MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 125 He has bipolar disorder 14

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Qing Yunwei couldn't check the sneer and ignored the information sent by the man.

Nowadays, so many students have left, but the magic has not let others put their eyes on the events of the day. This is the ability of Wei Changxiu. If he wants to deal with a person, he can make people completely aware of the mistakes, and even realize that some people have moved their hands and feet.

All the students who led the last incident were all dropped out of school, and the curiosity ran over to see the lively students. When they heard that they had appeared in the home, they couldn’t die and ordered them to ruin the day. In the belly?

As for why people who did not find Weijia in the morning to pick up Qingyun, of course, it is because a man has set up a property next to the school and walks to pick up Qingyun every day.

Thinking of the man, Qing Yun could not help but yawn. Wei Changxiu did not go out often for a lifetime. Now he is willing to go to school every day, waiting for him in a humble place. This kind of well-behaved appearance has to say that Qing Yun has eliminated a lot.

But one thing, this man is still unwilling to accept the energy he passed, as if he is holding on to the bottom line. This makes Qingyun helpless and somewhat confused. It is just some energy. Why do men value it so much?

Now the soul of Qingyun is already very strong. He feels that his soul has grown a hundred times as much as before, or completed a qualitative change. Nowadays, in this world, Qing Yun does not even need to carefully avoid the heavens, but the atmosphere of the heavens becomes extremely blurred.

With the strength of the soul, Qingyun has a strange feeling. Instead of being as jealous as before, he is like a cautious hunter, eager to find it and devour it.

This feeling of reversal of identity has indeed given Qingyun an indescribable pleasure. However, because of the obstruction of Heaven, he has almost been wronged for more than 10,000 years, and even the nutrients that are almost the protagonist have been swallowed up a little.

As a fugitive avenger, his position with Heaven is not endless.

Although the butcher's knife hanging over the top of Qingyun's head can't cause any harm to him like a child's toy, Qingyun still has some worries.

After all, the injury in the man's soul is unclear. If it is not in the scar that the atmosphere of the heavens is not perceived, Qing Yun almost thinks that the man is carrying him and he is singled out with Tiandao.

Although the man’s injury has not deteriorated sharply, it has become a little bit worse with the passing of the incident, especially when the man is killed and refuses to absorb his energy.

This made Qingyun focus on his heart. He sighed with a sigh. Qingyun suddenly thought that he had not seen the man’s body yet, or he simply took the soul out and he didn’t believe that man could still play silly at that time. Full of charge.

At this time, Qingyun’s mobile phone shook again. He looked down and saw the information to the father, informing him to go home today.

Oh? I really guessed it.

The original fear of the father's mixed disgust once again hit Qingyun's heart, but let his eyes immediately sneer a little sneer.

All kinds of pains left in the mind of Chen Yu’s mind made Qing Yun feel the same. Qing Yun originally thought that this is the same as the original owner of each world who stood on the opposite side of the protagonist, so the experience of the original master would easily evoke the painful memories of his almost being attacked by the whole world.

But as his soul became a little bit full, Qing Yun found himself and the original owner of each world, I am afraid there is a special connection.

In general, I returned to the information. Qingyun stared at the simple message to the father on the mobile phone. His seemingly calm eyes seemed to penetrate the screen of the mobile phone, and it was easy to see the ugly desire in the father's heart.

He remembered that he seemed to have gambling problems with his father. This is a small obstacle for the protagonist to the morning and the present. In the original direction of the world, to the morning and the present, because of the incident to the Father, he took the initiative to separate from the Wei, and let Wei Shiang knowing the truth even more distressed him.

When the matter of the father was finally revealed by the media, the morning and the present also used this matter to make an effort to support the family, but the image dragged by the blood-sucking father was interpreted to the extreme. He became the head of the international music competition. With this image, he directly went to the music circle. Even the 80-year-old dad mentioned this poor boy who would give him a tear.

As for Chen Yu, after he lost in the international music competition, he was sold to the casino to his father. He could only be a non-light performer for a lifetime, and let his beloved music be dark and dirty. Resounding in the underground casino with money and money, even ending your own life can not do.

Qing Yun gently covered his eyes, as if to comfort the painful teenager, but also to comfort a part of himself.

The bell rang in the class, and Qing Yun’s class was over. He didn’t stay any longer. He simply packed up and went back home.

Upon returning home, Qing Yun saw that he had waited in the living room for the father.

He has not returned to his home for a long time. Now, at the beginning, there is an inexplicable bleak in the whole house. The housekeeper and the servant are still there, but on the face, there is an involuntary worry from time to time.

The mother is not at home, Qing Yun guessed that at this moment she should return to her family to find a solution for the father.

Nowadays, the debt to the home is not a secret in the whole family. Presumably, this is not the first time the father has drawn money from the company, but the man who is extremely majestic on weekdays can whisper like his son to seek help. There has been a huge loophole in the money, and it is said that it is not good to be outside the father.

Qing Yunsi took a moment to find out that this world has become more like a fallen father. How long has it been like this?

Looking at the silent and gloomy child, entering the house, the father who sat on the sofa did not seem to pray for the humble expression of the morning and the present, but he was even more harsh, and looked up and squinted, and asked. : "How long does it take for your home to pick you up?"

It was very different from the situation where the former Weijia driver was waiting outside. When I heard the question from the father, the teenager standing at the door bowed for a while and then hoarsely said: "Weijia said that I don’t need my performance. It is."

Laughing to the father, this answer did not surprise him. Nowadays, the performance of the adopted child is very different from that of the previous days.

Sure enough, the Wei family did not regard Chen Yu as a thing, isn't it a piano player? To say that it is a musician, isn’t it a tool for the rich to play?

In the music, the tree is not high, and the father’s malicious degrading to Chen Yu, and thousands of achievements beyond his musicians, seems to be able to comfort his feelings of hitting the wall.

In the heart of the father, music is not only the best tool for him to raise his identity in front of thousands of people, but also to make him proud of his arrogance, and at the same time, the most frustrating blow, and the most disappointing field.

The exaggerated pride and the inferiority of the fermentation in the heart, mixed into an indescribable aggression, this aggression has been hidden under the appearance of the father. However, in the face of the small morning feathers, it is undoubtedly revealed.

It was also this kind of sorrow that allowed the father to completely hang in the music game of the underground casino.

Thinking of the purpose of calling back to Chen Yu, the eyes of the father with a haze of sorrow to Qingyun, the tone is consistently reprimanded: "It really is useless is useless, this was only a few days in the Wei family was rushed Are you back? I am afraid that it is the guardian who will not leave you with such ungrateful things."

I saw the young man hearing the words "forgiveness and ignorance". As usual, I couldn’t help but tremble. I flashed a touch of satisfaction to my father’s eyes. He sipped the teacup on the coffee table and took a sip of tea. Satire and oppressive tone, slowly said: "When you adopted you, it cost a lot of money to go home, or I am afraid that the orphanage you stayed in will not stay."

Hearing the orphanage to the father again, the straight back of the teenager standing in the living room finally fell down, as if he had poked the softest place in his heart to the father, so that he could not collapse.

"And train you to learn the piano, I spent a lot of effort, your piano..."

After waiting for the words of the father, the hoarse voice of the young boy said: "I will return, I will still."

In fact, after passing the 16-year-old Chen Yu, he has already worked in various restaurants and cafes. He now eats, wears, and tuition, and does not have a penny for his family.

However, the orphanage will always be a holy place in the heart of Chen Yu. Every time he mentions his financing of the orphanage to the father, he will put down all his defenses and accept the accusation and even roar to the father.

"Oh? Is it? You have seen some difficulties in your home recently." When he heard the adopted son, he finally showed a softness to the father. He continued, "just go to defend the house..."

But before he finished, the slightly excited teenager interrupted his words: "I will win the championship of the music competition. The prize money for the competition is 500,000 US dollars. I will give it to you, and the former guards also Pay me the fee..."

Wrinkled his father, half a million? What is the use of 500,000, this game is just a famous way, the bonus is not more important, and the father has not yet reached the point of human annihilation, he still wants his son to get a music contest in the morning. Champion.

Looking at this boy is estimated to be not good at the Wei family, the previous dark idea once again emerged in the father's heart. The music module of the underground casino has just begun, and the level of "players" playing music is not high, so the inside of the casino is also searching for such talents.

However, people who can let their children receive the most advanced music education are not rich and expensive, but also have small assets. How can they work in the casino?

Of course, this is just the way to the bright side. There are several players in the casino who have cut their tongues and ruined them. At first glance, they are the people who come through the irregular roads.

The son's eyes were swept away from the adopted son. His son was notorious, but he also popped up "Running Water" in the game. Such a character must be the top in the casino, and the price should be high and outrageous. It should be easy for the owner of the casino to cross his gambling debts, and maybe he can earn another.

The ** that is eager to move hits the bottom line of the father's heart. Qing Yun clearly sees the ambition and struggle in this person's eyes. He smiles maliciously. He was worried that he would not hesitate to help the father. It seems that he is too worried now.

However, he still can't come to the father so early.

The thoughts of the father were interrupted by the voice of the adopted son: "I played "Water", and the judges are very optimistic about me, so I will definitely get the bonus."

The teenager explained in a hurry, as if he was afraid of saying to the father that he did not believe him.

When he heard the adopted child, he paused to the father’s mind. He forgot that this kid played "Flowing Water" not only made him worth more, but also made him highly noticeable. At this time, if he had something wrong, I am afraid Not easy to fool the past.

I flashed a trace of anxiety in my father's eyes and had to wave my hand to leave the child: "Well, I am waiting for your bonus."

The teenager was relieved and went upstairs. He looked at his father's back and nervously bitten his nails. He forgot that the more famous the boy's reputation, the higher the price is, the more difficult it is to deal with.

If something can be done... When his reputation reaches its highest point, it will suddenly fall, and it will be better.

Looking at the father has already started to think, Qingyun did not stay at home more, in the evening he excuses to prepare for the game, and once again left home.

When he went out, Qing Yun just had a face-to-face with Chen Jin.

I went to the morning and the present, but then I remembered what it was for Chen Yu to go home today. The eyes suddenly flashed a trace of joyful and strange emotions.

People always do this. When one person is in trouble, the heart will be angry and even roar, but when you see a disgusting person facing the same situation as yourself, but worse than yourself, the mood will become inexplicably beautiful.

When I thought about going to the father, I left the guardian's shelter to Chen Yu, what kind of situation I would face, and I was inexplicably happy in my heart, even though he did not know where this pleasure came from.

After leaving the home, Qingyun returned directly to his residence with Wei Changxiu. When he entered the door, he saw Wei Ming waiting for him outside.

Wei Ming immediately greeted the past, whispered: "To Mr., the boss is a bit bad, I have been looking for you. If you are not coming back now, I am afraid I will pick you up at home."

"Yeah." Qing Yun should have a voice, he wants to fortunate that he is coming back quickly, or else Wei Ming really ran to pick him up at home, may be afraid of what to scare the father.

The author has something to say: You are simply warm, your stomach is not hurting, what about the group?

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