MTL - Can You Love Me?-Chapter 9 I haven't killed you yet.

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Xin Ai's body was stiff, and she slowly turned to see Chen Ming's face that made her sick and want to be gorgeous.

She still remembers going to Chen Ming last time, what he said.

At that time she vowed that if one day she had the ability, she would never let go of this man.

Xin Ai's low eyebrows, the eyes flashed through the cold light, and he picked up a glass of champagne and smiled. "Mr. Chen said, I am interested in developing, but I can't help it... there is no way!"

"The doorway? Just right, I have, we both... maybe we can complement each other."

Xin Ai took the initiative: "It's rare to meet here. Why don't we find a place to sit down and have a chat?"

Chen Ming’s eyes instantly became wretched: “Well, there are fewer people there, we can have a good chat.”

Xin Ai smiled and glanced at Chen Ming.

At that glance, he was half soft.

Chen Ming has long been coveted by Xin Ai. Since Xin Huan’s disappearance, he has begun to change his mind and want to get Xin Ai. He feels that today is a good opportunity.

A stunner like this is a tool that is invincible and can help him solve many things.

Chen Ming deliberately led Xin Ai to leave the venue to go to the most remote male bathroom in the upper floor.

Today, there are many people coming to the Wandu Hotel. Everyone who comes here has a purpose, so almost everyone gathers in the banquet hall, and few people will go upstairs.

Closing the door, Chen Ming couldn't wait to get Xin Ai, but she was prepared, flicking sideways and avoiding it.

Chen Ming’s eyes are sticking to Xin Ai’s body: “Xin Ai, last time, what did I think about the things you asked?”

Xin Ai did not hang his hair behind his ear, his eyes swept over the vase on the washstand. This five-star hotel is really good. The ceramic vases in the bathroom are top grade. The roses in the vases are all foreign air transport. Rmb is burning everywhere, I heard that this hotel... is also Jane Sawakawa.

Xin Ai slowly said: "What are you worried about?"

Chen Ming's slobber has already flowed out. The Xin Ai Mei under the light shines through the enchantment, the red lips swell, and the eyes are swept, and every move makes him want to pounce on it.

He squatted: "Little baby, you are not in a hurry, my brother is anxious, your little goblin is really letting your brother sleep without thinking!"

Xin Ai endured the nausea impulse, and looked at him with a gimmick. The bright face was pure and bright: "What do you think?"

"Really, really, if you look at you, I will be hard..."

Xin Ai’s lips smirked with a bit of bloodthirsty. “Oh... it seems to be true.”

She stretched out her right index finger and hooked it. "You come over!"

Chen Ming thought that Xin Ai compromised, and when his eyes lit up, he immediately took off his coat and said something in his mouth: "I know that you are a little fox, it must be a restlessness. I am seduce by your anger. Today Have to teach you well..."

As soon as he thought of the singer of Xin Ai, Chen Ming’s excited eyes were red, and the tie was pulled. He rushed to the ground, and he only had a few centimeters in his hand. When Xin Ai’s shoulder was slamming, something seemed to be broken on his head.

Chen Ming’s body seemed to be fixed, and he kept his posture in front of him. Soon, he felt that there was a warm liquid flowing down his head.

He raised his hand and touched it. It was thick and hot, and his palm was red.

Chen Ming’s face suddenly picked up and his body swayed twice. He was a little black in front of him: “ dare... hit me.”

Xin Ai Song's hand, holding the bottle in his hand fell to the ground, smashing and smashing.

She hangs a smile on her lips. "Yeah, what happened to you? I haven't killed you yet."

Read The Duke's Passion