MTL - Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World-v10 Chapter 12906 two things (two)

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Chapter 12906 two things (two)

When everyone heard what Zhao Hai said, they all nodded. The islands of the Jiehai are indeed very important. Let’s take this matter as an example. When the news was sent back from the islands of the Jiehai, they began to prepare. Although the idea of ​​using the islands of the Boundary Sea to hold back the Shadow Clan was unsuccessful, it bought some time for the team. With the islands of the Boundary Sea as outposts, the Shadow Clan wanted to attack them silently. That's impossible, so the islands in the Jiehai are indeed very important and should be preserved. If the Shadow Clan people really destroy it, it will still be a great loss for them.

Moreover, the islands in Jiehai have another function, that is, they can be used to control the number of shadow beasts of the Shadow Clan people. It is very important for the casual cultivators in the tree world to settle on the islands of the boundary sea, attack the shadow clansmen through there, and control the number of shadow beasts.

It can be said that the islands in Jiehai are like a dagger that stabs the Shadow Clan people. This dagger will not kill the Shadow Clan people, but it can make the Shadow Clan people bleed all the time. It's nothing to say, but if the islands of the sea are gone in the sacred tree world, it will be very inconvenient to do a lot of things.

Zhao Hai glanced at everyone, and then said: "The second thing we have to do is to strengthen the Golden Dry Line and the Divine Tree Realm here. This time, we also saw that the Shadow Clan people Their black mist is indeed very powerful, although we can break through their black mist with divine light, but who knows what they will make next time, so we still have to be careful , so we have to make some arrangements for the Golden Dry Line of Defense. This time we used those islands to attack. I think we should do the same next time, but this time our twenty islands are from the same direction. This method of attack is a bit monotonous. I mean, before those islands come back, let's let ten islands go to the other side of the defense line, so that if we use these islands to attack next time If we attack, then we can dispatch these islands from the left and right sides at the same time to attack the Shadow Clan people, in that case, our attack methods will become more diverse, what do you think?" Zhao Hai finished speaking and read Everyone glanced at each other, and everyone was taken aback when they heard Zhao Hai's words, then they looked at each other, then nodded, thinking that what Zhao Di said made sense.

Zhao Hai glanced at them, and then said: "It's the void outside the boundary between the Divine Tree Realm and the Golden Dry Line of Defense. We didn't pay much attention to it before, but now we must pay attention to it. Why should the Shadow Clan people Go there and interrupt our teleportation. I think it must be related to that location. Although we don't know the principle of teleportation, we cannot do without The void outside the boundary can be seen from the attack of the Shadow Clan people there, so it is very important to us. If we handle the Void of the Boundary Sea well, we can not only deal with the Shadow Clan people, but also deal with the dark people. Moon Tower, the Dark Moon Tower has been fighting against us before, and it is time for us to deal with them, so the Outer Void is very important, we must protect it, I mean, all our sects will come forward together , set up more warning circles there, if there are people from the Shadow Clan or the Dark Moon Tower who enter the void outside the boundary, then we can know immediately, I also know that everyone doubts the people from the Dark Moon Tower, Maybe we have other identities, but even if we can’t guard against the people of Dark Moon Building, we can also guard against the Shadow Clan people, as long as we can guard against the Shadow Clan people, we will be considered successful.”

Everyone nodded, Zhao Hai's face became serious at this time, he looked at everyone and said: "I don't know if you have noticed something, that is, when the Shadow Clan people fought against us this time, they didn't use that A weapon that can interrupt our teleportation, why they didn't use that weapon, I don't know yet, but what is certain is that the weapon must be quite powerful, and the reason why they don't use that magic weapon is nothing more than two One, one, that kind of weapon can only break space and interrupt teleportation, and cannot attack other things, but the possibility of this is actually not very high. Such a weapon should not only have such a little power, then it can only It could be the second possibility. The Shadow Clan people came here to test this time. They never thought that this time they would be able to break through our golden stem defense line and wipe out our Divine Tree Realm, so they did not go too far. They're using that weapon, they're waiting, when the time comes, they're using that weapon, and if that's the case, then we have to be more careful."

When everyone heard what Zhao Hai said, they couldn't help being stunned, and then they all nodded. Zhao Hai glanced at them, and then said: "No matter how powerful their weapon is, it is true that it can interrupt our teleportation. Yes, so in the future, whether it is on the Golden Dry Line or on the islands of the Jiehai, as long as there is a defensive magic circle on the island, we must install a magic circle, and we must not let the Shadow Clan people easily Seeing the real situation on our island, they don't know when we use the teleportation array, so they have no way to attack us. Of course, it is also possible that they have a special way to know when our teleportation array is used, but we must guard against it. This way they can easily see us using the teleportation array, minimizing the danger."

Everyone nodded at once, Zhao Hai then said: "So now we have two things to do, one, to keep the islands in the Jiehai, and two, to strengthen the defense, after these two things are done, we will I'm thinking about other things. As for the escaped Shadow Clan people, let's leave them alone for now. We can't wipe them all out, so there's no need to take care of them. We've done our own thing, and then we're thinking Finding a way to deal with the Shadow Clan people is what we should do."

Everyone nodded, then Master Xuan Bei glanced at everyone, and then said in a deep voice: "I don't think anyone will object to these two points proposed by Sect Master Lin? As long as everyone does not object, then we can go to the Done, the first thing to do is to protect the safety of the islands of the Jiehai. This time, all the sects will work together to send all the disciples to the islands of the Jiehai, and immediately set up the defensive shields there , if the Shadow Clan really attack there with all their strength, you can retreat, but if the Shadow Clan is not attacking with all their strength, you must defend the islands." Everyone responded, and no one objected, which is what they most wanted to do of.

Master Xuan Bei then said: "We originally wanted to hold a celebration party today, but I think we can wait until the Shadow Clan people leave completely, and it will not be too late for us to hold a celebration party. Well, let's start with the fact that the Shadow Clan people leave the islands of the Jiehai Sea, as long as the Shadow Clan people leave the islands of the Jiehai Sea and return to the Shadow Realm, at that time we are having a celebration party, what do you think?" After finishing speaking, Master Xuanbei said Glancing at everyone, they all nodded in agreement.

Among the suzerains of several sects, Master Xuanbei is the oldest and the most powerful. If it is not because of the influence of the Bing Shenzong, he should be the most influential person in the Shenshu Realm. Now Sun Baobing is dead, so of course he is qualified to preside over such a meeting. Even Zhao Hai, who has made great achievements this time and is praised by everyone, cannot threaten his status.

Of course, Zhao Hai didn't think about threatening his status now, he was very clear that things had to be done step by step, and he couldn't be in a hurry, it was useless, and the whole Divine Tree Realm would be his in the future He doesn't need to compete with Master Xuan Bei here for a moment, and at this time, Master Xuan Bei jumped out just right, everyone's eyes will be focused on him, and they won't pay too much attention to themselves, just to help him Attracting firepower, otherwise, everyone's eyes will be focused on him, which is not necessarily a good thing for Zhao Hai, so Zhao Hai has no objection to Master Xuan Bei presiding over this meeting.

When Master Xuan Bei saw that everyone had no objections, he nodded directly, and then said: "Okay, everyone has no objections, so let's go back now, arrange people to enter the islands of the Jiehai Go, at the same time, it is best for each sect to organize a small team to chase those Shadow Clan people. You don't need to do anything to them, just catch up with them and monitor them. If they make any changes, report back immediately. Others Don’t worry about it.” Everyone thought this was reasonable, monitoring the Shadow Clan people to see what else they wanted to do, this would not only ensure the safety of the Golden Line of Defense, but also ensure the safety of the islands in the Jiehai, so no one objected.

Seeing that no one said anything, Master Xuan Bei said directly: "Okay, then it's settled, everyone, let's act, and we'll be here today." Everyone responded, and then they all stood up and bowed to each other , and left directly, Zhao Hai also returned directly to Huofeng Island. After arranging things, he went directly to Broken Shadow Island, and then arranged ten islands to move to the other side of the Golden Dry Line. The next ten islands had to return to their original positions. After making arrangements, he stayed at the Broken Shadow Island, and here at the Golden Dry Line, many disciples and elders of various sects were directly sent to I went to the islands in the Jiehai, and the same sects also sent several teams. These teams had only one purpose, which was to chase after the army of the Shadow Clan, but instead of attacking them, they followed them, monitored them, and kept going. Watch them cross the islands of the Realm Sea until they return to the Shadow Realm.

At the same time, each sect also made a summary of the attack on the Shadow Clan this time. This time, each sect harvested a lot of shadow beast bones. Although these shadow beast bones were not enough to offset their investment in this battle, they After all, the loss was not much, they were all acceptable, and those casual cultivators, now gathered together at one time, they still stayed at Huofeng Island, they did not return to Jiehai, they are now at Jiehai It's still not safe, they are going to wait and go back, and the sects have no objection to this, after all, they also contributed this time.