MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 284 Mirage

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Where did Nie Yi go? Connie doesn't know either.

At that time, each elf could come and go this trial road in adulthood, and of course she also came.

They have to calm down the roots of the outside, then come here to test the talent, then continue to go down, through a few levels, you can come to the destination, where they can get rewards, some people can still get The blessing of the goddess of life, like her.

When she was outside, she did not know that it was the place where the trial was made. The place where they first came to the trial was not entered from here, but after coming in, she felt that everything was very familiar.

She walked this road and talked with other elves who had participated in the trial. Everyone's experience was similar, but no one was taken away in the middle.

"I don't know." Connie said directly, her expression was a bit serious: "But I think Nie Yi will not have anything." Nie Yiming has several kinds of magic, and the wood magic he possesses is still very pure... maybe he Will suddenly disappear, what benefits can I get?

Here is the land of trials left by the goddess of life, and all those who have the power of wood are the people of the goddess of life, and the goddess of life will not set traps for their own people.

Qi Jingchen’s head still hurts for a while, and he knows that he is so painful. Nie Yi’s situation is definitely worse. Nie Yi’s magic core is definitely a problem.

He can feel that the power to take away Nie Yi is not malicious to Nie Yi, but Nie Yi looks like that, even if the other party is not malicious, it will not be okay...

Qi Jingchen simply can't stop worrying about Nie Yi.

Rubbing his eyes to ease his pain, Qi Jingchen said: "Let's go find him."

"Well! I am very familiar here, I will take you to the bottom." Connie said. Before the people were mixed, Nie Yi was still ill. Before she came in, she didn't know that it was actually a place for trials. She didn't say anything, but now she dared to align with Jingchen. She is really familiar with it.

"Thank you." Qi Jingchen said.

Eric has been firmly following Qi Jingchen and others. Now when Qi Jingchen and Connie spoke, they did not avoid them. They all heard it all, and the face showed a surprise expression.

He knew that following these two people, there is no harm in the benefits!

Qi Jingchen looked at Eric at this time: "I hope you are a smart person."

Qi Jingchen didn't like Eric, and didn't even want Eric to follow, but this time it was not suitable for extra-budgets, just warned.

"I always know the time." Eric smiled at Qi Jingchen, and quickly followed Qi Jingchen.

Connie opened a door with wood magic in the corner of the room, and then a diagonally downward passage appeared in front of them.

"This is the road to trial of the elves. It is only the elves that can only pass, but those who use violence to open the road are not completely unable to enter. After all... we have to hurry and hurry in front of them." Nidao.

The trial path of the elves is for the elves who have just grown up, and the elf of the adult is generally the middle or senior magician, so this trial road Connie is very easy to walk.

Of course, this is because she is a wood magician. It will be very difficult to change to others. For example, when they encounter a piranha, Connie can use their magic to appease them. Other magicians are There is only one way to pass, that is, three hundred rounds of battle with the piranha.

The attack power of the piranha is not strong, but its pollen and juice even if it is a magician will feel very troublesome... but in case of trouble, they should also feel very happy, after all, plants like piranha They are some rare and precious magic materials.

Their group of people marched fast, and in the other caves, some people used violence to destroy everything around them, and when they went forward slowly, Nie Yi fell into a illusion.

When he let go of Qi Jingchen, he had the feeling that he couldn't wait to die. He didn't want to let go, and he couldn't bear to let go, but he couldn't watch Qi Jingchen uncomfortable.

Then he entered the illusion.

Yes, he knows that it is a fantasy, because his head has been hurting, the magic core is almost broken, and his mental strength is also chaotic, which makes him painful, but also makes him awake.

But he still likes this illusion and doesn't even want to go out.

In the illusion, the earth did not encounter the end of the world, everyone lived and lived happily, and he finally found that Yan Zhe did not like him, and then broke up with Yan Zhe.

The bigger his company is, the more places he has to run. One day, he came to the city of J and then met a man with a baby face.

He fell in love with this man at first sight, and launched a passionate pursuit. He was so powerful that this person agreed to stay with him, even giving up his job for him, always staying with him...

He did not want this man to leave his sight, the man would not leave, willing to be a canary that he was captive, and he was even more obedient to him.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen, who was lying beside him. After watching it for a long time, the man in front of him woke up and showed him a soft smile: "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

"I am leaving." Nie Yi looked at this man, his expression was a bit weird.

"Where are you going today? I am going with you." "Qi Jingchen" said.

"You are not him." Nie Yi sighed and then used a magic to "Qi Jingchen": "He won't be like this, he doesn't like me, he certainly won't be willing to be wronged all the time. I just let him Stay with me for a month... I am going to find him."

This...not his Qi Jingchen.

Accompanied by Nie Yi’s voice, his magic fell on Qi Jingchen’s body. At the same time, he also broke away from the illusion.

There are many plants around him, many of whom he doesn't know, but when they smell the sweet smell in the air, he knows that these plants must be able to create illusions.

Nie Yi felt that his head was very uncomfortable. He struggled to get up, walked slowly along the path, walked for a long time, and then saw a cave.

There are various gemstones in the vicinity of the cave, and there is a stone platform in the middle. There are things on the stone platform that can't be seen.

It was a spar that was very similar to the source crystal he had obtained under the jujube tree, with strong wood energy.

"Child, your magic is very pure. It is the best gift I have ever seen in the past millennium. This is the divine power that I have gathered, and I will give you a reward." A sly and gentle voice sounded.

This is divine power. It is the goddess of life that is condensed with its own divine power. It must be able to grow his strength in a short time!

Nie Yi wants to absorb the power here, but hesitates. He is worried that his magic core will have problems.

However, his magic core will have problems sooner or later, and he can feel that this power is good for him.

He reached out to touch this power, and in the overwhelming pain, he felt that the power of divine power was absorbed by him. At the same time, the magic core in his mind slowly healed.

The sap of the tree of life can make the magic nucleus heal, and the power left by the goddess of life can of course be.

Nie Yi’s face was covered with surprises, and at this time, there was a percussion sound from above, and then a hole was broken. Qi Jingchen poked his head out of the hole, his face full of joy: “Nie Yi!”

"Jingchen, I am fine."

"I feel it, my head is not hurting." Qi Jingchen jumped down and kissed Nie Yi's face.

"There is nothing left to separate us..." Nie Yi hugged Qi Jingchen, and at this time, Connie and others jumped, and Eric was excited to start collecting the surrounding plants.

Nie Yi can't afford this kind of mind, and he still has one thing in his heart. His magic core problem is a big problem, but there is a problem between him and Qi Jingchen, in addition to the magic core.

Life contract.

Qi Jingchen, really because the life contract will like him? He doesn't want this contract at all! Before that, he had already made up his mind, and after Qi Jingchen had lived for two months in the world of two people, he untied the life contract between the two, and Qi Jingchen was free, and he did not have to worry about Qi Jingchen because of his own magic core.

Now that his magic core problem has been solved, he still wants to untie the contract.

This contract is not easy to solve, but he now has the divine power left by the goddess of life, but can strip the contract from himself.

The life contract was unlocked.

Qi Jingchen looked at him, his expression was a bit stunned. After a while, he smiled at him: "Nie Yi, let's go."

There are a lot of people outside, a lot of danger, maybe those people will find it here... they will leave here soon. Qi Jingchen is already very tired. He walks very slowly. He wants to hug Qi Jingchen. As a result, Qi Jingchen has escaped.

"Jing Chen..." He was a little bit stunned.

Qi Jingchen looked at him, his lips moved, and finally said: "Nie Yi, sorry, I am not used to it, I..."

After the life contract disappeared, the profound embarrassment between them disappeared. He felt that Qi Jingchen was no longer so intimate, let alone Qi Jingchen.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen in front of her eyes, and her heart flashed through the pain of tearing heart. Finally, "Nothing, as long as you let me follow you."

"Nie Yi, between us, it is best to keep the distance," Qi Jingchen said, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to die when I was born again. I didn't care about anything else, so I indulged your intimacy with me... but I really I don't like you, I should say that I don't like men."

Nie Yi always thought that even if Qi Jingchen didn't love himself, as long as he could be around Qi Jingchen, it would be fine. However, if he heard such words, he would hurt his heart and even have the urge to ruin the world. .

What does it mean to live in the end?

What is the significance of his rebirth?

Now Qi Jingchen is very strong, has artifacts, has nothing to fear, and does not lack his protection. What is the significance of his stay with Qi Jingchen?

Nie Yi was thinking so, but there was a sudden pain in his arm.

He subconsciously looked at Qi Jingchen, who was opposite, worried that Qi Jingchen was injured, but Qi Jingchen was not injured.

Qi Jingchen was not injured, he was not injured, and even the symbiotic contract has been lifted. Why does he hurt?

Then, Nie Yi’s arm was hurting again.

He suddenly woke up, and the magic core in his mind was no longer cured by divine power. On the contrary, its situation became more serious.

This is not true, this is another illusion!

The illusion was broken, and Nie Yi found himself in a beautiful little garden, next to the garden, and a fine cabin.

In the garden, there are various plants that Nie Yi or know or don't know. These plants are full of spirituality. Some of them, after seeing Nie Yi, use leaves, use branches to beat Nie Yi, and express their friendship to Nie Yi.

They are surrounded by Nie Yi, just like Nie Yi is the center of them.

These plants are really beautiful, but Nie Yi is not tempted at all, and he is only confused.

The pain in his hand is so real, is Qi Jingchen injured? Why is Qi Jingchen injured?

He immediately thought of his magic core. The various energies in his magic core conflicted. He had a headache. Is Qi Jingchen the same?

Nie Yi almost couldn't wait to get out of here. He rushed toward the edge of the garden and tried to get out of it. However, there was a film around the small garden, so he couldn't get out!

He is not a powerful law saint. In the current situation, he obviously can't break through the outer film... Nie Yi can only go back and then come to the log cabin.

The cabin is very warm, and there is a small table in the middle of the wooden house. There is a piece on the table... Shenli?

The thing in front of you is similar to the magical power in the previous illusion, just giving him the feeling that it is not as good as the power in the illusion. Is this all in front of the illusion, or is it true?

Thinking of Qi Jingchen who didn't know where it was, and the pain that came from his arm, Nie Yi did not hesitate to hold the piece in his hand.

This time he didn't feel the pain. On the contrary, he suddenly felt very comfortable. The thing entered his body and swam in his body, and he quickly smoothed out his chaotic magic. At the same time, he Suddenly I saw a white piece in front of me. It seems that something is going to my body.

This kind of comfortable feeling made Nie Yi unable to sleep, he wanted to wake himself up, but he couldn't open his eyes and quickly lost consciousness.

On the other hand, Connie saw that Qi Jingchen’s face suddenly became pale. She wanted to ask Qi Jingchen’s situation, but she did not want Qi Jingchen to suddenly take a knife from her body and scored a knife on her arm.

Qi Jingchen is a bright magician, and he knows the preciousness of his blood. So the knife has just been drawn down, and he has cured his wound with magic.

However, even then, he will hurt.

"Qi Jingchen, what happened to you?!" Connie was shocked.

"Nothing." Qi Jingchen's face was not so bloody, and soon he took a knife on his arm.

Nothing, you just go to your own arm and knives? Connie frowned, but did not ask much, just said: "Can you still go?"

"Can." Qi Jingchen nodded. He just felt that Nie Yi was not quite right, and his head was getting more and more painful. He could not see Nie Yi, and he would use Nie Yi to cut his own way.

He seems to have healed the wound on his arm, but in fact only healed the surface. In his arm, the wound is still pure, and the cut blood vessels flow out a lot of blood, making his whole arm blue and purple. The pain naturally still exists.

This kind of pain made him wake up a lot, and it seems that Nie Yi was awakened a lot. Gradually, Qi Jingchen felt that his head was not so painful.

With this in mind, Qi Jingchen used magic to completely heal the wound on his arm – he had no idea of ​​self-abuse.

Connie noticed this and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at this time, they have gone down a long way.

They encountered a lot of things on the road and encountered a lot of trouble, but they did not meet other people.

"We must be the first to reach the end." Eric is somewhat proud, and at the same time not forgetting to let his hands go down to collect all the things that can be collected.

Since he was wanted by his mother, his days have not been very good and he is poor. At this time, it is natural to find ways to get more supplies.

Qi Jingchen did not have such a mind, he has been walking down.

Their speed is very fast, and after a long walk, Connie said: "The front is the end of the trial land. When the elves were trying to test, they will be sent to the temple by the tree of life where they live. Then start the trial. After the trial ends, you can get the reward and then be sent back. You don't know that Nie Yi is not there."

The land of trials is very difficult for the young elves to pass, but it is not dangerous. The big deal is that they have to be trapped for several years in the trial place, so in the end everyone can reach the end.

"Let's go see." Qi Jingchen said, walking with Connie.

The end of the trial land is a square.

The top of the square is inlaid with glowing stones, surrounded by various plants, which are quiet, no one.

When Connie and Qi Jingchen entered, they began to search for Nie Yi and searched for clues related to Nie Yi. Eric and others were busy picking the plants around the square.

There were several doors leading to the square, and at this moment, one of the doors suddenly exploded, and then someone walked out from the outside.

People who have taken other roads have also come here!

The author has something to say: Recently there is still something wrong... so these days are only one morning, I will try to be fat~

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