MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 311 flashlight

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In addition to the three great empires, Yyer has countless small countries. Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have been buying various livestock in small countries recently, and today they are in the vicinity of the capital city of one of the small countries. --

Zhang Zihai and others have not been to Yell, and Nie Yi simply took them to the capital city and planned to take a good look.

Zhang Zihai and others cleaned up themselves, put on the magic robe prepared by Nie Yi, and put on the grade medal that Nie Yi got from the morning mercenary group, and then their group of magicians was in Hyères. Strolled up the street.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have lived in the Holy City for a long time. Everything here is really nothing to them. Zhang Zihai and others feel very fresh.

"Others are traveling abroad, we are directly changing a world tour." Ping Sheng super smile. He spent a period of time as the district chief of the safe area. Now he is paying more attention than Nie Yi and others. When he looks around, he observes the life of the people here.

The products here are rich, and the people don’t need to be hungry, but the level difference is very big... I don’t say anything else. Some people here have a door, and there are dozens and twenty people on the side.

“There are a lot of restaurants here. Let’s find a place to eat?” Nie Yidao said: “The meat of Warcraft here is very good.”

These days they buy livestock everywhere. Zhang Zihaiping Shengchao and others are not lacking in meat in the trial area, but the taste of the meat they make is definitely not comparable to the taste of the food in the big restaurant here. .

Don't look at the dishes in the restaurants in Hyeres that are not as refined on earth, but the barbecue they make is really a must.

"We will go to dinner right away." Zhang Zihai nodded immediately. Ping Shengchao also smiled and said: "I like to eat all kinds of things. I used to go out to play. The first thing after I got to the place is definitely to find local food. ”

"Boss, I was locked in the magic tower that year, I haven't eaten at the restaurant yet!" The scorpion who was learning to learn the magic of light was also followed. At this time, he was busy, and did not want Qi Jingchen to ignore himself.

The strength of the darkness has improved a lot, and he has learned a lot. Qi Jingchen also knows that he must have been very busy this year. When he heard him say this, he naturally apologized: "Wait for what to eat, though point."

"Well." He nodded darkly and bowed his head with a little embarrassment. He did not leave Manuel's magic tower all the year, and he was busy studying all day, but Manuel was very good to them. I also found a lot of chefs who specialize in cooking for them...

Their group was also dark and the kittens did not wear magic robes. Everyone else was wearing magic robes, so when they first arrived at the hotel, someone greeted them and greeted them enthusiastically to greet them. There is still a little energy, it is a one-star warrior.

This one-star warrior soon brought Nie Yi and others upstairs. They were many people. The restaurant’s box could not sit down. This person arranged Nie Yi and others in the hall on the second floor. table.

“What do you want to eat?” The one-star warrior quickly sent the menu over.

"We just got back to the task and gave us some food to eat." Nie Yidao, then took the menu and quickly ordered the top barbecues on the menu. Of course, fruits and vegetables also ordered a lot. The points are all with magic elements.

This one-star warrior saw that Nie Yi and others had ordered so much to eat. The smile on his face was even more real. He collected the menu and immediately said that he would bring the food up soon.

"Yeah." Nie Yi nodded and gave a few gold coins as a tip.

The one-star warrior smiled and collected it, personally gave Nie Yi and others a tea, and then left it respectfully.

Seeing him leave, Zhang Zihai was a little distressed: "Nie Shao, how do you give so much tips? You can buy a few pigs."

"In Yyer, ordinary people and magicians live in two worlds." Nie Yidao said: "Ordinary people earn only two or three gold coins a year, but the magician eats meals at any time. This is the price. We have ordered so many, I am afraid that I can’t pay the bills with gold coins. I have to take the magic crystals out.

Zhang Zihai and Nie Yi, their table is by the window, Zhang Zihai looked at the situation downstairs and nodded.

The food was quickly brought up, there were a variety of meats of Warcraft, and there were many fruits with magical energy, and the taste of these foods was very, very good.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have eaten more, but they are still reserved. Zhang Zihai and others are eating a little faster...

However, if they are dressed up to eat here, they might be considered to be dumplings, but they are now wearing magical robes, and there are several senior magicians. Others only think they are true. There is no one who dares to have the slightest contempt.

"These magicians are eating fast, are they hungry?"

"I guess I went to explore before."

"Maybe it’s a slap in the face. It’s been bustling recently. There were people in the past few days who touched it and touched an eight-star magic plant.”

"The hole in the hole is not so good. There is a dark black piece. No magic can be used. The fire can't be lit up. At the end, I don't know how to die."

"We can't do anything, but there are always ways. The Zumt family didn't find a magic lamp that could completely isolate the magic elements some time ago. Did you come in? Don't know if it is coming out now."


Sitting in the hall on the second floor, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen and others heard a lot of words, and the people around them talked the most, no doubt it was a hole.

For this place, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen are not strangers at all, and they have all seen it in the classics.

In Hyère, there are many strange places, such as the windy gorge with wind chimes, and the vast caves that stretch thousands of miles under the ground.

The windy gorge is full of wind energy, there is no other element except the wind element, but because of this, there are precious magic plants such as wind chimes, and the cave is almost the same as the windy gorge, but it is filled with holes. It is not the wind energy, but the soil energy.

The cave is deep and deep, and it is full of earthen energy. This energy is sufficient to make the other energy completely lack a foothold.

This was not a big problem, or even a good thing - such a strong earthen energy, but a lot of precious magical plants were born, and there were people who found the source of the soil.

But there are good things, bad things... The earth elements of the caves are so rich that no one can use the magic of other departments there. As for the earth magic... Oh, if you are not afraid of being buried, you can try test.

You know, once a local magician accidentally ignited the rich magical elements in the air, and then... the earth element of the hole where he was located suddenly became extremely rich, and finally it was directly blown up, even with the accompanying A magician has been blown up into pieces!

By the way, there is not only one hole in the hole, but a lot of tunnels that extend in all directions. It is simply a large labyrinth. If you are not careful, you will be lost.

In short, when this hole was reached, it became a place where no magic could be used. Everyone went in and found something entirely by luck.

It’s really all by luck, you know, because the hole is too deep, it’s always dark, and there’s not enough light, so that after humans go in, they’re all blind, they can only groped with their hands. Go forward and explore for something.

You can't use magic, you can't see anything, you can easily get lost, and there are some native animals that attack humans... Although there are many precious magic plants in the hole, there are not many people who are willing to go in.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have no interest in that place - they are very reluctant, and naturally they will not take the initiative to go to dangerous places.

Listening to the discussion about the hole in the earth, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen watched Zhang Zihai and others sweep the food on the table, then called the person and gave them a table.

Zhang Zihai and others had already eaten almost before. The speed of this meal was finally slowed down. At this moment, a loud voice came from the window, and when the sound rang, the window next to Zhang Zihai was broken. Then someone came in from the window and stepped on a plate of barbecue in front of Zhang Zihai.

Zhang Zihai still holds chopsticks in his hand. He is about to eat barbecue. The result is that the barbecue is gone. I can imagine how angry it is. The person who stepped on the barbecue did not know that he apologized and said that he continued on a table. Go ahead.

"You give me down!" Zhang Zihai grabbed the man and pulled it down, while a fire dragon stopped the man's way.

"Let's let go!" The humane, released a few wind blades toward Zhang Zihai's hand, and then continued to run forward regardless of.

Zhang Zihai had been staying on the earth for the past year. The level of magic was promoted very fast. After Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen returned to the earth, they gave him some magic crystals and potions and then advanced to the eight-star magician, but this stepped on the barbecue. The man is a magician, and naturally he does not see his fire dragon in his eyes.

The magician continued to run forward against the fire dragon. After a few steps, he suddenly screamed and ran slower and slower. The fire dragon from Zhang Zihai, who was not seen by him, actually let He ate a dark loss.

The man frowned, and under the anger he once again sent a magic to Zhang Zihai, but his magic had just been sent out, he was blocked by the earth wall, and he was soon surrounded by the earth wall.

The earth wall was used by Nie Yi. Nie Yi is already a middle-level magician. It is much stronger than this primary wizard. It is very easy to intercept.

The magician knew that he couldn’t hide, and he simply did not hide. Instead, he calmed down. He ignored his shoes and was full of soup and water. A very sturdy look looked at the people who were chasing them out of the window. : "I didn't expect you to have an ambush!"

Chasing him over is a soil warrior, the war will look quite young, and the look is very beautiful. The look of perseverance is still a bit like Nie Yi, and Qi Jingchen can’t help but look at it. .

Nie Yi noticed this and suddenly smashed the past.

The soil warfare will be glanced at by Nie Yi, and Nie Yi’s table is full of sorrows, and his face is apologetic. He did not step on the table of others like the former wizard, An An After jumping off the window, he said: "You, I am very sorry to bother you. Your loss will be borne by the Zumt family and will be compensated."

"This is what it should be." Nie Yidao, being so tossed his good mood is gone, and indeed should be compensated.

"I don't know if you can give that person to us?" This war will be repeated.

"Yes." Nie Yidao. He didn't have a good impression of the wizard. Now he wants to let Qi Jingchen see more people and take people away.

"This master! We are all magicians, I have no enmity with you, why do you have to do so?" The wind commander looked at Nie Yi.

"Who said that we have no innocence? Are you not doing it to us?" Zhang Zihai said.

"You first started to me." The man sighed.

"That is because you have trampled on our food!" Zhang Zihaidao, for the people in the Taoyuan safe area, the food is very precious, especially the meat. Although he knows that Yell’s situation is different, he still can’t see it. Some food is ruined in front of yourself.

"But it's just some food..." The wizard was speechless. I felt that Zhang Zihai was looking for a reason, but when I saw Zhang Zihai's expression, I suddenly found out... This person seems to really care about those foods.

It’s a hell! I knew that he would not run here!

The chased earth warfare will not matter what this magician thinks, and it is necessary to arrest people.

This magician is no longer talking to Zhang Zihai, but he is righteous and righteous to look at the earth warfare: "Your Zumt family can not deceive too much! We handed over the money and delivered the goods, the transaction has ended. Now, after you broke my things, it’s not good to dislike me. What makes me lose money?"

After he finished speaking, he was facing the people around him: "Everyone came to help me evaluate, this Zumt family is too shameless. After I bought my magical equipment and broke it, I want to lose money." How can there be such a cheap thing in this world?"

This person said very quickly, the chasing war will be heard, and finally frowned: "You said that the magic lamp can be used in a hole, you have tested it yourself, we will exchange it with precious magic equipment, however, You are simply deceiving!"

Nie Yiqi Jingchen and others listened to the dialogue between the two people, and listened to the opinions of the people around them. It was also the identity of the young and the magician who had caught up.

This magician is a wind magician. He came from other places. After coming to this place, he was taken back by a big family here, the Zumt family, because he has a precious hand. Magic weapon, that is a magic light that does not emit any magical elements.

The Zumt family is basically a soil magician, and the most powerful of their family is a junior magician. This junior magician is the backing of the Zamt family. If he has an accident, the Zumte family will also have trouble. Not long ago, this junior magician was injured, and only a precious earth magic plant can cure his injury.

The Zumte family encountered this kind of situation, of course, to find a way to find this precious magical plant, and this kind of magic plant, there is only inside the hole.

The Zumt family lived next to the caves for generations. They still have some understanding of the caves, but they have not found any grasp of this magic plant. After all, this kind of magic plant grows in the depths of the caves that they dare not easily enter. .

So, they want to find a magic light that can be illuminated for them in a hole. With the light, they can leave a mark when they move forward, and they can see if there is such a magic plant around them. -Because the soil magic of the earth's hole is too rich, people want to rely on the mental power to perceive whether there is a magic plant around. It is impossible to find the magic plant, and you can only touch it by hand...

This magician had such a light on his hand. The Zumt family had a courtesy to him. Not only did he take a lot of money for him, but he also took out a lot of precious things and exchanged the magic lights with him. As for Finally...

Obviously, the magic light finally broke down in the hole.

The warrior and the magician were in opposition to each other. The wizard was very talkative, but it seemed that the Zumt family was ignorant. Fortunately, at this time, the Zamt family came to a magician and let it come first. The magician did not dare to say anything more.

"This, we don't want the money we give, as long as you give us the gift of the earth, you can leave." The late Magi.

Their Zumt family bought fakes and usually only recognized them. They would not easily offend a magician for this. After all, there are basically people behind each wizard.

But the earth's gift of this magic wand is too important for them! They are willing to give it to cure the magician, but if they can't heal, of course they don't want it to fall into the hands of others.

The chased magician knew that he would not be able to take out the magic wand at this time. He immediately took the magic wand out of his indignation and threw it into the hands of the warrior: "I can go now." What?"

The war was somewhat dissatisfied. The magician who belonged to the Zumt family, he looked at him and made him unable to move: "You can go." Their Zumt family has recently encountered a lot of trouble, but can no longer problem occurs……

The wind sorcerer walked up and lifted his legs. At this moment, Ping Shengchao suddenly said: "I have lights that can be lit without any magical elements. Do you want them?"

What is inside the hole, it seems that because the earth element is too rich, can not use the magic lamp can not ignite the lighting, but the light should be able to use?

The dark energy on the earth is so rich, the flashlight can still be used, and at most it is a bit faster, so should it be the same in the cave?

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