MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 342 impossible

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The crystallization of the **** of darkness has been integrated into the body of Qi Jingchen. Now that the power of the gods has crystallized, it is conceivable how uncomfortable Qi Jingchen will be.

What is the feeling of the magic core problem, he can clearly feel it... Nie Yi was so uncomfortable at the beginning and still remembered not to hurt him, it is not bad.

The two kinds of energy in the body are in harmony with each other, and there is a problem with the crystallization of divine power... Qi Jingchen can't move at all, Nie Yi is connected with his contract, and it is also very uncomfortable, but he is not exposed on the surface, but it is rushing. To the light god.

There is a trace of disdain in the eyes of the bright god, and the bright energy around him makes Nine Yi unable to approach him.

Looking at Nie Yi of Qi Jingchen in front of him, he snorted and was a curse.

Many people think that a bright magician can't kill, but...maybe?

In this world, any kind of magic can kill people, it depends on the person who masters the magic, whether there is murder.

As long as this curse goes on, the two people in front of you will die.

Qi Jingchen has his godhead and fragments of divine power. He is definitely the best carrier for the world. He wanted to get the body of this person before he would let people do it. Now he is useless, naturally. It should die early.

Bright God looked at Qi Jingchen, as if he was watching an ant, but Qi Jingchen did not appear in the scene of his second curse.

His curse was not sent to Qi Jingchen - his hand did not know why he shook, and then the curse, he flew toward the sky.

The face of the bright God who has been very calm has suddenly become extremely ugly - the original consciousness of the body he is using now still exists.

Such a thing would not happen. He is a god. When he enters this body, he can completely destroy the soul of the original owner of the body in an instant, but Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen are too smart. However, when he had not fully entered this body, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen actually came.

He knew what was happening in the dark abyss and knew that they had ran out of that magical array. He didn't know how they escaped, but knew what the two should have guessed. However, he thought that even if they had guessed something, they would not dare to take the initiative... However, the courage of these two people is more than he imagined.

"Lancelot?" Qi Jingchen noticed the unnaturalness of the expression of Guangming God, and even saw some of the struggles on his face, and immediately thought of Lancelot.

The Light God occupies the body of Lancelot, and Lancelot is still alive? Is this an opportunity for them?

"He is dead, shouldn't you think he can still live?" Guangming God looked at Qi Jingchen with a funny smile. The body's remnant soul shook his hand, but it didn't cause him too much. influences.

Qi Jingchen’s expression was a bit complicated, but he quickly suppressed the emotions in his eyes.

"While the time you have found is good, but it does not help, I am very curious, why do you dare to come to me." Guangming God suddenly said, he only wanted to put Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi two small bugs. Killed early, but also completed his purpose earlier, but the accident caused by Lancelot just made him less anxious.

As he spoke, he began to blend his body quickly.

"Of course we dare to come to you, although we may not be able to live, but we are dead, you will die." Qi Jingchen said, light and dark are symbiotic, he and Nie Yi have lived in the world, when the dark **** Dissipate completely, can the **** of light die the same?

Qi Jingchen’s words made Guangming God laugh: “If you want to find a reason, you should find a reliable one.”

"This is not a reason. It is the future I have seen with my own eyes." Qi Jingchen said: "Chuang|Shishen allows me to relive once, that is, the world that he did not want to create is destroyed, and now...we wait for us to die, say Maybe the world will develop well."

"What do you say? Create | God?" The **** of light suddenly changed his face. Qi Jingchen suddenly mentioned the creation of the god, in order to delay a little time, but also to disturb the mind of the light god. He does not want to die, and... From the memory of the creation of the gods, whether it is the **** of light or the **** of darkness, or other gods, they are all created.

However, he did not expect that Guangming God would actually show such a fierce emotion... It seems to be very important for him to create a world god.

"Yeah, how do you think we escaped from the magical array of your imprisoned dark gods? How did I get the crystallization of the dark god's power and survived? It was because of him." Qi Jingchen has been wearing black for a long time. The big cloak had already been opened, revealing a pale face, his appearance still looks young, but there is a smile that looks quite vicissitude.

This smile falls in the eyes of the bright god, more like irony: "You saw him? How can you see him? He is dead, he has already died!"

"This world is created by him. Even these gods are all built by him. How can he easily die? But he does not exist now, the gods die one by one, the balance of the world is broken, he It is getting weaker and weaker..." Qi Jingchen's eyes firmly locked the light god, and suddenly found that the light god's attention to the creation of the gods seems far more than he expected.

Qi Jingchen is watching the light god, and the light **** is also watching Qi Jingchen. The creation of the **** of the world, according to the rationale of Jing Jingchen, such a person will not know the truth, in this case, this person said, is it true?

No, this is impossible!

"Do you know the cost of cheating me?" Guangming God suddenly pointed at Qi Jingchen.

"I didn't lie to you." Qi Jingchen said, the voice just fell, he suddenly felt that he was struggling - but in the blink of an eye, he was shrouded in the realm of the light god, but also completely locked.

Bright God is far stronger than he imagined! Just thinking about it, Qi Jingchen’s head suddenly appeared a hand, it was a very perfect hand, once belonged to Lancelot, now belongs to the **** of light, and when the purest energy of the world enters this hand After that, this hand is even more perfect.

Qi Jingchen couldn't hide this hand, and when this hand fell on his head, a powerful mental force suddenly poured into his mind. At the same time, a familiar but letting fear felt shrouded him. whole body.

Bright God is reading his memory.

When he and Nie Yi thoroughly perfected the symbiotic contract, his memory was once open to Nie Yi. At that time, he did not feel uncomfortable, but now it is painful or painful.

Qi Jingchen has the feeling of planting. At this time, he simply has no time to think about anything else, and he has no intention to think about anything else. However, there is a feeling of breaking the cans, the memory of his own rebirth and the original creation. The memory of the gods was all released, and then all the memories related to Nie Yi were firmly locked.

Obviously, Guangming God is also not interested in his and Nie Yi's affairs. His mental power is almost rudely looking at the memory released by Qi Jingchen, and Qi Jingchen's headache is splitting, as if he is going to faint.

At this moment, Qi Jingchen suddenly felt that the mental power became more and more violent, and at the same time, began to send some intense emotions from above, which seemed to be full of incredulous: "Impossible, This is impossible, how can it be like this..."

Such fierce emotions from the God of Light made Qi Jingchen suddenly wake up. He suddenly blessed his soul and used all his spiritual power to collide with the spiritual power of the Light God.

Probably did not expect that he could resist, the light **** did not defend, but was driven by his spiritual strength, but that is the light god, do not know how much stronger than Qi Jingchen, not a moment, Qi Jingchen's spiritual strength will show At the same time, there was another mental power to join in.

That is Nie Yi's spiritual strength. His spiritual strength and Qi Jingchen complement each other and become entangled with Qi Jingchen's spiritual strength. Then they rushed into the mind of Guangming God.

Not only that, but at this time, from the body of the God of Light, another spirit has emerged, and that mental power... belongs to Lancelot.

The spiritual power of the God of Light is still very chaotic, and the spirit of the four scattered spirits constantly calls for "impossible", but even so, he has not fallen to the next three mental strengths.

At this moment, Nie Yi suddenly did not hesitate to force out the crystals of his own body, smashing the opportunity of the chaos around the body of the gods, and rushing toward the body of the light god.

Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi are connected with each other's minds. Seeing this scene, they directly smashed the divine power of the dark gods that had cracks in their bodies toward the light god.

Several magical forces collide together, and a burst of colorful light suddenly bursts open, and various magical powers appear in the sky.

The defensive array of Shenshan suddenly burst, and the face of the bright magician on the mountain of God was full of gloom.

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