qingyang Mountain would not keep him no matter whether he knew about it or had misbehavior before entering the university. . Yesterday while Zhou Ziruo was in a coma, Head Qiu ordered him to be expelled from the sect with a staff of thirty sticks. Although the other elders and several senior disciples wanted to plead for mercy, Liu Nanqin himself accepted the punishment without saying a word of excuse. He just begged to see Du Hanfeng again last side.

No matter how vicious Du Hanfeng is to others, he treats Liu Nanqin sincerely. Back then in Yiyang City, he gave Liu Mei the piece of locust wood, originally to let Liu Mei throw it into Jiang's mother's house, maybe it would attract some evil things to punish that woman, but Liu Mei was kind-hearted, and he secretly promised "Duan Peng" , and kept the locust wood piece as a souvenir.

Even though Du Hanfeng was treacherous and evil, in Liu Nanqin's eyes, besides his mother, he was the best mentor in this world.

After being tortured, Liu Nanqin rested in the gate for the night, reckoning it was time to go down the mountain.

When Lu Lixiao and Zhou Ziruo came to the mountain gate, they heard Qiu Cailing's unstoppable crying before they saw anyone. Qiu Cailing flung herself into Liu Nanqin's arms, crying and complaining that her father was "too cruel". Everyone in the family knew about Liu Nanqin, but Qiu Cailing didn't recognize Jiang Ye. Compared to a stranger who had died sixteen years ago, it was naturally the third senior brother who loved her and doted on her since she was a child.

On the contrary, it was Liu Nanqin who smiled like a spring breeze as usual and comforted her: "Senior brother made a mistake, the master has already considered the friendship of these years and punished her lightly. You must not disregard morals because of closeness, black and white..."

Wei Heng also accompanied Qiu Cailing, but did not speak.

Liu Nanqin looked up and saw Lu Lixiao and Zhou Ziruo who were coming, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother Leng just left, and you guys came to see me off, so I have no regrets today."

His face looked a little pale, and he also knew that it was not so easy to survive the thirty sticks on his body, especially the punishment instruments in Qingyang Mountain had some spiritual power, and the scars on his skin could not be healed after being tortured. exhausted.

The traces of those thirty sticks will remain on Liu Nanqin's back forever, and every time he sees them in this life, it will remind him of the mistakes he has made.

He carried Liumei's nanmuqin behind his back, probably because of the heavy stick injury, he staggered a bit, and a strong hand quickly supported his arm. He raised his eyes, the setting sun was setting, and the twilight cast a deep expression on Wei Heng's resolute face.

"Thank you." Liu Nanqin pulled out her hand and said.

Wei Heng said: "Be careful."

Liu Nanqin looked at him silently for a while, then took two steps back, and clasped fists at everyone.

"Everyone, there is always a banquet in the world. Farewell."

Liu Nanqin walked down the mountain alone in the twilight. Although his back was still weak, it was unrestrained and firm.

The disciples who came to see him off at the mountain gate went back one after another, even Qiu Cailing was taken away by Wei Heng before he knew it. Zhou Ziruo couldn't help sighing when he thought of Liu Nanqin who stood side by side with Wei Heng outside the Yunqing Palace on the day of entry, and then thought of his figure who left alone just now.

Jiang Yan killed Jiang Ye and avenged her revenge, but what she paid for was the self-blame and the imprint of crime that she could not get rid of in her life because she indirectly killed her mother.

There are indeed many people in this world who have committed the most heinous crimes and deserve to die, but not everyone is a law enforcer and has the power to execute a life. There are indeed many injustices and great grievances in this world, but you can't let yourself fall into the infinite hell, incarnate as a Shura, and pick up the butcher's knife to find the so-called justice.

"When Jiang Ye's body was salvaged..." Lu Lixiao said suddenly, and then leaned closer to Zhou Ziruo's ear and whispered a few words.

Zhou Ziruo was stunned and didn't react for a while.

"The Jiang family strictly forbids rumors about this matter. Even the servants in the mansion didn't know about it. Jiang Tao only told me when he was drunk."

Zhou Ziruo suddenly realized, and suddenly resentment: "Could it be that beast..."

Lu Lixiao interrupted him: "It was already 16 years ago, Jiang Ye is dead, and Jiang Yan also learned about it in his own way, so don't investigate any further."

Zhou Ziruo frowned. Although Lu Lixiao was right, there was no need to dig out the sixteen-year-old incident where one person died and the other changed his name, but he felt uncomfortable.

Lu Lixiao said, "Go down the mountain."

"Ah?" Zhou Ziruo was a little confused about Lu Lixiao's brain circuit.

"There will be a temple fair in Qinghe Town tonight, let's go and see it." Lu Lixiao couldn't help but take Zhou Ziruo's hand and strode forward.

Zhou Ziruo trotted behind him, looking at the tall figure with wind-like strides in front of him, he couldn't help but tightly grasped that broad palm instead.

The author has something to say: Brother Liu: My real name is Jiang Yan (yǎn), not Jiang Yan (yán), please don’t call me wrong~

Big Boss: My surname is Siqin, not Situ, Siqin, Siqin—!

I turned on the soft keyboard browser bug and couldn't turn it off. It was hard to turn off the soft keyboard, otherwise I could update it earlier...