MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 661 ? Today I am Lu Ping ...... Warlord

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"Knock the door?"

"Behind that door ... A creature knocked on the door?"

Eternal saints listened to Lu Fan's words, and suddenly narrowed his eyes, feeling that the tea would not be fragrant all at once.

He sits deep in the chaos of the Taikoo Starry Sky. After so many years, he has never encountered the behavior of the strong man knocking on the door.

However, when Lu Fan encountered the door for the first time, someone actually knocked on the door?

Is there really any connection?

The ancient saint took a deep breath, even if it was him, his heart was not calm at the moment, mainly because the shock that this news brought to him was too strong.

It reminded him a lot.

"Maybe ... time is running out."

The ancient saint sighed for a long time.

Lu Fan couldn't help but gaze at the sight, and could make a saint so dignified. It seems that things are very serious.

"Knock on the door, maybe it means that the door is not far away."

"We don't know anything about the back door, even the black and white queen, from the initial life to the present, it is not clear what is going on behind the door."

The look of the ancient saints is a bit complicated, and looks at the landing.

"There is not much time left for us ... If the other party really pushes the door open before the inheritance of the beast ancestry is all passed out, then we may have no reason to continue to prevent the emperor from being stationed."

"At that time, we must gather the power of all Chaos-order creatures from the Taikoo Starry Sky to resist the portal together."

Said the ancient saint.

He is here to give Lu Fan an answer.

"Can't we transfer the entire human race first?"

Asked Lu Fan in doubt.

"Transfer? Where can it be transferred? Even if it is transferred to the world opened by the saints, there is no use ..."

"The previous era was not tried like this without the strong, but ... when the destruction came, there was nowhere to hide, everything was wiped out, everything was attributed to chaos."

Eternal saints said with emotion.

Saints, standing at the pinnacle of the ancient sky, but only they can understand that the real pressure, perhaps only to the level of the sage, can only realize that it is the real great terror, the source and the endless destruction.

"When everything comes to chaos, after countless years of evolution, everything in the starry sky will start from zero ..."

Eternal Saints.

He is talking about the deepest secret in the sky of Taikoo.

"What really can survive the devastation, so far, there is only one black and white queen ..."

"She has lived from the ancestor era to the present, and has experienced countless destructions and darkness."

"However, this time, the black and white queen said that she may also die."

The words of the ancient sages made Lu Fan involuntarily solemn. He also knew something about the black and white queen. After all, the black and white queen talked to him.

"The strength of the black and white queen is very strong, but, at the level of the beast ancestor, facing the presence behind the door, it is not an opponent."

"So many epochs have passed, the black and white queen's strength has not increased a little?"

Lu Fan asked curiously.

"The strength has reached my level, how difficult it is to improve ..."

"And, to what extent can it be promoted even if it is promoted? The upper limit is here ..."

The ancient saint sighed.

Lu Fan also has a deep experience, the more he improves his strength, the more difficult it will be to break through.

The game continued, and the two did not talk too much about the others.

On the heart of the lake, the wind was blowing slowly.

Seemed a little quiet, and the years were quiet.


Boundary of elements.

The wood emperor, the fire emperor, and the three emperor gods and demons embarrassed their faces, looking at the boundary of the disintegrating elements, their faces were very ugly.

Especially the Fire Emperor, the entire fire elemental boundary is almost completely extinct.

After the **** of fire elements died, the entire fire elemental world was regarded as cannon fodder, with heavy casualties. There were very few gods and demons in the real fire elemental world.

Almost all the gods and gods were wiped out, leaving only a few gods and gods on the road.

These are the years when the cultivation of the gods and demons recovered.

"The human race actually became the overlord of Taikoo Starry Sky ..."

"A group of waste, so good that you can play with a good hand!"

The Fire Emperor shook his head, a little disappointed.

Although they, the gods and demon emperors, don't care much, but the gods and demons have fallen into the fields like today, and they are unwilling to see them.

"Golden Emperor is also a waste ... He sits in the boundary of the elements, how can it end like this, the saints of the human race are in the depths of chaos, and he, an emperor, should not suppress the starry sky?"

Wooden Emperor Liuzhi flew, coldly said.

"It should be the black and white queen who intervened, otherwise, with the strength of the golden emperor, it is not difficult to destroy the entire ancestral land of the human race."

The emperor said lightly.

The dialogue between the three gods and demon emperors, without the slightest shadow, makes the gods and demon in the elemental world tremble.

Countless gods and demon kneeling on the ground.

Looked at the sky hanging over the boundary of the elements, as if the three statues propped up the heavens and the earth. While panicking, there was endless excitement.

The God Demon Emperor is back!

The shame of the gods and demons will soon be scrubbed!

The three gods and demon emperors didn't pay attention to many gods and deities, but after glancing around, they finally looked at the starry sky.

"I should go to the human race ancestral land in a while. The Golden Emperor said that the door is likely to appear in the human race ancestral land. Next, we will settle in. Let's take a look.

Tuhuang Road.

The next moment, the three gods and demon emperors began to walk in the starry sky.

Crossing the starry sky is a way of stepping, each step taken, spans a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

The entire Swire Starfield shook.

The three gods and demon emperors returned from the depths of the ancient sky. In this era of human race domination, for many racial powerhouses, they can guess that the gods and monsters will erupt next.

They can even make up for the next situation.

The **** and demon emperor will definitely get justice for the collapsed **** and demon clan, kill the human clan, and blood wash the ancient clan in the starry sky.


The gods and demons are qualified to dominate.

Although the human race has black and white empresses supporting them, but now, many powerful races have learned that the black and white empress has entered the depths of the ancient sky.

Thus, the human race lost its greatest asylum, which also means that in the face of the impact of the next **** and demon emperor, the human race ... may be suffering enormously.

God of Demon Emperor, that is a symbol of invincibility.

Although the human race has the evil spirits that can instantly kill the saints.

However, the effect of the saint killing formation on the gods and demon emperors is also very limited.

The human race is over.

This is the idea of ​​all races in the sky.

Many races are sighing.

During this time, the Taikoo Starry Sky was dominated by human races. It can be said that it was a period of peace. The human races get along very well because they do not take the initiative to cause trouble. Unlike unreasonable gods and deities, they often cause trouble, make excuses, and destroy one another A world is to devour the origin of these annihilating worlds.

Even in the world of Xianwu level, they are always worried, afraid of the gods and devil to find things, and finally, they wipe out their world and slaughter endless souls.


The entire archaic starry sky seemed to be shaking.

The three gods and demon emperors crossed, causing a terrible storm, and the mighty wandering gods and demon army of elemental kingdoms followed excitedly.

In the eyes of these gods and demon armies, the gods and demon emperors must be for revenge.

Revenge for the destruction of the gods and demons!

Like a torrent, a powerful breath gathers in the starry sky, sweeping from the direction of the elemental boundary.

At the Nineth Heaven Passage.

The old man Xuan Cang was horrified.

咻咻 咻!

A figure swept quickly.

Lu Jiulian, Luo Yang, Chai Feng, Zhu Long and other human quasi-sacred persons, all staring into the distance solemnly.

Tonggu Taoist and Lao He in the blue star are all feelings.

The entrance of the Nineth Heaven Passage, brought together a lot of human race quasi-sacred.

Everyone didn't ask anything, everyone looked dignified into the distance. There, a torrent of darkness swept through, as if to destroy everything between heaven and earth.

"Demon Lord?"

Xuan Cang old man looks extremely ugly.

The three emperors who came across the starry sky were breathless and terrifying, and there were cracks in the whole starry sky.

Such a terrible breath, pressed down like a mountain, let the old people such as Xuan Cang and other quasi-sacred people, breathless.

Too depressed, so desperate.

Even the Tonggu Taoists never thought that there would be three gods and demon emperors coming together. Is the gods and demons already so shameless?

Before the Golden Emperor shot, it was a little unreasonable, and now he even tears his face and dispatches the three emperors directly? !

"Don't be afraid, the ancient saints are in the Five Phoenix ... We are not without the means and strength of resistance."

Tonggu Taoist gritted his teeth, dignified.

"It really doesn't work, and I dare to fight against them. Lao Tao has long wanted to learn about ... the strength of the emperor."

Tong ancient Taoist Leng Sudao.

Xuancang old man and Lao Hewang came over.

They knew that the Tonggu Daoists were not talking mad. Nowadays, the Tonggu Daoists have been hiding in the azure star for ten thousand years, and the soul level has also been transformed and improved in the process of hermit.

Today's Tonggu Taoists are only a slight distance from the saint level.

However, this trace is like a chasm, and it is still not possible to fight the saint-level demon emperor.


The three emperors, huge and huge, appeared at the entrance of Jiuzhongtian.

The fire emperor is like a blazing flame, burning the entire starry sky.

Emperor, there are muddy cross currents tumbling around.

The wooden emperor seems to be a willow tree, constantly sweeping the branches, every time it sweeps, it seems to explode the stars.

The existence of these three statues is terrifying.

Surrounding the starry sky, some of the strong people of the powerful race, even dare not look too close.

Fear of being embroiled in the breath of the emperor and suffering from innocence.

"The three emperors ... can really look at my human race."

The ancient Taoist people stood at the entrance of the passageway, facing the three gods and demon emperors covering the sky and covering the sun.

"Why did the three of you come here?"

"My saint of the human race is also a return, to fight ... my human race is not afraid!"

The words of the ancient Taoist people, rang in the stars.

Let the strong people watching around are all in an uproar.

Saint saints have returned?

This is going to change.

Doesn't it mean that the existence of these chaotic orders is sitting deep in the ancient sky?

Why did return one after another?

Could it have happened?

The Fire Emperor glanced at the ancient ancient Taoist lightly. Afterwards, the eyeballs like two blazing suns looked at the passageway of Jiu Chongtian and shone hotly.

Even Luo Yang, who is good at the source of fire, felt sweaty and under great pressure.

This is the terrifying existence of Chaos Order!


However, in the next moment, many human races were changed.

The three gods and demon emperors continued to make strides. At the moment of striding, the body converged and turned into a human-like size.

They actually want to step directly into the nineth heaven.

"Let Yun Qiangu come out and tell us."

"Besides, disasters are about to erupt in the ancestral land of the human race, we are here to save you."

The Fire Emperor said lightly.


The eyes of Tonggu Taoist people instantly turned red, and the ten-fold space mystery broke out to the extreme. The inch-inch space was instantly torn, approaching the side of the fire emperor, and suddenly shot.

However, as if a terrible energy ripple erupted on the Fire Emperor's body, the Tonggu Daoist flew out at once.

Told the ancient Taoist torn the space and returned to the entrance of the passage, looking dignified.

First met with Chaos Order God Demon, he understood that there was still a huge gap between him and the other party.

However, faintly, he seemed to feel that it was not impossible to fight.

The ancient people's silver-grey light flashed around, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a silver-man.

Suddenly, one arm protruded from the space and patted gently on the shoulder of Tonggu Taoist.

"Tonggu, there is no need to do so, there is no need to burn the foundation, there is me."

The words of the ancient saints resounded.

Let the heart of Tonggu Dao suddenly relax, the bright silver awn began to gradually dissipate.

"Eternal saint."

Tonggu Dao people, as well as the surrounding human race quasi-saint, are a little excited to look at the eternal saints.

And the space is torn, Lu Fan sits in the Thousand Blades Chair, and slowly comes out from behind.

"Lu Gongzi ..."

They also saw Lu Fan and said hello.

Today's Lu Fan has extraordinary strength, giving them a faint sense of oppression.

Lu Fan smiled gently, and then, his eyes shifted, looking at the three gods and demon emperors.

In Lu Fan's eyes, the three gods and demon emperors are completely different from the eternal saints. If the eternal saints are like ordinary ordinary men, then the gods and demon emperors are like driving a luxury car and wearing a gold necklace. .

Their publicity is reflected in appearance, while the publicity of human saints is restrained.

"Yun Qiang Gu, you finally came out."

The Fire Emperor looked at the ancient saints and said lightly.

"You have returned to the ancestral land of the human race first, should you know the situation? In the depths of the Taikoo Starry Sky, we will discuss it. In the next few years, I will sit in the ancestral land of the human race ..."

Fire Emperor Road.

His words fell, and in an instant, like a bombshell, the entire Taikoo Starry Sky exploded.

God Emperor ...... Sitting in the ancestral land of the human race? !

The script seems to be different from what they imagined.

These gods and demon emperors did not come to destroy the human race? Revenge for the gods of the dead elements?

How did these gods and demon emperors come to sit in the human race?

Even the powerful group of gods and demons can't accept this fact.

Of course, the human race cannot accept it.

The ancient sages, the old Xuan Cang and other human races quasi-sacred eyes narrowed.

If you really let the God of God and Demon sit in the human race, the secret of that human race may be thoroughly peeped, which is not good news for the human race.

Moreover, the human race and the gods and demons have always been hostile. How can we allow the gods and demons to exist in the ancestral land of the human races.

Isn't this a time bomb in my arms?

For a time, the minds of the strong human races kept rising and falling.

Eternal saints hold hands and smile.

Lu Fan sits on the Qianblade chair, smiling like a smile.

"Fire Emperor, don't worry so much ..."

"The old man never promised to let you settle in the ancestral homeland of the people of Zuozhen."

Said the ancient saint.

As soon as' s words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The breath of terror swept through, and the Fire Emperor, the Earth Emperor and the Wood Emperor all burst into cold air machines.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

The Fire Emperor said coldly.

"If the door opens, can you stop it alone?"

"That responsibility, can you afford it ?!"

Involves the door, the Fire Emperor did not expect that the ancient saints would actually make such a decision, which in his view is undoubtedly a decision to find death.

Once the door is opened, a cloud can never stop it. Even if they sit in town, it is just a batch in advance. Once the door is really going to open, they will immediately notify the black and white queens in the depths of chaos while blocking. By.

This is their plan.

Is also in the depths of chaos, to discuss a good plan.

However, Yun Qiangu is now disregarding accounts.

"If you settle in the ancestral land of the human race, you can forget it. You can stay outside the passage first. When the door is really about to open, it will naturally let you enter the ancestral land of the human race. My ancestral land of the human race has many secrets. Once you emperors enter Was n’t it all prying? My human race ... ca n’t afford this loss. "

"At first, the old man was about to walk into the realm of elements, didn't you block it very eagerly?"

Yun Qiang was carrying his hand, squinting.

"Doesn't the door open now? You should stay outside first. When the door opens, you will come."

Yun Qiang smiled.

As soon as these words came out, the wood emperor's horrible willow suddenly whipped.

"What do you think of our three emperors?"

The void is broken.

The terrifying sharpness releases the terrible energy that annihilates everything.

Space turbulence seems to be exploded at this moment.

Yun Qiang was quite indifferent, raised his hand, and pinched this willow branch ...

"It's not as bad as my human race."

The ancient saint coldly said.

At the next moment, with a violent drag, the wood emperor's body seemed to be dragged out of control, turning into a streamer and flying toward the ancient saints.

The majestic spread of the majestic Holy Spirit.

Punched with Muhuang.

Yunqian stepped out of the passage, striding across the starry sky, as if preparing to defeat one enemy three.

"If you want to enter the ancestral land of the human race, if you have the ability, you will forcibly rush ... If you don't have the ability, go to the cool side while waiting for you. Come again."

The Cloud Road.

The Fire Emperor smiled. At the next moment, the three emperors swept across the moment, and together with the Earth Emperor and the Wood Emperor, they slayed towards Yunqian.

Sage-level battles broke out without warning.

Countless creatures in the Taikoo Starry Sky were stunned.

For so many years, they hardly ever witnessed the battle of Chaos Order.

And this time, the battle broke out without warning.

Human saints, with one enemy and three wars against three demon emperors!

The figures of the four powerful men seem to enter another dimension space.

The starry sky burst there, and the sky and earth repeated over and over, like a battle of annihilation.

And Taikoo Starry Sky is still very calm.

Is gone except for the horrifying, breathless saintly coercion that keeps escaping.

To the back, the more terrifying battle, the bright light, like the glory of the world, dazzling and dazzling.

Many powerful people dare not look directly at it.

The minds and hearts of all creatures fall, and the demon and human races suddenly become daggers.

Human races dominated the ancient sky, the most terrible than the gods and demons.

Now, the Emperor of Gods and Demons is fighting with the saints of the human race. Perhaps ... is the best time for the God and Demons to reverse the situation.



Space burst!

Wood Emperor's branches are flying like a **** tree across the starry sky.

Countless branches can travel through time and space, whipping everything.

In another dimension space, the ancient saints are still fighting fiercely with the fire emperor and the earth emperor.

However, the wooden emperor has already appeared in the sky of Taikoo Star.

"What is Yun Qiangu hiding?"

"Did it involve the secret of the door?"

"Or is it the inheritance of the beast?"

The wooden emperor was extremely cold, and his eyes gradually filled with eagerness.

Among the five animal ancestors, there is a wood animal ancestor, who is good at the source of Muyuan, and has a glimpse of the root of Muyuan, even if he is far behind.

If he can get a reference, he may be able to go further in his cultivation.

Although not very useful, but in the crisis after the door is opened in the future, it may be able to compete for a ray of life.

Like the black and white queen, in the terrible era of destruction, survive until the next era opens.

Can survive ... is also excellent.

Without Yun Qianggu, today's human race will no longer be able to stop him.

The wooden emperor turned into a human body and took one step to tear the Nine Chongtian Passage in an unmatched posture and step into it.

咻咻 咻!

Human race quasi-saints rose into the sky and tried their best to stop.

"You also want to stop me?"

Wood Emperor smiled.

Levels are different, no matter how many human races are coming, he is not afraid.

Step out.

The horrible oppression is steep, as if the space is compressed to the extreme, it seems to explode.

A branch twitched from behind Mu Huang.

Whipped towards the human saints.

The ancient Taoist roared as if he wanted to become the silver mandala, and he wanted to fight a desperate battle to stop the **** and demon emperor.

However, it was pressed by one hand on his shoulder.

I saw that Lu Fanduan was sitting in the Thousand Blades Chair, not knowing when it was suspended.

"I come."

Lufandao ~ ~ This thing was originally due to him, so this wood emperor ... naturally he has to stop him.

"Brother Lu?"

The ancient Taoist stunned, and then changed color.

"Don't this is a chaotic order, or the old way ..."

The ancient Taoist said.

However, Lu Fan did not say too much to him.

Put his hand on the Thousand Blades Chair slowly.

The silver mand burst suddenly.

Innumerable silver awns, as if transformed into a silver dragon, whistled toward the branches in front of him.

Ding Ding Ding ......

Fengling sword was stacked on the branch, but was constantly pushed back by the branch.

Wood Emperor glanced at Lu Fan and smiled, not thinking.

Can't even stop the branches, but still want to stop him?

The wooden emperor took a step, a sudden, and appeared at the entrance of the nineth heaven.


Lufan who resisted the branches with difficulty.

But at the moment when Mu Huang passed him by, there was a faint laugh.

"Today, I am Lu Ping ... Warlord."

Picked up a chess piece, and instantly fell on the pressure board.

The saint killing burst instantly, and the wood emperor was shrouded in an instant.

And Lu Fan also raised the five phoenix bows at the moment the words fell, and five kinds of arcane energy surged into the bow.

Appeared in front of the wood emperor like a teleportation. .

The arrows were formed, and the aiming at close range reached the eyebrows of Mu Huang who appeared in a trance that was enveloped by the saints.

PS: Seeking recommendation tickets, seeking monthly tickets ~