MTL - Cannon Fodder Cheat System-Chapter 12

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"Hmm, ah!"

The two bodies are entangled, in addition to the fast and heavy breathing sounds, as well as the people who are pressed underneath, from time to time to make unbearable embarrassment.

For 璟旸, this feeling should be completely strange, but when he is completely indulged in pleasure, he is gradually familiar with this feeling. Some similar pictures that suddenly appeared in the brain made him a little embarrassed, and he couldn’t tell whether it was a reality or an illusion...

璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸 璟旸Zhao Bo Cheng stuck to him and kissed his back.

Turning around the body, holding his shoulders and looking at him, these eyes have always made him feel familiar. When he was in love, he felt that the two men were entangled in the soul, and that the two souls were already familiar with each other. It was the kind of familiarity that made people feel trembled, just like he was from the king. When I got the jade, I felt the same.

At the moment, he has an idea. Perhaps from the beginning, what he is familiar with is not the eyes, but the soul he feels through these eyes. Is there a possibility, the alien soul who comes here, In fact, it is not only him.

"What are you thinking?" Zhao Bocheng kissed his eyes.

He closed his eyes and said, "I wonder why we will develop into such a relationship, and how long this relationship can last."

"I am very happy."

"What are you happy?" He looked at him with doubt.

"We have just started, you have already suffered, indicating that you care about me, isn't it?" Zhao Bo Cheng said with a smile.

I want to refute him, but I don’t want to say something that is against my heart at this moment. "I don't know. I never fell in love with someone. I don't know how to define my feelings for you."

"So, I am very fortunate, even if you still can't tell the feeling of falling in love with a person, but I will be your first person to fall in love. In my opinion, all the verbal promises don't make much sense. Time can tell everything."

璟旸 I can't tell my feelings about him for a while, and I can't prove my guess in a short time. He decided to let time confirm everything, as Zhao Bocheng said.

The combination of the flesh can make the soul and the soul feel incomparably cheerful. This is what has gone through thousands of times, and now it is known.

In the past, those who had pursued him, he did not think about doing it together, but just thought that he would sleep on the same bed with those people, he felt uncomfortable. If he really has to go with whom, the feeling is like fulfilling others, but disgusting himself, he has to live in nausea for a lifetime, so he can't do it.

Now he is not only entangled with Zhao Bo's body, but also kissed him all over the body, and he is running through his body again and again. The magic is that this makes him feel very happy.

At noon the next day, the two talents finally got up and supported the sore waist. I felt that he was this once. Without experience, he was overwhelmed by Zhao Bocheng again and again, and he had no resistance. For the sake of the body, you must not be so indulgent in the future.

Zhao Bocheng squatted on the sofa and sat down on the sofa. "I will help you bring back the old house of Lujia, let them live forever, and you will definitely feel uncomfortable."

"No, I asked my lawyer to go over and give them five days to let them move out, otherwise I will go straight to the legal process and chase them out." His original plan was to solve Qian Xiang and let Zheng Junming lose power. Then solve their father and son, and finally take back the Lu family.

The relationship between him and Zhao Bocheng has developed into the present, completely out of his expectations, so the order of the plan has changed. He also wants to see how much Zhao Bocheng can do for him.

The lawyer went to inform Zheng Jianlin to let their family move out within five days, and Zheng Jianlin rushed out of the lawyer. He has lived in this family for so many years and has long regarded this place as his possession. Even if this property is now in the name of Lu Jingwei, in his heart, there is no reason for his son to drive Laozi out of the house. If he did this, he would be a big deal.

He will not care what Zheng Jianlin thinks, and no matter what other people think, when he arrives in five days, he will return to Lujia with his lawyer and bodyguard, and ask the three people who insist on Lai’s family. Did they go out on their own, or did he let the bodyguards "please" them out?

"Lu Jingwei! I have lived in this family for decades. Why do you drive me out?" Zheng Jianlin did not think that he would really bring people to do them, and his face was flushed.

"If you are not deliberately confused, you should be very clear about who owns the property of this property. This is the residence of Lujia. I can't live with this Lujia people, but let your surname Zheng live, whether it is from From a legal point of view, is it morally inappropriate?” He sat on the sofa in the hall and looked at them. He stood behind five lawyers, twenty bodyguards, ready to start with them. "Go out."

"Do you want to talk about it? Then I will talk to you about it today. I am your relative. Your life is all given by me. You are now driving me out of the house. You are not afraid of being retribution." ?? Zheng Jianlin shouted.

"Retribution? You told me to retribute?" He looked at him in amazement, and he was as happy as he heard a particularly funny joke. "It’s ridiculous to say the words of retribution from your mouth. I really didn't think that you would still believe in retribution."

I laughed enough, stood up and looked at him with a cold look. "How are you, my biological father? Is it that you gave birth to me in October? From small to big, you raised me and taught me. Is your father's love all given to Zheng Junming, do you give me a little bit of it? Have you given me a good face? Have you ever done a little responsibility for my father? From beginning to end, you never took me. When I was treated as a biological son, I was asked to respect you as a father, and only Zheng Jiacai had such a reason. But I am sorry, my surname is Lu Wei, Zheng, which is really fortunate for me."

"I tell you Zheng Jianlin." He walked a few steps into him and said, "Don't think that you have a blood relationship with me. You are not responsible for everything you have done to me. To drive out the three of you is the beginning of the retribution of the three of you, but it is not over."

The bodyguards stepped forward and dragged the three people out. Zheng Jianlin struggled while yelling at "Landscape, you are a beast. You can even drive out your relatives. You won't have a good end..."

"Let me go, let me go!" Sun Qiurong was lost by the bodyguard's tossed face, and shouted "This is our home. You have no right to drive us away, let me go, this is ours." Family."

Zheng Junming did not say a word from beginning to end, just screaming with an angry look.

Some reporters who kept outside suddenly saw the three men thrown out by the bodyguards and immediately rushed forward to take pictures. After the bodyguards threw out the people, they threw the items belonging to them three pieces one by one according to the instructions of the deaf.

"My jewelry, my bag!" Sun Qiu-Cheng crawled over her jewels, completely without the usual ladylike appearance.

"Mom, get up." Zheng Junming felt that his mother was so shameful that she helped her up and helped her to put the jewelry in the suitcase.

"You look at it, look at it!" Zheng Jianlin said excitedly to the reporter who took the photo. "This Lu Jingying is not a thing. He can even throw his own biological father. Is he still a little conscience? He is just a Animals, you have taken them, they are all shot! Let everyone know what he is!"

The three of them stayed at the gate of Lujia for a long time. Many reporters who heard the news gathered around them to take pictures. Zheng Jianlin’s tears and anger at Lu Jingyi were not things. He worked hard for Lu Jia for so many years and did not expect to be kissed. The day the son rushed out...

Zheng Junming helped his mother to stand on one side, and the mother and son made a kind of sadness and forbearance.

The three men did the tricks until they felt tired. Zheng Jianlin saw him for so long, and he didn’t come out to confront him or call them back. He really didn’t have the strength to go down. Zheng Junming and his mother left.

The reporters’ media reported on this scene like a family ethics drama, but the media did not judge whether the father and son who had been occupying the Lu family had been wrong, or the landed father who had driven his biological father out of the house. Let the audience decide for themselves.

In fact, the media did not want to offend the people before they saw that most of the public opinion was biased, so they waited for the people to judge themselves, and then they decided to favor the other side.

After the media reports, public opinion did not completely fall to that side. Some people think that since you have remarried, Zheng Jianlin, with his wife and children continue to live in Lujia, how can not say. And so many hotels in Lujia are now in your hands, and you have a lot of assets in your hands. It is impossible to live without a place. Lai is not in the Lu family, but what is the idea, is the heart of Sima Zhao, passers-by know.

There are also some old-fashioned ones, and those who prefer Zheng and his son at the beginning think that as a son to drive out his biological father, it is a big rebellion and no humanity.

What other people think of him is how to look at it. He just doesn’t pay attention to it. He will do whatever he wants. He throws the three people out of Lu’s family. He finally gave Lu Jing a sip and thought for him. Do what you can't do.

Read Ultimate Level 1