MTL - Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss-Chapter 86 Nightmare

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[The breath of death permeates the entire kingdom.

There was no one on the street, and a cold wind blew across it, scraping a broken newspaper onto the worn wall.

There are horrifying cases recorded in the newspaper:

"The devil in the dream! Who is he ?!"

"The bizarre death in the dream, is it a heart attack or a devil?"

Not far away, there are some obsolete news on the billboards of high-rise buildings.

"Holy sect ranks first in the world's most influential list!"

Beneath this big red letter is another news announcement that seems to be very closely related.

"So far the death toll has reached 500,000, and the new leader, the Holy Pope, has expressed his views!"

The camera turned back to the street.

Behind the dirty shop glass windows, a black and white TV with snowflakes is playing the news.

The host with a little messy hair, with dark circles under his eyes, said in fear: "People, don't sleep! He will enter your dream!"

"The Global Alliance has united major religions to hold grand ceremonies! Demons will perish!"

Hissing hissing-the TV made an overwhelming sound and was on the verge of scrapping.

"Second ... we ... stabbing--Planet Clay ... the biggest crisis-- ''

After a while, white smoke appeared on the TV and the screen went completely black.

Gorgeous-looking Karina, dressed in a capable combat uniform, stood on a deserted street with a walkie-talkie in her hand.

She glanced at the TV and looked at the lonely scene on the street, her rosy lips were shaking a little: "Morris, you should stop ..."

All of this, why did this happen? 】

——From "Nightmare" 2



"Don't-oh oh ah !!!"

Zhou Yugang just opened the half-covered villa door and felt dizzy before stepping in.

The sudden screams hit his eardrums, causing him to frown slightly.

He was pretty sure there were no such sounds when he was just outside the door.

Such a sharp scream-if it had just happened, he wouldn't have heard it.

But now, when he first walked into the villa, he seemed to have stepped into a different space, feeling the screams of fear everywhere.

Even stranger, he couldn't even see a figure in front of him.

Entering the villa, Zhou Yu looked up and observed this villa that was suddenly quiet to some strangeness.

Luxurious and elegant crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and a three-story spiral staircase stands side by side, with a classic beauty.

The furniture in the hall is very exquisite, with everything from coffee tables, sofas, televisions.

Exquisite and elegant carpets are spread on the floor, soft and silky, with the texture of silk. Its area is large enough to cover half of the hall, and its exquisite embroidery makes Zhou Yu not want to step on it. Product feeling.

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Yu moved his ankle that no longer hurts just now, and he was not sure what happened to him.

His injury suddenly healed without warning, as if he had never sprained.

Stab it--

The **** scene of the stump and broken arm flashed in front of Zhou Yu, and then disappeared.

"It was ..."

Zhou Yu quickly stopped and looked again at the place where the picture had just flashed.

However, there was only an ordinary rug embroidery there.

Is he dazzled?

Zhou Yu reached the center of the hall and looked up.

The ceiling above the hall is carved with extremely gorgeous reliefs.

There were reliefs about Samuel's fall from heaven to hell—no, no, the descriptions of these reliefs conflicted a lot with the book about the origin of myths.

Zhou Yu saw from the relief that after being expelled by the **** of light, Samer began to land on the earth for the benefit of mankind-instead of falling into **** and becoming the master of hell.

The statue of Samuel on the relief is much more abstract and much uglier than what he painted.

Only the sickle, a symbol of death, and the pair of wings that were blackened by the flame behind them remained unchanged.

As he always looked up at the relief, Zhou Yu felt that his head was even more dizzy, and even the sight in front of him had doubled.


Who? Who is screaming?


Zhou Yu felt like her ears were stuffed with cotton, and all her voices became very false and not real.

Frowning, Zhou Yu blinked his grandmother's green eyes and looked at the relief above his head again.

Intuition told him there was something wrong with this relief.

But it was strange that he didn't feel any danger ... instead, a little relief?

At this time, the statue of Samer also looked down with pity on his face, as opposed to his eyes.

Zhou Yu, who looked at Samuel stunned, didn't find that he had once again flashed a faint blue in his normal eyes.

He could only see that the world in front of him was beginning to shatter like a mirror.


The shattered voice came one after another, and Zhou Yu finally saw the **** scenes he had just seen vaguely.

In the center of the hall was a corpse that had been trampled.

The ground next to the corpse is full of fragments of crystal lights. If you step on it inadvertently, you will end up with a **** end-but looking at those extremely unevenly distributed fragments and the pool of blood formed nearby, Zhou Yu can also Guess something.

It looks like there are many people who have stepped on it even if they are in the pain of being broken by fragments.

The original exquisite carpet had been stained red with blood, and the limbs were stubbled.

A suit tossed in the hall was torn into rags with blood that was hard to hide.

A lady's handbag was poured near the coffee table, which was bulging inside, only showing a thick blond hair outside.

Zhou Yu didn't want to know what was in there. She looked away.

He blinked his grandmother's green eyes, showing a clear look.

Here is the dream.

Zhou Yu knew that Morris seemed to have some kind of super power to manipulate other people's dreams, but he didn't expect such a real dream ...

Because it was a dream, his injured leg and forehead had returned to their original state, and even his originally full body had recovered to his original weakness-well, this still made him a little upset.

Fortunately, Morris didn't realize the dream that day ...

Zhou Yu remembered the dream of a snowball fight a few days ago, and his cheeks suddenly floated a little, and he faded quickly.

His pale, thin fingers curled up, and he couldn't tell what he was feeling.

That dream was an insult to Morris ...

If Morris knew it, he would punish me for a few nightmares!

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu put away his tangle and walked slowly to the stairs.

The strong man who kidnapped him has not been resolved, but now he is suddenly in a dream, and the situation is actually very bad.

If you wake up from a dream and find that your body was divided by that strong man, it would be a tragedy!

Therefore, Zhou Yu, anxious to wake up from her dream, tried several wake-up methods, all of which ended in failure.

Neither slap himself or shout with closed eyes can wake him from this dream.

Helpless, Zhou Yu can only find other methods.

The dark-haired and green-eyed boy stood on the spot and looked at the layout around him. After analyzing for a while, he finally looked at the staircase stained with blood beside him.

The stairs are full of unknown biological flesh and blood tissue-Zhou Yu is just a high school student, and he can't tell who the owners of these fragmented flesh and blood are.

He could only step on the first staircase with no expression.

It feels bad to step on those blood and meat under your feet, so Zhou Yu speeded up and wanted to reach the second floor as soon as possible to find Morris.

I don't know why, from the moment he entered this dream, he felt very at ease--in fact, if there was not something in his mind called reason to urge him, he would not even want to leave this dream Already.

As if this was a very safe place for him.

Although this inexplicable feeling sounds very unreliable, he just has a very clear perception, and that is-Morris is also here.

And Morris is without a doubt the most trusted person in the world.

He was sure-as long as he found Morris, he could wake up from here.

Quickly walked to the second floor, Zhou Yu finally relieved.

Perhaps it was because he knew that this was just a dream. He never had any fear of these **** scenes. He just felt a little sick and didn't want to touch too much.

In fact, this is also an old problem.

This is what he used to do. Once in physical contact with others, even if there is nothing on the surface, there will be a feeling of nausea in his heart.

Only Morris was an exception.

He never resisted Morris's approach, or even expected something ...

What a pervert.

Teasing the corners of his mouth with a mockery, Zhou Yu glanced at the flesh and blood fragments on the soles of his feet, his expression returned to indifference.

"do not move!"

A familiar heavy laser gun aimed at his head.

Zhou Yu stared blankly at the red-haired girl coming out of the room in front.

Coincidentally, I saw this strange gun for the second time in a row-exactly the same as that of the strong man.

The red-haired girl frowned a pair of frowning eyebrows, and said coldly, "You fool, you are in the second round. You don't even know how to hide! How dare you shout!"

"Come with me. If you still want to survive, it's better not to make a sound!"

Milo looked at the little white face in front of him, as pale as paper, with disgust in his eyes.

Sure enough, these useless small world indigenous people are more than one waste, it makes people want to wipe them out!

Such a stupid creature living in this world is simply tarnishing the name "human".

The dark-haired and green-eyed boy raised his hands and signaled that he was harmless. The beautiful grandmother's green eyes were very clear.

Although Zhou Yu was not afraid of their attack in this dream, a picture flashed in front of the girl when he saw the girl made him decide-do what they said first.

Milo pushed the dark-haired boy into the room, then closed the door again, and put a spell on it to cover the breath of the people in the room.

"Captain, the mission is complete."

Milo put away the heavy laser gun in his hand, and the white-haired man sitting on the sofa showed a sweet smile.

The white-haired man, also known as Al, nodded, and said gently, "Good, you worked hard for Milo."

"However, as long as the captain's order, Milo absolutely obeys ~ Hee hee!" Milo stroked his red hair and smiled lightly.

Al looked at the dark-haired boy standing aside, a smile on his face: "Hello, you look familiar."

When he was given a mission to Warren yesterday, he had seen this pale face-the cannon fodder supporting the role of Zhou Yu.

Well, judging from the current situation, Warren who was on the task was afraid that there would be less evil.

Zhou Yu moved his eyes that were rigid because he wanted to digest those pictures, and looked at the white-haired man not far away.

This is a guest room. Although sparrows are small, they have all kinds of furniture.

There was a dim little night light in the room, and the curtains were put down, revealing no light.

Zhou Yu could only see two calm-hearted men sitting nearby and four figures not far away—the red-haired girl was among them.

The space in this room is not large, and it is because of this that it becomes extra crowded and strange when so many people are crowded.

The reason why they would rather crowd here than go out must have something to do with the misery outside.

No, maybe it should be said-related to Morris.

As the images in Zhou Yu's mind continued to emerge, he also got more information about Morris.

Those pictures are like a movie, describing every revenge of Morris-but he thinks that Morris in these pictures is not the real Morris.

The real Morris doesn't like to kill, and he doesn't kill.

What's more, many of the dead inside are still alive and well.

As a friend of Morris, he can tell that these pictures are not so much a narrative of Morris's encounter as a tell of a possibility about Morris.

However, Morris was very kind, so kind that he would even help everybody in deep trouble, even if he had insulted him.

So this is just a possibility.

Al frowned, looking at this Zhou Yu, which was very different from the image in the original plot, and felt a little uneasy in her heart.

This Zhou Yu is not as timid as in the original plot, nor does he have such a gloomy appearance.

So, will he experience the same as in the plot?

The author has something to say:

Zhou Yu: (wearing a 20-meter-thick filter) Morris is kind as an angel.

Morris: (wearing a 20-meter-thick filter) Buddy is cute and weak, everyone is bullying him!

Believers: (killed many times in a dream) I ... we ... we are so desperate ...

Future world consciousness: (I want to remove the filter of the nightmare) I beg you, please remove your filter! It's just a silky girl who wants to commit suicide! Don't hang around anymore!

Nightmare World Consciousness: (Take off the 20-meter filter) Well, in the future, I listen to you! (Expressing an intoxicated expression) Yeah, in the future, after taking off the filter, you will still be so beautiful except for being a bit poorer!

Awareness of the future world: (on the verge of collapse.jpg) Don't stop anyone! To die next! 2k novel reading network