MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 627 I don't want to work hard anymore

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For the first time, Lu Lufan encountered such a situation.

He planned to use the timing of the possession of Lu Jiulian to talk with the black and white woman.

In general, he Lu Ping does not reason with others, but this time, Lu Fan chose to speak.

Not because of the strength of the black and white woman saint level, but mainly because he Lu Ping simply likes to reason, and thinks that reason is the necessary performance of our monks to establish correct values.

However, Lu Fan did not expect ... the black-and-white woman did not reason with him at all.

As soon as I met ... I was Sao.

This completely disrupted Lu Fan's planning and deployment.

姑娘 "Girl ... you must have recognized the wrong person."

Qi Lufan controlled the landing of Jiulian's body and said seriously.

女人 This woman is so enthusiastic that he makes Lu Pingan feel embarrassed.

The stunned woman smiled, and the suffocation on her body was dissipated a lot. Before, it was mainly because she felt the breath of Zhulong, so she was a little anxious.

现在 Now, compared with the breath of Lu Fan, the breath of Zhu Long can be put aside.

Her hand was still resting on Lu Fan's shoulder.

"No confession, essentially ... it won't change."

比如 "Like ... your careful eyes."

Women Road.

The next moment, Lu Fan suddenly looked serious.

怎么 What if he suddenly wanted to hit someone?

Isn't Lu Ping's temper bad?

谁 Have anyone seen him have a bad temper?

Which one is alive can come out and talk to him Lu Ping ...

"Girl, don't talk nonsense ..."

Lu Fandao.

The woman waved her hand ...

"Nothing to say, you know."

"You call me 'Black and White', and you can also call me 'Black and White Queen'."

"I feel the breath of my son on your body, can you take me to see her?"

Queen of Black and White.

Compared with the aggressiveness when talking with Qinglong, is ruthless.

At this moment, the black and white queen was much gentler when she spoke.

Lu Fan could not help but hesitated and lost in thought. This woman ... seemed to speak more than imagined.

Is it a conspiracy?

For example, Zhu Long has some special things on her body. This woman needs to use the special things on Zhu Long to restore her strength? That's why I can't wait to find Zhulong.

I heard that this woman was injured, but there is a great possibility.

However, Lu Fan was again in a kind of meditation. Zhu Long was actually created by Lu Fan through the system through the preaching platform ...

But this woman also said that Zhu Long was her son-in-law, what is the relationship between this system and this woman?

Vaguely, Lu Fan seems to have captured some clues, and the secret of the existence of the system is gradually emerging.

What the **** is the system and who created it has always been a point of confusion in Lu Fan's heart.

However, the system has been helping Lu Fan and helping the five phoenixes, so that the five phoenixes have risen at the bottom of the world, from the low-wu world, all the way up to the present fairy-wu world.

Of course, although the system is helpful, Lu Feng has been able to improve to the present level, and Lu Fan has also contributed a lot.

"May I?"

Looking into deep thought, Lu Fan, the black and white queen, couldn't help it.

Qi Lufan raised his head, and looked at the black and white queen expressionlessly.


Lu Fandao.

I refused very simply.

Nonsense, Zhu Long is his favorite Lu Xiaoping cotton jacket, no one wants to hurt!

The look of the black and white queen was stagnant, but she did not expect that Lu Fan would not be so oily and salty.

"You said you know me, where have you met with me ... then tell me, who the **** have I met?"

Lu Lu curious.

However, when the black and white queen heard this question, her look changed suddenly on the delicate face.

"Can't say! Can't say ..."

"It will suffer terrible calamities, and it will bring a crisis of extinction to this heaven and earth!"

Queen shook her head.

Lufan could not help frowning, so exaggerated?

I ca n’t even mention it by mentioning a name?

This made Lu Fan's heart more and more curious. Lu Fan felt that the black and white queen might have mistakenly recognized the breath of the system. Perhaps, the system might contain the breath that the black and white queen once saw.

Alas, since the black and white queen did not say, Lu Fan did not continue to ask.

The atmosphere was awkward.

Howling ...

The uprising ripples released by the statue of Muyuan Beast Ancestor have begun to tremble constantly, and it seems that they can not persist.

The black and white queen frowned immediately, cursing: "This useless wood!"

Later, looking at Lu Fan, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you really not given a chance?"

"I will not see this time, I will see sooner or later, as her strength continues to increase, the blood links will become closer and closer, and I will eventually meet her."

Said the black and white queen.

"No, you won't let me see, and I won't force you ..."

The black and white queen shook her head and no longer insisted.

Ji Lufan controlled the landing of Jiulian's body and raised an eyebrow.

The atmosphere seemed to be a little awkward, and Lu Fan and the black and white queen were speechless.

Alas, this awkward atmosphere did not last long.

Qi Lufan controlled the landing of Jiulian's body and raised the Qinglian sword.

Later, in the curious eyes of the black and white queen, she quickly shuttled through the space and appeared around a demon who was enlightened.

I lifted the sword and slammed it down, one sword and one demon.

In Lu Fan's opinion, dealing with this woman is very tired. Since I don't know what to say, let's kill some demons and have fun.

Before the death of the avenue demon, all of them made a sound of anger.

Seeing this scene, the black and white queen couldn't help pouting, so ... insidious!

It turned out that the name of this fierce human race was actually killed like this ...

At this moment, the black and white queen cannot help but feel a bit sad for the gods and assassins who have been assassinated by Lu Fan. It is too unfair to die in such a feint.

Ji Lufan controlled the landing of Jiulian's body and killed one another after another.

It seemed that I was not addicted, and a candid thought came to my mind.

He shifted his gaze to the **** of the element that was comparable to the quasi-level.

The **** of the golden element and the **** of the fire, the two of the gods and gods, if they can be killed by Lu Fan, that may be enough to change the situation of the ancient starry sky.

The black and white queen held her arms in black and white and looked lively in the distance.

看到 When I saw Lu Fan carrying the Qinglian sword, he stomped toward the **** of the fire element, who was enlightened.

"It's bold ... that's a top-level demon of the Tenjin Order, which can be called a half-step chaos step ..."

"You hit your mind on such a demon."

After the panic, the black and white queen actually had a little fun.

Pouting on the corner of the mouth, watching Lu Fan's performance quietly.

The immortal gods can kill silently, and the road gods will die miserably before they die ...

On that day, even during the enlightenment, once the crisis is encountered, it will instantly wake up. Lu Fan controls the landing of Jiulian, but he does not have the capital to fight against the gods.

Therefore, in the view of the black and white queen, Lu Fan's move was really bold.

But this is a good thing for the black and white queen.

If you wait, Lu Fan will be attacked by the Thunder of the Elemental God. The black and white queen can ask Lu Fan to take her shot.

存在 This human being ...

The black and white queen thought of this, and the black and white eyes could not help flashing bright brilliance.

Lu Pan naturally did not know that the abacus of the black and white queen crackled.

He Lufan just tried it out. Of course, he knows that the gods of the element level are difficult to kill. After all, such existence is already a group of strong men standing at the top of Taikoo Starry Sky.

The **** of this element may be a little stronger than Xuan Cang Zhunsheng who drew the five phoenix bow before Lu Fan.

However, looking at the **** who is haunting the elements of epiphany.

Lu Lufan thought that this was definitely an excellent opportunity, after all ... wealth and wealth were sought.

Wu Wuhuang is a human race after all.

On the one hand, the gods and demons have always not dealt with the human race forces, and they want to kill the human race. The five phoenixes are now in a remote location and have not been exposed. The gods and demons who came to engage in the five phoenixes have all died and turned into strategic reserves. Strategic reserves.

No demon can spread the news to the elemental realm, so ... the five phoenixes can temporarily enjoy the rapid development brought by peace.

in short.

Once the **** of this element knows the existence of the five phoenixes, once he knows that there are two statues of the beast ancestors in the five phoenixes, he will spare no effort to destroy the five phoenixes and destroy all the creatures in the five phoenixes!

Xiu Tu's clean, extinct kind!

Therefore, Lu Fan killed the **** of the elements, there is nothing wrong.

I am also good for Wuhuang.

Lu Lufan is the Five Phoenix, but it really broke the heart.

The **** of the Beacon element is very powerful. Even in the enlightenment, the powerful breath fluctuation contained in the whole body is still sweeping continuously, and it seems to burn the void.

This is an extremely scary demon.

For the black and white queen, the **** of fire is not powerful, but for today's Lufan, the **** of fire ... is his strongest opponent to date!

Of course, the element queen does not count.

Raised Qinglian sword.

Ji Lufan controlled landing Jiulian's body, raised his hand, and wiped it on the sword.

Jinyuan Upright, Huoyuan Upright and Muyuan Upright ...

Three kinds of upheaval crazily poured into the Qinglian sword.

Without the five phoenix bows, Lu Fan could not achieve the integration of the five forces.

However, Lu Fan also knows the principle of the Five Phoenix Bow. After all, he has controlled the Five Phoenix Bow for so long, and Lu Fan uses the Qinglian sword as the foundation to simulate the principle of the Five Phoenix Bow.

Buzz buzz ...

Qi Qinglian sword is the innate spiritual treasure created by Lu Jiulian after she was promoted to Jinxian. The material used is not bad.

However, at this moment, being tossed by Lu Fan, there is a faint tendency to burst.

On top of the sword body, when three kinds of upright energy poured into it, it was covered with cracks.

Congenital purple gas cannot be used.

Lu Lufan added the power of a god!

Three-colored sword awns, as if the whole place of enlightenment is to be cut open.

The black and white queen was amazed in her black and white eyes.

的 The combination of these four energies, even she never imagined.

"Jinyuan Uprising, Huoyuan Uprising is the power possessed by the Beast Ancestor's existence. The five Beast Ancestors restrain each other. How can their power of uprising be integrated?"


The black and white queen was really surprised by Lu Fan.


On the Qinglian lotus sword, the cracks began to spread continuously, like a serpentine snake.

Qi Lufan knew that Qinglian sword could not bear it for long.

So, holding the sword, I suddenly passed towards the **** of the fire element, wanting to penetrate the heart of the **** of the fire element.


at the same time.

The Ripples of Uprisings released by the Tochigi Origin Beast Statue began to tremble slightly.

Soon, it was as if the river that had been blocked at the source was broken, and gradually calmed down and no longer fluctuated.

The black and white queen glanced, and the corners of her mouth became more playful.

Uprising Ripples stopped.

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

The shocking waves erupted by Qinglian Sword made the **** of the fire element as the target suddenly wake up.

"Look to death !!!"

The **** of the beacon element sent a terrifying anger!

However, he woke up too slowly, and Qinglian sword had stabbed him in the chest.


The beacon splashed, and the crisp sound blew between heaven and earth.

However, a sword containing three mystical powers is actually the physical defense of the **** who does not pierce the element of fire!

After all, it is a demon of half-step chaos!

The physical strength is terrible!

The gods and demons themselves attach great importance to physical defenses. Immortal and avenue gods. Lu Fan controls Lu Jiulian's body and can be easily penetrated. However, switching to the **** of the elements does not work.

The awakening roar of the **** of the beacon element.

He formed a terrible flame storm that swept away.

Suddenly, all the people in Muyuan Uprising's ripples came to their senses.

The **** of the golden element suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Jiulian with a sword stabbed on the chest of the **** of fire.

He naturally recognizes Lu Jiulian, the name of the fierce human race ... Nowadays, it is widely spread among the demons!

He is almost on the must-have list of gods.

However ...

Even the **** of the golden elements never thought that this Lu Jiulian could be so heartbroken and so mad!

He actually planned to assassinate the **** of the elements with the power of the emperor? !!

Around, the geniuses of the human race woke up.

I was stunned one by one and took a breath of air.

Brother Jiulian ... so terrifying!

The king of tyrants, Tang Yimo, Sima Qingshan also opened his eyes.

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist took a sigh of relief and woke up from the enlightenment. He was sweating coldly. After all, the black and white queen put too much pressure on him.

He is very sad. He doesn't know how to solve the crisis.

Wu Qinglong seems to anger the black and white queen, which is likely to cause the black and white queen to open the killing ring.

This being, it is really possible to do so. After all, when the black and white queen obtained the statue of Muyuan Beast Ancestor, she entered the realm of wooden elements all the way, killed many gods, and forcibly seized them from the king Muyuan Beast Ancestor Statue!

So when the Tonggu Taoist opened his eyes, he looked at the location of the black and white queen at first glance.

I found out that the black and white queen was holding her chest with her hands, hovering quietly, watching a movie ...

戏 What is it watching?

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist looked along the eyes of the black and white queen.


The scalp of Tongtong Ancient Taoist is about to explode!

How crazy? !!

How could Lu Jiulian dare to kill the **** of the elements? !!

This is just like his assassination of the black and white queen by the ancient Taoist ... how could it be successful? !!

The gap in strength is too big!

"Not broken?"

Lu Pan Yiyi?

The next moment, he controlled the landing of Jiulian's body, his gaze was instantly fixed.

Buzz buzz!

Shaking his hand, Qinglian sword spun up at high speed.

Lu Lu controls Lu Jiulian's body, suddenly fists, punches out, and smashes on the hilt of the sword!

Juli burst!


Qi Qinglian's sword suddenly exploded.

Countless sword-light fragments scattered, dazzling dazzling brightness.


With the energy exploded by the forces of three mysteries, this sword plunged into the flesh and blood of the **** of fire.

I have blood.

The sword-gathering of energy gathering actually penetrated the body of the **** of fire element and emerged through the body.

This scene caused another uproar.

There is a **** and demon around him, and he doesn't care about those gods and demons killed by Lu Jiulian. In his eyes, only this moment of fighting remains.

Lu Jiulian, the fierce **** of the people, is really fierce!

The devil's claws reached out to the **** of the elements.

Li Muling looked at it unbelievably, feeling like looking at a lunatic.

How does the **** of elementary elements exist, and how does Lu Jiulian exist?

If it is not for Lu Jiulian's particularity, Mu Ling feels that he is normal one to one, and he can forcibly suppress Lu Jiulian.

But at this moment, Lu Jiulian actually wants to kill the **** of the elements!

This is so compelling, why do you want to kill God? !!

However, the most important thing ... Lu Jiulian really penetrated the chest of the elemental **** with a sword!

的 The shocking effect of this scene is still there.

The **** of beacon elements is cold and angry. He feels he is being insulted. The small and weak ants who first entered the emperor, want to kill him?

Although he was penetrated by a sword through his chest, with his flesh, even blood can be reborn, so there is no fear.

However, after Lu Fanyi sword penetrated the chest of the **** of fire element, he retreated with satisfaction.

Because the Lushen Yuan Shen attached to the Qinglian sword is about to burst out in the body of the elemental **** of fire!

Lu Lufan no longer controlled Lu Jiulian's body and directly released his authority.

Prepare to deal with the **** of fire with all your strength.

Lu Jiulian was vague for a while, and soon he was awake and returned to consciousness.

The spread of Wu Yiyi's ripples made him understand that he must do something big again.

His cosmic eruption will make amazing moves every time.

I do n’t know how many demon gods can kill this time?

However, when Lu Jiulian woke up ...

I saw it creepingly, with a sword running through her chest, and the **** of fire with the hilt of Qinglian sword still stuck on it.

The **** of beacon elements is raging.

he got hurt!

He was actually penetrated by a human hairy kid who entered the emperor!

"you wanna die!!"

The horrible radon erupted on the **** of the Beacon of Fire, the breath of horror swept through the mighty, the whole place of enlightenment, countless green leaves at this moment, seemed to be burned clean, like a sea of ​​fire swept away.

On the other side, the **** of gold is also furious.

However, Tonggu Taoists also reacted at this moment, raised their hands, grabbed the void, broken the layers of space, cut the space, and shrouded the **** of gold in it.

"Even the **** of fire bullies my junior junior, even if you are an old gold smelly shame, do you even shoot? The two major gods bully my junior junior, is it glorious?"

"Don't you want to force your face?"

The ancient Taoist roared, and while roaring, thunder shot.

The words came out.

The **** of the beacon element was almost uninjured by the gas.

What special ... is Lu Jiulian's first move!

The God of the Elemental Fire rarely bullied a junior who entered the realm of Heavenly Emperor?

The collision between the **** of the gold element and the Taoist Taoist people seemed to have intangible energy fluctuations, which were vaguely offset ...

九 Lu Jiulian was stunned.

What did he do?

What did he ... did he do? !!

Looking at the **** of the element of fire that seemed to be shredding him, Lu Jiulian felt that the whole person was a bit thin.

He didn't do anything, but he carried the **** pot.

Far away, the eyes of the black and white queen suddenly flashed. With her strength, she could naturally sense the situation of Lu Fan ’s Yuan Shen who wanted to destroy the elemental **** of fire.

"Do you want me to shoot? I can help you ..."

The black and white queen smiled, said.

Her words were not loud, but the sound of the sound made all the players in the field surprised.

The strength of the black and white queen is naturally terrifying and powerful.

Jaina, however, was able to stand on par with the saints of the human race, and the people who connected Gudao were spitting blood by her.

So the black and white queen opened her mouth and was astounded.

"This existence actually wants to help Lu Jiulian?"

"Hu Jiulian, the fierce human race, what kind of face can let this chaotic creature shoot?"


All the gods around him took a breath of air.

Xun woke up, and the blue dragon pulled away by Lu Fan and the black and white queen also woke up, holding the statue of the beast ancestor, looking at this scene in astonishment.

Suddenly took a breath.

"Jiulian is indeed taught by Qinglong!"

This soft rice eats, it really is the back wave pushing the front wave, one wave is stronger than the other!

Hit him Qinglong, far from enough!

The Tonggu Taoists and the **** of gold who are fighting against each other are also shrinking their pupils.

After passing through the ancient Taoists, it was ecstatic!

The **** of gold elements is creepy!

What is the deal between the evil **** Lu Jiulian and the black and white queen? !!

Uh ...

Five Phoenixes, Huxin Island.

The environment around Luolufan turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Lu Panyu frowned.

On the chessboard, Ling Ling pressed each piece of chessboard with hot air, and there was a surge of fire on the chessboard.

The God of Beacon Elements is very strong, very strong!

Even Lu Pan today feels extremely difficult.

"Do you want me to shoot? I can help you ..."

The voice of the black and white queen fluttered, lingering on the lake island.

Lu Lu suddenly stared.

来 The origin of this black and white queen is unknown, but Lu Fan is still very afraid of it.

Alas, at this time ... if the help of Elemental Queen can be obtained, Lu Fan will be much easier.

I thought for a while, Lu Fan mumbled seriously and seriously.

"I didn't want to help, but Lu Jiulian asked ..."

Later, after picking up a pawn, it suddenly dropped!

Uh ...

When Lu Jiulian heard the words of the black and white queen, she froze slightly.

I'm so familiar with the scene, I seem to know each other ...

Is this woman talking to him?

Lu Lu Jiulian turned her head, just to see that the black and white emperor seemed to have a smile in her black and white eyes, picking on the corner of her mouth, exposing two mature and charming dimples, looking at him.

I'm familiar with this picture.

I looked back, watching the sea of ​​fire rolling, wanting to encroach on his **** of fire element ~ ~ he can clearly feel the gap, there is an insurmountable gap between him and the **** of fire element.

If it had not opened the universe, Lu Jiulian felt that it was impossible for him to run through the chest of the **** of fire.

Therefore, Lu Jiulian knew how to choose.

So he looked at the black and white queen in the distance.

I shook my head and sighed.

After all, he became his original appearance.

"Girl, I don't want to work hard anymore."

Lu Jiulian, said.

The black and white queen smiled.

精 The black and white eyes flashed with brilliance.

当然 Of course, it was not because of Lu Jiulian's words, but because of Lu Fan's consent.

In her eyes, Lu Jiulian is simply dust, but Lu Fan is different.

Her shot can make Lu Fan owe a love.

made money.

The next moment, the black and white queen shot and flicked her fingers.

The **** of fire element pierced through his chest, he suddenly felt the world dark, black and white light filled his eyes, it seemed to become a cage, his body was kneeling on the ground with one knee suppressed ...

Suddenly, a powerful force pulled his mind suddenly.

Pulled into a muddled Yuanshen battlefield!

In the Yuan Yuan battlefield, a young boy in white was sitting on the platform of gossip array. His clothes were fluttering, the fairy gas was flowing, and the purple gas was bright.

I was watching him calmly.

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