MTL - Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World-v10 Chapter 12904 Attack (2)

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Chapter 12904 Attack (2)

Zhao Hai stood there looking at the black mist that was spreading towards them, and said calmly: "Notify the islands, prepare the divine light, once the black mist spreads over, immediately start to calculate the consumption of the shield, and then release Divine light." Immediately a disciple responded, and then went to deliver the order, and they still used the small teleportation array.

The islands did not stop, the black mist was approaching them, and they were also approaching the black mist, and soon the black mist directly covered the islands, and the disciples on the islands immediately paid attention to the protection shields on the islands. As for the consumption situation, they soon discovered that the consumption of those defensive shields seems to be very large. If they don't replenish the shields with aura, the shields will not last long, at most it will be about two hours , the energy of the shield will be consumed.

After summing up the results, they immediately reported the news to Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai just nodded, and then all the disciples on the islands released a divine light. It exploded directly on the island, and with the explosion of the gods, the aura on the island was full at once, and the aura of the shield was replenished at once. Zhao Hai couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this situation. Because his previous calculations were correct, Shenguang could indeed replenish the energy of the shield.

What surprised Zhao Hai even more was that after the divine light exploded, there seemed to be a trace of the power of the law, and the black mist could not get close to the island. One mile away, that is to say, within one mile outside the island, there is no black mist. This discovery is something that Zhao Hai and the others did not think of. An unexpected surprise, he immediately shouted: "Order the islands, speed up, all disciples, release the magic weapon circle, and at the same time let those disciples prepare the beasts, now the black mist can't enter the one mile outside the island In addition, we can use divine beasts to attack those shadow beasts within the range of this mile, everyone, get ready." Everyone responded, and immediately went to prepare, and the next moment the circle of magic weapons was formed , At the same time, many divine beasts were released, they also formed a circular formation, and then slowly moved outside the island, without human control, they would not leave the island within a mile, they were just surrounding the island Running non-stop, because there is enough spiritual energy within a mile outside the island, so those divine beasts also worked very hard when they ran.

At the same time, the islands are also slowly advancing into the black mist, and the movement here has attracted the attention of Hu Zong and the others. They also saw that there is no black mist around the island, which made Hu Zong and the others all Dazed, Hu Zong immediately took out the jade slips, and wrote to Zhao Hai directly, asking Zhao Hai why there was no black mist around the island, because the island was surrounded by black mist at first, and they didn't see Zhao Hai They use divine light, that's why they are so curious.

Zhao Hai immediately wrote back to Hu Zong, telling Hu Zong that it was because of the divine light they used, the power of that divine light, that they pushed the black mist away. Adding divine beasts to the circle array is equivalent to a double layer of insurance for the islands. It may not be easy for those shadow beasts to attack the islands directly.

And at this time, those shadow beasts really came, but the shadow beasts that came this time were not ordinary shadow beasts, they were all shadow beasts above the law level, and ordinary magic weapon attacks were useless to them. They rushed over directly, and those magic weapons hit them, and they were bounced away. Those shadow beasts rushed towards the islands. They didn't care about the gods and beasts on the islands. It is impossible for an ordinary divine beast to be their opponent.

Zhao Hai also noticed this situation, he snorted coldly, pointed out his hand, and immediately a few divine beasts rushed out, these divine beasts were all Law-level beasts raised by Law-level masters , as soon as they rushed out, they immediately attacked those shadow beasts, and those shadow beasts were immediately blocked. At the same time, a black phoenix also flew up, hovering over the island. Those shadow beasts attacked, as if they were very disdainful, and in fact it was true, that divine beast was Zhao Hai's Xingchenfeng, and Xingchenfeng's combat power was not just for fun, he didn't need to deal with those law-level monsters at all. He is waiting for the title-level shadow beasts to appear, and those are his opponents. As for the shadow beasts of the Shunzhi level, he simply doesn't like them, and he doesn't bother to attack them. At this time, the title-level shadow beasts really He also appeared. As soon as these shadow beasts appeared, the stars also moved, and he rushed straight to those shadow beasts. At the same time, some title-level beasts flew out from the islands. The shadow beasts were blocked, but at this moment, countless ordinary shadow beasts rushed over and rushed towards the islands, but what these shadow beasts faced would be the resistance of two circles. The first is the circular array of magic tools, and the second is the circular array of divine beasts. These divine beasts now also form a circular array. Although this circular array is only guarded within one mile outside the island, it is enough for use. The shadow beast itself There is no good way to take this kind of defense. Now that their masters are blocked again, they have no way to break through the two layers of circles. Although they are still attacking, they seem so powerless. Not only them, even those title-level shadow beasts, they don't feel very good, because the title-level beasts they face have stronger fighting power, especially Xingchen, who has too many methods. The lightning and black flames released made those shadow beasts miserable.

The most important thing is that the islands are still moving forward, while those shadow beasts can only keep retreating, but Zhao Hai has been watching the situation ahead, and he found that the shadow beasts surrounding the islands seem to be getting more and more There were more and more, and he immediately ordered: "Order the islands to stop advancing and try whether the teleportation arrays on the islands are easy to use. Remember, the phantom arrays on each island must be opened. People of the Shadow Clan, see the situation on the island." Everyone responded, and then all the beasts stopped, but the island did not stop, they still need to slide forward for a while before they stop, and at the same time, the islands also stopped. They began to test the teleportation array, and they found that the teleportation array can be used, there is no problem at all, which made Zhao Hai feel relieved, as long as the teleportation array can be used, he is not worried.

Zhao Hai is not worried about how many people will be lost. In fact, they will not lose anyone. At worst, those disciples will return to the Xuanwu space, but with this teleportation array, they can withdraw the disciples on the island reasonably. It will not arouse other people's suspicion, that's why he attaches so much importance to this teleportation array, but what Zhao Hai doesn't know is that at this time, Hu Zong and the others are all excited, not for anything else, just because Zhao Hai said , after they used the divine light, the black mist was directly pushed away.

After Hu Zong and the others saw Zhao Hai's news, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all became excited. Master Xuan Bei even said: "Elder Hu, you said that if we release the divine light here, we will directly attack the Shadow Clan people Will their black mist be dispelled directly? If we can really achieve this level, then it will be easier for us to defeat the Shadow Clan people, why don't we give it a try?" said After that, he looked at Hu Zong, and everyone else looked at Hu Zong, and Hu Zong looked at everyone, and finally he nodded and said: "Okay, then give it a try, anyway, we still have a lot of beasts now." , and the attention of the Shadow Clan people is now attracted by Sect Master Lin and the others. We will go out directly from here and attack the black mist of the Shadow Clan people to see how the effect is. We can also share the pressure for Sect Master Lin and the others. "Master Xuan Bei and the others all nodded, and then Hu Zong immediately sent people to prepare the divine light.

There are a lot of Shenguang and the others, so soon Shenguang was ready. Hu Zong and the others each took some boxes containing Shenguang, and then released their own beasts, which flew out from the Jingan defense line. , flew straight to the black mist.

The Shadow Clan people may not have thought that Hu Zong and the others would attack them at this time, so they were not prepared at all. After Hu Zong and the others flew out, they quickly approached the black mist. They did not enter the black mist, but He immediately took out the box containing the divine light, released the divine light, and the divine light itself can move, once released, the divine light rushed straight into the black mist.

It's strange to say that after the divine light is released, if you don't control it well, it will fly far away, but these divine lights exploded immediately after encountering the black mist Yes, with the explosion of the divine light, the black mist was dispelled directly, and they all saw the shadow beasts hidden in the black mist. Those shadow beasts found that the black mist suddenly disappeared, and they all panicked. They didn't know what to do, but this situation was good news for Hu Zong and the others.

They have a lot of divine light, now seeing that the divine light works, of course they will not be polite, and immediately released a few more divine lights, and the divine light will explode when it encounters the black mist, and the black mist will be dispelled directly. Then Hu Zong and the others can attack those shadow beasts with confidence. They are all masters, and those shadow beasts are nothing more than ordinary shadow beasts, and they cannot be their opponents at all. The beasts immediately disappeared in pieces. This kind of lethality is very astonishing.

And their actions did attract the attention of the Shadow Clan people, and they had no way to attack Zhao Hai and the others with all their strength. They had to send some people to attack Hu Zong and the others, but at this time, Hu Zong and the others retreated The golden dry line of defense is here.

But after they retreated to the Golden Dry Line, they did not stop, but gathered together. Master Xuanbei looked at the Shadow Clan people outside and said in a deep voice: "The black fog is afraid of the divine light. If there is no divine light, Then those shadow beasts are nothing at all. My idea is, before the Shadow Clan people react, we will take an action first. We will all go back to the islands of the various sects immediately, gather all the disciples, Then rush out from the islands of the various sects, gather together on the islands, form a coalition, and go straight to kill the Shadow Clan people, we will defeat these Shadow Clan people in one fell swoop today!"

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