MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 305 war

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The name of this space law is called Ferro.

After becoming a sacred sacred priest, there is also a primary sacred sacred sect, a middle sacred sacred sacred and a high sacred sacred sacred, and he is a high-ranking sacred priest, or a high-ranking priest who has lived for many years, and because of this, he can I walked through the various magical arrays that Nie Yi had arranged, and then came to them nearby. After that, I still couldn’t find those saints and war saints.

Of course, he did not survive the tree of life.

Since he first relied on space magic, Fei Luo left behind the magical array covering the entire battlefield, and found that he could no longer find his way back to the battlefield.

He said that he is a disciple of the **** of space. In fact, he only got a few words from the **** of space. Even the **** of space did not see it clearly. On the battlefield, he only took the gods and the dark gods. The men are fighting, but God is absolutely different for them.

It took Ferro many years to completely raise his own wounds, restore his magic, and then began to look for space gods. He also found that someone seems to be cleaning up the people who knew the matter, so he has not exposed his whereabouts. It is a person who secretly investigates.

"I am a space law holy, there is no more people in the world than I can hide. Before in the dark abyss, countless people want to catch me and did not catch me!" Fei Luo said proudly.

"What is the dark abyss?" Qi Jingchen suddenly asked.

"While we call the dark abyss there, it is actually leading to a small world, and that small world is full of dark energy. It is a bit like what you said about the earth." Ferro’s expression was serious: The dark abyss is not very flat recently."

"What do you mean?" Connie was surprised.

"The dark abyss has been moving a lot lately. I secretly checked it. They seem to be coming out from inside." Ferro sighed.

The dark abyss is filled with dark creatures, and if those dark creatures come out from there... the whole Yell will once again encounter a catastrophe.

No one likes the nasty dark creatures. Speaking of it, the light gods can develop so well, and have a lot to do with the dark creatures. When the dark creatures were raging around, people put their hopes completely in the light. Teach this side.

"What is the reaction of the Light God?" Qi Jingchen asked.

Ferro’s eyes flashed and suddenly said: “According to the news I’ve been inspecting, the Light God is also pondering to start a war.” Heshan can’t go up, the place is too easy to expose people, but he uses My own magic peeked at some of the great gods of the gods, but still know a lot of things, such as the pope does not seem to care, in fact, has been trying to stir the wind and rain, although I do not know what it is for.

"What?" Qi Jingchen was shocked.

"I went out to find the wood magic crystal this time. It was also a part of the news. The Holy City said that there was no one in the Rose Empire. Even two people who had assassinated the Light God in the Holy City, so they launched a war against the Rose Empire. On the other hand, there is a prince who probably leaned on the light gods and rebelled. The storm empire is a little better, but it is also chaotic.” Fei Luo touched his white beard and smiled: “The light **** is this. It’s huge!”

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen looked at each other and their brows wrinkled.

They have been away from the Holy City for some time. They don’t really understand the situation in the Holy City. If the Light Gods want to launch a war, what about their men?

They left very suddenly before, and they didn’t have time to inform their men. Now if the situation in the Holy City is not good, then their men...

"We have some of our men in the Holy City. Can you bring them out for us?" Qi Jingchen suddenly pointed at Fei Luodao. Those people have been with them for a long time, and they have feelings. Before he came out, he did not care about them. Because I feel that the Light God does not tear my face with myself and I am not in a hurry to go back. Now I heard the outside form, but I am anxious to bring them back.

It’s a pity that he’s in the city of the Holy City... but it’s okay to hand over the restaurant to Tieshan, where the paper mill and the printing house will let Old Norman look after it.

"Can it be, but why?" When Fei Luo heard Qi Jingchen's words, he changed his previous dignified expression and suddenly said: "You gave me a drug before!"

He is a sacred priest, and he even has a laxative diarrhea under others. He can't bear it!

He will never help these two people!

"If you help us, we can take you to the earth and see if there is a trace of the **** of space you are looking for." Qi Jingchen said.

After all kinds of things, now Qi Jingchen is not so trusting in Guangmingism, especially the pope.

According to the situation when he and the pope first met, the Pope was afraid that he already knew something about his body, and his later practice... Although the light gods seemed to take great care of themselves, Qi Jingchen still had Kind of feeling that the other party is not good to himself.

It is also because of this that he would have planned to go back to Earth after a few days.

And if you want to go back in advance and don't alarm the gods, this space law is absolutely necessary...

Thinking about it, Qi Jingchen hides his heart's enthusiasm for Fei Luo and once again said: "We came to Yell this time and brought two children. They are very young, and the talent of space magic is amazing... Nie Yi is If you get the power of the goddess of life on earth, the power of the **** of space is probably there."

This temptation is impossible for Ferro to resist: "I am hungry! You can't let me go hungry to help you do things?"

"You can't do it." Qi Jingchen said.

Looking at Qi Jingchen's cold expression, Fei Luo finally softened.

He has been looking for the **** of space for so many years. Now that there is such an opportunity, he will never give up: "What are the people you want to bring back?"

Qi Jingchen explained the details in detail.

Holy City.

The disappearance of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen did not have much impact on the city, but it had a great influence on Zhao Cheng and others.

They can say that there is no main heart between them suddenly, and I can’t help but worry about it. Fortunately, I finally stabilized it, and in the absence of Qi Jingchen, Qi Jingchen’s business is all stabilized.

Then... suddenly I have to fight?

Bright God because the Rose Empire in the Holy City several times against Qi Jingchen, actually launched a war against the Rose Empire?

The people of the Holy City are very supportive of this war. Many people think that the glory of the Light God should be enveloped in the whole of Yell, but Sun Chengqi and others feel inexplicable.

The good end is going to fight! They are also looking forward to finding ways to solve problems on the planet from here!

And... Nie Shaohe Qi Shao still can't see the trail! Suddenly they will be affected if they are outside?

However, they are just some small people. Before Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were there, others might look at them with a high look. Now they have no one to pay attention to them. They are naturally unable to control such a big event.

“The business of the restaurant has been a lot worse recently.” Sun Chengyu calculated the account and couldn’t help but frown. They are all fighting, and the number of people who have time to drink is naturally much less, and the business of their restaurants is getting worse.

"Is there not much income? The dwarves are very willing to spend money." The Tieshan couple have already helped them open the sales of the dwarves. Their wine has become the favorite of the dwarves in a short time, and the recent income has actually increased.

Sun Chengyi took a look at Zhaoxing, how is the business on the dwarf side good? Isn't the business here still bad?

"What do you want me to do? At this time, business is not a matter of the matter. The most important thing is to find Nie Shao and Qi Shao."

"You still use you to say?" Sun Chengyu took another look.

When I was lucky, I felt inexplicable.

Just then, they suddenly heard the voice of the slave working in the restaurant: "There is something wrong! The cake we prepared is gone!"

“What happened?” Sun Chenghao asked, she had experience in managing a safe area, so after Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen left, many things were managed by her.

"There is a lot of food in the kitchen." The slave headed, some angry and worried.

The Chenguang Restaurant is not good for them. Now they are naturally angry when they steal something from the restaurant, but they are also worried. They are worried that Sun Chengzhen doubts them.

Sun Chengyu asked the details, and I found that there was a lot less.

They are good to these slaves and never treat them harshly on food. So it is impossible for these slaves to do it. So... Someone saw that Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi are not there, come to them for trouble, and give the morning light to the downstairs.

"The rest of these foods are not sure if they are safe. They are thrown away. If you do it again, you must watch it and stop making people's hands." Sun Cheng said.

Hearing Sun Chenghao did not blame them, these people were relieved, and Sun Chenghao took out a camera from the corner.

When they came from the earth, they brought a lot of high-tech products. Because the kitchen was very important, it was installed here for monitoring.

This camera is not connected to the Internet. After the shooting, there is a memory card. Sun Chenghao took out the computer and looked at it. It quickly turned to the previous situation.

The cake on the table and some other foods were originally placed neatly, and suddenly a hand appeared out of thin air...

"What is this? I shot it down!" Fei Luo suddenly appeared, shocked to see the computer in front of Sun Chenghao.

Before Nie Yi, he got a laxative for some food, and he was recorded here. What is this?

The author has something to say: Kavin tt, it is clear that there is an outline when it comes to big plots.

I don’t think too much otz tomorrow.