MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 50

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The author has something to say: I have caught a cold for the past two days, and my throat is uncomfortable. I went home from get off work and took a nap. Just now, for some reason, I suddenly had a nosebleed again. . .

If Zhou Zi wakes up the next day, he will feel sore all over his body, limp and half-strength, which is different from the weakness caused by inhaling Yin Qi yesterday, which is obviously the body overdraft of excessive indulgence.

After arriving last night, he was already unconscious. He only vaguely remembered that Lu Lixiao pressed him in the bathtub and tortured him inhumanely several times. Before he passed out, his last thought was: Nima's main character is really strong, this must have been accumulated for several lifetimes...

I don't know which tendon of an iceberg twitched a little and turned into a ferocious beast, and he was eaten from head to toe to wipe out the pure and innocent him.

This is a sad story. Ugh.

"What are you thinking?"

Lu Lixiao next to him woke up, he was lying on his side, and Zhou Ziruo was lying in his arms with his pillow on his arm. Before Zhou Ziruo could answer, Lu Lixiao pinched his chin and lifted it slightly, kissed him on the lips, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed to get dressed.

Zhou Ziruo couldn't help but blush when he saw the eye-catching scratches on his smooth and muscular back.

Cough, last night was too intense, I didn't pay attention...

As a normal young man, even if Zhou Ziruo hadn't done this kind of thing with his former girlfriend, he must have had the experience of solving it by himself. After the first few years when he was the most curious, he thought that making love was the same thing, but last night Lu Lixiao subverted his notion with his own actions.

Although he has never done it with a woman, his roommates and colleagues who have tried it do not describe this feeling. It is much more comfortable than what they said. It turns out that being with a man is so comfortable.

Before yesterday, if someone told Zhou Ziruo that he would be **** by a man, Zhou Ziruo would definitely tear that guy’s mouth open, but now he is not only **** by a man, but also quite enjoyable, even the most emotional last night At that time, without shame, he took the initiative to wrap his legs around Lu Lixiao's waist to prevent him from withdrawing, and screamed excitedly with his violent impact...

oh leak...

The more he recalled the details of last night, the more Zhou Ziruo felt ashamed and angrily buried himself in the mattress.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Lu Lixiao touched Zhou Ziruo's head with his broad palm.

The word "comfortable" confused Zhou Ziruo, he buried himself in the mattress and shook his head violently. Lu Lixiao ignored him, went out to fetch water to wash up, and after a while came in with a basin to help Zhou Ziruo wipe his face and rinse his mouth.

After cleaning up, Lu Lixiao unpacked the luggage and took out a set of clean clothes, lifted the quilt to help Zhou Ziruo get dressed.

"Put on mine first, and then buy clothes that fit you when you arrive in Yiyang City."

Zhou Ziruo originally wanted to avoid him, but he didn't have any strength in his body. Then he thought that he had already slept in the bed and there was nothing to hide. Lu Lixiao tortured him like this and should serve him, so he lay down hotly and let Lu Lixiao Toss to go.

Lu Lixiao was very careful, occasionally kneading Zhou Ziruo's muscles to relax, Zhou Ziruo felt that the pain in his body was much relieved.

He asked Lu Lixiao: "Do you like men?"

While dressing him, Lu Lixiao casually said "um", "What about you?"

Zhou Ziruo reflexively wanted to say "Of course it's a woman", but after last night he didn't have the confidence to say that.

It's a **** game, no wonder the plot has progressed to the second unit and the heroine doesn't even have a shadow. It turns out that the hero is a gay!

After a day and a night of rain, it finally stopped, and the sun emerged from behind the clouds, and the golden sun was shining brightly, and the blue sky was like washing.

Early in the morning, Su Bofei and his wife packed their luggage and took Sujin to the Escort Bureau. The reason why she left so hastily was probably because Su Jin strangely changed back to her previous appearance overnight, fearing that there would be bad comments among her neighbors.

Seeing Su Jin with black hair like clouds and a fair face, Lu Lixiao did not show the slightest surprise. After seeing off the three of them, he asked Zhou Ziruo: "Is this related to your sudden transformation last night?"

Zhou Ziruo thought that Lu Lixiao was still so perceptive, and told him about Huamei teaching him to **** the yin energy from Sujin's body. After Lu Lixiao listened, he grabbed his wrist without saying a word, let go after a while and said, "Fortunately, the yin energy is not strong, and it has been absorbed. If this happens again, come to me first, don't act recklessly again."

The two went to the mountain to pay respects to Duan Peng's parents. Just as they were about to leave, a little magpie flew from nowhere and stopped on the stone tablet and croaked.

Zhou Ziruo heard a bit of sadness and desolation inexplicably. It is said that magpies are birds of good news, but the Duan family has no good news to report, and there is no one to report good news.

Not far from the tombstone of the two elders of the Duan family is the tomb of the old village head and his wife Su. If the two old men knew about the Su family's affairs over the years, I wonder if they would regret that they prevented Duan Peng from killing Su Zhongfan.

After staying in Daohe Village for just three days, it made people feel as if they had been in a trance for several years. In the past three days, he was busy dealing with Duan Peng's case and got two clues. First, Duan Peng came back thirty years ago and took Su Wan away. Second, Duan Peng once had a fiancée, Liu Mei, who was a child relative.

Comparing these two clues, the first one is more reliable, but Yiyang City is not far from Daohe Village, so Lu Lixiao decided to dig out Liu's mother and daughter by the way.

Although Yiyang City is only a small town, benefiting from the invention of cedar paper, a high-quality paper product that is highly sought after throughout the country, many famous companies have opened branches here, bringing the trade economy of the whole city together. bustling.

Depart in the morning and arrive in the city at dusk.

Lanterns have been lit up on the long street, and the crimson luster flickers in the deepening twilight, scattering a different kind of enchantment. The carriage passed by on Qingshi Avenue, restaurants and restaurants were open, shops and hawkers kept hawking, and people came and went from all directions. Zhou Ziruo's exhaustion from the journey disappeared in an instant, and he was very excited about the prosperous scene in front of him! Compared with Yiyang City, the villages of Shahubao and Qinghe Town are like the difference between rural areas and first-tier provincial capital cities!

Just when Zhou Ziruo was happily planning where to start shopping first, Lu Lixiao shattered his fantasy with one sentence: "It's getting late, let's find an inn first."

"Brother Xiao, it's still early! Look, the nightlife hasn't even started yet!" Zhou Ziruo hurriedly grabbed Lu Lixiao's sleeve.

Lu Lixiao looked back at him, "Where do you want to wander around at night?"

Wandering a wool ah hello! Do you want to call him the same as a special worker!

"I, I just haven't seen the world, I want to go shopping! I heard that the night markets in big cities are really fun!"

"What kind of big city is Yiyang City?" Lu Lixiao pulled out his hand.

Zhou Ziruo persisted and refused to give in, "Then I want to go too!"

"Go by yourself if you want to, I won't stop you." Lu Lixiao turned around and walked up.

Zhou Ziruo stared dumbfounded at his back as he walked away without hesitation, and countless barrages of complaints rolled past his eyes frantically.

Nima, what do you mean don't stop him? ? How far did he dare to run without a penny on his body? ? Besides, in Yiyang City, if he is not familiar with the place where he was born, if he gets lost, he will be abducted and sold to the mountains by traffickers, or sold to black-hearted coal mines and pull coal mines. If he dies, no one will collect the body, okay? ?

Damn iceberg! Black-bellied male lead! I just coaxed him to bed last night, and this morning I have been considerate all morning, Huang Shiren's true nature can't be suppressed and exposed!

Zhou Ziruo cursed and reluctantly followed, Lu Lixiao glanced sideways at his swollen face that was comparable to Baozi's, and a handsome smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

Lu Lixiao found an inn, surrounded by Zhou Ziruo's grievances, and asked for a room without hesitation. By the way, he inquired about the study in the city that sold cedar paper.

After completing the check-in procedures, Zhou Ziruo was about to go to the guest room with Lu Lixiao, the fat shopkeeper of the inn, Huang Dou, who is father and son with He Yuneng, narrowed his eyes obscenely, pulled him and whispered in his ear: "Little brother, who is that?" The young master looks like a **** man, strong, strong, strong, strong and fierce, can't stand it at night? We have the most advanced ointment for sale in our store, apply a little, and it will not hurt you several times a night. Oh! A box only costs one or two taels of silver!"

"Stop your head! I'm the one at the top!"

Zhou Ziruo pushed away the fat shopkeeper with a broken face, ignoring Lu Lixiao who was looking back in doubt, and strode towards the guest room with arrogance.

Lu Lixiao went to the inn lobby to have dinner, Zhou Ziruo was angry with him and refused to leave the room, seeing that Lu Lixiao really left him in the room like that and left, he was even more angry scratching his head.

He squatted on the dressing table in the guest room with his **** pouted and looked at the bronze mirror. The face of the male vixen in the mirror looked like a pressed material. No wonder the fat shopkeeper recognized him as the one below at a glance. Grinning his teeth, he was studying how to make this vulnerable face show a forceful aura, the door opened, and Lu Lixiao came in with food.

Zhou Ziruo caught a glimpse of the delicate dishes on the tray, and that Lu Lixiao didn't ask the inn waiter to bring them over, but he brought them himself, and he groaned in his heart, and half of his anger went away.

But you still have to show face, otherwise Lu Lixiao won't beat him every day and bully him like this after he finds out that he is so easy to coax?

Zhou Ziruo pretended not to see, and continued to look in the mirror, but his gaze involuntarily fell from his vixen face to Lu Lixiao behind him.

Lu Lixiao slightly curved his lips and smiled.

LOL! It's amazing to smile beautifully!

Lu Lixiao put the tray on the table, and said these words nonchalantly: "I heard you want to make the one on top?"

Zhou Ziruo almost fell off the dressing table! "Crackling" twisted his stiff neck, "What, what?"

Lu Lixiao looked up at him: "Didn't you say that to the innkeeper in a big way?"

"No no no it's not me!! I didn't say that!!"

Zhou Ziruo could almost imagine that wretched fat boss holding that bottle of ointment and slapping Lu Lixiao's chest to promise that "it won't hurt a few times a night, and the more violent the waves, the more refreshed you will be"!

God! terrible! God is going to kill him! !

"Come over for dinner." Lu Lixiao smiled.

Like a rabbit, Zhou Ziruo jumped over to grab the bowl and slammed it down. In fact, he wasn't very hungry, but if he didn't find something to do, he was afraid that Lu Lixiao would settle accounts with him.

Lu Lixiao sat down beside him, and helped him fill a bowl of soup, "Drink some soup first, and then eat, to nourish your stomach."

Zhou Ziruo obediently poured down the soup, and Lu Lixiao took the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables for him, "Eat slowly, don't choke."

Zhou Ziruo couldn't help trembling, the more considerate and soft Lu Lixiao was, the more creepy he was.

After finishing the dinner in fear, Zhou Ziruo took the boiled water that Lu Lixiao poured for him to drink, thinking that Lu Lixiao really didn't take his nonsense to heart, at this time Lu Lixiao unhurriedly slid from the lapel Take something out and put it on the table.


Zhou Ziruo sprayed all the water out of his mouth.

That turned out to be! That turned out to be! legendary—

"No pain several times a night, the more intense the waves, the more refreshed"—

Soft, fatty, creamy! !

Lu Lixiao turned his gaze towards Zai Feiyang to Zhou Ziruo, "Is the food delicious?"


"Are you full?"

"Full, full..."

"Well. Then it's up to me." Lu Lixiao took the cup Zhou Ziruo was holding, picked up the bottle of ointment, lifted his collar and threw it on the bed.

Zhou Ziruo sea tears.

Damn he knew it would happen!

Read The Duke's Passion