MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 667 ? Emperor ... No one left

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Twelve Chaos Order? !

The situation suddenly made the five gods and demon emperors feel tricky, even, not only tricky, they also suspected that this was a conspiracy and trap against them.

However, their plan to invade the human race to capture Lufan is very secretive, and almost no one knows it. Therefore, several emperors of Gods and Demons also understand that this may be just a coincidence.

"Inheritance of Beast Ancestor?"

The look of the Fire Emperor became extremely dignified.

Originally they planned to bully less, taking advantage of the fact that the number of the human race's chaotic order was not enough for the time being, they completed the plan in one fell swoop.

However, I did not expect that the human race could actually inherit the beast ancestor in such a short time.

In fact, it is not too short. It took about thousands of years for the wood emperor to be damaged and the **** of seizing wood elements to recover to the peak. For a **** demon emperor, it was destroyed and restored. , This speed has been extremely fast.

However, the development of the human race is faster.

Not to mention the winners of the five beast ancestors' inheritance, it is enough to surprise the ancient Tongren, Lu Jiulian, and Lu Fan to become the Chaos Order.

As for the devil and demon that suddenly appeared, they even made them confused.

In fact, it is not just a family of gods and demons.

Even the strong on the human side are a bit stunned.

When did the human race have so many chaotic orders?

Lufan's entry into the saint can be understood. Thousands of years ago, he shot the wood emperor with one arrow and broke through the realm of the saint.

Lu Jiulian ...... It is barely understandable.

But who are the devil and demon?

Even the eternal saints have some ignorance of the identity of the two.

However, the ancient sage is not a waiter, after staring at the demon lord and the devil lord for half a ring, he glanced at Lu Fan profoundly.

He seemed to see that the demon lord and the devil lord had a close relationship with Lu Fan.

"This kid ... simply bluffing."

"However, the addition of two Chaos Orders really enhances the human race's momentum and is scary."

The ancient saint laughed.

Regardless of whether the demon lord and the devil lord are really chaotic, but at least, the spirit of the human race came out.

Originally, the five gods and demon emperors were killed in the five phoenixes, and the momentum was fierce. It was not because the number of gods and emperors on their own side was extremely large.

As a result, the human race reversed.

This situation has really become very delicate.

The breath of the twelve Chaos Orders burst out like a torrent, rushed out of the Five Phoenixes, out of the Hunyuan Immortal Realm, out of the Nineth Heaven, and raged in the sky of the Taikoo Star.

And many powerful races in the starry sky have changed their look.

Many quasi-Saint peaks among them, sensed this breath of chaotic order, and their faces became extremely stunned.

In addition to the five chaotic orders of the **** and demon emperor, there were also twelve chaotic orders in the ancestral land of the human race.

In other words, within the ancestral land of the human race, the human race has up to twelve chaos orders? !

What's so special ... what's the situation?

Has the human race expected that the emperor of the gods and demons will join forces to attack?

Deliberately set up a family of gods and demons? !

Twelve Chaos order combat powers, five gods and demon emperors ... all of a sudden became insignificant.

For a time, the eyes of many powerful races in the starry sky flashed.

Feel this time, it's big.

Twelve Chaos Order, is the power of the human race already so powerful?

Perhaps, after this battle, the pattern of Swire Starry Sky will be completely rewritten.

Many ethnic minds are eager to move.

They don't know about the "door", but they know that once the emperor of the gods and demons is left by the human race in the five phoenixes, it may be an opportunity for them.

The opportunity to rise with the gods and demons.

Without the **** and demon clan of the **** and demon emperor, they lost the hegemony capital. Although the elemental realm has been broken by the human race, it still contains great resources.

If it is available, it can make many races go further.

In an instant, many powerful people were fiercely staring at the battle among the five phoenixes of the human race ancestral land.


"Don't be afraid ... with the help of the chaos order of the beast ancestry breakthrough, they certainly can't grasp it completely, and it also belongs to a different way. Compared with our old chaos order, it must be much weaker."

Five Phoenix stars in the sky.

The Fire Emperor took a deep breath and encouraged other emperors.

The current situation is very dangerous for these emperors.

It can be said that a little carelessness, the gods and devil emperors may all fall here.

"Good calculation ..."

Wood Emperor is staring at many chaotic steps in the Five Phoenixes, and his body and mind are cold.

However, the gods and demon emperors have no way out.

Yunqianhe is healing his injuries. At this moment, he has recovered a little, and he was caught off guard by the five gods and demon emperors. Even he, he suffered a lot of injuries.

Originally worried about the human race, but now, the situation has been completely reversed.

Tonggu saints are also a little dazed.

what happened?

Before the human race, there was no chaotic order. Now, he finally broke through, and a lot of chaotic orders came out, making his new saint become unremarkable.

Inexplicably feel some eggs hurt ...

However, the Tungu sage soon figured it out, just like a strong human race.

Lu Fan was also a little surprised.

Bai Qingniao, Nie Changqing, Sima Qingshan and other generations who obtained the inheritance of the beast ancestors broke into the chaotic order, which is indeed somewhat unexpected.

However, Lu Fan thought carefully, but it was also reasonable, because sooner or later they could break through the chaotic order. After all, the inheritance of the beast ancestors is not a simple thing.

Even today's breakthrough can only be regarded as the weakest chaotic order, but ... is also the chaotic order.

Lu Fan narrowed his eyes.

Stared at the wood emperor, the wood emperor looked at him a bit coldly.

"It seems that you should know something ..."

God and Demon Emperor will take the initiative to attack the Five Phoenixs together, there is a greasy inside, such a big fanfare, there is definitely a reason.

Perhaps he exposed something, so that the gods and demon emperors could not sit like this.

what exactly is it?

Is it really a system?

The system is Lu Fan ’s biggest secret. Even if he reaches the 14th level of gas refining, Lu Fan still does n’t want to expose it.

and so……

This time, all these gods and demon emperors will stay.

If it was before, Lu Fan was not too sure.

However, now it has entered the 14th floor of gas refining ...

Has a saint-level combat power, and the five-element indestructible body has also achieved the fusion of four elements. It is only one step away from the fusion.

Is not easy to say about the mysterious black and white queen, but Lu Fan can still try it.

Lu Fan was too lazy to talk to the gods and demon emperors.

The purpose of these gods and demon emperors is him, Lu Fan will not do anything bad, let these gods and demon emperors make a living.

Looked up, and Lu Fan looked at the ancient saint.

"Senior of the ages ... you block a **** emperor."

Lu Fandao.

"Wrapped in the old man."

Yun Qiang smiled.

After, Lu Fan's eyes moved sideways and landed on Zhu Long and Lu Jiulian.

"Both of you are also blocking a demon emperor."

Zhulong's eyes flickered, his head slightly bowed.

The palm of Lu Jiulian touched the Qinglian sword around her waist, and the sword overflowed.

Lu Fan turned his head, looked at the Tonggu saint, and turned to the demon and demon master, "You also stop one."

After, his eyes fell on Bawang, Tang Yimo and others.

"The five of you who block a **** emperor ... does it work?"

The overlord wears a battle armor, holds a giant axe, looks like a torch, and flames are burning.

"Hug me!"



The earth source mystery of the overlord surging, as if the phantom of the earth source beast came out behind him, he turned into a streamer, and quickly rushed towards the golden emperor.


"Come and fight me!"

Overlord roars the starry sky.

Golden Emperor's complexion sank slightly.

Gave a fierce blow, thousands of golden gleams flickered in the sky of the five phoenix stars, and the sky dome was illuminated.

The violent rushing overlord was hit by this blow, and suddenly flew out, collapsing into the void, and the endless emptiness of the void hit him.

Bawang jumped out of the turbulence without any care.

"Come again!"

His face was wary, and he kept moving forward, blocking it at the forefront.

Bai Qingniao, Sima Qingshan, Nie Changqing, Kong Nanfei can't watch the king beating.

Shot one after another.

For a time, the gorgeous wave of mystery swept across the world.

The Golden Emperor was entangled by five people.

On the other side, Yun Qiang smiled slightly, tearing the space turbulently, stepping forward, stepping out with only one hand, it turned into a dungeon cage.

The endless fire emperor of the Fire Emperor was released, but he was imprisoned by Yun Qiangu.

Zhu Long and Lu Jiulian burst out.

Zhulong's black-and-white eyes flashed, black-and-white Yin-Yang mysteriously swelled, and huge grinding discs were suspended in the starry sky, heading towards the emperor's head.

Lu Jiulian drew his sword, the five-color swordmans exploded, and the one-on-one Ao Nu Nu was thrown out by him fiercely, and the constant explosion exploded into the power of heaven.

The emperor was also entangled.

On the other side, the Tonggu saints joined hands with the demon master and the demon master.

The water emperor faced the attack of the three ranks, but it seemed a bit uneasy.

The demon master and the demon master are not powerful, but they are a real chaotic order. The Tonggu saint is also a new saint, and his strength is constantly too strong.

Therefore, although the emperor was not easy, he did not feel too much crisis.

It's wood emperor ......

Was locked by Lu Fan, as if a crisis of death suddenly surged in Mu Huang's heart.

Muhuang's complexion changed slightly. Although the Chaos rank of the human race is not very strong, but the number is large ...

One-to-one with their god-devil emperor may not be Yun Qiangu's opponent, but, unexpectedly, five dozen and one, Yun Qiangu is also going to suffer.

Now, the Emperor of Gods and Demons is facing the situation that Yun Qiangu once faced.

"This time ... I have to take it seriously."

The wooden emperor solemnly spoke. Last time, he was shot by Lu Fan with an arrow. That was because of the door. However, this time, he must overcome his inner fear of the door.

Moreover, the wood emperor also guessed that now, their shot, the water emperor and the gold emperor were moved away from the depths of the ancient sky, absolutely attracted the attention of the black and white empress and the Wanbao saint.

If the door is reproduced ...

Many chaotic orders in the five phoenix star sky can be sensed, and the black and white queen who rushed in will also notice.

When the time came, Lu Fanke could not tell.

After all, the existence of the door is an endless disaster, to destroy everything in the sky of Taikoo Star.

By then, it was hard to say which side of the black and white queen stood.

Therefore, Mu Huang decided to push Lu Fan's limits well this time.

At least, let Lu Fan go out again.


The endless Muyuan Aoyi erupted from the wood emperor's body, making the starry sky alive with vitality.

A starry sky twitched by a willow branch, as if a willow tree across the starry sky was pressed against the world.

Liuzhi whipped to Lufan, and the space was broken in an instant.

The five phoenix star sky is reduced to the battlefield, but the battle of the chaotic order will directly pull to the battlefield of another dimension.

Fighting here will not affect everything in the Five Phoenixes.

Lu Fan sat on the Thousand-Blade Chair, facing the willow branch from Muhuang's whipping, palms slowly on the wheelchair.

The silver awn burst.

Suddenly, the silver blade collided with the willow branch, exploding the terrifying power.

Mu Huang's heart suddenly, Lu Fan's strength is much stronger than before, but it is a true saint level!

Moreover, it is not the kind of new sage, the powerful force makes him a little scared.

The willow branches whipped down continuously, and the voids burst.

Every time Lu Fan turned the silver blade, the willow's attack was stopped.

The two seem to be seeing tricks, and blasting in the starry sky.

Lu Fan looked indifferent and looked at Muhuang calmly.

Once, Lu Fan did not rely on the Five Phoenix Bow, it was difficult to deal with the wooden emperor, but now, Lufan, who is in the 14th layer of gas refining, can easily fight against the wooden emperor even without the help of the Five Phoenix Bow.

This is progress.

Wood Emperor also felt it, very dignified.

However, he did not regard Lu Fan as a new saint. The existence of the door and the power of the Five Phoenix Bows could not be ignored by the wood emperor.

The two blasted for a while.

Lu Fan leaned against the Qianren Chair, finger tapping the hand guard.

Did not continue to fight.

Facing the willow branches still drawn, Lu Fan stood up from the Qianren chair.

On, the indestructible body began to clog.

Five elements of the indestructible body emerged continuously. The silver blades were stacked together with the Fengling sword. Finally, they turned into a silver-red flying sword.

Water, fire, gold, wood ... Four attributes merged together.

At the next moment, Lu Fan's body was actually filled with a touch of purple, and the whole person seemed to walk out of chaos.

Raised his hand and grabbed the willow branch from Muhuang.

The wood emperor's heart suddenly coagulated.

But Lu Fan looked at Mu Huang calmly, and the next moment, he suddenly exerted his strength.

The wooden emperor only felt that Lu Fan had exploded with great force, and he was uncontrollably pulling him towards the landing fan.

Lu Fan fisted, purple qi continued to converge like chaos, very heavy, and burst into awe-inspiring power!


Fist collided with Muhuang.

The wooden emperor resisted with arms, but ... now he only recovered 80% of his cultivation behavior, and was hit by Lu Fan in a punch, as if suffering from chaos.

The power of terror burst into his body instantly!


The wooden emperor was horrified.

What is this means? !

Actually tried to integrate the five source mystery into the flesh ...


However, when the Five Phoenix Bow broke out, Mu Huang actually knew that Lu Fan was a lunatic ...

Wood Emperor's arms exploded, looking a little suspicious.

Lu Fan raised his hand, held the Qianblade chair and Fengling sword stacked to form a silver-red flying sword.

"Do you know something?"

Lu Fan looked at Muhuang and asked lightly.

The wooden emperor was shocked.

It seems that Lu Fan understands the purpose of joining four other gods and demon emperors into the Five Phoenixes.

Looking at Mu Huang's expression, Lu Fan knew that Mu Huang really guessed something.

"This is my biggest secret, but since you know it, then you ... just stay."

"Last time you let your foundation escape, this time ... won't let you escape again."

Lu Fan said lightly.

Lu Fan felt that Mu Huang knew the secret of his system.

However, in fact, the wooden emperor only guessed Lu Fan's connection with the door.

The atmosphere became somewhat silent.

Neither side seemed to say anything.

However, Lu Fan moved instantly and slowly raised his hand.

The spirit pressure chessboard floated around his body.

The chessboard field suddenly spread, covering the wood emperor. The wood emperor was shocked and found that the surrounding void was actually blocked by Lu Fan.

And Lu Fan held the sword, step by step in the void, and walked towards the wood emperor.

The terrible killing erupted from Lu Fan's body.

The wooden emperor broke out in a shocking attack, but ... he found that his attack was completely blocked by Lu Fan.

Lu Fan's flesh is extremely arrogant and has no fear of his attack.

Soon, Lu Fan and Muhuang pulled closer.

Lu Fan looked directly at him, his eyes seemed to have a terrible killing opportunity.

This murderous opportunity gave Mu Huang a feeling of being held in his throat.


Wood Emperor opened his mouth.

However ...

Lu Fan didn't talk nonsense with him, and cut off with a sword.

The wood emperor uses the flesh of the **** of wood elements to resist the sword swayed by the flesh of the four indestructible demons.

The flesh of the two is not at the same level.

Therefore, Muhuang's flesh broke.


The terrible explosion broke out.

A small piece of wood stick came out of the dimensional space from the explosion.

Five Phoenix stars in the sky.

Luoyang, Dantaixuan, Chai Feng and other human quasi-sacred persons are also staring at the fighting in another dimension.


In another dimension, a sudden terror energy fluctuation erupted suddenly. If this fluctuation spreads, I am afraid that half of the five phoenixes will be destroyed.

After, the space burst.

A small branch of wood sprang up quickly.


Everyone's look slightly changed, and even a strange look.

Wooden Emperor ... was beaten again? !

The other gods and demon emperors under siege have all changed their looks.

Was hit again? !

This time ... It seems that the breath of the door is not sensed.


The horrible sonic boom tears the five phoenix starry sky, and the silver-red awn bursts, nailing the wood emperor's original wood sticks to the starry sky.

The will of the wooden emperor sent out a terrible howl!

This time, it's really dying!

Lu Fan's purple clothes fluttered and stepped out of another dimension step by step.

Walked slowly to the wooden branch of the wood emperor nailed to the void.

Raised his hand and held the wooden stick of the wooden emperor.

Out of the Five Phoenix Starry Sky.

The void shattered.

Wanbao saint and black and white queen came across the ancient sky at the same time.

However, when the two came, they felt the situation in the Five Phoenixes, not as they imagined.

The black and white empress looked stagnant.

On the other side, the Wanbao saint was stunned.

Human race ...... When is it so strong? !

Looked at each other, as if they were teleporting into the five phoenix starry sky, at one glance, they saw Lu Fan grabbing the scene of Mu Huang's origin.

The wooden emperor's sorrowful blast burst into the starry sky.

"Wood Emperor ?!"

Wanbao Sage looks strange.

The black and white queen seems to have understood what she looks like, and her look has changed slightly.

Lu Fan glanced at the black-and-white empress, not reminiscing about the old, nor saying anything.

The power in the palm began to explode, trying to squeeze the wood emperor.

"Wait ... don't kill him."

"The door is about to open, and they must be left to block the existence behind the door."

The black and white queen thought for a while, but she stopped.

This crisis is different from the past era. The black and white queen feels that if there is one more **** and demon emperor, she may have more hope.

"Yes! Spare me! I will use my life to resist the door!"

The voice of Wood Emperor also exploded in the void.

Lu Fan looked at the black and white queen expressionlessly.

"He wants to kill me."

Lu Fandao.

"My Lu Ping's temper ...... Everyone knows it."

"Want to kill me, still want to live?"

Lu Fan's words fell.

The palm of his hand suddenly snapped, the power of terror erupted, directly annihilating the consciousness of the wood emperor.

The atmosphere of the wood emperor is completely wiped out.

A demon emperor, fell.

The moment when the wood emperor fell.

The archaic stars seemed to emit a deafening roar. The horrible roar exploded, and countless creatures felt the changes in the world.

The last time the wooden emperor was considered a fake death, and this time ... it was really dead.

Therefore, visions have taken place in the ancient sky.

There are **** stars falling like rain.

In the starry sky, countless strong people change color. This vision shows that an emperor has fallen!

The gods and demons of the gods and demons are even more ashamed.

Wanbao saint did not speak.

The black and white empress frowned slightly, but she sighed a little helplessly.

It's nothing. There was a death of the wood emperor and four gods and demon emperors. The wood emperor's strength was relatively poor, and he died.

However ...

What the black and white queen did not think of was.

After Lu Fan strangled Mu Huang, he took his hands, and the five phoenix bow created with Mu Huang's body fell into his hands.

The black and white empress stunned.

Lu Fan killed Mu Huang ... Isn't that enough?

The next moment, she understood ...

But Lu Fan pulled the Five Phoenix Bow away.

The power of chaos of the five elements in one, the innate purple energy, the power of the primordial spirit, and the endless aura, plus the power of the five phoenix fairy source of the original universe torn out from the back.

Above the five phoenix bows, an inky arrow suddenly appeared.


The arrows shot silently.

The next moment, infiltrated into the dimensional battlefield of the ancient ancient sage, fierce demon and fierce battle with the water emperor.

Boom! ! !

The black hole instantly engulfed another dimension.

A heavy drop of water, enveloping the will of the emperor, escaped frantically from another dimension of the battlefield.

Wants to escape from the Five Phoenixes, and escape into the boundless ancient starry sky.

However ...

Lu Fan Zi robe fluttered, his body torn out of space.

Just caught this drop of water.

This is the foundation of the water emperor, just like the wood branches of the wood emperor.

Lu Fan grabbed this drop of water, ignoring the water emperor's begging for mercy, and squeezed it directly, obliterating the water emperor's will.


The archaic starry sky, another vision broke out, and another **** and demon emperor ... fallen!

The eyes of the black and white empress narrowed, this kid ... killed another emperor? !

Lu Fan looked at her calmly. .

"Today, the emperor ... no one remains."

PS: Seeking recommendation tickets, seeking monthly tickets ~