MTL - Boneless Incense-Chapter 44

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  Chapter 44

  Chapter 43

  Shen Mo and Lin Qiang still live in the Jinhu Inn, while Jiang Xiaosi was taken hostage by Lu Lin to his yard. Lu Lin didn't know the identities of Shen Mo and the others, and he wasn't interested. What he wanted was to find a few people to marry.

  He treats his neighbors in the countryside as his family members, so when he chooses a son-in-law, he will naturally not find someone with poor appearance and character, nor will he forcibly tear down other people's marriages. It's rare that Shen Mo and the others are all good-looking, and they are not married, which is just right.

  Lu Lin did not detain them, but only detained Jiang Xiaosi who was traveling with them. If they left their companions and fled, then such people are not worthy of staying in Xiaoli Village. Among them, Yixiu's status as a monk made him a little afraid, but it was Shen Mo who made him the most confused.

  At this time, Jiang Xiaosi was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep, curled up in a ball under the blanket, and began to miss Jiang Liu's warm embrace, and even Shen Mo's refrigerator.

  The bamboo shadows are swaying on the window, and the moon is just outside. In the dark, she stared wide-eyed, recalling the scene when she bullied Shen Mo that night, his face turned green with anger, but he felt guilty for doing something wrong, even though she ate all the tofu and didn't resist, this was a blessing in disguise, right?

   Having known each other for so long, she has never seen Shen Mo smile, and even the mocking expression is cold. But he is actually very good to everyone, completely opposite to his father's attitude of not caring about anyone except himself and mother.

   But this is not important, the important thing is how to make Shen Mo treat students well and become like them?

  She has been envious of her mother since she was a child, and she still loves a man like her father even after thousands of years. She approached Shen Mo at the beginning because of curiosity, but also because of his appearance and the attraction of RH's blood. After getting along with him for a long time, the more she got to know him, the more she liked him. I like his indifference, his awkwardness, his poisonous tongue and even the way he loses his temper...

   Faintly heard music coming from outside, with endless melancholy and sadness. This place is a small courtyard surrounded by three or two rooms, and Lu Lin lives alone. Jiang Xiaosi sat up suddenly, and decided to go out to see what the **** that Lian Lian did not sleep at night and was doing outside. Did he think that playing guitar and singing love songs outside the house like those inexplicable boys chasing girls would change his mind and marry him?

   Putting on his clothes and going out, it turned out that Lu Lin was sitting on the tallest tree in the courtyard, blowing his leaf whistle to the moon. However, it was cold winter, so there were no leaves on the trees.

  Jiang Xiaosi walked under the tree and looked up at him, "Did you pull the leaves off yourself?"

Lu Lin ignored her teasing and continued to brag, Jiang Xiaosi felt bored, rubbed his nose and continued to ask: "What kind of poison did you feed me and Xiao Tang? , how powerful is it?"

  Lu Lin finally stopped, looking down at her with emotionless eyes: "It's not poison, but I can turn you into a tree at any time."

  Jiang Xiaosi was stunned, and instead of being annoyed, he smiled: "Then can you turn me into a Christmas tree?"

  Lu Lin fluttered down from the tree, like a dandelion falling slowly. His body was too thin, as if it would disperse when the wind was strong.

   "You don't seem to be afraid of me at all?" Cai Cai was still screaming when he caught him, struggling and screaming desperately.

"I was scared at first, but later I found out that you didn't want to kill me, but wanted me to marry my mentor. You are my benefactor!" Jiang Xiaosi found that Lu Lin was not as heinous as he imagined, a man who knew how to listen and be considerate Others, fairies who can still bargain, believe that they are not too bad.

Lu Lin looked at her seriously, quickly pinched his fingers a few times, and then shook his head lightly: "I only brought about this marriage for my own sake, but you are destined not to be together in this life, and you will be separated sooner or later, I just care It doesn't matter whether you get together or leave, if you really love him, you can take care of yourself in the future."

  Jiang Xiaosi's heart trembled, and the smile froze on his face. She knew that Lu Lin didn't have to lie to her, and the possibility that Shen Mo could accept her zombie status was very slim. But she just couldn't help but want to gamble, betting on Shen Mo's soft heart, thinking that if he also fell in love, then the status should not be important anymore.

   "Why did you want to marry me in the first place? You don't need to use your own marriage to do your merits?"

  Lu Lin shook his head: "I always preside over other people's weddings, and I suddenly want to experience what it's like to be married."

   "Are you lonely? No wonder, seeing other people blooming like brocade, I feel bleak for no reason. I said blowing leaves here in the middle of the night turned out to be thinking of spring."

   Lu Lin glared at her.

  Jiang Xiaosi was still smiling: "Aren't there still a few girls waiting to be married in the village?"

   "I treat them like younger sisters, it's rare to have a woman from the outside world."

   "I'm really sorry to disappoint you, and I have to continue to be a bachelor. I think you are actually quite good, and some regular customers in my store are also very good. I have the opportunity to introduce you to each other. The premise is that you have to let us go."

   "Does your family run a shop?"


   "What to sell?"

"Adult Products."





   Chatting all night without knowing it, Lu Lin went out to make preparations for the upcoming wedding at dawn, and locked Jiang Xiaosi in the yard. Jiang Xiaosi went back to bed to catch up on sleep, she thought that Shen Mo and the others would find a way to find her. Unexpectedly, a whole day passed, except for two old women who came to deliver food, there was no one else. When Lu Lin came back in the evening, Jiang Xiaosi inquired about Shen Mo and the others.

   "Xingzhi and Xiaowan took them around the village."

  Seeing Jiang Xiaosi pursing his mouth, he looked in disbelief.

   "Why, you want to go too? When you are all married, you will be free."

   "Will you let us go back?"

  Lu Lin pondered for a while: "You and Shen Mo can go, and if Xiaowan is willing to go back outside, Xiaotang can also go. Yixiu and Lin Qiang must stay in the village."

   "Why?" Jiang Xiaosi protested.

   "In any case, husband and wife should not be separated. If they can find a way for their other half to leave the village and go together, I will not stop it."

  Jiang Xiaosi was completely speechless.

   Another day passed, and no one came to see her. She didn't know if her father had received the news and rushed to help, nor did she know what was going on with Shen Mo and the others. Unable to sit still, he began to try to sneak away countless times, but before he stepped out of the yard, he would be entangled by the tree in the yard with arms-like branches. So she spent the whole day fighting wits with a few trees.

   Later Lu Xiaowan came and gave her a wedding dress to try on. When Jiang Xiaosi saw the flaming ball, the depression in his heart was swept away. I began to think that maybe it would be nice to be a beautiful girl waiting to be married.

   Finally ushered in the day of the wedding, Jiang Xiaosi still didn't see Shen Mo and the others, and he felt a little anticipation and a little panic. I asked Lu Xiaowan who was beside me countless times, but the result was that my father and Miao Yan didn't come.

   Didn't Miao Yan receive the news? Probably not.

   When the auspicious time came, Lu Linqiang fed her something, and then her actions were completely out of control just like Xiao Tang. Pushed and shoved by the people behind her, she moved forward in a daze, with a hipa covering her head, and the sound of people and firecrackers around her was deafening, and she was dragged into the church to marry in a daze.

  The end of the red silk is really Shen Mo? She couldn't believe it, she always felt like she was dreaming or filming, and the people around her were all phantoms.

   There are two other pairs, but Jiang Xiaosi has no intention to pay attention to them. She feels that her whole head is as heavy as lead, with a soldering iron pressed against her chest, and tongues of fire spray from her abdomen to her throat.

   I really want to see Shen Mo worshiping the hall, it must be very funny, but there is only a red in front of my eyes. The muddleheaded church finished worshiping, and my father still didn't come in the end.

   I don't know how I got into the room and how to sit down. Her body still doesn't belong to me, and I can't even take a big breath.

   I don't know how long he sat upright, Jiang Xiaosi remembered that when he was a child, he followed some little monsters to an orchard of Abo's house to steal peaches, and was punished by his father to stand in the corner when he came back. Dad was never willing to beat and scold her, that was the severest punishment for her. But that kind of silence and boredom is more uncomfortable than directly touching the board, so Jiang Xiaosi often chats and mutters to the wall alone.

  The sound of people outside gradually faded away, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Jiang Xiaosi raised his heart in his throat, wouldn't he really want to enter the bridal chamber with his tutor? She is not a fool, Shen Mo's agreement to marry her is obviously just a stopgap measure, she doesn't believe that they haven't done anything these days.

  The visitor smelled slightly of alcohol, but could still smell RH faintly. It should be Shen Mo, but she was covered by the veil, and her consciousness was not so clear, so she couldn't be sure.

  Jiang Xiaosi's heart was pounding, and the man stood still in front of her without speaking, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  Mentor, quickly take off the hipa, Jiang Xiaosi called in his heart. The man finally moved, but he reached out to untie her clothes. Jiang Xiaosi was startled, his first reaction was that this person was not Shen Mo.

   Could it be Lu Lin?

  Jiang Xiaosi was about to cry, feeling that the buttons in front of him were being undone one by one. The man's hand touched her neck, and it was terribly hot.

   It's over, it's over, is it that her chastity that has been kept for thousands of years is going to be destroyed like this? What about Shen Mo? Where's dad? Who will save her.

  The man suddenly leaned forward, pinning her under him. Putting down the gauze with one hand, and reaching into her clothes with the other.

  Jiang Xiaosi scolded all kinds of bad words in his heart, thinking that if he could move for a while, then this **** wouldn't have her surname Jiang.

  Feeling the movement of the hand on the chest, with a face full of tears, TNN, no matter how much you touch my old lady, she will have no breasts!

  Tears flowed down two unbelievably, hitting the pillow.

  The man on the body seemed to be stunned, and gently leaned towards her ear.

   "Xiao Si, don't be afraid."

  The string in Jiang Xiaosi's heart broke suddenly, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It's really Shen Mo, from TNN, it scared her to death! She thought she was going to be a little dragon girl again!

  But what is he doing, belittling himself? Revenge for bullying him last time and not being able to move?

Shen Mo was looking for something in Jiang Xiaosi's clothes with one hand, and took off the hipa on her head with the other hand. At this moment, Jiang Xiaosi looked at himself with eyes that were shining with water, pitifully, like A little hamster.

Shen Mo was a little funny but couldn't laugh. It didn't matter if he took the tree demon's charm medicine or something, but he was a little embarrassed after drinking two glasses of wine. He didn't want Jiang Xiaosi to see him like this, which ruined the lofty image.

  As soon as he thought about his image, he realized that it was really indecent for him to be on Jiang Xiaosi. Just as he was about to get up, Jiang Xiaosi suddenly stretched out his hands to wrap his neck around his neck, and stuck his cherry mouth close.

  Shen Mo was caught off guard by her kiss, and was taken aback for a moment. I thought how can a person fall twice in the same place and be bullied by the same person twice?

   "Jiang Xiaosi!" Shen Mo scolded, what time is it now, she is still in the mood to mess around!

  Jiang Xiaosi blinked at him fiercely, she didn't do it on purpose, her body moved by itself.


  The moment Shen Mo opened his mouth, the tip of his pink tongue had already stuck in, with a completely different sophistication from the last time, entangled his tongue flexibly, provocatively teased him up and down, and bit his lips.

  Shen Mo gasped, if he could keep calm last time, this time he really panicked.

  The hard heart was suddenly uncovered by her, revealing the softness inside, and the little hamster was nibbling it bit by bit with its sharp teeth.

A certain fire was ignited deep in his heart. Shen Mo told himself that it was the charm medicine and alcohol that were at work. Every time he drank alcohol, he would become abnormal and wanted to do physical labor, such as cleaning the house, going out to run a marathon, etc. Yes, and then I fell asleep until I was exhausted.

   But what does this have to do with physical labor?

  Shen Mo's mind was a little blank, especially when he faced Jiang Xiaosi's innocent, pitiful eyes. Instead of closing her lips tightly like last time and hugging that small body, she began to respond unconsciously and passively.

  He was lured by a little hamster? He likes a hamster?

  Jiang Xiaosi didn't expect Shen Mo to accept him this time, he was excited and panicked at the same time, it turned out that his skills were not good enough last time! Kissing is useless, wet kissing is all it takes. It seems that today is indeed going to be the night of the bridal chamber, but she is not ready yet, what should I do.

   At this moment, there was a loud noise from the door, as if some mana had been broken. A group of people pushed the door and filed in, and it was Jiang Liu who walked in front.

   "Shen Mo, it's all done..." The word "Le" was like a stone stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out no matter how hard he tried.

  Seeing your daughter making out with another man on the bed, as a father, what can you think?

  (end of this chapter)

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