MTL - Can You Love Me?-Chapter 11 My gold master, you can't afford it.

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Chen Ming was so powerful that he could clearly feel the sharpness of the sharp corner of the porcelain into the flesh. He was afraid that the next second would pierce his throat. He asked for help: "Grandma, my... It’s all nonsense, you are a lot of adults, don’t worry about me... Also, and... I’ve just said that it’s true, I was... I want to let Xin Huan go to Qi Ming’s Zhao, but She didn't do anything, and then her cell phone kept ringing. She was looking at her was not very good, then... Then she deliberately poured herself into a wine, said to the bathroom with a phone call, and then she didn't come back... ”

Xin Ai’s eyes: “Who’s the phone?”

"Which do I know, I have not installed a bug in her mobile phone, I... I really didn't lie to you, I turned back... I took the key of Xin Huan in the dormitory cabinet and gave it to want Looking for her things, I can go by myself... Also, and... She is paying the money I am... I will give it to you, grandma, Rao... fortune..."

Xin Ai didn't talk, staring at Chen Ming's eyes for five minutes. She still couldn't tell whether the other person said it was true or not. Like this old fritter of the entertainment circle, in front of him, Xin Ai is still too Tender.

But she didn't have time to spend too much time here, she had to go to Jian Zechuan, Xin Ai to take a look at the time, not early, she got it.

She threatened coldly: "You better tell the truth, otherwise... I will kill you sooner or later."

Chen Ming shook his head again and again: "Really, all are true... there is no half-say."

Xin Ai lost the porcelain piece and grabbed Chen Ming’s two socks into his mouth. He struggled and hoped that Xin Ai would let her go.

"Don't think about it, I can't let you go, you're here tonight."

Washing his hands with hand sanitizer, the water drops on the hand of Xin Ai, went to Chen Ming and stepped on his face. "Of course, it is best not to think about how to retaliate against me?"

She licked her long hair and bent over and looked at Chen Ming. She said literally: "Because the aging mother has already sold it, I am the gold lord, you can't afford it."

Chen Ming, who left the dead dog, Xin Ai spit out a sigh of gas, she can't wait any longer, the longer the missing, the greater the danger, no time.

She can wait for it, but Xin Huan can't wait.

Jane Sawagawa, I have to re-enter him anyway today.

From the bathroom, Xin Ai was surprised to find that there was a person outside the door. Xin Ai’s heart was tight, and his foot was stopped, and the hand of the bag was gripped.

The man wore a smoky blue Armani suit, lazily leaning against the wall, slender fingers holding a burning cigarette, his face looming behind the smoke.

But Xin Ai can see his twin eyes, he is looking at her, and the eyes seem to be full of affection at all times.

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xin Ai, his fingers flicked, and the ash fell to the ground. Xin Ai saw his face and his body shook involuntarily, but she quickly stabilized her mind and looked at the other party with a happy smile: Are you Lu Yingdi?"

Lu Jincheng, the hottest male star in today's entertainment industry, is the youngest of the three most influential male stars in the Qihua Chinese film. It has also been influential internationally. It has been ten years since its debut. Not bad.

Xin Ai was also a fan of Lu Jincheng. But now her good deeds have been hit by idols. She has no idea what else she wants now. She only hopes that she can quickly cope with the past.

Lu Jincheng is one meter tall and tall, and his body is too thin. The suit that is particularly attractive is to let him wear the feeling of Yushu.

His facial features were feminine, but he did not see a little feminine. He walked in front of Xin Ai with a cigarette, and his lips smirked with a sly smile: "Excuse me, inside... is it busy?"