MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 275 Snow scene

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After Nie Yi had a wild boar, he did not go to the front, but went to the end.

He hugged Qi Jingchen and sat on the wild boar. His face looked cold and looked at everything around him. He looked very serious, but the hand was not serious at all, and he was pinching on Qi Jingchen.

The wolf... Qi Jingchen can only give Nie Yi such an evaluation.

Sitting on the back of the wild boar is not comfortable. Even if the wild boar was caught by Nie Yi before, Nie Yi has already cleaned it, and covered a thick blanket on its stinging long hair.

Now being held by Nie Yi and being eaten with tofu, this uncomfortable feeling is exacerbated.

However... I felt the tingling faint in my mind, and Qi Jingchen felt that it was nothing. Nie Yi is now more uncomfortable than him...

"You put the field up." Qi Jingchen suddenly said.

Nie Yi did not speak, but used the magic of the soil to prop up a field.

Qi Jingchen was in the field of Nie Yi, and then took out the branches of the tree of life, or a small sapling, from the space ring.

In the Holy City, he made a flower pot for this branch and planted it. Now it looks like a small tree.

Holding this small tree in his arms, Qi Jingchen began to illuminate the surrounding white light into the small tree.

Now that he does not know how to solve Nie Yi's problem, he can only hope for the resin of the tree of life. He does not know how long it will take for the tree to grow up before he can come out of the resin.

Qi Jingchen thought so, but he didn't care about the troubles of the journey and the bumps of the wild boar. Instead, he put all his attention on the branches of his arms.

The branches in his arms grow at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye. No one knows how long it will take to grow up, but Qi Jingchen is still not impatient, and he is extraordinarily serious.

After all, this is something that can save Nie Yi.

Qi Jingchen was very careful to raise the tree of life until the sudden headache increased.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked at Nie Yi. Nie Yi's face has no expression on her face, as if she did not feel pain at all, but the eyes of the branches of the tree of life are full of disgust and hatred, as if this branch is an enemy that he does not share in heaven.

He is... vinegar eating a tree?

Can it still be like this?

Qi Jingchen stared at Nie Yi and couldn't know what he should say... He sighed and put the little tree back into the space ring, then twisted his body and kissed Nie Yi's chin.

Nie Yi saw a cold sigh, then put a hand to force Qi Jingchen to change a position, let Qi Jingchen face himself, after doing all this, he still did not forget: "You are mine! Do not look Others, don't look at anything else!"

Facing Nie Yi, Qi Jingchen was even more uncomfortable, but when he saw Nie Yi’s expression, he sighed, but still hugged Nie Yi: “I love you.”

Nie Yi’s action paused, helped Qi Jingchen adjust his sitting position, and added a pillow as a cushion under Qi Jingchen.

The person in front of the Lions Mercenary Group saw the scene behind, could not help but sigh, I feel that this magician is too enjoyable.

Looking for a polite male pet, can help him cook, do not say, can hold kisses when you are on the road, it is really wonderful.

This kind of road has lasted for several days.

These days, when Qi Jingchen is free, he will always take out the tree of life and give birth to it, but he will not continue to live for too long, because Nie Yi will be unhappy.

And Nie Yi wants to be unhappy, the magic core will have problems.

Not only that, but Qi Jingchen also discovered another thing, that is, Nie Yi’s possessiveness to him is really very amazing. Although Nie Yi used to be with him all day, he would still leave him when he killed the zombies, and he would not say that he was too tight, but now... Nie Yi is so inseparable to him, even if he is fighting World of Warcraft. When you are, you have to talk about him tied to the side, such as this night.

On this day, Nie Yi took him into the tent Hu Tianhu after they had eaten dinner in the camp. After that, he fell asleep tiredly.

As a result, half asleep, Nie Yi woke him up, then put him on two clothes, and took him away from the tent.

He slept in sleep, completely unaware of what happened, until he saw a World of Warcraft surrounded by Nie Yi's earthen wall.

It turned out that Nie Yi was hiding in a tent full of magical arrays and did not divulge his own breath. He ran a six-star Warcraft attempt to take the lion mercenary group as a dinner - humans regarded Warcraft as a prey, and Warcraft also regards human beings as prey.

If the lion mercenary group design traps in advance, and then besieged together, it is sure to be able to attack a six-star World of Warcraft, but this Warcraft is a sneak attack...

The man of the vigil's lion mercenary group was unknowingly approached by the Warcraft. Fortunately, at the crucial moment, a stone slamming him took him out of a very dangerous situation, and then the Warcraft was soiled. The wall is surrounded.

"God!" The man who was thrown out of the stone first screamed because the stone hurt his shoulder, and then he screamed out loud.

After Nie Yi shot, he finally found the Warcraft.

The other people in the mercenary group heard the screams and ran out. At this time, Nie Yi, who only wore a single coat, had solved the six-star Warcraft. He also held Qi Jingchen’s hand tightly. .

The head of the Lions Mercenary Corps was very pleasantly surprised and thanked him for the first time. He realized for the first time how correct his decision was.

If there is no Nie Yi, they may have lost a mercenary just now. If the Warcraft thinks that their mercenary group is very delicious, maybe they will fall behind them, and then secretly grab a meal every day... ...

Other mercenary groups have encountered such terrible things, and the last mercenary group almost fled the World of Warcraft forest.

"Thank you an adult!" The head of the Lions Mercenary Corps thanked him gratefully, and then expressed his heart and soul: "I didn't expect to encounter a six-star Warcraft here. If it weren't for adults, we would be in trouble."

The distribution of Warcraft in the Forest of Warcraft is also a certain regularity. It is reasonable to assume that the six-star Warcraft will not appear in this place... The lion mercenary group is quite unlucky.

"An injured leopard should be driven out of the territory." Nie Yi looked at the Warcraft, and then told the Lions Mercenary: "Take the magic crystals out and wash them, and give them to me tomorrow."

After that, he pulled the Qi Jingchen, who was wrapped tightly, but his clothes were not perfect, and they returned to their tents.

The people behind Nie Yi’s lion mercenary group couldn’t help but admire the worship. It’s a powerful nine-star magician. Just solved a six-star Warcraft and went to work...

Qi Jingchen was pulled up in the middle of the night and couldn't tell how depressed it was, but when he entered the tent, he still said with Nie Yi over and over again: "I won't leave you, I will never leave you."

Nie Yi’s breathing stabilized, and Qi Jingchen finally fell asleep.

Only after he fell asleep, Nie Yi opened his eyes again and stared at him.

After another day, they finally came to the destination, the very high mountain.

The Lions Mercenary Corps camped in the hills early this morning, and then prepared for hunting tomorrow, while processing the previous harvest on the road.

Yes, their mercenary group is not idle on the road, and they have also harvested some other things, such as low-level Warcraft, such as common herbs.

These mercenaries skillfully processed these things. The skin of the leopard that Nie Yi killed a few days ago was taken up again by them. The leopard Nie Yi only had the magic crystal, but they There was no waste at all, even the meat of the leopard, which was cooked up late that night, and made Qi Jingchen somewhat hungry.

Then Nie Yi gave him a pot of soup in the tent.

Qi Jingchen was very interested in these treatment procedures. Nie Yi did not let him do anything else. He looked at the curiously and looked at it for a while. Nie Yi suddenly caught his eyes.

"You can only look at me!" Nie Yidao.

Qi Jingchen: "..."

Ok, Nie Yi is also very good-looking... Qi Jingchen stared at Nie Yi’s face for a while, and it’s really nothing to do. In the absence of any acne acne that needs to be dealt with on Nie Yi’s face, the final message: “ I will dig your ears?"

Nie Yi didn't nod and didn't shake his head.

Qi Jingchen took the ear spoon and went over to help Nie Yi dig his ear. After excavating, he asked: "Would you like to wash your hair?"

After the lion mercenary group stayed outside for a few days, they were already raging, and now some people are washing their heads. Although Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have no problems, there is nothing to do now, and shampooing can also pass the time.

Nie Yi glanced at Qi Jingchen with a faint look, and stood up and left.

Qi Jingchen was puzzled. After he was puzzled, he suddenly remembered one thing. He and Nie Yi are now dyed with hair and can't wash!

Qi Jingchen can only start preparing food in the end.

Stew the mushrooms with a bird, then fry a few greens and bake some meat.

Qi Jingchen does not like to put the meat directly on the fire, because the meat will be blackened, and finally let Nie Yi take out a piece of iron from the space ring, then raise the fire below, then it will be fat and thin. The meat is grilled on the iron plate.

The iron plate was hot and the meat was placed on it. It quickly began to squirt oil and the fragrance spread.... By the oil, Qi Jingchen also put a few vegetables on it and baked it. The sauce was mixed.

The people of the Lions Mercenary Corps had no such thing as iron plates. They watched for a while, and some people silently found a slate, and then followed the example of Qi Jingchen.

The taste is really good, but the spices they bring are only salt, there is no sauce to rub the barbecue.

While Qi Jingchen was roasting, he "served" Nie Yi to eat. When Nie Yi finished eating, he began to eat his own.

The people around saw this scene, and looked at Nie Yi enviously. Nie Yi snorted and slammed back. After Qi Jingchen had eaten, he brought Qi Jingchen back to the tent as usual.

"The sorcerer's interest is so good..."

"The body is good, the average person can't do that..."

"Poor boy, can he be so tossed? I don't think his face is very good..."


The lion mercenary group had some sympathy for Qi Jingchen, and Qi Jingchen was brought into the tent this time, but it was not thrown down as quickly as before.

In the tent, Nie Yi made a stone-like thing like the shampoo in the shampoo shop on the earth. He prepared a pot with warm water and then lay on the stone bench.

This is... want him to wash his hair?

Clearly you can use water magic!

Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi and he was somewhat tempered, but he still sat down and then slowly helped Nie Yi to wash his hair.

Nie Yi's hair is very hard, and she has been cut short. Some people are now, and it looks like it is soft.

Gently washing such hair, and seeing Nie Yi's expression of calmness after closing his eyes, Qi Jingchen suddenly remembered the time when he was just born again.

At that time, he was bent on his death. Of course he would not want to wash his hair. It was Nie Yi who slowly cleaned his hair. At that time, Nie Yi’s hand was always very soft, and his eyes were extremely hot.

Qi Jingchen had some impetuous heart settled down. He bent down and took a kiss on Nie Yi’s face.

Nie Yi slammed his eyes and looked straight at Qi Jingchen, and then... the warm shampoo scene was gone.

Qi Jingchen was pressed on the stone platform, experienced a scene, and then was taken to the bed.

As a magician, Nie Yi is physically stronger than ordinary people. He can recover his strength with him... In the past, he would never have to take care of him, but now every night, both of them can experience several things. Times.

Qi Jingchen likes Nie Yi, and likes Nie Yi to embrace himself. Occasionally, he is a few times intense, but he will use it as a fun, but every day, it makes him somewhat unbearable.

He feels that if he continues to do this, he is likely to have kidney deficiency.

Nie Yi is like this now... Qi Jingchen sighs and has a feeling of being speechless.

Nie Yi... Qi Jingchen thought about Nie Yi's things, and then slowly entered a dream.

In the daytime, he was tossed by Nie Yi at night, which made him very tired and tired, and naturally he had to sleep.

Nie Yi stared at Qi Jingchen, but it was a long time that she could not sleep.

Snow fox only lives on snowy mountains. They hide themselves with the white snow on the snowy mountains, hunting some small World of Warcraft, and the life is very stable.

It is just that human beings are going to destroy this stability, because snow fox is a kind of Warcraft that is easy to sign contracts with humans.

They are not high in level, but they are very clever. When faced with death threats, they will not choose jade and burn like some Warcraft, and will obey the contract with human beings.

Although they are not very aggressive, they are very cute, and they are very pleasing to people... I don’t know when this kind of Warcraft has become the object of many contracts signed by female magicians, and this also makes many people Willing to spend a lot of money to buy them.

This time, the Lions Mercenary Corps was commissioned by a warrior who was planning to propose to a beautiful female magician who wanted a snow fox to please his fiancée.

"Adults, snow fox is very embarrassing, too many people will show their whereabouts..." The lion mercenary group looked at Qi Jingchen beside Nie Yi, his expression was a bit tangled.

They already know that this magician likes to take his own lover no matter what he does, but it is not appropriate to take an ordinary person when catching a keen snow fox.

At that time, maybe the ordinary person showed a little trace, and their ambush would be seen by the snow fox!

"Our mercenary group will stay in the mountains, this little son..." The head of the team said again.

"Who said that I want to go with you to catch the snow fox?" Nie Yi asked.

"Ah?" The head of the Lions Mercenary Corps was somewhat stunned. Although the master was very indifferent, he did not even tell them his name, but he followed them. He thought he was interested in Snow Fox. ......

"You go to catch the snow fox, I have other things to do." Nie Yidao, then took Qi Jingchen and walked toward the mountain.

The more you go to the mountains, the lower the temperature, but Qi Jingchen is now a senior magician and therefore does not feel cold.

However, he did not feel cold, but Nie Yi still found a coat for him.

Wrapped himself in a coat, Qi Jingchen smiled at Nie Yi. Nie Yi stared at Qi Jingchen for a while, suddenly picked up Qi Jingchen, and then ran towards the mountain.

Here is the snow-capped mountains, but there are some plants growing in the snow, the scenery is very good... Qi Jingchen just gave birth to such a sigh, he was placed on a stone by Nie Yi.

After Nie Yi put him down, he did not do anything else. He stood by his side and quietly looked at the snow in front of him.

The scenery here is beautiful, but Nie Yi’s approach is somewhat weird... Qi Jingchen couldn’t help but ask: “Don’t you catch the snow fox?”

"Wait." Nie Yidao, continue to look at the scenery in front of him.

Nie Yi is not a person who likes to see the scenery. He will be like this... Qi Jingchen stared at Nie Yi for a while and suddenly remembered one thing.

When he and Nie Yi were on the earth, the snow falling in the sky was gray. He was very lost at that time. He once said that when he had the chance to see the snow, it would be fine...

At that time, Nie Yi used the ice abilities to create some white snow for him, and at the same time promised to have a chance in the future, he must let him go to see the snow.

"Since you are not in a hurry, let's take a look at the scenery here. I will take a few photos for you." Qi Jingchen smiled.

He has not seen snow scenes, but the snow scenes he has seen before are not as beautiful here.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen coldly, and did not speak or move.