MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 271 upgrade

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The headmaster of the Central College took Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi, and Lancelot stood in the same place. The whole person was a little embarrassed.

He doesn't know what he should do now, and he doesn't know what he can do now.

The six elders came in from the outside and looked at Lancelot and said faintly: "Go back."

"Six elders?" Lancelot jerked back: "Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi..."

"I will find someone to protect them." Six elders, then looked at the direction of Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi left.

The crack between the two has already appeared. Can they stay together and never give up? Anyone with a problem with the magic core will change their character. Can Qi Jingchen, who had been held in the palm of his hand by Nie Yi, tolerate it?

As for protection... He knows that Qi Jingchen will not have an accident. After all, it is... As for Nie Yi, he hopes that Nie Yi can have an accident, but as long as Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen are together, there will be nothing.

"Thank you for the six elders." Lancelot said.

The six elders did not speak and soon left.

When Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi were released by their principals from their own fields, time has passed.

Slowly slowing down, Qi Jingchen discovered that he was in a completely strange place, as for Nie Yi...

His previous companion did not make Nie Yi have any improvement. Now Nie Yi is still in a state of violent wounds at any time, but the holy power is still there, under the pressure of the holy power, he Nothing can be done, only with a pair of eyes firmly locked Qi Jingchen.

His appearance is like a swallowing of Qi Jingchen into the abdomen... It was influenced by Nie Yi, so Qi Jingchen, who had a headache, was even more painful.

Nie Yi's performance is too obvious, I am afraid that others can see that there is a problem between them, but he looks like this, Qi Jingchen is not unwilling to care about him any more, and finally just smiled and looked at the old lady: "Thank you. principal."

"No," the old lady laughed, then said again, "You can stay outside for a while and solve your problems and come back."

When the old lady finished, she nodded to them, and she left so quickly. She was so fast. They had been in her field for a long time. Now I am afraid that I am far away from the holy city.

"I don't know where it is..." Qi Jingchen's voice just fell, and suddenly he was picked up by Nie Yi, and then Nie Yi was like a fan, and he quickly ran into the nearby forest.

Qi Jingchen originally wanted to say something, and he could only say: "You are not comfortable with me holding me like this."

Nie Yi’s footsteps paused and he changed his position with Qi Jingchen.

Qi Jingchen felt more comfortable. He hugged Nie Yi and began to send light magic to Nie Yi's body.

Treated by Qi Jingchen, Nie Yi felt extra comfort, but this made his magic core slowly stabilized, but it was nothing more than that.

There is a crack in Nie Yi’s magic core.

Qi Jingchen's mental strength entered Nie Yi's mind, clearly saw this scene, and the heartbeat stopped a few shots.

“What happened before?” Qi Jingchen asked.

Nie Yi did not answer him and has been walking through the woods.

Using wood magic, he perfectly avoided the branches of the road, and his field was to firmly protect Qi Jingchen.

"I asked you, what happened before!" Qi Jingchen frowned.

"Do you still remember when we were born again? Did you love me then?" Nie Yi suddenly asked.

Qi Jingchen, Nie Yi is very important to him, but to be honest, his feelings for Nie Yi at that time should not be love.

There is still some truth in this opinion. They used to be too difficult in the past. Although he had deep feelings for Nie Yi, he couldn’t give birth to any love. Most of the time, his heart was filled with thick feelings. Despair, regenerative can not afford other emotions, until this life, Nie Yi will take care of him so well, those who were originally just a small seedlings will grow into a towering tree.

When he was born again, he did not dare to say that he loved Nie Yi. Of course, Nie Yi was already his most important person at that time.

How did Nieyi suddenly talk about this? Qi Jingchen slightly frowned, and soon thought of a possibility: "Your magic core will have problems, is this because?"

"You used to like women." Nie Yi gritted his teeth. At this moment, a Warcraft suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The level of Warcraft is not high. After seeing them and feeling the momentum of Nie Yi, he turned and ran. Nie Yi suddenly used the ice blade and then cut the Warcraft into pieces with the ice blade.

The smell of blood spread, and Nie Yi had already left quickly, and while he was walking, he also plagued some trees, seemingly to vent their suffocation.

"But I only like you now." Qi Jingchen asked: "What are you thinking about? If I don't like you, how can I be with you?"

"Because... contract." Nie Yidao, suddenly stopped his steps, and then looked at Qi Jingchen.

"Do you think a contract can affect me so much?" Qi Jingchen asked again.

Nie Yi didn't talk, but his eyes turned red again.

Magical problems can affect the brain, affect mental strength, and make people become paranoid: "Lancelot said that the contract will affect you!"

After he finished speaking, he said: "You don't say anything!" After he finished, he ran again and ran faster than before.

Qi Jingchen can see that the forests around him are getting denser and denser, and the level of Warcraft appearing in front of them is also increasing. Of course, they are not the enemy of Nie Yi.

When Qi Jingchen saw it, he once again remembered Charlie, whom he had seen before in the Storm Empire Wizards Union. He suddenly got a headache - Nie Yi's current situation, I am afraid it is difficult to tell him the truth.

However, he stayed with Nie Yi, Nie Yi will always get better, as for the return to the holy city... Qi Jingchen's eyes are a bit cold.

Nie Yi will be like this this time, it should be what Lancelot said to him.

Qi Jingchen had precautions against Guangmingism and had no feelings about Lancelot. After all, Lancelot did not do anything to hurt them, but now he has opinions on Lancelot.

Of course, it is mainly a light god.

The light gods condone the people of the three empire to hurt Nie Yi, and even let Lancelot, the saint, to provoke, what is it for?

It’s not always for... let him go to the pope without any burden?

Qi Jingchen’s heart snorted and then thought of his own contract with Nie Yi again.

There are a lot of speculations in Qi Jingchen's heart, but in the end there is some helplessness. He guesses that there are more, just speculations, and he even needs to rely on the gods of light, can not tear the face with the light gods, or else...

So many people on the planet, I am afraid not enough for a holy sacred! Even if he had artifacts, he might not be able to stop the inscrutable Pope.

Fortunately, the people of Guangmingism did not seem to have plans for their lives, and they did not even plan to tear their faces with him... It was a good suggestion for the headmaster to let him leave for a while.

After he left the holy city, no one else intervened and should be able to solve the problem of Nie Yi's magic core.

Thinking of this, Qi Jingchen reached out and touched Nie Yi’s throat: "Nie Yi, I... I love you."

Qi Jingchen never said these three words before.

From small to large, no one told him about love. He was not used to saying this. He always felt that he was with Nie Yi. It is meaningless to say that.

But now, he still said, even after saying a sentence, he quickly said the second sentence and the third sentence: "Nie Yi, I love you, I love you very much."

Nie Yi’s footsteps stopped again. He stared at Qi Jingchen for a while, then suddenly began to sink with Qi Jingchen.

He used the earth magic that he had not used for a long time, and he fell to the ground with Qi Jingchen.

The earth magic formed a hole in the ground, and Nie Yi quickly moved out of a large bed from his space ring, and then directly pressed Qi Jingchen to the bed.

Whether he likes Qi Jingchen really loves him, now he just wants to feel the existence of Qi Jingchen.

Even if Qi Jingchen was because the contract would be with him, he still planned to be mean for a while, so that Qi Jingchen could not leave him.

Nie Yi’s heart was very chaotic, and his magical power was chaotic. Qi Jingchen’s heart sighed and then hugged Nie Yi to respond.

Nie Yi's treatment of Qi Jingchen has always been very gentle, and sometimes even a little gentle, too, before I accidentally took the spring | medicine, it was crazy for one night.

Today, his performance is no different from that at the time.

This made Qi Jingchen more worried, and under fear, the only thing he could do was to constantly input his own magic to Nie Yi and appease Nie Yi.

After the magic was exhausted, Nie Yi was too "hard". After everything stopped, Qi Jingchen finally fell asleep.

Nie Yi looked at Qi Jingchen and helped Qi Jingchen cover the quilt. Then he left the hole and sat down on the hole to meditate.

These days, because of the problem with the magic core, Nie Yi has not cultivated for a long time, but this time, he began to cultivate.

He not only began to cultivate, but his cultivation speed is very fast.

When he awakened the wood and earth magic, he relied on the source crystal. At the time, he did not absorb the source crystal. In fact, a lot of energy was stored in his body.

Before his magic core problem, these energy actually ran out of the body... Nie Yi gathered these energies together, let them enter their magic core, and then began to impact the nine.

Qi Jingchen has reached the ninth level. He and Qi Jingchen have a symbiotic contract. He also feels the ninth level, so that the upgrade is unexpectedly smooth.

When Qi Jingchen discovered that he was not waking up suddenly, Nie Yi had already upgraded.

After the upgrade was completed, Nie Yi hunted a few prey outside, and then returned to the hole he had made with magic.

In the cave, Qi Jingchen did not wear any clothes to sit on the bed, watching Nie Yi’s eyes just go out of the fire: "Nie Yi, you are crazy!"

Nie Yi slowly began to clean up the prey in his hand, while picking up, while looking at Qi Jingchen, his eyes coldly: "I am crazy, Qi Jingchen, I am now nine, no worse than you... Qi Jingchen, then You can't leave me in one step!"

Nie Yi has always had the overbearing president Fan Er, but to be honest, these really did not show up in front of Qi Jingchen. When you face Jingchen, don’t say hegemony, he even shows the incomparable loyal dog, so fiercely Qi Jingchen’s words have never been seen before.

Qi Jingchen looked at Nie Yi in surprise, and Nie Yi snorted again. "You don't want to leave me! I won't let you go!"

Said, Nie Yi set up a small table in front of Qi Jingchen, fiercely put the food in front of Qi Jingchen, and then took out all the cosmetic tools used before Qi Jingchen, smeared on his face.

He is this, want to change?