MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 53

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After marrying into the Jiang family as a concubine, Liu Mei didn't like her husband's family. She was squeezed out by the jealous mistress and looked down upon by servants. Her life was extremely miserable. She was similar to her mother Fang Peiyin when she married into the Wu family. People are still lazy screenwriters.

There is an abandoned small courtyard in Jiang's mansion, which is more remote than the servant's house, which is Liu Mei's former residence. The reason why he said before his death was that Liu Mei had died of illness sixteen years ago, and this matter had been reported back to the slums.

Liu Mei gave birth to a son for Jiang He, the current head of the Jiang family, named Jiang Yan. Liu Mei was pregnant with this child when she returned to her slum home privately thirty years ago, but no one knew about the mother and child after the child was born. In the evening, Lu Lixiao had slapped the third young master of the Jiang family from his servants, but found nothing. It seemed that this person was no longer in the mansion.

The small courtyard was left unattended, weeds grew wildly, and the ground was covered with dead leaves. It was very depressed. The only living room in the yard was only symbolically locked. Before Lu Lixiao started to pry it, the old door lock clicked and broke.

Pushing open the door, the peculiar smell of decay in the house that has been closed for many years came in, Zhou Ziruo couldn't help but turned his head and coughed twice. Lu Lixiao stepped into the room, touched the dust accumulated on the table with two fingers, and said in a deep thought: "There should be no one living here for more than ten years."

There are two bedrooms in the house, and Liu Mei's mother and son should have lived together.

Zhou Ziruo speculated: "Could it be that Liu Mei died of illness sixteen years ago, and Jiang Yan also left Jiangfu, and this room has been locked since then?"

"Sixteen years ago, Jiang Yan was just a lad dancing with a spoon. Where could he go if he left Jiang's house alone? Besides, Jiang's house is his home. Even if the mother and son are not happy in the house, there is no need to leave after the mother dies of illness." Lu Li Xiao Xun thought.

Zhou Ziruo silently put a question mark after the name Jiang Yan.

Jiang's family is a wealthy family. Although the house has been empty for more than ten years, because Liu Mei's mother and son lived here in poverty, even the roughest servants would not come to make a fuss about the house, so all the items in the house are well preserved. .

Lu Lixiao and Zhou Ziruo started to search Liu Mei's room, except for some women's belongings and the old padded jacket that Liu Mei secretly picked up to make winter clothes, there was nothing there. Jiang Yan's room is even more obvious at a glance. Moth-eaten poems and books are piled on the dilapidated small wooden table, a few sets of rough clothes are stacked in the cabinet, and other places are empty.

Zhou Ziruo got under Jiang Yan's bed with great experience, and dragged out a small wooden box with his mouth after a while. The wooden box was not locked, and it was full of broken slingshots, bows, puppets and other children's toys. Judging from the treatment of Liu Mei's mother and son in Jiang's family, it is impossible for Jiang Yan to get toys. It is estimated that these are picked up and not wanted by his son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ziruo asked: "By the way, Jiang Tao is the second child. There should be a young master in the Jiang family. Why haven't you heard about him?"

Jiang Tao was cultivated in this virtue, presumably the boss is not much better, but why is Jiang Tao the only one famous now?

Lu Lixiao was stopped by the question, and he never thought of the boss of the Jiang family at all. It seems that Jiang Tao was the only clue ever since the hunchbacked man heard about the Jiang family.

The room between the two became quiet, when a sound outside the window came into the room clearly! "Who?!" Lu Lixiao vigilantly pushed open the tattered window sash and turned out.

Zhou Ziruo jumped out, but there was no one else around except Lu Lixiao.

There was no wind in the quiet night, and the trees were still. It didn't look like someone had been there. Zhou Ziruo said, "Is it a mouse?"

Lu Lixiao didn't answer, and walked towards a thick old tree in front of him, walked slowly around the old tree, and knelt down at one place.

Zhou Ziruo didn't understand why he followed, and seeing Lu Lixiao covering the land with his palms, he closed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then opened his eyes and said, "Go and find thicker branches in the grass."

"what's wrong?"


Zhou Ziruo slandered Lu Lixiao as his follower, he got into the thick grass and rustled for a while, and came back with a thick branch in his mouth.

Lu Lixiao used a branch to dig over the soil, and when he dug about two feet deep, he saw a dark blue rough sackcloth exposed.

There's something buried under the tree!

Zhou Ziruo's eyes lit up, and he went up to use his claws to help dig the soil, panting for half an hour, Lu Lixiao took out a nanmuqin that was wrapped in several layers of cloth airtight. A willow branch is carved on the tail of the qin, which is obviously the qin of Liu Mei.

"Just now I felt a special power emanating from the direction of this tree, probably because of this piano." Lu Lixiao said.

"Is there a spirit charm in this piano?" Zhou Ziruo thought of Huamei.

Lu Lixiao looked at the guqin, "I'm not sure yet."

If Zhou Zi didn't know guqin, but seeing that the color of this piano is still thick after so many years, it must not be too cheap.

"Whether Liu Mei lives in poverty in Wu's or Jiang's family, she probably has no chance to learn the piano. How could she be willing to buy such a piano? And it's wrapped tightly in three layers and hidden under a tree. It must be a treasure." Very good!"

Lu Lixiao said: "Fang Peiyin was born in a wealthy family and is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Perhaps Liu Mei had been exposed to it when she was young. As for why she was willing to buy such an expensive nanmuqin and hide it so precious... Maybe there is an explanation. Leng Junior Brother once mentioned inadvertently that Uncle Duan Peng is named Nanzhong."

"'Nan'...!" Zhou Ziruo suddenly realized, "Could it be that Liu Mei is in love with Uncle Duan Peng?"


"Then if there is a ghost in the piano, it is because of Liu Mei's love for Uncle Duan Peng? Brother Xiao, can you call out the ghost and try?"

Lu Lixiao shook his head, "The aura of the thing in the piano is too weak, I barely noticed it just now, and I can't call it out now. That's why I said, I'm not sure if there are ghosts born at the moment."

After searching the house of Liu Mei's mother and son, it further proves how unpopular the two were in Jiang's family back then. This nanmuqin buried under the tree is the biggest harvest, and there is no other valuable information other than that. . Lu Lixiao put the piano bag on and took Zhou Ziruo back to the guest room.

Lu Lixiao fetched water to wash and came back, and saw Zhou Ziruo lying on the ground stretching his limbs, transforming from a furry baby fox into a slender boy.

Zhou Ziruo suddenly realized that he was still completely naked after he transformed into a free form, and when he saw Lu Lixiao's gradually deepening gaze, who was standing with his arms folded, he felt horror in his heart.

Sure enough, Lu Lixiao, who had just finished washing and waited patiently for him for a long time, picked him up and pressed him on the bed. Zhou Ziruo raised his hand to push him away, and Lu Lixiao grabbed his wristband while kissing his chest. Watching him press on the part of his body that was throbbing under him, he could clearly feel the outline and heat of that big guy. Zhou Ziruo remembered the painful and happy feeling of that thing rampaging in his body, and his whole body seemed to be ignited. He was so hot that his brain was burnt into a paste, and the unknowingly rebellious hands began to pick off Lu Lixiao's clothes, and then there was thunder and fire, one fiercely demanded and the other warmly greeted, it was hard to give up. Minute…

After the work was over, Lu Lixiao held Zhou Ziruo in his arms and fell asleep contentedly, while Zhou Ziruo bit the corner of his back and meditated resentfully.

What exactly happened here? He got up again and again, why did Lu Lixiao put him to sleep again?

Uh... Although he admitted that Lu Lixiao slept him very comfortably and enjoyed it, but it shouldn't be like this! !

How did they become such a relationship? ? ? ?

If Zhou Zi couldn't figure it out clearly, the sleeping Lu Lixiao's gentle breath fell on the top of his head, and he remembered the feeling of his hot breath spraying on his skin during the passionate entanglement just now, and immediately felt that something was wrong with his sore body.

In order to get rid of distracting thoughts, Zhou Ziruo called out the system.

"Wake up, system, what's going on with the counterattack speed judgment standard you mentioned at night?"

[Hi user, the degree of counterattack is comprehensively judged by the value of two indicators. Attack speed growth! 】

Zhou Ziruo hehe, he has slept in the same bed with the male protagonist naked, is there a higher degree of intimacy? And he came to counterattack the hero, why the higher the intimacy with the hero, the higher the counterattack? ?

The system seems to have heard his voice, [The higher the intimacy of the male lead, the more the male lead trusts you, the lower the defense against you, the higher the possibility of your counterattack success, soldiers are not tired of cheating! In addition, your intimacy with the male protagonist has increased significantly, and your counterattack rate has risen to 25%. Congratulations to the user for taking one step closer to the success of the counterattack! 】

The shameless relationship between him and Lu Lixiao was peeped by the system, Zhou Ziruo was speechless, even the "-" in front of the counterattack speed changed to "+" could not comfort him.

"Then what is the degree of coolness of this tyrant?"

[The degree of coolness of the bully is also called the **** value. The higher the **** value, the more helpful it is to increase the counterattack speed! 】

This is reasonable, the more powerful you are, the easier it is to counterattack the male lead.

Zhou Ziruo nodded, and began to check the skills he had acquired today.

Because the skill level is too low, currently he only has one initial skill, the name is—


Zhou Ziruo: ...

What the **** is this? Throw it!

After reading the detailed explanation of the skills, he was completely angry.

"When the male protagonist is fighting against the enemy, every time he licks the male protagonist's strength value, 20% of the cooldown time will be restored. The upper limit of the skill use is seven times in a quarter of twelve hours. What kind of **** skill is this???"

[Hello user, this is the co-war series skill you chose yourself. 】

"The series I chose is called Gang Yang, not Xie Zhan, Nima!"

[Because you have been contracted as a spiritual pet, your skills can be freely selected between monster skills and spiritual pet skills, and the Gangyang series is a spiritual pet skill, which needs to be assisted by the master to be fully utilized. 】

That is to say, the skills he acquired with great difficulty cannot be used casually by himself, and he needs to cooperate with Lu Lixiao to use them.

mom! Egg! Oh!

Where does Gangyang mean half a dime to assist in the war and to be a spiritual pet? ! The game production team thought of the name of Long Aotian's costume B, didn't they just put it on without considering the connotation? ? ?

Read The Duke's Passion