MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 40

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"Damn! I found it so quickly!" Mu Qijun jumped up from the stool.

"Hurry up and hide in the bedroom, I'll open the door!" Leng Mo opened the door and walked out.

The bedroom is not big and there are not many furniture, so it is clear at a glance. If Zhou Zi wanted to get under the bed, Lu Lixiao stretched out his arms to pick him up, opened the closet and hid it in, and Mu Qijun followed. There was still a lot of space in the closet, but Lu Lixiao directly knocked the door.

Mu Qijun's nose turned gray, and he heard in his ears that the courtyard door opened and a large number of people came towards the house, lifted the tablecloth hanging from the low table by the window, and hid under the table.

Almost as soon as the tablecloth was put down, the door of the outer room was kicked open, and after the chaos of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, the sound of chaotic footsteps poured into the bedroom.

Zhou Ziruo lay on Lu Lixiao's chest, looked out from the gap in the closet, and immediately thought it was bad luck.

It turned out that not only Wei Heng was the one who took the lead in the search, but also a deadly enemy—Qi Yunpeng, the man with a bamboo pole! This is really a leak in the house and it rains all night. With the small belly of the man with a bamboo pole, it would be strange if he didn't turn this room upside down!

"Two senior brothers, there is only such a small space in the junior brother's room, and you can see it clearly at a glance. The fourth senior brother is not here, so the two senior brothers should not waste the best time to search here." Leng Mo said.

"No hurry. You're here, you have to take a closer look." With a smug smile, Qi Yunpeng drew out the sword from his waist and stabbed it under Leng Mo's bed, then chopped up, down, left, and right in the limited space under the bed. prick.

Zhou Ziruo trembled twice, fortunately Lu Lixiao stopped him from hiding in just now...

Qi Yunpeng withdrew the sword angrily. Seeing that there was no trace of blood on the blade, Leng Mo quietly let go of his clenched palms and said, "Senior brother, have you checked it out?"

"Not yet!" Qi Yunpeng turned around and suddenly inserted the sword into the wardrobe. The cold blade brushed past Zhou Ziruo's eyes an inch away. Zhou Ziruo, who was relieved just now, almost lost his soul, and took a sharp breath.

"Who is hiding inside!?" Qi Yunpeng roared.

Zhou Ziruo covered his mouth, but it was too late, he saw Qi Yunpeng stretched out his hand to the closet! He cast his anxious eyes on Lu Lixiao, but saw that Lu Lixiao didn't pay attention to the movement outside at all, and was studying a small groove on the wooden wall with the dim light.

The wardrobe door opened, Zhou Ziruo gritted his teeth, and jumped on it without doing anything. Before Qi Yunpeng could see clearly what was in the closet, he was hit in the face by a group of furry things. He took two steps back in shock, sat down on the ground, and the closet door bounced back again.

Zhou Ziruo tightly covered Qi Yunpeng's face, no matter how much Qi Yunpeng yelled and dragged, he refused to go down, everyone else in the room looked dumbfounded, and finally Wei Heng strode forward and grabbed Zhou Ziruo by the back of the neck Just dragged him down.

"Damn it!" Qi Yunpeng's face was flushed with claw marks and lack of oxygen, and he drew his sword angrily.

Leng Mo hurriedly said, "Don't hurt it!"

"Junior Brother Leng, your fox?" Wei Heng threw Zhou Ziruo into Leng Mo's arms, and Zhou Ziruo climbed onto Leng Mo's shoulder and shrank.

Qi Yunpeng didn't care about Zhou Ziruo, turned around and opened the door of the closet, Zhou Ziruo's heart rose, but the next moment he was dumbfounded——

Except for Leng Mo's clothes neatly hung in the wardrobe with the door wide open, there was no one at all!

How could this be? ?

Lu Lixiao clearly hid inside with him just now! Did Lu Lixiao turn into a butterfly and fly away? ?

Once again, Qi Yunpeng failed in his search and slammed the closet door shut. Leng Mo said to him, "This is a spirit fox that my brother found in the back mountain. It's wild and untamed. It offended my brother. Please don't bother with it. "

Speaking of it, Qi Yunpeng was not very angry with Zhou Ziruo, because he believed that Leng Mo deliberately hid the fox in the closet to make him look bad. Qi Yunpeng gritted his teeth with hatred for Leng Mo, just at this moment he noticed with sharp eyes that the tablecloth on the low table behind Leng Mo moved!

Qi Yunpeng grinned sinisterly, pushed Leng Mo away, and pointed his long sword under the low table, "Junior Brother Leng, is it possible that the thing under this table is also the spirit beast you picked up from the back mountain?"

Leng Mo didn't know that the person under the table was Mu Qijun, so he knew that Lu Lixiao was hiding below, and was eager to stop him, when he heard a very tough male voice from under the table: "Put away your sword, Lord Mu, I will come out by myself !” Then the tablecloth was lifted, and a person rolled out.

Mu Qijun stood up and patted the dust off his body, brushing away his face and messy hair.

Qi Yunpeng put his sword on his neck and shouted: "Who are you!?"

"Everyone is from the same family, so speak up if you have something to say, don't use swords and guns!" Mu Qijun raised his head and chest, and shouted short of breath with an extremely strong and awe-inspiring gesture.

"Same door? Why haven't I seen you?"

"He's new to the kitchen... the handyman... the cook..." Leng Mo interjected, getting more and more confident.

"Cook?" Qi Yunpeng squinted his eyes to study Mu Qijun's face that didn't look like oily smoke at all, and didn't believe a word, "There have been frequent incidents in the door recently, Junior Brother Leng, you are hiding an unidentified person in the room , I’m afraid you need to explain it to the head personally!”

Mu Qijun's indifference would hurt when he heard it, and he said firmly: "I am the new cook! I cook all your meals these days! I can report the names of the dishes to you!"

"If you want to report, report in front of the head! Follow me!"

Qi Yunpeng clasped Mu Qijun's shoulders, and Mu Qijun hugged the door frame tightly and refused to give in. The room was in chaos, Liu Nanqin stepped in from the outer room and said, "Second Senior Brother, Junior Brother Qi, haven't you finished checking here?"

Seeing Liu Nanqin, Zhou Ziruo, Mu Qijun and Leng Mo all turned pale. Wei Heng and Qi Yunpeng may still have doubts about Mu Qijun's identity, but Liu Nanqin, who is in charge of disciple affairs in the sect, has no disciples he doesn't recognize, and if he's there, he'll be ruined in minutes!

Liu Nanqin glanced at the situation in the bedroom, and finally her eyes fell on Mu Qijun who was full of lies, "Master Mu, why are you here so late?"

Mu Qijun was dumbfounded, completely unaware that the "Master Mu" Liu Nanqin called was himself.

Wei Heng said: "Third Junior Brother, is this person really a new cook?"

"A few days ago, Uncle Zhang from the kitchen returned to his hometown, and the other chefs complained to me about the lack of manpower. It happened that Master Mu went up the mountain to find a job in the kitchen. I tried his skills and I stayed." Liu Nanqin Said with a smile.

Qi Yunpeng was dubious, "He...he really..."

Liu Nanqin turned to him, "The situation of everyone in the door is registered and kept by me, can I go and check it?"

"...Forget it." Qi Yunpeng muttered, frowning and letting go of Mu Qijun.

Wei Heng looked at Liu Nanqin with serious eyes, Liu Nanqin smiled back calmly, as if he was sure of something.

In the end, Wei Heng gave an order: "Junior Brother Leng is fine here, don't waste any more time, go search elsewhere."

In an instant, people left cleanly. Leng Mo sent to the small courtyard, made sure that a large number of people had left, closed the door and hurried back to the room.

Zhou Ziruo and Mu Qijun were in front of the closet wondering why Lu Lixiao had disappeared, Leng Mo directly buttoned the small groove on the wooden board on the wall next to the closet, only to hear a low muffled sound coming from behind the wooden board, Leng Mo slammed on the wooden board Push it, and the wooden board opened like a door, behind it is not a wall, but a room.

Lu Lixiao was kneeling in a corner of the room, with his back to them studying something.

"Fourth senior brother," Leng Mo walked over, "Second senior brother and the others have already left."

Lu Lixiao said "um", but didn't get up, Zhou Ziruo came to his feet and saw that he was removing a brick from the wall, and scolded him for destroying the facilities of the beautiful boy's residence with disapproving eyes.

But Mu Qijun said: "Huh? These bricks seem to be half short. Is there something hidden in the wall?"

Lu Lixiao removed three bricks in total, then reached into the hole to grope, and took out an iron box that was a circle bigger than a book. The iron box looked like a whole iron brick, with no trace of an opening at all, but after shaking it, it was obvious that there was something inside.

"When did you discover this secret room?" Lu Lixiao turned around and asked Leng Mo.

Leng Mo thought for a while and replied, "I found it by accident after more than a year of entry. Because the secret room is empty, I just thought it was the senior who lived in this room who liked the KitKat mechanism and didn't care too much." He glanced at Lu Li The iron box in Xiao's hand, added, "I never noticed that there was something hidden in the wall."

Lu Lixiao didn't ask any more questions, and put away the iron box.

Although Liu Nanqin helped to confuse them tonight, Leng Mo's place is no longer safe. They discussed it and decided that Lu Lixiao would go down the mountain at night. Tomorrow, Leng Mo would find out Duan Peng's background and meet him.

Lu Lixiao changed the clothes of his disciples, and brought Zhou Ziruo down from the back mountain. After discovering that Lu Lixiao had escaped from the precept hall, the door immediately organized two groups of people to search the back mountain. Those people had just evacuated not long ago, so Lu Lixiao left Qingyang Mountain without hindrance. Of course, judging from Zhou Ziruo's inner OS, this can also be explained that the protagonist's halo plays a big role.

It was Maoshi, and it was almost dawn. Lu Lixiao did not go to the inn in Qinghe Town at the foot of the mountain, but found a farmer's house and borrowed their firewood house with a piece of silver.

Lu Lixiao lay on the dry and fluffy straw with his head resting on his arms, facing the deep darkness of the roof, wondering what he was thinking.

Zhou Ziruo huddled beside him and didn't fall asleep for a while. Seeing that Lu Lixiao also had his eyes open, he climbed onto his chest and faced him. Lu Lixiao withdrew his gaze that melted into the beams of the house, looked down at him, and reached out his hand to clasp the back of his hairy neck gently.

The sharp and tough chin and thin lips are close at hand, and the warm breath is sprayed in the nostrils. Zhou Ziruo is a little dazed, and sticks out his soft **** ghostly way, licking on his chin and lips. for a moment.

The author has something to say: the second

Read The Duke's Passion