MTL - Can You Love Me?-Chapter 516 together forever

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Su Xiaoling's love, in this sunny day, can see the hope of the future, but also with the bleakness of the autumn wind.

Whether the future can be cultivated into a positive result, no one can be sure.

Can only give the best wishes, hope, can wait until the day of spring blossoms.

At the same time, the case of Xu Weiqiao and Xu Weishan also appeared in court.

In the past few months, some people have already forgotten this case. As the days of the court are coming, they are re-introduced by the public and once again enter the public's sight.

Xu Weiqiao was brushed up by the whole people and was cast aside by the masses.

Everyone went to the official post of the Mingcheng City Court to leave a message, hoping that the judge would greatly punish the two brothers and sisters, and that the crimes committed by them should be severely punished.

Otherwise, how can we comfort the families of the deceased, how can we let the innocent people killed by them die?

If such crimes are not severely punished, how can everyone still believe in the fairness and justice of the law?

Because the power in the group is really too strong, the original Weidu court Weibo no one cares, send a microblog, ten comments will not be, the result, now the top of the microblog, comment 140,000, forward 200,000, like the number of people, more than 500,000.

How big is this number?

Finally, the court officially responded, hoping that everyone must believe in the fairness and justice of the law, and everyone who commits crimes will receive the punishment they deserve.

Moreover, because the attention of this case is too high, many people in the country are waiting for their verdict.

Many media are asking the court, hoping to broadcast live during the trial, hoping to let the whole people see the progress of the trial.

Finally, with the efforts of some mainstream media, the court agreed.

On the day of the court session, the whole process was opened to the public, allowing the media to enter, and allowing ordinary people to attend.

On the day of the trial, Xin Ai did not go.

Whether it is Xu Weiqiao or Xu Qishan, the two men’s end, if there is no accident, will certainly be sentenced to death.

They are already past tense for Xin Ai.

She is not willing to let them influence her mood.

Instead of looking at them, Xin Ai is more willing to stay at home to write a two-page script.

Xinai’s days have been dull and warm.

This is the day she once most longed for. She has experienced a lot of excitement. She only wants to be dull in the life behind. She only hopes that those who care about her will not leave, always together!


After returning from the Su family, after three days, Su Xiaoling suddenly told Xin Ai that she was going home.

She smiled and said: "I always have to face it myself, so I have been hiding in your home, it is not the way."

Xin Ai was very surprised when she heard it: "But when Chu Jingzhi left, he told us that I hope that Zewa and I can protect you when he is not in the Ming Dynasty. Do you want to... or wait for Chu Jingzhi to come back and say?"

Su Xiaoling shook his head: "But I don't want to hide like this. No matter what the outcome is, I want to fight for it myself. I can't help my parents to let my grandmother be in the middle of it..."

Xin Ai was shocked: "Is it... you want to..."

Su Xiaoling smiled and shook his head: "No, I don't want to give up. I just think that if I evade this way, the victory won't be a real victory. If the Chu family does not agree, Chu Jingzhi is back, and his father. Get out of relationship, then marry me, then... I will not be happy even if I am really together."

"I hope that my marriage is blessed, just like you are now, so I have to fight for it myself. I can’t always let Chu Jingzhi pay for me? I should always do something for him, not to shrink. Get up, wait for him to fight, then, silently enjoy the fruits of the victory he brought back!"

Su Xiaoling thought for three days and finally wanted to understand.

Avoiding is never the most effective way.

Moreover, my heart is uneasy.

Especially after seeing the grandmother, after seeing the parents, Su Xiaoling felt more and more that love is two things.

However, if you really want to get married, it is not just the two of them.

Su Xiaoling is not willing to have her own wedding, parents are not there, she hopes that her wedding is carried out under the blessing of everyone.

She does not want, if there is a child in the future, the child asks her: Mom, what is the love between you and Dad, she wants to tell the child that my love with your father is abandoning the loved ones.

Su Xiaoling does not want Chu Jingzhi to sever the relationship with the Chu family.

That is his home, his root.

How can you break it off?

After thinking about it, Su Xiaoling came to say goodbye to Xin Ai.

She wants to take out the protection that Chu Jingzhi has found for her. She is going to face the wind and rain outside.

Maybe she can keep going, maybe, she can't keep going.

If she can't keep going, then maybe her love for Chu Jingzhi is not as deep as he thinks.

Su Xiaoling’s words made Xin’s eyes red, and she nodded: “You can think like this, very good... I believe that you will succeed.”

Su Xiaoling hooked his lips: "I believe."

People are going to grow up.

Su Xiaoling also wants to strengthen himself in this storm.

So, Xin Ai did not stop Su Xiaoling, and after helping her pack up, she sent her back to Sujia.

Xin Ai knows that she is waiting for Su Xiaoling. It is probably a serial attack on the Chu family. He hopes that she can live with it!

"No matter what happens next, you have to remember, I will always be on your side, there is something, I must call me, I may not have the ability to help you, but... my husband is amazing, you can Don't feel trouble, or I will be angry."

Su Xiaoling nodded: "Reassured, I am the kind of person who will be polite with you? After making this decision, my heart is easy, I will try my best to fight for my love."

Xin Aibi has a refueling action: "Come on!"

"Come on!"

Xin Ai asked Su Xiaoling: "Then what do you want to do next?"

Su Xiaoling shook his head: "I don't have a good brain. I never bend around. I do everything straight and straight, so..."

Next, she will take the initiative.

Xin Ai worried that Su Xiaoling was too rash. "You... sometimes, you have to use a little strategy..."

"Don't worry, even if they hate me again, they won't make any substantive gains, you, don't worry."

This is the case, but Xin Ai is still worried.

Chu Jingzhi handed over the people to them. Now Su Xiaoling leaves Jane. If she doesn't win, the Chu family wins. Then... how do you tell Chu Jingzhi?

With concern, Xin Ai left the Su family.

What she didn't know was that she left the next morning.

Su Xiaoling stood alone in front of the Chu family.