MTL - Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss-Chapter 133 Top Secret: 4050

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[The sky is gloomy, covered with blue-purple electric currents, as if lightning that would destroy the sky and earth at any time.

This is a forbidden area for human beings. Anyone who attempts to break into it will turn into dust, and only the transparent soul body will linger permanently.

Tang En was walking in this deserted area wearing combat uniforms, his hands and feet were cold, and even his face was a touch of death.

What he saw was the confused and desperate soul of mankind, which made him cold.

With such powerful power, can the experimental body, Toures, be easily solved by them?


The wind howled, reflecting the lonely figure standing between the ruined walls.


Toures half-hidden his eyes, his long silver hair draped softly behind his head and stood quietly in front of the ruins of the nursing home.

The subject, which destroyed half of the planet, looked very peaceful at the moment, completely without the madness and rage when it first woke up.

Tang En froze when he saw Thurs look indifferently.

He was the only one who could escape the soul deprivation of Tours, so he was sent to perform this seemingly impossible task.

Originally, he came with a determination to die, without a trace of fear in his heart.

But when he really faced this experimental body that was enough to destroy the world, he still couldn't help his pupils shrinking, his heart trembling, and he was afraid that every inch of his skin would scream and flee.

It is a kind of inherent fear in the depths of the human soul that no one can get rid of.

In the face of Toures' eyes, Tang En felt a choking and a pain that seemed to tear his soul.

This quiet silver-haired man is like a collection of all human nightmares. Just a little contact will bring infinite fear.

He is the fear itself. 】

——From "Top Secret: 4050"

Zhou Yu leaned against the wall and sat down, covering her cheeks with slender white palms.

His mood is very complicated now.

Having lived for so many years, I haven't heard of tentacle play, but this is obviously just some gas, why is there such a touch?

This anti-scientific black mist is simply pressing his three views to the ground and rubbing hard!

The most frightening thing is that these black mists not only have the soft feel of tentacles, but also have the same fluidity as gas. Even if he has covered the neckline that can enter the black mist just now, he still cannot stop the infiltration .

At this moment, the weird touch has gradually moved down from the chest and abdomen, and wherever you go, it will cause a goosebump and an unfamiliar feeling and tide.

Zhou Yu frowned, holding these things helpless, he could only bite his lips and try to control the moaning and groaning between his lips and teeth.

If this big crowd were to make such a sticky sound suddenly, it would be too sissy-his tough guy image would collapse.

Turning his head, Zhou Yu looked at the subjects still hanging on the assembly line behind him.

"Ahhh! God! Help me! Uhh! It hurts!"

"Well--ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh havehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you you you you you you

"Kill me! Kill me! I don't want to be a monster whine!"

Originally, they shouted that God loves the world, and the subjects who prayed for God's blessing only mourned at the crying father.

The black mist wandered in this huge space laboratory, but did not bring those subjects like Zhou Yu's experience.

Instead, the subjects were tortured in the dark mist.

The limbs were torn, the internal organs were swollen, and the pain in their bodies made them shout with overwhelming tears.

However, Zhou Yu was keenly aware of the purpose of the actions of Heiwu-it is transforming these experimental bodies.

Many originally weak subjects were screaming in the dark mist, but the body became stronger and stronger in the mutation, and more or less strengthened a part of the body.

Only a few experimental subjects who were dying in the dark mist were far away from the suffering of the world, and died silently.


Zhou Yu couldn't help but take a breath, some sharp colors between his eyebrows.

What the **** is going on! No mutation but **** and harassment?

The black mist spread downwards, bringing itching sensations, and it even reached some difficult-to-open areas.

Zhou Yu couldn't stand it this time, and sweat beads came from his smooth forehead, and he whispered weakly: "Damn! Get me out!"

The voice fell, and the restless mist suddenly stopped, and it suddenly dissipated. It seemed to have a plan to leave, but it was slow and seemed to be reluctant.

Zhou Yu also noticed the movement of the black mist. Although it is a little strange that the mist seems to be conscious, more of it is relieved.

"Hurry up! Otherwise-" Zhou Yuwaiqiang threatened dryly, but he was weak and his fingers were trembling.

After Heiwu left obediently, Zhou Yu stood up and felt deeply that his mental illness was more serious.

Actually threatened a cloud of fog! Is there anything more neurotic than this!

With a deep sigh, Zhou Yu looked again at the mutant subjects in the laboratory that dropped like a dumpling.

After blinking, Zhou Yu quickly looked away.

There is no reason for him, this group of strange-looking guys because of mutation is really hot eyes.

After staying there for a while, until the red tide on his face faded, Zhou Yu coughed and restored his calm image.

Okay, now it's time to find that little guy.

The petite and lovely figure of Toures emerged in his mind, and Zhou Yu always had a look of anxiety in his indifferent eyes.

I don't know how long it has passed now. Toures is so fragile. In the event of something ...

Zhou Yu's black eyes dimmed and turned out of the door of the broken laboratory.

It's weird. Why does he feel dull when he thinks that little guy will be hurt?

As a weak man, it is normal to die, but ... Thurs is different.

I hope the little guy is fine.

Zhou Yu's steps grew bigger and bigger, and finally he ran straight, looking for the trace of Tours in the underground experimental base full of black mist.

They were taken away by those researchers at first, and their purpose must be to do experiments.

Well, it is likely that Tours is still in an unknown laboratory.

He needs to find him as soon as possible.

However, Zhou Yu ’s idiot nature allowed him to scramble around the developed base passageway. He could n’t find the laboratory where Toures was located.


Zhou Yu hammered a wall with a sullen expression, and for the first time began to confess why he was crazy.

They were accustomed to using electronic equipment in the army. Once they left those auxiliary tools, they became headless flies and could only wander aimlessly.

If it is normal, he can also make a mark and try the right path again and again.

But it takes a lot of time, and what he needs most now is time-and he is still stuck in the lab and can't wait!

boom--! !! !!

The next second Zhou Yu hit the wall, a huge roar came from the base passages in all directions.

Zhou Yu: ...

Zhou Yu raised her hands to show innocence.

He didn't have that much energy, just hit the wall to vent his emotions, can he still make such a loud noise?

When Zhou Yu's face was tangled, a rush of footsteps came along.

"Quick! Quick! Damn! This boss really does not follow the routine!"

"My mother is scared to death! My mother is staring at him! The soul is almost scared!"

"Damn! What's wrong with this boss! What's up there with Pestle! Isn't it good to go up there! It's spacious!"

"Cough! Don't complain! Escape now matters!"

"Wait! Someone up front!"

Zhou Yu dropped his hand and met the sight of the strange people who suddenly rushed from the corner of the passage.

With a tilted head, Zhou Yu curiously looked at the strange clothing and the light green protective cover on the group of people.

what is this? mercenary?

A group of fifteen reincarnations walked in the empty base passageway, each holding their own weapons, with a serious expression.


Leading Green stopped and looked at the closed laboratory in front of her.

This is a completely closed laboratory, which is not as clear as the internal layout of the laboratory with transparent walls.

This also makes it more difficult for everyone to obtain information. After all, it is impossible to know the internal structure, and it is not clear what the dangers are.

"Here it is, hey, after a long search, everyone was a little impatient!" The mature woman with a beautiful face and a large brown wave spread out lazily, revealing her graceful body curve.

"Captain! Go in now? Would you like to put a micro-robot in to explore the way?" The platinum-haired boy asked Captain Adam for his opinion, holding a few micro-robots in his palm.

"Wait a minute and see what Green is saying. Green?"

Adam raised an eyebrow and looked at Green who was still scanning the laboratory with his eyes closed.

Green frowned, teeth biting his lips, looking extremely strenuous.

After a short while, Green finally opened his eyes.

"Sorry, Captain, maybe because there is a boss in the laboratory, the magnetic field interference is too strong, I can't see the situation inside."

On hearing that, Adam rubbed Green's soft hair and calmed him, "It's okay, then put a micro robot! Ivan, see what's going on inside!"

The blond-haired boy, Ivan, nodded and released the miniature robot in his palm.


The changed miniature robot quickly climbed into the gap of the door, and the platinum blond boy Ivan opened the master **** watch, and the team shared the robot's detection picture.

Other samsaras also bowed their heads, watching the enlarged projection screen on the watch.

But unfortunately, the picture was dark, and after just a few seconds, the picture collapsed.

Obviously, the disordered magnetic field in the laboratory destroyed the message from the micro-robot.

"It may be because of the magnetic field that the micro-robot has failed." Platinum blond teenager Ivan retracted the projection screen and calmly analyzed.

Seeing the team's successive failures, Adam pursed his lips, and his golden eyes were hesitant.

He had a terrible hunch.

"Oh, captain! So be careful, according to the plot, now is the best time, who misses this time, who knows if the boss will find us?" The mature and charming brown-haired woman persuaded to start hesitating Adam.

"Yes, Captain! We can't give up because we can't see it!" Another big teammate approached and advised.

Adam rubbed his eyebrows and decided to open the door.

As other teammates said, this opportunity is truly unique, and once missed, it is a pity.

As for the bad feeling just now-

Adam's pale golden eyes stared directly at the alloy door reflecting the metallic luster in front of him.

He started from a slum boy with nothing, and climbed step by step in countless reincarnation worlds to his current position. On one occasion, he was not in danger, and raced against death.

This premonition was indeed bad, but it was not enough to let him give up.

Especially when it will soon take over the real world.

Clenching his fists, Adam's muscular arms were suddenly covered with black hellfire.

What's more, he believes that man will prevail!

Even if it is dangerous, you can finally find a way to live!

Raising his hand, Adam punched the door with a punch.


The fire of **** struck the closed door, and soon the door cracked into a high crack.

"let's go!"

Adam dropped his hand, and the teammates behind him followed.

Adam entered first, aiming at a piece of **** stubble.

Hum-the roar of the ground sounded.

A pair of dark green eyes looked at the intruders who had broken in.

With long silver hair and a tall and fit man standing in the ruins of the laboratory, his body was full of mutant researchers with broken limbs.

The samsaras: ... lie! ? Hit a face with boss! !!

The man tilted his head and reached out to them.

boom--! !! !!

The black mist, more powerful than before, rushed towards the reincarnation.

Facing such a situation, the reincarnations could only turn around and run with a broken face.

"Grandma's legs! Run away! Second shock! My mother! I can't stand the protective cover!"

The author has something to say: The next update is Friday (? -W-`)

Thank you for your support ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: Mu Qinghuan;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 5 peacocks fly southeast; Chu Fengjiao, Wujia Xiaoda, fenny9345, and He Ling;

thank you very much! What?

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

small theater:

Future world awareness: (heart tired.jpg) The recent small theater is really too messy.

Nightmare World Consciousness: (The future is right.jpg) Yes! too messy! No chance to play with you in the future!

Future world awareness: What the **** is playing ... (Suddenly sharp eyes. Jpg) and so on! What are you doing behind? Sneaky!

Nightmare World Consciousness: (Conscience.jpg) No, nothing! (Hiding the phone behind)

Spiritual world consciousness: (quickly pull out the phone) Dad saw it! It is a Taobao love and fun shop! Or the limited edition handcuffs special for the small black room-唔唔唔 (caught away by Cthulhu)

Future world consciousness: (calling blankly) Hello? 110? Here is a wretched maniac! That's right! Infected by hell! 2k novel reading network