MTL - Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World-Chapter 6 Calculation

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Chapter VI Calculation ()

Low-key, must be low-key!

Zhao Hai, who has seen countless novels, is very clear. If you don’t know how to be low-key, you won’t have any good endings. Zhao Hai believes that the novel is just a fantasy. The protagonists have come to the outside world. It is the reason why the author opened the golden finger. If a person is in a completely strange environment and is so arrogant, the consequences must not be so good.

Now Zhao Hai’s identity is the last heir to the Buda family. At the same time, they have offended the biggest power of the Aksu Empire. In this case, if he does not understand the low-key, then the first to die must be him.

Although he now has space farms to evade, there are too many ways to kill a person. Zhao Haike does not want to lose his head in his sleep.

When Zhao Hai was thinking about these things, suddenly there was a knock on the door, Zhao Haiyi, but immediately said: "Come in."

Meg pushed the door and came in. He looked down at Zhao Hai with his head down and said to Zhao Hai: "Young Master." There is nothing in it.

Zhao Haiyi looked at Meg’s appearance, and it was also a bitter smile. Meg did not look up at him because Adam used to be inferior because of Meg’s beauty, but he did not succeed, but since then Meg I always hide from Adam. Even if I meet, I just bow my head and call a young master. Turn around and leave.

Zhao Hai sighed, this is the trouble that Adam got rid of, but he has to bear it himself. God, what is this?

Zhao Hai looked at Meg's appearance and sighed again. "I have nothing to do. Let's go to rest. I have to sleep for a while. When you have dinner, you can call me."

Meg sighed and turned away. After going out, he gently put the door on for Zhao Hai. Watching Meg escape like him, Zhao Hai is a bitter smile.

Now that his body is all right, there is no discomfort. The reason why he said he wants to rest himself is to sort out Adam's memory and see what else he does not know. In addition, he now has a space farm, which is very helpful for his future development. He wants to make better use of this space farm if he wants it.

Now his space farm is planted with radishes. If he buys these radishes back to the farm, he can get at least five hundred gold coins, which means he can earn 350 gold coins.

He can also take these radishes out of the warehouse, and then let Green take the radish and buy it elsewhere in the Ark, so maybe he can get more gold coins.

But the most important thing is that now he doesn't know whether there is a radish or vegetable in the Ark mainland. Adam used to be a ruined family. He couldn't buy food at all. He usually eats some better dishes, or already When I cook a cooked dish, I don’t even ask what is left in the dish, so he simply doesn’t know if there is such a vegetable on the mainland.

If those radishes can't be bought outside, then he has to deal with it. The radish is all treasure, and the radish collected by the system should be as long as the radish, the radish leaf system should not be, and the radish leaves In fact, it is very delicious, as long as it is simply marinated, it can be a delicious.

Zhao Hai is living in northern China, so he still clearly remembers that when he was a child, his mother often used this marinated radish leaf to cook, and the taste was also very good.

And this radish leaf can also be a kind of feed, feeding some herbivorous animals. If there is no such thing as radish in the world, they can buy the radish, leaves the leaves to feed some herbivorous Warcraft, Adam's In memory, some Warcraft are very good to feed, eat everything, when they can breed a lot of Warcraft, when they are not afraid of no meat, and can also set up a ranch, so naturally there will be more The income is gone.

Even if this world has radish, and the price is not high, if he wants to sell it to the space store, he can leave the radish leaves. In any case, you can't waste it.

Now because the level is not enough, Zhao Hai can't open the ranch in the space, but in the Ark mainland, you can open the ranch first, and then upgrade the space. When you open the space ranch, he can raise some on the earth. Animals.

Zhao Hai has already thought about it. His future development is to focus on farming. In any case, there is also a lack of attack power in the space. Farming is the most suitable for himself.

Now I have a large piece of land, a mountain, a dead land, and a carrion swamp. These places are all their own fiefdoms, but it takes a lot of time to make them useful.

Zhao Hai only hopes that the water and land in the space farm can really change the black soil wasteland. In that case, he can have a large land that can be cultivated. No matter when, the land is fundamental.

Zhao Hai has never worried about the problem of manpower, because he knows that there is a kind of person and slave that is not on earth in this world.

There are no slaves on earth, but here, as long as you have money, you can buy a lot of slaves. The life and death of these slaves is entirely up to you. They are absolutely loyal to you and will not run away because every The slave's body is branded with a special imprint of the family. Once it is discovered that he ran out privately without the owner, the consequences would be terrible.

So as long as his farm can make money, he doesn't have to worry about people. There are so many slaves on the mainland. Even if they are not slaves, as long as someone needs them and can produce a suitable value, those nobles can make countless people change. Become a slave.

The aristocracy has everything, and the world is as simple as that.

However, in the current identity of Zhao Hai, if a large number of slaves are suddenly sold, it will definitely attract the attention of the people. Therefore, he must act in a low-key manner. Any low-key is his guideline. Farming is his main development direction. .

After thinking about this, Zhao Hai grew a sigh of relief and slowly lay down on the bed. He still feels like dreaming. He himself is an ordinary otaku on the earth, although he likes to watch through. The novel, but that doesn't mean that you want to cross, but who would have thought that this kind of thing really came to his head.

God, you let a otaku leave the computer, isn't it just turning a ghost into an eunuch? This is really cruel.

Zhao Haichang sighed and threw himself into the bed. Looking at the roof of the stone, he couldn’t help but sigh. In this place, there is no entertainment at all. How can I live every day, my novel? This is really terrible.

Probably because I just received too much memory, and I got the unexpected joy of the space farm, so Zhao Hai’s nerves were very excited. Now the excitement has passed, and the exhaustion of the bursts has come. Unconsciously, he fell asleep again.

What Zhao Hai didn't find was that he had just slept, and his door was pushed open. Meg looked in from the outside probe and saw Zhao Haizheng sleeping in bed, which was lightly gone. Come in, pick up the quilt on the bed and cover up with Zhao Hai, then stand by the bed and look at Zhao Hai, sigh and mutter: "Young master, you have to be angry, the Buda family depends on you. ”

After that, he turned and walked out, and gently brought him to the door.

Meg just came out of Zhao Hai’s room, and Green came over and looked at Meg. “Meg, what happened to the young master? What are you doing?”

Meg said: "Nothing, sleep."

Green nodded. "Go and see how your grandmother's dinner is prepared. I am ready to call the younger brother to eat. Oh, anyway, I have come to this place. The nobility's etiquette can only be put aside." "When I finished shaking, I shook my head and walked back."

Meg looked at her grandfather. She knew her grandfather very much. Her grandfather dedicated his life to the Buda family, but did not expect that the Buda family would fall in front of his eyes. How could Green’s heart feel better? It.

Meg followed Green and walked to the kitchen. Although there is only one cook in Merlin here, Merlin is only responsible for the food of these people. The slaves outside do not need her to manage anything. Green has given those The slaves have eaten something, they will do it themselves.

For Green's approach, Meg is very much in favor. The slaves are poor people. They are still very good here. Although they are not very good, they can still eat. If they are other nobles, they simply don't. May let them eat.

Meg also had a very clear dream. Now the Buda family relies on the grandfather to support it. Adam, the young master, does not understand anything at all. Now she only hopes that Adam can understand things, don’t be fooling around, otherwise the Buda family will There is really no hope.

But even if Adam is sensible, he has to learn a lot. In the past, he was a dude, not a typical representative of learning. He had no experience in managing a family. If he knew something, he would learn it. If he still refuses to learn and wants to command, then they can't support it for a few years in their current situation.

Although the Buda family were not too rich families, they were also a nobleman, and although they were sinned this time, they were not taken home, so there is still a lot of money in the family. There are about 100,000 gold coins, which is not a small amount.

But now the money has been replaced by Green for all kinds of supplies, and there are only a hundred gold coins left. If Buda is as profligate as before, they are afraid that they will have to wait and starve to death.

The good or bad of Adam now determines the survival of the Buda family.