MTL - Cannon Fodder Cheat System-Chapter 7

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The few old people who were satisfied with the meal, when they left, the reporters gathered around, and they also accepted the interview generously, and commented on the dishes from all aspects of color and fragrance. To sum up, it also means that the dishes are quite delicious, they are not disappointing, and they have already set a one-year private room, which is still because they can only be set for a maximum of one year.

The diners who heard this next time ran to find the waiter's theory. As long as they can set a maximum of one year, we can only set a maximum of one week. This difference is too great.

Chen Rui had to come out and explain, because these old people are the first senior members of the hotel, so they can enjoy special treatment. Then the guests who have not left have begun to ask for membership, but Chen Rui wants to say that this is actually just an excuse. If you do, I can’t help you to make a one-year private room. You can only run again. What to do.

He said that members are divided into three levels. Different levels can set the length of time for different tables. Of course, the amount of recharge is different. It is necessary to set various terms and regulations. It is not to say that when you become a member, you can think about when to eat. When can I eat it?

Even if the amount of recharge of the three levels of members is quite high, there are still people who are constantly handling it. Later, more than 20 branches have been opened, and they have become restaurants that only serve members. This is a postscript. Not to mention.

In addition to interviewing several old people, the reporters also interviewed other diners and got consistent praise. They all said that the taste is too good, very delicious, and will definitely come again.

The most surprising thing is that even Zhao Bocheng, the heir to the Zhao Group, accepted the interview and gave a fairly high evaluation.

The reporters and food critics who were sent by Zheng and his sons saw that the situation was different from what they expected. Some of them did not know what to do. They also ate the dishes, they were really delicious, and they were delicious beyond a certain level. They do things with money, they don’t care to talk with their conscience, but now everyone else says it is good. Even a few high-ranking old people and the heirs of the Zhao Group say it is good. Only if they say bad things, it’s too obvious. .

After the media reports, the netizens found that the results were completely different from their thoughts. Many people did not believe that this was true. They felt that Lu Jingyi had spent money to buy the major media and reporters, so that would be the case.

Then there are netizens who have gone to Lu Yiji to eat for Lu Jingyao, and they refute those who are still saying bad things about him.

——“I can say that Lu Jingyi can buy a reporter. Can he even buy the old people who are highly respected in various circles and the heirs of the Zhao Group? Then he is too rich. I don’t know the appearance fee of the Zhao’s heirs. How many?"

——”In the end, it’s not good to eat. If you go to eat it yourself, you won’t know. If you haven’t eaten it yourself, you can judge by guessing and delusion. The brainless spray refers to you.”

——“I have been a food critic for more than ten years. If it wasn’t for the food I had tasted, I would never make any comment. This is the most basic professional ethic. Lu Yiji I went to eat, so I I can take a conscience and say that although I have commented on a lot of food, it is definitely the best dish I have ever eaten in the past 30 years. Believe it or not, I don’t accept the rebuttal of people who have not eaten. ”

Online comments are no longer one-sided, many netizens said they would go eat and see in person, and then come to evaluate.

I didn’t expect Zhao Bo to stand up and help myself to speak. I don’t know what he thought, but thanks to his appearance, no media dared to deliberately discredit him.

Zheng family and father, in the face of such a result, the mood is not very good.

Zheng Jianlin never taught Lu Jingyi cooking, and he never knew that he would actually cook. He thought that he didn’t have a pit last time. This time he dug a pit and jumped down. They just need to fill the pit. It’s just that the netizen’s saliva can drown him.

However, Zheng Jianlin did not think that this would be the result. Those who have a high status are standing up and talking to Lu Jingyu. When did he buy those people and how did he do it? He felt that this thing must be flawed. Even if Lu Jingyi would cook, it would not be as good as those people said.

Zheng Junming's mood is also very complicated. On the one hand, he can't believe that Lu Jingyi can do the dishes well. On the other hand, he can't believe it. Zhao Bocheng will give Lu Jingyu so high evaluation.

Because Qian Xiang is the relationship of Zhao Bocheng's cousin, he also had the opportunity to cook for Zhao Bocheng before. At that time, in order to make the dishes well, he began to prepare for a long time in advance, repeating several times a day as an exercise, but after Zhao Bocheng ate, There is no evaluation in one sentence, and the expression is still the cold look.

He grew up to practice cooking, and Lu Jingyi knew from time to time that he was eating, drinking, and having fun. Everyone said that he was talented in cooking. Although young, he was stronger than many chefs who had worked for decades. Lu Jingwei did How can the dish be better than him, and why he got such a high evaluation.

Zheng Junming thought of a possibility. He said to Zheng Jianlin, "Dad, I heard that Lu Jingwei brought his grandfather's apprentice back to help. Will the dishes actually be made by them, it is not Lu Jinghao's own work."

After thinking about it for a while, Zheng Jianlin nodded and said, "It is very likely that this is the case. It is not a day or two to do the dishes. It is very good to do. It takes a long time to learn and hone. He can't. Suddenly it became very good to cook."

"What do we do?" Zheng Junming looked at Zheng Jianlin.

"To spread this matter out, it is necessary to publicize it. Otherwise, I will wait until Lu Yiji is accepted by everyone. I will slowly become a place where I will not have a foothold. I must think about it." Zheng Jianlin worked hard for so many years, in order to carry forward Zheng Jiacai, turn Lujia into Zhengjiacai, and turn Lujia Hotel into Zhengjia's restaurant. Seeing that his purpose has been slowly reached, how could it be at this time, defeated in the hands of his son who has never looked up.

Since the day of opening, Lu Yiji has been in a state of fullness every day. There are fewer and fewer people on the Internet. Only a part of Zheng Junming’s brain powder is still attacking him, and he said that he will never go to Lu Yiji to eat. Others boycotted Lu Yiji. Others said that if you don't go, you don't have that good fortune. If we don't have good hatred, we have to resist others.

Lu Yiji’s business is hot. Lu Yiyuan’s two apprentices are busy, but they are also happy from the bottom of their hearts. They told them that there are two branches that have not been open for a long time. They seem to see the master when he is still alive. The lively scene of the hotel.

They were asked to come, they just promised to leave for a while, but they didn't want to leave now, they wanted to stay and help Lu Jingzhen to revitalize the real Lu Yi Ji and Lu Jia Cai.

"Jing Hao, if you don't dismiss our brothers, they are all disabled. We will stay with you in the future."

Guo Long and Wang Yong were the most valued apprentices of Lu Yiyuan. Lu Yiyuan even thought about letting Guo Long be his son-in-law. After Lu Yuyuan’s death, Zheng Jianlin wanted to force all the apprentices of Lu Yiyuan to be forced away. It was the hardest to deal with these two people and the greatest threat to him. So he used the means of the next three to make the two people awkward. One leg, one eyed one, and finally could only go far away from home, hiding in a remote place to continue cooking, but it taught a lot of apprentices.

"Uncle Guo Shu, you also know that there are not many people I can use and trust around. You are willing to stay and help me. For me, it is a matter of incompetence. How can I dislike it?"

Guo Long said, "We didn't think about it. Your cooking skills are much higher than our brothers. It's very good for your grandfather's style. If you can help you reinvigorate Lu Yiji and Lu Jiacai, fight the Zheng Jianlin the villain, We will have a face to see Master later."

"Yeah." Wang Yong nodded.

The main store’s business was handed over to Guo Wang, who was busy driving the two branches.

He was sitting in the private room and modifying the design. Chen Rui was holding a laptop and hurriedly walked in and said, "Look at it."

"See what?" He looked up and put the drawings aside.

"On the Internet, some people say that you are doing fake bullying, saying that those dishes are not made by you, but by your grandfather's apprentices, but you say that you are doing it yourself, saying that you are simply shameless."

I carefully read the contents of the whole department and then smiled.

“What to do?” Chen Rui said with some concern. “Would you like to explain it to you? Zheng Junming’s brain powder is more and more over-reported. If this matter is not clarified, it will definitely be your personal reputation and the hotel. The reputation of the impact."

"Just let them say it well, the Qing dynasty from the turbidity of the turbidity." 璟旸 does not matter.

"On the Internet, those who say that they believe in everything and follow the trend, will not control whether you are clear or turbid. If you don't explain it, prove that they are not telling the truth. For a long time, those who believe in them will more and more."

"Don't worry, time will not grow, and soon there will be an opportunity for me to prove, so I don't explain it now, it doesn't matter much."

Chen Rui looked at him with a puzzled look. He wanted to ask what the opportunity was. The waiter knocked on the door and said, "The boss, Mr. Zhao Bocheng said that he wants to see you."

"Zhao Bocheng?" He looked up and looked at the waiter with some surprise and some confusion.

"Yes, that is the heir to the Zhao Group, Mr. Zhao Bocheng, who is waiting for you in the private room he has set."

Although I wondered why this person wanted to see himself, he decided to go see him. After all, he can't easily offend the almost big BOSS.