MTL - Bourne: Command and Conquer-Chapter 883 , our navy wants more!

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Chapter 883: We need more navy!

Of course, just think about it.

If you rush in rashly, you may be shot to death before you even have a chance to speak.

Kawashima Yoshiko’s men are all **** traitors!

what to do?

 Of course we need to send someone in first to communicate.

 It seems that he has distorted his painting style. Arresting people doesn’t bring any profit or motivation...

 If you find that the content is incorrect, please use a browser to access it!

 Subsequently, half of the people who were on guard outside also came over.


 However, if he had come to contact Zeng Guangyuan, the situation might have changed.

 “Three thousand oceans per sack. Fifteen thousand in total. All sealed. Fifty to a package.”

 In order to prevent these traitors from discovering something is wrong. He confiscated the weapons without coming up.

 It doesn’t seem right either.

 Observe secretly.

But Zhang Yong suspected that this was all his illusion. In fact, he was very skillful.

 The traitors dare not neglect. Urgent arrangements were made for dispatch.

"If one is missing, they are all enemies of our navy! They will all die!"


  Wait patiently.

“Hello.” Shibata immediately led the way. All the way, Zhang Yong was led to those white spots.

 The fourteen traitors were tightly surrounded.


Discovered that there are two more radio stations.

 Bad news, the other party is the Navy. Maybe even more brutal...

It's the kind of person who carries tools and goes along the street asking for haircuts.

 “I got the news that you still have the banknotes...”

 Zhang Yong reached out and pinched the other person's neck.


 Good news, we are all Japanese.

"It has nothing to do with you. Just go!" Zhang Yong waved his hand and told Shibata to get lost.

The other party's gun was almost touching his head.

 They are all armed. But not in hand.

"Tokyo Incident, three generals of our Navy were assassinated by Army Red Deer. This revenge must be avenged." Zhang Yong continued.

 At the same time count the banknotes. Found that I guessed wrong.

 At this time, it was already night time. The surrounding lights are dim. They were wearing hoods, but they didn't attract any attention.

 Get it and count it slowly when you go back.

 The quantity is not small.

 Zhang Yong pulled out the three-edged thorn.

 Secretly glad. It's not something difficult. The situation is not as bad as imagined.

 Yellow dots cannot be marked. Therefore, Zhang Yong doesn’t know who it is. It looks like the other person is waiting for someone?

Although the target does not have a gun. But there is a razor!

It would be bad if during a fight the target took out a razor and stabbed someone in the neck.

This is…

 Sure enough, the Japanese spy was convinced.


The other side has made it clear that it has trouble with the Army. However, they did not dare to betray the army. What if it is found out later...

"Of course I do." The traitor quickly changed his words.


 This is the most mysterious weapon.

If the Army returns to pursue the case, they will put all the responsibility on the Navy.

  Okay, it’s him.

 Zhang Yong had a thought.

as always. Since the certificate is genuine. That will definitely show off everywhere.

  Run here to arrest people.



There are also Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, what are these two guys busy with recently?

 It is estimated that their target is not the Red Party. After all, the Red Party has little to gain. What the newly established Postal Inspection Office needs most is oil and water...

Shibata also felt something was wrong.

This is the price of lying.

Have to think of a way to spend these banknotes as soon as possible...


 A traitor hesitates to speak.

Shibata suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

 Come to Shibata.

 Zhang Yong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 One for the left hand and one for the right hand. Ring finger.

 “Follow me now!”

Soon, they came back with five sacks.

 What is this...

 “Where is Yoshiko Kawashima?” Zhang Yong continued to ask.

 It’s this Guoshang Bank again…

“Take out all the funds you are carrying. Our navy has confiscated them.”

"Taijun, we are escorting some money from Xinjing..."


Is this the navy?

 Feels so strange…

“No, no, get it now, get it now…”

"The content says that you have been detained by the navy. The navy ordered them to send people to deal with it."

 Collapse of consciousness…

I thought the Navy Red Deer was going to kill me.

not one. It's a bunch of crooked ideas.


 On the contrary, he wanted to deepen his understanding of the traitors.

Closely. Until the two of them got closer.

Looking at Zhang Yong coming in. They were all a little confused. A little scared again.

The traitor breathed a sigh of relief. Remind yourself secretly. These navy red deer cannot be offended by themselves.

 It seems that Zeng Guangyuan and the goals that emerged later should not be on the same line.

 The spy gradually became sluggish. Then stop resisting.

 Other people’s red parties have their own arrangements. If he intervenes rashly, it may backfire.

 After a pause, he added: "I just left last night."

 Zhang Yong was elated.

This newly emerged yellow dot is actually someone from the Presidential Palace.

 It’s not 300,000. It's three hundred and fifty thousand. But half of them are bank notes from North China Baoshang Bank.

                    Matt. It was really dangerous just now.

 He is also very active in opening up.

 The other party is one of our own…


 A briefcase knocked down a Japanese spy. Another umbrella followed, almost knocking the spy unconscious.

 “Gege has gone back to Tianjin Guards.” The traitor replied.

 All traitors acted quickly.

 Without map prompts, there would be no chance of discovery.

That yellow dot is Zeng Guangyuan. Standing at an intersection. Still wearing a gray gown. Wearing glasses, he looks very dull.

"what are you doing here?"

 Those who are of no use to our navy, kill them all! Definitely not for Army Red Deer use!

Is that what you say?

 Fortunately, these traitors all have extremely serious enslavement ideas. Obedient to the Japanese.

 Come to Shonan Hotel.

“If you dare to conceal anything related to the Army Red Deer, you are the enemy of our navy! Shoot to death!”

Since we can’t catch Yoshiko Kawashima for the time being, let’s blackmail her from a distance...


 Monitoring map. No abnormalities were found.

Without looking, Zhang Yong knew that there was an ocean inside.

 Zhang Yong left half of his men outside to respond. He took half of the people forward.

 When the target passed by, Zeng Guangyuan did not make any move. Obviously they don't know the other party's identity.

 Damn Navy Red Deer!

 They actually came ashore.

The Japanese Navy wants to kill the Army?

 Others immediately came up and removed the weapons from the traitor.

"Your Excellency, I have already told them." Shibata used honorifics.

It seems that this person's identity is well concealed.

 Wrong. It's the Navy. The navy is not our own...

Those traitors felt something was wrong.

 All traitors keep their heads down. Breathing cautiously.

  Without saying a word. Go up and arrest people.


Waving their hands at the same time. Others immediately surrounded them.

 Show all the things they carry.

Several people swarmed forward without giving the target a chance to get a knife.

 Zhang Yong took out his navy lieutenant's ID card.

The traitor quickly lowered his head. I thought, too bad. How to do this.


The traitor who had **** chopped off also tried his best to endure it. I didn't dare to scream anymore. Otherwise, what awaits him is definitely death.

 The disguised identities of the Japanese invaders were really colorful.


 Zhang Yong shouted in Japanese.

 Zhang Yong slowly retracted the three-sided thorn.

                    Matt. This navy lieutenant's status is really good.

 “Taijun, they are all here.”

 Secretly surprised. incredible.

 “Your Excellency…” he asked cautiously.

That traitor didn’t dare to neglect. Hurry and take someone to get it.


 However, the traitor in front of him did not hand over the banknote.

 They have no idea at all!

 Go downstairs.

 Zhang Yong and others were on guard from a distance. Let Shibata go in by himself.

 Leave aside the intensity for now. Extremely accurate.

 Looking back at the traitor whose fingers were chopped off, he said in a calm tone, "Yours, send the report."

 “I’ll give you another chance. Tell the truth. Otherwise, you’re dead.”

Sure enough, the Japanese spy was horrified when he saw the three-edged thorn.

Who to communicate with? Catch a spy.

 “Yes, there is, there is…”

 “We are from the Yokosuka garrison…”

  Sixty-two. Two-four-three. Five-seven. Seven

 “Okay. Send her a message.”

 “Follow me in.” Zhang Yong was cautious.



"I just said, we are the navy! We are the enemy of the army!"

  Put away the telescope.

 The key point is to pay attention to whether there is someone following the target.

 The point is, this traitor even played tricks on himself.

 “Baga! I asked you your name! Do you want to die?”

  Exactly, there is a red dot nearby. No label. Probably a newbie.

 The target is found to be a barber.

"We are willing to serve the imperial army..." the traitor said flatteringly.

 Sure enough, there was a sealed brocade box. On the seal, there is the mark of the puppet Manchukuo.

"Baga! Who are you giving it to? Why are you only giving it to the Army Red Deer? What about our Navy?"

 Heavy. It takes two people to carry it. When it landed, it made a muffled sound.

 It seems to be more than 200,000. It seems like three hundred thousand?

never mind. It doesn't matter.

 Unless someone finds out one day.

 As a result, the target had no contact with Zeng Guangyuan. Instead, he walked directly over.

  Or cutting into other vital parts will also cause casualties.

 Suddenly a thought came to my mind.

The traitors suddenly became even more frightened.

 The atmosphere at the scene was very tense.

“Address, Shonan Hotel.”

 No traitor dared to resist. They are all **** traitors, how can they dare to resist the Japanese?

  Anyway, whatever the other party says is whatever it is. They are all Japanese. What can they do.

 Damn traitor.

 There are no suspicious white spots around Zeng Guangyuan. It means no one is being targeted.

 Zhang Yong turned a blind eye.

 The traitor screamed.

 Zhang Yong cursed violently.



 Zhang Yong then released the opponent's throat. At the same time, he pursed his lips. Two men came up immediately and took the traitor down.

 Zhang Yong rolled his eyes. I came up with a crooked idea.

 “You want to die?”

 The "Navy Red Deer" is so arrogant. Unconvinced, the Yokosuka garrison challenged him to a duel!

 Approach quietly.

 So he went up to the roof of the hotel and raised his telescope. I found the angle was just right.

"do what?"

 “Dear Your Majesty the Navy, your filial piety will be here soon.”


 Sure enough, none of the traitors had any doubts.

Shibata didn’t hesitate at all. Just break in.

 She is not Japanese. The map doesn't indicate it. Another special person who cannot be marked. It's really difficult to catch her.

 Having no choice but to answer honestly.

 Gesture toward a distance.

 Zhang Yong directly used a three-edged thorn to cut open the seal. Open the brocade box. There are indeed banknotes inside.

 Japanese is quite fluent! idiot!


 Wrong. It's beating from a distance...

 Oh, the so-called head shaving is a slang term. Here in Jinling, it’s a haircut.

 It doesn’t matter what Zeng Guangyuan is going to do.

 Xu Enzeng should not have smelled this person's breath.

 “You are not willing to serve in our navy?” Zhang Yong raised his tone.

  means it’s done.

Then he said coldly: "We are the navy. We came ashore to take revenge. We want to kill the Army Red Deer people!"

 There are many heroes in China, and there are also many traitors.

 “Can Yoshiko Kawashima receive it?”

"There are people from Xinjing inside. Go in and tell them that our navy is going to recruit them."

"We are the navy!" Zhang Yong repeated, "We are inseparable from the army! What are you doing here?"

 Pull out the three-edged thorn. To show threat.

Um. It's tapping. In the name of the Navy.


 Hold up the telescope. After a while, I finally saw it clearly.

Judging from the weight, there may be three thousand oceans in each sack.

 Chop your fingers directly. Two.


Of course, these traitors had no idea about the February 26 Incident.

"Yes. From Xinjing. There are more than a dozen people."


 Zhang Yong also specifically showed the ID of a navy lieutenant.

 We want more!

 “Everyone stand still!”

 “Funding for Army Red Deer?”

"Taijun, who do you want to send this report to?" The traitor no longer dared to cheat.


 “It’s actually him?”

 Find a yellow dot on the edge of the map. Seems to be wandering.

 Hurry to express cooperation.

 Zhang Yong took out the three-edged thorn.

 Zhang Yong was furious.

 Because Zhang Yong always speaks Japanese. Yokosuka Fort was also mentioned. Of course he understood.

Tian Qingyuan was right. Sure enough, I came here to get funds.

The traitors suddenly looked at each other. Horror again. Doubt again.


The imperial army actually assassinated three generals?

 Or was it assassinated by the Army?

This is…

 Otherwise, we will kill you too!

no sooner said than done.

Tian Qingyuan said that he would come to get 200,000 yuan. Two hundred thousand. It can't be the ocean. It must be a bank note.

 “We are the navy…”


 “Take out everything you are carrying.”

 Is he here to connect? Contact Zeng Guangyuan?

 Fortunately, no.

 The map shows that the red dot is touching the white dot inside. It lasted for about three minutes, and then Shibata came out.

 Go back to the lobby on the first floor.



 Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

 “Taijun, the call back has come.”

 Soon, the radio station was set up. The telegram was also sent. Zhang Yong then ordered the traitor who received the telegram to be left behind. All others were imprisoned.

 The tone is cold.

 It’s really a sack. The appearance is very rough. Very strong too.

"that's it?"

 Zhang Yong:? ? ?


 Have you gone back?

 Or did you just leave last night?

 Alas, it’s too late.

If it had been yesterday, maybe we would have caught her.

 Zhang Yong nodded. motioning for him to continue.

 The weapons of other traitors were also taken away.

 Why is there a black hole in the muzzle?


That traitor no longer dares to hide it. Tell the truth in a hurry.

 Zeng Guangyuan is on the north side of the road, and the target is on the south side of the road.

 The map shows that all fourteen white points have been gathered.

 The target’s hands were firmly pressed down.

continue waiting.

joke. How dare he not be willing to do so.

 “Go to Shonan Hotel.”

 Catch him and force him to go in and deliver the message.




 This is not the point at all.

I don’t know what Xu Enzeng has been busy with recently?

 “What navy…”

You traitor from the puppet Manchukuo country, you can't just honor the Army Red Deer!

 Our navy wants it too!


 Those I have no use for, destroy them. Cannot be used by others...

“Taijun, look, they are all here.”


 Five sacks equals fifteen thousand oceans.

Think about it too. Anyone who can lurk in the presidential palace must be a very important chess piece. It must be in the hands of the big boss from the Red Party. How could it be leaked so easily? With Zeng Guangyuan's level, he is definitely not up to it!

 So don’t worry.

 Since the certificate is genuine. You will definitely have to show it off everywhere! Just poke him in the eye.

Three-sided spines are ugly. But the shock value is absolutely top-notch.

The other party is also Japanese. But the Navy…

 But the quantity seems wrong.

 I don’t know if I will go back to Jinling?

 Zhang Yong reminded.

 Honestly speaking, Zeng Guangyuan’s identity is not very safe…

 If the other party shoots, all of them will die.

 Vaguely, it seems to be in a confidential place?

 Zhang Yong once saw this person from a distance. But there was no close contact. He didn't specifically inquire about the other party's name. To avoid extraneous branches.

 It’s boring…

 “Time, twenty-four hours.”

 Fortunately. What I worried about didn't happen.

 Another yellow dot enters the edge of the map.

You actually succeeded in blackmailing Yoshiko Kawashima?

 Okay, okay, knock hard!

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)