MTL - Can You Love Me?-Chapter 469 Jane Sawakawa is my boyfriend

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Xin Ai originally made a happy appearance, but there is no way to maintain it at this moment.

She didn't know if Xin Huan knew what was going on at the moment, did she know that she had not had much time, so she said it, as if she had told the last words.

Xin Ai sucked her nose and her eyes were tearful, but she tried to show her smile: "Sister, you can rest assured, I will be happy, your sister is so beautiful, people are so good, I don't know how many people like me... ”

Xin Ai gave Xin Huan a glass of water and used a small spoon to feed Xin Huan.

Xin Huan asked her: "Then you... do you have a boyfriend now?"

Xin Ai’s hand paused, and he remembered what he said.

Her greatest wish is to hope that her only sister can be happy. When she is not there, she can have someone who guards Xin Ai and protects her.

Xin Ai smiled and nodded: "Of course I have, you have seen it..."

Xin Huan was filled with dead gray eyes, showing a glimmer of light, as if the lights were extinguished, and the last beating: "Yes...who, who?"

Xin Huan’s voice has some joy.

Xin Ai looked at Xin Huan and showed a little shyness on his face. He smiled and said: "I just went out to the man, Jane Zechuan, he...he, it’s my boyfriend... sister, what do you think, how he kind?"

Xin Huan heard a slight sigh of relief. "It turns wonder, he is very good... really..."

Xin Huan was originally worried that Xinai’s boyfriend was not good for her.

But when she heard that the other party was Jane Zechuan, all the worries disappeared.

Xin Huan knew that she was rescued by Jane Zechuan. When she was awake, she said something to her, encouraging her, and hope she could stick to it.

He doesn't have much words, but Xin Huan can see that others are good.

Moreover, Xin Huan still can see that Jane Zechuan’s birth is very good.

But also, not all wealthy people can help when you are at stake.

Xin Ai saw Xin Huan’s expression, and he knew that he was right, and her sister was very satisfied with Jian Zechuan.

So, Xin Ai continued: "Sister, he is very good... very good, really... after you disappeared, he has been taking care of me, though, there are some shortcomings, but... it is very good for me..."

Xin Huan smiled and helped her add: "Long... also looks good..."

Xin Ai nodded with a red face: "Yes, it looks good too..."

Xin Huan seems to know that she has not had much time. After waking up, she has been pulling Xin Ai.

"Then you... did you say... when will you get married?"

Xin Ai hesitated this time. She did not pass the permission of Jane Zechuan. She said that he is his own boyfriend. It is already deceiving, but how to lie to marriage?

Xin Ai thought for a moment and said: "We are married... We are still young, not in a hurry, but if we have said it, it will be faster."

Xin was tired, she gasped for a while, and continued: "If you all like each other, then... get married soon, sister... I want to see you wearing a wedding dress before you die..."

Xin Ai couldn't help but sobbing again: "No sister, you will definitely not die. You will definitely see me wearing a wedding dress. Really... We are already talking about marriage!"

"His parents... agree?"

Xin Ai nodded again and again: "Well, agree, his parents like me very much, I really like it..."

Xin Ai can't take care of it so much now. As long as she can make Xin happy and make her happy, she will... follow her.

She really didn't want Xin Huan to leave, but also with regret.

Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open and Jane Zecheon stood outside the door.

Xin Ai turned to see him, his heart was tight, his eyes prayed for him, hoping that he would not dismantle his lies.

Jane Szechuan walked over to the bed and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to listen to you, just just being careless..."

Xin Ai shook Xu Xin's hand slightly, she did not know the next two, Jane Zechuan will disassemble her lies.

Then, she heard Jian Zechuan said: "Sister, you can rest assured that I will be good to Xiao Ai, pamper her, protect her, and always be good to her alone, not let anyone bully her."

Jane Zechuan did not go far, he was worried about the accident, and he did not deliberately want to listen to the dialogue between Xin Ai and Xin Huan.

However, the door was not closed, and the conversation between the two was passed into his ears.

When he heard that Xin Ai said that he was her boyfriend, his mood was completely excited.

Although he knows what Xin Ai said about this purpose, but even if it is, he is also excited, he would rather be used by Xin Ai, she is used as a boyfriend, he is willing.

Xin Ai looked at Jian Zechuan with a shock, she did not expect...

Jane Sawakawa would even call out her sister.

Xin Huan’s face showed a smile, and his eyes flashed with tears: “That’s good... then I’m... rest assured, you’re fine, I know... I believe in you...”

Xin Huan believes that Jane Zechuan, she knows that he said it must be done. He looks at Xin Ai’s eyes, and all of them are full of love.

Also, if it is not deep in love, why does he save her for no reason?

Jane Sawagawa’s hand was placed on the shoulder of Xin Ai, giving her strength.

He said again: "Sister, there is one more thing. I want to apologize to you. The thing about getting married is really not thoughtful. I just call, my mom calls, she will come in a while, you are Xin. Ai’s only elder, her marriage, you should be involved anyway, wait for my mom to come, you and her can discuss...”

After Xin Ai listened, she was even more shocked. Jane Sawagawa Jiang helped her to do such a full set.

At the moment, Xin Ai, in addition to being grateful for Jane Zechuan, has more inexplicable feelings.

Xin Huan is actually still somewhat suspicious. She is worried that Xin Ai is trying to make her happy and deliberately say this.

But now Xin Huan is relieved...

She is very reassured and handed Xin Ai to Jane Zechuan. He is a very good man who can protect Xin Ai's life.

Xin Huan’s eyes were tearful and nodded: "Good, good..."

Jane Zechuan has a selfish thought in his heart. He hopes to marry Xin Ai with the last wish of Xin Huan.

Even if it is a fake marriage, as long as she can marry her.

He has reason to live with her at home, slowly, for a long time, hoping to make a fake couple a true couple.

After Xin Ai’s shock, he adjusted his emotions and said to Xin Huan: “Sister, I will say, you can definitely see the way I wear a wedding dress, it will be...”

"Our little Ai wearing a wedding dress must be very beautiful..."

Xin Ai smiled with tears: "That is of course..."

Mrs. Jane came very quickly. She gently opened the door and came in. When she saw the person lying on the bed, she knew that this was Xin’s sister.