MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 79 Tyrant 2

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Gu Taiji said that he had put his finger on the wrist of Hongming Emperor for a moment, and immediately flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes. The mouth also exclaimed: "The body under his arm has already improved. Although the pain still exists, at this time, it is considered to be No worries about life."

When he said that he had committed the old problem of the doctor, he immediately crouched down and congratulated him: "Congratulations to His Majesty, His Majesty, His Majesty is the Son of Heaven, and God Bless..."

Congratulations on the words half, Gu Tai doctor's face is a stiff, think of the current palace, but the big prince, then trembled and added a sentence: "The prince's filial piety can be described as earthly..."

Looking at the appearance of Su Gonggong and Hongming Emperor, Chen Bing straightened his waist and was always seen as a wicked villain. At this moment, there was some excitement in his heart: "The big prince’s filial piety can be learned, but it is not in the mouth of Su Gonggong. And the person who seeks to be a squatter."

"His Royal Highness is weak and the disease is not healed. In the future, the government will be treated by His Royal Highness. Everyday His Royal Highness will handle the political affairs and will be handed over to you. Please take your eyes. So you can take care of your illness."

After that, Chen Bingyi was in the dust, and he left the Jingyang Palace with his eyes in the eyes of Su Gonggong and Hongming. As soon as he walked out of the gate of Jingyang Palace, his face was gloomy and his eyes were filled with faint anxiety.

Chen Bingshi can't understand what the big prince thinks. After planning for so long, even waiting for the name of the disabled, isn't it the day?

Now, the three emperors are not on the throne, and they will experience some changes when the three emperors return to the capital.

Chen Bingxin knows that the great emperor means hot, and that he will imprison Hong Ming Emperor. Now he has tried his best to get a magical prescription to hang on to the Emperor Ming.

I have to hand over the finished government affairs to the emperor. Is it hard to see the emperor suddenly and softly?

Chen Bingyue wants to be more and more heavy. He used to do this with the great emperor. The opposite is to take a fancy to the sizzling of the great emperor. Now he can't help but regret the rising of his starting point.

Throughout the ages, if the rebellion fails, this is the end...

Chen Bing thought in his heart, Qing Yun did not care, because Yan Yan was later rebellious in the late stage, even the accompanying students who grew up with him since childhood were disappointed with him and invested in the camp of the Three Emperors.

He now keeps the Emperor Hongming, not letting him intervene again in politics, but let the Emperor Hongming take a good look at the son of his eyes, who is deeply impressed by the emperor's son.

This man can't die early. Qingyun wants him to see the true face of Yan Yan, and let him really realize his owe to Yan Yan.

In the thirty-five years of Hongming, the emperor was seriously ill and the great emperor regent.

When the news came out, there was a turmoil in the hall. The emperor was seriously ill. Is this big prince good?

Today morning, looking at the big prince sitting in a wheelchair, the ministers were different. The emperor’s old age has been plagued for a long time, and he has been stopped for a long time, but he has not heard of the news that the great emperor is in power.

Everyone in the room was a human being. After thinking about it, I knew what was going on in the palace. Now that the Three Emperors are out, the means of enlisting the power of the Great Emperor is quite accurate and accurate.

The ministers have already stood in the queue, and the second emperor was mediocre and left the palace to build the palace. The three emperors were the most likely candidates to become princes, so many ministers were included in his camp.

As for the big prince, it was very popular in the early years, but five years ago, news of bad behavior was suddenly heard, which made it impossible for the minister who originally belonged to his camp to swing. However, under the operation of Yan Yan, there are still several high-powered ministers who are extremely convinced by him and can compete with the three emperors.

But the three old ones are seriously ill, one is only loyal and emperor, and the other knows that the emperor's mind has regarded the three emperors as the next best choice for the next emperor.

Nowadays, Yang Ge Lao and Li Fa Shangshu, who belong to the Three Emperors, are not good-looking. In particular, Yang Ge’s old Yang Hui, his old but savvy eyes stared at the flat prince sitting in a wheelchair.

As the first assistant, although the emperor's sacred purpose was not issued, he already knew that the emperor's ideology, the three emperors, even secretly had made him a prince.

In these years, although he noticed the secret action of the great emperor, he did not do much to prevent himself because of the disability of the great emperor.

Yang Hui never imagined that although the great emperor was disabled, his thoughts on the throne were not put down at all.

"There are opinions from the ministers, but they can be discussed together." Qing Yun faintly glanced at the noisy ministers, and there was no confidant on the face.

The ministers of the three emperors changed their faces and eventually calmed down.

As early as usual, Hongming Emperor has already stopped twice since the illness, so the business has accumulated a lot. After the clerk Shangshu and others figured out the situation, they were willing to give the big prince a squad, and immediately reported the big and small politicians one by one.

"Where the Tubo messengers came, what kind of ritual should they meet?"

"The Queen of the Kaisong, the southern part of the country has been raining more than a decade, fear of floods..."

"The disputes in the western border are constantly changing, and the barbarians seem to have a rebellious phase..."

"Chengzhou is too strict with the people, greedy law..."

The name of the great emperor was very well known at a young age, but at that time he was too young, the emperor did not let him go to the DPRK, but later he grew older, but it was the news of the disabled, but it did not appear in front of people.

This is the first time that the ministers have seen the great emperor in the early morning. I thought that the emperor’s first time in the DPRK was facing the leaders of the ministers. Was it that the three emperors did not make a mistake?

However, the ruling book for the great emperor of the great emperor found that although the young people in the wheelchair are sick and weak, the figure looks weak, but the pair of dark scorpions are not angry and self-defeating, but also have the ultimate cool existence. .

Although facing the martyrdom of the ministers, the big emperor’s face did not bring a trace of anxiety and intolerance. The book of the rites looked up at the youth’s expression and was shocked to find that he could not see the big prince’s Think in my heart.

On the contrary, the big emperor faintly glanced at him and made him feel awkward. There was a feeling of the Emperor Hongming who faced the most powerful period of the year.

What surprised the book of the Ministry of Rites is that this great emperor dealt with all kinds of cumbersome incidents raised by the ministers. When he encountered some obvious deliberate martyrdom, he was also relentlessly reprimanded.

Even in the complicated case of the southern flood, the great prince also frowned and proposed his own charter, and assigned the task accurately.

The tolerance is considerable, and there are a lot of advances and retreats. The strategy is slightly better than the three emperors. And the use of meritocracy, and did not have some avoidance because some ministers belong to the three emperors.

This early morning, the rites of the rites not only questioned the rumors about the big princes that he had heard before, but even some doubt that the great emperor is now taking the opportunity to take the opportunity, but it is because the emperor is seriously ill. .

The rites of the rites of the rites faintly looked at the princes of the Great Emperor's camp, and looked at the old goods with a beard and a face, and could not help but bite his teeth.

The 吏部尚书 is not as relaxed and contentive as the appearance, his son is accompanied by the great prince, and he is one of the few people who know the big prince secretly plan, so he thinks he knows the big prince.

Therefore, at the beginning of the time when several ministers had made it difficult for the great emperor, the sacred book was shocked by a cold sweat. He knows that the big prince is too close to the demon, but there is a big disadvantage that he is too heavy. Now, when he went to the church, he was given a horse. If he couldn’t stand the emotion, he would be broken.

However, today's great emperor can be expected to be beyond the expectations of the book, he looked at the calm and calm wheelchair and the self-contained emperor, the eyes could not help but flash a trace of satisfaction, and sure enough it is worthy of the emperor's talent.

Yang Hui is not as simple as the ritual Shangshu thought. He did not participate in the ranks of the princes, but quietly observed the big prince in a wheelchair.

This person is obviously interested in the throne, and from his old ways of handling political affairs, it is not difficult to see that even if the years are disabled, this great emperor is not decadent, and he must secretly plan what to do.

Physical disability can still have such a wind, it is not difficult to see the strength of this child, and many years of silence is only waiting for the opportunity of today's regency, this son can definitely afford a bear.

However, it was done to imprison the emperor, but it was a big deal. Yang Hui was not optimistic about the great emperor, not to mention that he knew that the emperor had secretly established the three emperors as princes.

Zhong Jun went to some pedantic Yang Hui, and looked angry at the eyes of the great emperor.

Yang Hui thought, now the great prince dares to regent, and certainly has to move the three princes who deal with the errands outside. With this sizzling, the three emperors must face great danger.

After a previous round of political bombardment, today’s early morning was quiet, and Chen Bing yelled at the scorpion: "There is something to do, nothing to retreat."

Suddenly, Yang Hui stood up. He did not look at the big prince, but arched his hand in the direction of the throne.

"There is a false accusation."

See Yang Hui stood up, and suddenly stood quiet in the hall. Yang Hui was highly valued by the Emperor of Hongming. Although he was one of the three oldest men, there was one person who had a 10,000-person relationship. He was quite close to the three emperors. Now he does not know what to expect.

The book of the Ministry of Rites was concealed with Yang Hui, and suddenly guessed Yang Hui’s intentions. He would never let the great emperor’s stable regent.

"Oh? I don't know what happened to Yang Ge?" Qing Yun looked at Yang Hui. This person is indeed very talented, but with the increase of age, it has become too stubborn. In some respects, it is not as good as the young officials. .

"Chen Chen is near to ancient times, the body is not as good as before, and now the middle-aged people can come out in large numbers. It is the wave of the Yangtze River." And Chen recently dreamed back at midnight, always seeing the scenery of his hometown, fearing that the deadline will come, so please ask His Royal Highness Returning to the hometown."

After Yang Hui said, he went deep into the throne.

Everyone did not expect Yang Hui to return to his hometown, and suddenly there was a lot of whispers. In the past, Yang Hui said that he had reached the limit. Now the Grand Emperor has proposed to be a skeleton in a regent. Isn’t this a big prince?

Listening to the noise of the ministers in the room, Yang Hui’s face remained unchanged. He knew that his move was very dangerous. Maybe he accidentally provoked the big prince to be unhappy. This old life is gone.

However, Yang Hui also has confidence in himself. With his position in the DPRK, the Great Emperor definitely does not dare to mobilize him, but at the same time he wants to sue the old is not easy.

However, Yang Hui’s mind has been decided and he must leave. First, he wants to show his dissatisfaction with the great emperor's administration. Second, if he stays in the capital, his every move must be monitored by the great emperor, and there are no people around the three emperors.

In the middle of the rites, there are many books and many of his doors. Yang Hui is not worried. Regardless of the means used by the great prince, he must insist on leaving.

Looking at Yang Hui's gaze is not good, he naturally wants Yang Hui to get out of the way, but he also knows that Yang Hui is in a high-ranking position and has a great role in the DPRK. He must not leave.

Qing Yun did not respond much to Yang Hui’s words. He even took up the cup and drank the tea to moisten his throat. This slowed down and persuaded Yang Hui: “Yang Ge’s old words are heavy, and this palace sees you living and living. What is the appearance of the deadline?"

"The change of the world, this dynasty is no longer the place of old age, and the great emperor is fulfilled."

What Yang Hui said is ugly, and he almost expressed his dissatisfaction with the regent of the great emperor. Speaking of this sentence, Yang Hui has already prepared for the wrath of the great emperor Thunder. He pondered his own arrangement in the DPRK and thought about the countermeasures to be taken later.

Whoever expected his voice to just fall, he listened to the quiet and quiet voice of the young man: "Since Yang Ge’s old mind has been decided, the palace can only be completed. The defending agent Lao Weilin is the first assistant, and the Yang Ge veteran’s hand is handed over. Can leave."

When Qingyun said this, the entire hall was quiet.

The ministers in the field experienced another surprise. What did they hear? Yang Ge is going to sue the old man, and the big prince actually agreed. Not only promised, but also said that Yang Gong veteran hand over the right to hand over to leave?

Yang Hui did not think that the big prince actually promised such a crisp and neat, no anger and no threat, so let him go? Yang Hui’s prepared words were all rotten in his stomach.

Aunt Shangshu looked at Yang Hui’s apparently shocked face, and finally couldn’t help but grin. I still think that I am more important. Is it a headache now?

"The big prince thinks twice!"

I did not pay attention to the words that Yang Huimen prayed for, and after Wei Lin took the lead, Qing Yun simply retired.

The roots of the Three Emperors are deeply rooted in the hall, and they are not changed because of Yang Hui's existence. Therefore, Yang Hui, who can't use it for himself, is left alone.

Yang Hui is also old, and he is very self-satisfied. He remembers using this method to bring down the face of the emperor. When he calms down, he will know that there is a cloud, and he stays in the court far more useful than running to Yan.

After all, Qingyun is not like Yan Yan. He has lived for tens of thousands of years and is extremely transparent to the world. The political affairs of a big Yan Empire can hardly hold him. It will take a long time to fill the loopholes that Yang Hui left.

In the original direction of the world, Yan Yan also faced Yang Hui's martyrdom after he ascended the throne, but Yan Yan's temperament and tyranny directly threatened Yang Hui, but received the obstruction of most ministers, not only did not kill Yang Hui but gave himself violent reputation.

After this battle, all the ministers realized the old road and the unpredictable behavior of the great emperor. Some ministers of the three emperors of the station team began to plan in secret.

In the northern border, the wind and sand are like a knife.

This border is the boundary between the Great Yan and the Mongolians. The Mongolians are good at fighting and have more friction with Dayan. Every time the winter forage grass withered food is scarce, the Dayan people at the border will be invaded by the Mongolians.

Livestock, food, and women are all robbed. This kind of robbing is not an accident, but a provocation by the Mongolian army.

Da Yan has always been Shang Wen, the military officer is lacking and has no real power. In the past years, in the confrontation of the Mongolian army, Da Yan often suffered from failure.

But nowadays, the border of Dayan has been in existence for nearly two decades, and it has not been invaded by the Mongolians. The people in the border area have also increased. Although they are not comparable to the Central Plains, there is also a lively atmosphere in the market.

Occasionally, I can see a few urchins running around at the border, which is a common scenario.

The reason why the border is so calm is because there is now the general of the town of Zhenbei. He had no father or mother, and he was on the side of the road when Hong Ming Emperor took the patrol.

In order to report the feelings of love, Yan Yue was ten years old from the army, but he had not yet reached the border. Since he led the army, the brave Mongolian army has seen the natural enemies and the fallen flowers.

After changing the weakness of the Da Yan army in the past, Yan Yue even led the troops to the inside of the Mongolian people, and forced the Mongolians to retreat to the north.

Therefore, Yu Yue is now in the early thirties and sealed the general of the town of North, very popular with the people of the border, his town's Northern Army is also famous for its fierceness.

It is reasonable to say that Yu Yue thinks that it should be suspicion by the emperor, but because of the special status of Yu Yue, he grew up with the emperor, so he was greatly trusted by the Emperor Hong Ming. The Emperor Hong Ming even decided to wait until he returned to the DPRK to seal him. Zhenbei Hou.

"Report! General, one person claimed to be the three emperors, and came to see him with the imperial edict."

Suddenly a brief report came out of the military account, and the man next to the sand table frowned.

The man is nine feet tall and has muscles and muscles. Even if he is not armed, a fierce temper is coming, but the man is wise and has a kind of refined atmosphere that is difficult for the general.

Will the soldiers, the handsome will be, the man is obviously the latter.

Yan Yue looked at the news he had received a few days ago, Shen Sheng: "Let him come in."

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