MTL - Can You Love Me?-Chapter 487 Don't enter my room tonight.

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Jane Sawakawa thinks more, the more fear in my heart!

Because I have tasted how much pain I have lost before, so after I recover, my heart becomes more and more cautious. Anything, he will think a lot!

Previously, he did not consider for Xin Ai.

Now, I am afraid that I will not think enough about it and will hurt her again.

Jane Zechuan is still motionless, afraid of awakening Xin Ai, and even dare not look at her.

He wondered if he should get up first and then leave, lest Xini be awkward for a while?

But very quickly, Jane Zechuan denied this idea.

Because, only the scum male will put on his pants in the morning to run, no matter whether Xin Ai blames him, he can not run, for a while, wait for Xin Yi to wake up, don't say, first admit mistake!

Yes, it’s still a little reliable. If you run, Xin Ai will definitely feel that he is not responsible...

Passing this idea, Jane Zechuan's remaining, there is only one way, facing anything that might happen next.

Whether Xin Ai accepts him or is angry, he must stay, at least let Xin Ai be angry and have a place to vent.

When Jane Zechuan was in the middle of his heart, suddenly the person in his arms moved, and he was so scared that he was as tight as petrochemical.

Xin Ai's body, soft and warm, when he was tempered in his arms, Jane Zechuan's body could not stand it, and soon reacted...

Jane Sawagaki clenched his teeth: Hold back and hold back... At this time, don't stand up!

However, the fact is that things are counterproductive.

The more Jane Zechuan is worried, the more it is energetic.

His body is tight and he doesn't know what to do at this time, and it is really hard to endure!

Jane Sawakawa remembered it, but I don’t know if Xin Ai woke up at this time.

Just when Jane Zechuan was extremely entangled, it was very uncomfortable. Xin Ai’s hand was placed on the bare chest of Jane Sawagawa, and then slowly, slowly... a little down, until the end...

Jane Sawakawa takes a breath!

Xin Ai’s lazy voice sounded: “Why, are you still going to continue?”

Jane Sawagawa, she...woke up, even knowing that he is sleeping!

"If you don't wake up again, I can..."

After Xin Ai had not finished, Jane Zechuan was so scared that he opened his eyes immediately.

In the eyes, she also had a slightly sleepy face. She had a sleek eye, a shallow blush on her cheeks, a soft pink lip twitching slightly, her chin leaning against his chest and squinting. To see him.

Jane Sawakawa was nervous for a while and coughed up: "I... cough, I..."

Xin Ai's hand scratched his chin and asked, "Why are you sleeping?"

Jane Zechuan swallowed his throat: "No... there"

Xin Ai snorted: "Cheat, the mouth is not honest, but your body, but tell me honestly, you wake up."

Jane Sawakawa coughed, "No... No... Really no!"

Xin Ai yawned and yawned: "Well, you don't lie to me, I don't know yet? Say, why don't you dare to look at me?"

"I... I, cough... I am afraid of you, after waking up, blame me..."

Xin Ai laughed out loudly: "Quiet you? Blame you for tossing me last night? This makes me a little angry."

Jane Sawagawa’s face slammed red and did not dare to look at her eyes.

He was worried in his heart. Isn’t Xin Ai’s birthday a success?

What can I do?

Xin Ai looked at the reaction on Jane's face, and the mood suddenly became very good. This person, now, is really much more fun than before, and even blushes?

Last night's incident, when it happened, it was not entirely blaming Jane Sawagawa. It was probably alcoholic work, and the feelings of Xinai’s inner forgotten feelings were all hooked up.

Therefore, when Jane Zechuan came over, she cooperated.

No one could blame last night. It was her own willingness. Although she drank alcohol, she was not drunk and she was conscious. She was conscious.

If she wants to resist, she can, but she doesn't.

Moreover, after last night, Xin Ai suddenly found out that, in fact, she also has **.

For more than two years, she has never wanted to take revenge. She never dared to think about it. One day she can still fall in love again. She is full of thoughts about **** the brothers and sisters.

Therefore, her physical reason is telling herself that she can't do anything except revenge.

However, with the success of revenge, Xin Huan was sent away, and the regrets and hatred in Xin Ai’s heart disappeared.

So she began to try to live a normal life.

Thinking, I can try to accept Jane Zechuan, integrate into his family, get along with him, be a normal husband and wife...

Especially, I saw Xie Shenzhou and Ji Yun last night. In fact, her heart is very envious of them.

She also wants to be like them, like them, is the real family.

Xin Ai, I want a home of my own.

Probably they gave seeds to Xin Ai's heart, and that kind of post was promoted by the later wine, which led to the lingering night of last night.

After waking up, Xin Ai's body was sore and weak, especially her waist and legs, but her heart seemed to be different.

When Xin Ai saw Jane Sawa, who couldn’t open his eyes when he slept, he couldn’t help but smile.

A big man, even dare not open his eyes, look at her, how can this work!

Jane Zechuan worried: "Really... very angry? Then I will not be in the future, you are not angry!"

Xin Ai nodded: "Well, very angry, backache, leg pain, no strength at all... this blames you."

Jane Sawakawa's cheeks are red, I don't know what to say: "I..."

Xin Ai patted him on the shoulder: "Help me squat!"

Jane Sawakawa did not move.

Xin Ai asked him: "Why, don't you?"

Jane Zechean shook his head: "Nothing..."

He was stunned, mainly because he was too surprised. He thought that Xin Ai would be particularly angry. If he did not do well, he would drive him out. Then he didn't know how much time he needed to make her gas.

But I didn't expect it, it seems... it seems, not like that.

Xin Ai seems to be not angry.

Moreover, she also let him give her a waist, is this not...

Jane Sawakawa did not dare to think too much at this time, and happily rushed to Xin Ai.

If this is before, he will be willing, but now, he is willing to...

Xin Ai's waist is very soft and thin, and he does not dare to vigorously.

Xin Ai is not satisfied: "Why are you so small, when you toss me last night, the strength can be great, it will not run out of one night, now it is imaginary..."


Jian Zechuan gritted his teeth, I am not angry, I am not angry, I am forbearing!

He gritted his teeth: "I see that you have no strength now, your body is weak, I am not angry, but in this case, I will not say it later, waiting for you to rest well today, at night, I will let you try, how much strength I have. ”

Xin Ai snorted. "You will use this to scare me. Is it still? Tonight, you don't want to enter my room tonight."