MTL - Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss-Chapter 141 God world

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"Latest federal newsletter! A major natural disaster has occurred in the capital star Carrier Air. Satellite scans show that crust activity is intense ... In addition, local government representatives have held a press conference ten minutes ago, announcing that they have now lost contact with the capital star. contact!"

A reporter in a neat dress looks seriously at the camera, speaks quickly, and it is not difficult to hear the seriousness of the current situation from his tone.

"We have reason to suspect that the Rebel Revolutionary Army invaded Capital Star, but it is not clear what their actions are ... Because of the chaotic situation today, it is recommended that people do not go to crowded places to avoid endangering personal life and property safety ... "

Paul, who wasn't interested in the news, frowned and turned off the projection.

These media people who don't seem too big to see the excitement always like to exaggerate the facts. No matter how small things can be, they are the same as the end of the world. It is really funny!

If it is really serious, that thing really deserves attention! There is a fart to block it!

Looking at the empty room in front of him, Paul paused and walked to the window with a portable light brain, his face unpleasant.

From his position, you can see a towering and tall mountain range-that is the largest mountain range on the planet Kent, and it is also one of the popular attractions of the planet.

In the past, there were always many tourist spaceships above the mountains carrying passengers back and forth, but now they are lonely.

That's because, in the middle of the mountain range, a huge black vortex is tirelessly devouring everything nearby.

Whether it is a plant or an animal, it will become its nourishment at the moment of contact with the whirlpool, so the military quickly blocked the entire scenic area and no longer allowed tourists to enter.

The processing speed of the Quintet officials has always been very slow. Paul dares to bet that even if it has been so long since the incident, the senior executives of the planet are afraid to pick up which army to send to check the situation!

Humph! When they found out the source of the vortex, the daylily was cold!

All are a group of corpse vegetarian meals!

Paul was full of expression.

He discovered this sudden vortex a day ago.

He was doing a live broadcast to show fans the natural beauty.

However, I did not expect that a huge vortex suddenly emerged from the air, swallowing up half a mountain range, and scared him to kneel immediately, thinking that the end of the world was coming.

After calming down, his eyes were sharp. When he found a human-shaped shadow in the center of the vortex, he immediately told other tourists, hoping to attract attention.

Unfortunately, no one believed him.

The vortex is too huge and the distance is very far. People can't see the figure at all, but instead treat him as a publicist and laugh at it.

After the arrival of nearby soldiers, he even regarded him as a lunatic who wanted to disturb the hearts of the people, and unreasonably threw him out of the scenic spot.

Such embarrassing scenes were filmed by the live broadcast camera, so he dropped a large wave of true love powder, but there was a lot of black powder.

Everyone said that he was a liar. He used no means to gain attention and uttered nonsense. He was hacked on the Internet.

Thinking of this, Paul's face was even more ugly.

He is a full-time anchor, not too hot, but barely relied on some powder to eat, and now he has a bad reputation, and he ca n’t live without fans to reward him!

No! He must prove himself! He really saw that shadow!

Thinking of the blurry figure, Paul confidently picked up the live camera and pressed the switch.

Instantly, the spherical camera floated in the air, following Paul's footsteps.

"Everyone! It's me again, your favorite handsome guy, Luo!" Paul made a handsome gesture.

Several pieces of information were swiped on the projection barrage in front of the camera.

[Yo ~ hasn't sold it yet? Are you cheating? 】

[Spicy chicken anchor, ugly batch! 】

[A liar must not hose! 】

Paul's angry face was twisted for a moment, and he said harshly, "I'm not a liar! Now I will prove myself in the depths of the Keller Mountains! Just wait and see!"

After that, Paul posted another announcement on his social account, and then drove the suspension car towards the Kahr Mountains.

As a native, he naturally knew some little-known trails, and smoothly bypassed the military blockade all the way.

Stab it--

Stopping the car, Paul swallowed as he watched the deep forest and lush bushes ahead.

Before, he had been doing live broadcasting in a safer area, and it was really a bit irritating to have to go into the depths of the unknown danger spot alone.

But after a while, he calmed down and got out of the car as soon as he gritted his teeth.

The news about the vortex has been blocked by the military, and there are only rumors catching the wind on the Internet. Therefore, he can be said to be the only one who is doing live broadcast, which is definitely eye-catching.

Not to mention popular, but with this Dongfeng should make him a little fire!

If taking a risk could get him on fire, those dangers would be nothing!

Thinking of this, Paul smiled excitedly and turned on the camera.

"Here is the interior of the Kare Mountains, look! The vortex is not far away! Please wait patiently, about ten minutes or so, you can understand whether I am a liar!"

The camera is aimed at the mountains in the distance, and the huge black vortex stands there silently. Just looking at it can bring a deep sense of fear.

【God! Was this swirl so big before? This is the audience who has seen the vortex before.

【Humph! Don't think I don't know! It has been blocked here! Anchor you this is illegal invasion! 】

[Hey! Spicy Chicken Anchor! Don't be fooled! Is it so difficult to apologize? Do you deserve to trust your fans before! ] The black fans didn't mean to loose their mouths.

[Oh, let him be illegal! Anchor! Hurry up! fast! I'm going to see the whirlpool! As long as you can take a recent photo, I will reward you with a million stars! 】

[Liar anchor! nmsl! 】

Paul, who has not seen a large amount of rewards in a long time, responded with excitement: "Since everyone is looking forward to that, then I will go in! Don't forget to give rewards, everyone! Otherwise I won't take pictures! Bit! Wait and see! Right and wrong will come to light soon! "

In this talking, due to the mystery of the vortex, the audience in the live broadcast room began to call friends and come to see the wonders.

As a result, the number of viewers in Paul's live studio skyrocketed, and the number of barrages increased.

In order for Paul to rush into the whirlpool, the rewards were as dense as flowing water.

[Don't grind up the anchor! I can't wait to see it! Can you hurry up! 】

a local tyrant rewards 100,000 yuan

[I didn't expect this vortex to be real! So excited! I'm going to see it next time! Come on, anchor! 】

b. Local tyrants rewarded 20,000 yuan.

[But just a liar! So excited what to do! 】

[Trash Liar! No one before the vortex! Stop cheating! You can accumulate virtue! 】

Although there are many scolds, there are more rewarding people.

The special effects appear one after another, appearing dazzling on the transparent barrage projection.

Paul was so happy that he could not shut his mouth, and even the scolding anger was gone. He was full of energy and went into the forest carrying a travel bag.

Along the way, Paul ’s live broadcast room was so popular that it was quickly pushed to the homepage by the official website, and the number of viewers quickly exceeded 100 million.

In front of the camera, relying on past wild survival experiences, he marched all the way through the virgin forest, and finally came to a hill closest to the vortex.

The black vortex entered the line of sight of the audience in the studio.

[My God! This is simply a black hole! Look! It is devouring nearby mountains! 】

【miracle! Is this a creature of nature? It's simply spectacular! I was shocked and couldn't breathe! Such a vortex like an extremely black hole has not yet destroyed the planet! Amazing! 】

The higher and higher the lens, the surface of the vortex is photographed from various angles according to the audience's requirements.

"I swear! I once saw a figure in the middle of the vortex! Unfortunately, no one would believe me, but now! It's time to witness the miracle!"

Paul raised his hands and looked at the black vortex, with a frenzy of relaxation in his expression.

He must prove to everyone that he didn't lie!

The camera was deliberately purchased by Paul. The pixels are very high, so you can clearly capture the vortex surface that seems to be able to swallow even light.

Just for some reason, the speed of the lens focusing is very slow, which is a nearly difficult speed.

But even so, with the slow focus of the camera, a blurred figure entered the camera, and the number of barrage in the live broadcast room began to explode.

[Look! There really seems to be someone! Motionless! 】

[Look! It really is! What about black powder? Come out and apologize to the anchor! Spicy Chicken Black Powder! Why don't you talk now? 】

[The anchor is mighty! Slap those black powder faces hahaha! 】

The figure floating in front of the vortex became clearer and clearer. That strange charm made all the people watching this scene crazy, the barrage was full of screens, and all were almost hysterically asking the camera to take a quick picture of that person.

[What a broken camera! Can't you focus quickly? I'm so excited! I ca n’t wait! 】

[Ah, ah! I don't know why my heart beats so fast! Can't breathe! Hurry up let me see! Otherwise, it will faint! 】

[Is it X god? Such a beautiful back! Only great x gods can have it! ] Fanatic religious elements brushed the barrage one by one.

[Mum, come and see God! I blame the anchor! Damn it! Is it really personal? But why is it motionless? Did you wear any new equipment? How can it stay suspended for so long? 】

[Ah, ah! I saw it! That long black hair! Whoo! Just looking at the back is already so beautiful! fast! Let me see the positives! Must be a big beauty! 】

The lens finally finished focusing, and a figure with long black hair entered everyone's sight.

For a long while, the figure seemed to be aware of something, and its original stationary posture changed.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the camera.

A pair of dark eyes looked at indifferently.

At this moment, all the audience in front of the screen couldn't help holding their breath, their bodies trembled and they couldn't move.

They stared uncontrollably at the eyes on the screen, as if they had been controlled, and could not look away.

It was a fear and surrender from the depths of the human soul, and no one could resist this powerful force.

The man was extremely white with a jade-like luster, and his alienation was almost indifferent.

Just gazing across the screen will give them a sense of fear and awe in the face of ancient gods, and even the soul is shuddering.

And because all the viewers were deterred and couldn't even move their fingers, the barrage that had been so hot that it was so hot immediately became quiet, and there was no comment.

The dark-haired man, Zhou Yu, has been in a deserted place for a day.

Since landing here, Zhou Yu has begun to communicate the rules of the world, trying to find his lover Dark, that is, Tours.

However, he failed.

No matter what he did, he couldn't reach Dark.

Even though he could sense that Dark had begun to awaken, he still couldn't find his location.

But after all, he and An are the consciousness of the rules that were born together, and their mutual induction is also very strong.

So he could feel something went wrong in the dark.

Violence and fury filled the dark heart, and following the induction, these chaotic emotions were passed on to him.

Zhou Yu frowned, and there was more distress in his expression.

Obviously, the dark consciousness fell into madness, and he lost his mind.

I'm afraid that's why he couldn't contact Dark.

He has been protecting him secretly for a long time, but now he cannot return in the face of the dark situation.

Zhou Yu pursed her lips sadly, wishing to destroy this sinful world now.

If not for fear of affecting dark awakening, he would have put his thoughts into action.

After Zhou Yu restored her memory, her character became extraordinarily indifferent, and she could be indifferent to everything in this world, and said it was ruthless.

Only in the face of dark things can he feel a little emotional fluctuation and become sensitive and irritable.

The audience in the broadcast room was still staring at the screen. As Zhou Yu's frustrated and angry mood changed, their eyes continued to shed blood, and they finally mourned in pain.

Zhou Yu is the embodiment of rule consciousness. Naturally, mortals can not directly look at it for a long time, and these humans who dare to face him will be perceived by him.

Turning his head, Zhou Yu noticed the painful little consciousness from all parts of the planet.

Soon, he understood the source of these consciousness-from a live broadcast room.

Looking at the spherical camera that has been emitting signals from just now, Zhou Yu blinked his eyes, and his heart passed a touch of aura.

Since Dark cannot respond to his communication, let Dark see him!

This live streaming tool may help him.

Zhou Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the human with cold sweat below.

Standing on the hill closest to the black hole, Paul stared at the figure getting closer and closer, his face pale, and the two battles almost fainted.

"Woohoo! Let me go! Let me go! I will never dare to come again!"-"Paul shivered, kneeling on the ground and weeping.

His legs were soft and he couldn't escape at all, and his heart was full of unknown fear, and he couldn't stand the thought of resistance.

Zhou Yu ignored this frightened human, and with a slight stroke in his palm, a portable light brain automatically floated over.

He reached out his slender fingers and lightly rested on the light brain.

呲 呲 ——

Silent signal waves erupted, instantly covering the entire planet, and then covering most of the area under federal rule.

This majestic signal wave covered thousands of planets in just a few minutes, invading the signal network of each planet in an unstoppable attitude.

In the blink of an eye, all the electronic devices used for playback were out of control, and countless projection screens flashed on every corner of countless planets, with the same picture above.

The handsome man with long black hair is looking directly at the camera, and the softness in his eyes makes everyone fall into an uncontrollable distraction.

"Dark, respond to me."

Carrier Air

Long blond hair cluttered behind him, and Toures walked indifferently through the city of magma, but unexpectedly saw a vague projection in the unburned ruins.

Suddenly stopped, and Tours fell into place.

Is that god?

The author has something to say: The small theater is offered at 9.15.

About two chapters can be finished. I didn't want to write any more, but I suddenly came to inspiration qaq, I hope the little angel will not let it go (> ﹏2k 小说 读 网