MTL - Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World-v10 Chapter 12884 condition

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Chapter 12884 Conditions

As soon as these people entered the hall, they first took a look at everyone, and then they clasped their fists at everyone and said, "See you suzerains, I'll be polite." Their attitudes were neither humble nor overbearing, and there was nothing special about them.

Liefeng said in a deep voice: "Fellow daoists, this time I invite you all to come and discuss together and deal with the Shadow Clan people together. Please sit down." Some chairs, after a few people thanked them, they walked over and sat down for a while, and from the moment they entered the room, everyone's eyes were on them, but they didn't seem to feel it, they kept showing They were very calm, and their behavior made everyone in the room nod their heads. Although they are monks at the law level, they have not yet reached the title level, but their mentality is unmatched by ordinary people. , It is very admirable, no matter what position a person like this is in, he will not be such a simple character.

After the few people sat down, Liefeng looked at them and said, "Fellow Taoists, we invite some of you here, just to discuss with you how to deal with the Shadow Clan people, you should also Clearly, this time the Shadow Clan people are coming aggressively. If we don’t repel these Shadow Clan people, then we will never be able to go back to Jiehai, so we would like to ask you to discuss with all the casual cultivators after you go back. Participated in dealing with the Shadow Clan people, what do you all think?"

Lie Feng was not polite either, and straight to the point, he told the story, and the others all looked at those people, waiting for their answer. Among those people, one looked like he had more than forty hands, and one piece of his right hand was missing. Genweizhi's humanity said: "Elder Lie is polite, I am also a member of the Divine Tree Realm, and the Shadow Clan people are our common enemy, of course we are willing to deal with the Shadow Clan people with you, so please rest assured Elder Lie, we are very happy I am willing to participate with you in dealing with the Shadow Clan people, but we also have some conditions, and we hope that Elder Lie can agree, and of course, we also hope that everyone sitting here can agree."

Lie Feng glanced at the others, and then he said in a deep voice: "Yes, fellow daoist, please tell me. As long as the conditions of fellow daoist are not too much, we can agree." talk.

The man nodded and said: "Okay, then I won't be polite. In fact, our conditions are very simple. First, we hope that in this battle, all our casual cultivators will have independent command authority. We can Follow the orders of each sect, but each sect can only give orders to the captains of our teams, and cannot directly order the people below what to do, nor can they give us some missions that must die. In that case, we can refuse such an order."

Liefeng said in a deep voice: "It's fair, if you participate in this battle, the command right will naturally belong to you, and we won't give you some missions that must kill you, and we will try our best to ensure your safety. Don't worry, so we agree to this one." The man nodded, then he glanced at the other suzerains, and then said: "I don't know if Elder Lie can represent the suzerains of all sects? If you can't, then you This guarantee seems to be meaningless, right?"

Hearing what he said, Liefeng couldn't help but smiled slightly and said, "You can rest assured, fellow Taoist, what I say can naturally represent everyone. If you find anyone who is unfair to you, you can tell me directly, and I will come to you." Just settle this matter."

That took a deep look at Lie Feng, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, then I would like to thank Elder Lie. I will talk about the second condition. This second condition is actually very simple. We hope that if we I defeated the Shadow Clan people once, and after returning to Jiehai, the sects can sell us things at a lower price. At the same time, I also hope that the sects can sell us more things. , What do elders think Lie?" After speaking, he glanced at everyone.

Liefeng glanced at him and said: "I can promise you half of this one. As long as you participate in this operation, then you will buy things at a lower price in the future. You can get a 30% discount on all things in the sect. As for you I said, sell more things to you, I can't promise you this, it doesn't mean that I can't promise you completely, I can promise you, but I can only promise you on behalf of our Fire Phoenix Sect, our Fire Phoenix Sect, in the future we can Sell ​​you some more things, including pills, exercises, magic tools, and beast eggs, but whether other sects will sell these things to you, I can't control it." Gaefeng turned his head after speaking He glanced at Sun Baobing and the others, and that person also looked at Sun Baobing and the others, especially Sun Baobing. Among all the suzerains, only Sun Baobing was wearing armor, so his identity was very recognizable, and he could be known at a glance. He is the suzerain of the God of War Sect.

Sun Baobing glanced at the man, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, I promise you, don't worry, what the old man says will count, and the various sects will definitely sell more things to you in the future, including pills and exercises. , Magical Artifacts and Divine Beast Eggs, I will definitely do what I say, don’t worry, if you have any other conditions, please tell me.” After finishing speaking, Sun Baobing looked at the man, among the people sitting there, also Only he has the confidence to say such a thing, because he is now the leader of this alliance, and with the prestige of Bing Shenzong in the Shenshu Realm for so many years, he does have the confidence to say this, and it is replaced by the leader of other sects , none of them had such confidence, including the other suzerains of the five major sects, none of them had such confidence to say such things.

When the man heard what Sun Baobing said, a trace of excitement appeared on his face, and he and several other casual cultivator representatives stood up suddenly, and they saluted Sun Baobing together and said, "Thank you, Sect Master Sun." After that, they sat down, and then the man said to Sun Baobing: "We have no other conditions. Dealing with the Shadow Clan people is what we should do. This time, I would like to propose these two Conditions, we are already very embarrassed, of course there are no other conditions, please rest assured."

When everyone heard what he said, they couldn't help being stunned, and then Sun Baobing laughed loudly and said: "Okay, great, then thank you all, I am here on behalf of the sects, thank you all, now the matter is urgent, I also I won’t be polite to you all, please go back now, organize all casual cultivators and enter the islands immediately, we must be ready before the next attack from the Shadow Clan.”

The man responded, then he thought about it, and then said to Sun Baobing with some embarrassment: "Master Sun Baobing, there is one thing, I am a little embarrassed, none of us have any spiritual energy in our hands, and we were attacking the shadow beast before." At that time, I lost some magic weapons, and now some people have no magic weapons in their hands. I hope that Sun Baozong can borrow some magic weapons from us. It doesn’t need to be too good, just ordinary magic weapons. I hope Sun Zongzhu and everyone The suzerain can help with this." After speaking, he cupped his fists at everyone.

When Sun Baobing and the others heard what he said, they were all taken aback, and then Sun Baobing immediately laughed and said: "This matter is simple, everyone just arranges casual cultivators to enter the islands, and as for the teaching tool, we will provide it to you. And it's not lent to you, even if it's given to you." Sun Baobing was very generous in this matter, and when the man heard Sun Baobing say this, he quickly thanked him again, and then He led the others away, and everyone looked at their backs with complicated eyes.

The conditions put forward by these casual cultivators are really not too much. Even in their opinion, these conditions are really too simple, especially when they have to borrow the magic weapon at the end, they feel incredible. In China, no monks have ever worried about the magic weapon, but now, these people are still worrying about the magic weapon, how can they not be surprised, they really have no way to imagine, if a monk is poor There is no magic weapon, so how does this monk practice.

In fact, these people don't know at all, not only these casual cultivators, but also some low-level disciples of sects. Those disciples sometimes take revenge for magic weapons. It’s because they don’t have spirit stones to buy magic tools. The ordinary disciples of the sect don’t earn a lot of spirit stones, so many disciples of the sect don’t have too many spirit stones to buy magic weapons. , You must know that the price of the magic weapon is not cheap, especially for some better magic weapons, the price is even higher.

Then why have no one of them noticed this problem? In fact, it is very simple, because they are the suzerains of each sect, and they have been the genius disciples of each sect since the very beginning of their training. They have never lacked spirit stones. They cultivated and grew up without any worries. Of course, they don't know how those low-level disciples and those loose cultivators practiced in the world, so it's normal for them to have such thoughts, because they don't know how to cultivate the world. They never lived that kind of life, so they thought that all disciples, like them, grew up without worrying about spirit stones, so of course they would think so, it can be said that they are those People who can tell why they don't eat minced meat.

After seeing those people leaving, Sun Baobing glanced at everyone and said: "Everyone has heard it too, I hope you can remember what we said to them before, now we are employing people, I hope everyone can Be fair to these casual cultivators, don't let them go to death on purpose, if they really don't have magic weapons, we can also provide them, the conditions they put forward are not too much, and everyone has heard it, some of them They can't even afford magic weapons, so we can see how they practice, so I hope everyone can treat them fairly. After all, they are also from my God Tree Realm. Said, they are our comrades-in-arms now, I hope everyone can remember this, don't do too much, otherwise, if you let me know, I will not be polite, understand?" Everyone gathered together The answer is a cry.

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