MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 895 , Hey, I call you uncle.

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Chapter 895, Hey, I’m calling you uncle...


 Burn Sihang Warehouse on fire?

 Zhang Yong was shocked on the spot. real.

You just burned down the warehouse on Building Materials Street, but you also want to burn down the Sihang Warehouse?


 This is how you do it...

 It’s lawless!

 For a long time…

Consciousness gradually awakened.

Song Shouyuan seemed to be patiently waiting for him to accept everything he said.

 Zhang Yong swallowed.

 “You guys can arrange more places to start fires...” Zhang Yong started thinking.

 Over three million bolts of cotton cloth. How many warehouses did you burn?

 No, do you really think that the people on the executive committee are all fools? How many warehouses can hold more than three million pieces of cotton cloth?


 Suddenly I felt that I was really a disaster.

 Could it be that the skill tree was misaligned when traveling through time? Will you be the leader among the bad guys in the future?

 Three and three million bolts of cotton cloth…



Let’s take a look at the list first and see what’s there. See how much of the deficit needs to be closed.

Alright, I can barely put it into perspective...

You will lift 58,000 tons in one breath. Is my signature, Zhang Yong, really that convincing?

look up. Looked at Song Shouyuan. Be blunt. "The quantity is too great."

Wang Zhaoming had no military power and could not intervene militarily. However, he was in charge of party affairs and in charge of the executive committee. Take control of the Legislative Council. There were also many people who followed him. Many of them are veterans of the Fruit Party. They formed quite a powerful group. Otherwise, Wang Zhaoming would not be able to become the number two figure in the Fruit Party!

 Zhang Yong responded slowly.

“The Party Executive Committee may send someone to do an accounting.”


 There are more than 50,000 tons of grain?

 As a result, I was shocked at first sight.


The result is…

 “To settle the accounts?”

 58,000 tons of grain…

 To be precise, Lao Jiang and Lao Wang were secretly fighting each other.

 And he, Zhang Yong, was pulled out just right at this juncture...

 “Can’t you wait until the end of the year?”

 The great sage who evens the account is actually myself!

 A fire that burned all the evidence.

 No, don’t do this! Don't pile them all up here and level them all at once!

 How about keeping them separate? Thousands of tons of this every time.

look up. Look around. Twenty-seven warehouses, that’s more than half of the building materials street.

 “It’s all arranged. Look at the back.”

Understood. It’s another battle between the top bosses.

 Without evidence, you can get away with it.

 Zhang Yong looked at the back.

 Feeling a little dry in the mouth.

"There is nothing we can do about it." Song Shouyuan replied in a low voice, "The action over there was too fast and we had no time to prepare."

 It would be easy for them to cause some trouble for Chiang Kai-shek elsewhere. Everyone over there knows about the bad things going on with the Song family and the Kong family. Once he was torn out, Lao Jiang would not look good in face. Therefore, we still have to find ways to deal with it. Don't let the other party take advantage of you.

The two of them, one holds military power and the other holds party affairs, neither of them is willing to admit defeat.

 This is the first time I’ve done something like this, and I can’t help but know how to do it myself.

 Read on…

Burning warehouses has been the most commonly used means of settling accounts for thousands of years.

 Oh, look carefully. It turned out that twenty-seven warehouses were burned. The camp was on fire.


 Lick your lips.

Well, there was also a warehouse fire in Qingpu. Suzhou also has it.

 Then it’s all concentrated here.

You really think that the people on the party side are fools. It's obviously a fool's errand.

 Can you give me some other reasons?

 Don’t just focus on fire.


  That’s okay too. Since the Song family thinks this is okay, then let's do it. If they really get into a fight, it's all the boss's business.

 Continue reading…

 There will be no bulk cargo later.

 Smoke and other such things are shameful. Of course it cannot be reflected in the accounts.

 Zhang Yong speculated that the tobacco and soil secretly sold by the Song family may have been in the name of grain. It’s similar to the Kong family. It's an unspoken rule.

 The lists to come are all a mess.


 Radio station?

Fifteen books?

 Zhang Yong suddenly discovered the New World.


 Fifteen radio stations?

 Why does the radio station suffer a loss?

 Did you also sell the radio station?

 Fainted to death!

“Tell me honestly, how many radio stations were taken away?”

“Fifteen units were recorded. But only five units actually arrived.”

 “Where are the other ten?”

“As soon as the money came in, it was immediately converted into U.S. dollars and deposited.”

 “What about the five parts?”

 “All sold…”


Zhang Yong then stopped asking.

At the same time, I feel that I still had too little experience before.

 The strange current situation witnessed in the 30 years of the Republic of China may only begin now. He has only now truly touched the tip of the iceberg.

 Where do you think those radio stations ended up?

 It would be strange if not one or two fell into the hands of the Red Party.

  Okay, it’s okay.

 You can relax a little more in the future.

 Any excess radio stations will be given directly to the Red Party. There is no need to worry about anything happening.

 The Song family secretly sells radio stations themselves! Who dares to check?

The Party Affairs Investigation Department dares to investigate? hehe. welcome.

After checking and checking, it turned out to be the Song family.

Hmm, if I have a chance to say hello to the Red Party, I will tell them that the radio station comes from Building Materials Street...


 Zhang Yong:…

All right.

 What else can be done?

They all call me uncle. Can I still not sign this word?

 The ninth inspector may be specialized in this. Specially designed to protect the Song family from wind and rain. The scapegoat.


"This this."

 Zhang Yong took the pen and made a big stroke.

 Shuashuashua, sign your name.


mission completed.

 “Set the Sihang Warehouse on fire tonight?”



"At this."

 Song Shouyuan indeed prepared a list.

 Zhang Yong:…

 Sure enough, part of the ledger was destroyed...

 Some of the fiat currency was also burned. Estimated value of 12 million…

 “Twelve million?”


 Zhang Yong:…


 How long does it take for legal tender to be issued?

 It was only officially released at the end of last year! Less than a year!

You just dare to make a deficit of 12 million yuan.

 I understood immediately. This is not a simple loss.

how to say? It is a partially printed legal currency that needs a reason to enter the market.

Since 12 million has been burned, it is reasonable to replenish 12 million, right?

 However, God knows how much of the "burned" 12 million has flowed into the market. Maybe as many as 10 million. This is equivalent to the issuance of an additional 10 million French currency.

 In just half a year, tens of millions of additional fiat currencies have been issued!

 Can there be no inflation?

 To buy a cow now, it only costs ten yuan in French currency.

  But by 1940, buying a cow cost at least one hundred French coins.

  In more than three years, the legal currency has devalued by 90%…


It doesn’t seem like much?

 The value subsequently depreciated faster. Almost turned into papyrus.



“I will sign now. Do you think there is anything else that needs to be added?”


Song Shouyuan suddenly felt that this uncle was really good at being a good person.

 Be obedient.


Very well-behaved.

 With one stroke of his pen, all the accounts were settled.

 At the end of the year, do it again. Then the uncle made another stroke of his pen. The accounts were all even again.

If you want to check, go check Zhang Yong first.

 Zhang Yong is the inspector general. His signature is final. Because there is no other inspector higher than him.


 Zhang Yong took the pen.

 A stroke of the pen. Swish, swish, swish. Continue to sign.

 Hence your head and sign.


 And burned $50,000?

 Feeling a little less?

 Only 50,000?

Oh, there are also five million reserve coupons...

 What the **** is this.

never mind. Too lazy to ask. Anyway, just keep your head down and sign.

From then on, he changed his name to the Great Sage Ping Zhang.

 If anyone needs to settle accounts, please come to me.

 I signed with my eyes closed.



 Call it off.

 Suddenly I remembered something.

“You said, if Sihang Warehouse is burned tonight, is it a real burning or a fake burning?”

 “To burn part of it.”

 “What about after it’s burned? Will it be rebuilt?”

“Of course. Uncle, the application form for reconstruction will be submitted the day after tomorrow.”

“Burn tonight, apply for reconstruction the day after tomorrow?”


“Do you have any design drawings? Show them to me.”

 “Design drawing? No.”

 “Find a designer and draw a picture.”

"Uncle, what are you..."

“The budget for reconstruction can be larger. Is there a basement originally? Is the basement connected to the outside world? Have the effects of force majeure such as war, earthquakes, heavy rains, etc. been considered..."


 Song Shouyuan suddenly smiled. This uncle is on the right track!

  Draw inferences from one instance.


 Immediately grasped the essence of reconstruction.

 That means everything that is available or not is arranged. Get the money first. Then…

 Money is in hand. How to rebuild is up to you.

“Also. Have you considered storing some strategic materials inside?”


“In case there is an army that needs to be stationed there for a year and a half, consider it.”

 “Okay, okay.”

 Song Shouyuan's smile became even brighter.

 Sure enough, everyone said that this new uncle is a first-class philanthropic boy.

When I saw it today, it certainly lived up to its reputation.

This method of making money puts even a veteran like him to shame.

 You have to mention the garrison of the army. The cost of garrisoning five thousand people for one day will be very high. The budget must be doubled!

 The key point is that the teacher is famous!

 What if there really is a war? Can you still make the troops run out of food?

 Well, this is another huge sum of money... "Uncle, I will go back immediately to revise the reconstruction report."


 Zhang Yong nodded.

 He had no idea what Song Shouyuan was thinking.

 Just suddenly thought of the eight hundred warriors next year. I think I can provide them with some help.

 When it comes to fighting, Zhang Yong is definitely not capable of it.

 It is important for people to be self-aware. Since we can't fight the Japanese invaders head-on, we can do some assistance.

 Build the four-row warehouse into a strong fortress. Then build an underground passage. Facilitate contact with the outside world. This will last longer.

 As for the others, there is nothing we can do. His capabilities are indeed limited. Can't change much.

 “What time will you start tonight?”

"One o'clock."

 “Okay. I understand.”

 Zhang Yong waved his hand and led the team back.

  Mad, for no reason gave himself the title of Great Sage of Balance.

However, the relationship with the Song family has indeed become closer.

 That one my uncle calls sweet...

Perhaps, the Kong family will come to visit you soon.

 The Kong family should also have some accounts that need to be settled. Need to cover up…

  Return to 026 Logistics Base.

 Just in time, Shi Bingdao is here. So he was called.

 He also told us about the fire on the Building Materials Street and the preparations for a fire in the Sihang Warehouse.

 “You can get some radio stations.”

“Black market radio stations are very expensive. We can’t afford them.”

 “Let me know when you go to buy it.”

"you want…"

 “You give me money. Take away the radio station. Then I’ll go get the money back.”


Shi Bingdao was speechless.

This Zhang Yong is really...

 The road is too wild.

 But don’t tell me, he really dares to do it!

 His abilities are very evil. If you really keep an eye on the target, you can really steal it.

 Then the money came back.

“This is ten thousand dollars. I’ll lend it to you for a while. Then I’ll find a way to get it back.”

"All right…"

Shi Bingdao agreed.

It seems that this is not a violation of principles.

 He didn’t really want Zhang Yong’s money. The money will eventually return to Zhang Yong.

 But got a radio station. Organizations desperately need radio stations.

 I feel like I was led astray by Zhang Yong. However, they really need a radio station!

Lu Hai arrives.

“Team leader, Director Kong from the Ministry of Finance, please call back.”


 Zhang Yong had a thought.

So fast?

 Just now I was thinking that the Song family might be looking for me. Unexpectedly, the call came immediately.

All right. Since everyone has signed for the Song family. The Kong family also has to sign. Who cares who he is?

 Only ask yourself to sign everything.


The great sage of balancing accounts, the cannon of the world, level one preparation...

 Come and answer the phone.

“Director Kong, are you looking for me?”

 “Commissioner Zhang…”

“I don’t dare, Director Kong, you’d better call me Shaolong.”

"Then you call me Brother Fang. My name is Brother Fang."

 “Brother Kong Fang…”

 “Okay, okay, okay, I like this title!”

 Zhang Yong:…

 Hey guys, this is a great name.

 No wonder the Kong family is in charge of the Ministry of Finance. It turns out that someone just called Brother Kong Fang!

“Brother Kong Fang, let’s talk face to face.”

“I’m at Sihang Warehouse, is it convenient for me to come over?”


 Zhang Yong agreed.

I just happened to go to Sihang Warehouse to have a look.

So he set off with his team. Go to Sihang Warehouse.

 Arrived soon.

 Sixing Warehouse is right next to the concession. Next to it is Suzhou River. The location is a bit special.

 When the Japanese invaders attack next year, they can only attack from one side and dare not use artillery fire. Because shells will fall into the concession at any time.

 The relationship between the Japanese invaders and Britain and the United States was to test each other's bottom line. Therefore, the Japanese invaders did not dare to use artillery.

 From a tactical point of view, there are many advantages to raising one's hands and four rows of warehouses. The only disadvantage is that it is besieged and cut off from the outside world.

If the underground passage is arranged in advance to communicate with the outside world, then it will be fine.

 Provide assistance directly from the concession.

He Zhang Yong happened to have some forces in the concession...

 Enter Sihang Warehouse.

 It’s bare outside. It's also very shabby inside.

 A warehouse, of course, cannot have luxurious decoration. But the walls are very strong.

 The 3D map shows that the thickness of the wall is more than one meter. A few pillars are even 1.5 meters thick. More than adequate against small arms.

The Japanese invaders' 92 infantry artillery may not be able to blow open the wall.

 Even common 75mm field guns may not be able to explode.


 “Brother Kong Fang.”



Kong Fansong asked Zhang Yong to sit down.

 Then he looked at Zhang Yong and smiled. It seems like getting to know each other again.

 “Brother Kong Fang…”

“I heard that the Song family calls you uncle?”


 Zhang Yong nodded.

Seems to be. Song Shouyuan did call it that.

 Actually, I and Song Ziyu are not officially married. My uncle called a little early.

 “Then we are a real family.”

“I’m still not used to this…”

 Zhang Yong told the truth.

 I feel like my path is definitely going astray.

 Originally I wanted to run into the light, but ended up going further and further into the darkness.

 I don’t know why this happens.

Now it's miserable, they have all become members of the four major families of Jiang, Song, Kong and Chen. From now on, the reactionaries mentioned in history books will have their own share...


 It must be the wrong way to travel...

 “You’ll get used to it gradually.”


“It’s a pity that the Song family took the lead. Otherwise, our Kong family also has good girls.”


 Zhang Yong thought it would be better to bring the topic back to the main topic.

 So we talked about settling the accounts.

“The Executive Committee is coming very hard, and we have to guard against it.”

 “Is it like Building Materials Street?”

"No need. Just report a loss. Just say that the ship encountered rough waves at sea..."

 Zhang Yong nodded.

 This is right! It can’t always be fire.

 You can say the scallops ran away or something. It doesn’t matter whether others believe it or not, as long as there is a reason.

So sign it!

 Continue to sign…

 Sign repeatedly…

 In one fell swoop, all the accounts of the Kong family were settled.

I vaguely remember that three ships sank and a dozen warehouses collapsed due to heavy rain...

 The Song family is on fire. The Kong family was flooded. All alive.

Kong Fansong waved his hand. Ask all family members to retreat.

 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

 What’s the secret?

 Still want to give me money?

Kong Fansong whispered: "Are you looking for an American?"

"Yes." Zhang Yong nodded, "But there is no specific identity information. I only know the code name Heather. There are also people from the beautiful country coming here to look for him."

“Did someone tell you that there was a reward of half a million dollars?”


 “Maybe it’s a trap.”


 Zhang Yong raised his eyebrows.


 What pitfall?

  I got ten thousand dollars.

 If it is really a trap. This ten thousand dollars was given to me for free.

  It is impossible to return it even if you are beaten to death.

“I’m talking about a pit. I don’t mean that things are false. It doesn’t mean that there is danger. But...”

 “But what?”

 “I suspect it’s not the Americans we’re looking for.”


 Zhang Yong had a thought.

 Not an American? Who is that?

 I felt something was wrong before. Mainly the jade necklace.

 Honestly speaking, jade is a regional accessory.

Except for Easterners who know, appreciate and love jade, there seems to be nothing that foreigners like.

 Foreigners have rubies, emeralds, diamonds and so on.

 Sigh, it’s so nerve-wracking…

 Fortunately, he didn't even bother to think about it.

Who cares who he is looking for? Find the best, it doesn’t matter if you can’t find it.

  Anyway, I have already purchased $10,000. You will definitely not suffer a loss.

 Suddenly a thought came to my mind.

 A red dot appears on the edge of the map. There are labels.


Discovered that it was actually Lin Xiaoyan.


 She actually showed up?

 Isn’t she being hunted? Why are you back in Shanghai?

 Be calm and composed.

 Just observe quietly.

Discovered that Lin Xiaoyan had entered the concession.

 He was heading towards the Madier Hotel. Eventually disappears at the edge of the map.

Well, she’s still alive. fine.



"this is for you."


 Zhang Yong reached out and took it.

 It was found to be an envelope. There is a check inside.


Understood. This is the reward.

The Great Sage of Equalizing Accounts is the Great Sage of Equalizing Accounts after all. There must be some benefit in settling the accounts for you.

Sun Houhou has settled the accounts of so many people. Who dares not to come to help in the future?


 Mature will return to maturity. Remuneration must be given.

 Otherwise, you won’t be able to find a great sage who is so willing to cooperate next time!



 Suddenly slowed down.

But I discovered Sayuri Xiangko by accident.

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)