MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 50 Meng Shuai Congjun Ji 6 【Wish you all happy】

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Great Master Qingming said indifferently: "Your Majesty the Emperor is busy with military affairs, why bother him?"

"Yes, Your Majesty is still considerate."


the second day.

After lunch, the Mongolian side followed Shi Hongzhen to the Anbu. This was the first time that the Mongolian side saw Bu Changkong, the leader of the Anbu.

This also proves that the Mongolian side is completely accounted for at the top of Qin State.

Bu Changkong is also a man from a military family, and he has a good impression of the Mongolian side. It is a good time to take this meeting to observe the strength of the Mongolian side's soul, um, and to file for the Mongolian side in the Anbu, and at the same time, release the relevant information of the Mongolian side. The entire dark part is perfectly matched with the rainbow.

From then on, Mengfang will receive the full assistance of Anbu and Rainbow Tianyi and help in any situation.

Yes, any situation!

Even if it is sacrificed for it, it is the kind of willingness to follow one after another!

Just because the current status of the Mongolian side has reached such a point.

However, after Bu Changkong repeatedly observed the Mongolian spirit, he also activated the Heavenly Soul Realm that Anbu hadn't used for many years, but he still didn't find anything unusual.

Based on the shallow cultivation of the Mongolian side, a conclusion has been drawn - the Mongolian side is definitely not the reincarnation of the ancestors of the Great Qin, um, or it is not the reincarnation of anyone, let alone the external incarnation of a strong man who has experienced the world of mortals.

Bu Changkong gave the final judgment: "No."

Hearing this conclusion, Shi Hongzhen was a little disappointed in his heart.

Because, before coming here, Emperor Qin once said: If it is said that he strengthens the fortune of the country with his own power, there is another person who is connected with the fortune of the royal family.

That was Fengyin, the genius doctor of the year.

That is, eight years ago, the number one killer in the world was Wen Wen.

There is still a sign on his body that reads "As I am here in person", so it is naturally closely related to the fate of the Great Qin, and we share weal and woe.

In other words, no matter what the miracle doctor does, it is equivalent to the emperor's doing, and the miracle doctor is boundless, and has countless good fortunes. The living beings in this world, not to mention the desire of everyone, at least few people say that the wind **** doctor is not good. Such popularity will naturally greatly increase the background of Daqin.

And the genius doctor has been extinguished in the world of mortals for many years. Listening to Master Qingming's words, Feng Feng's cultivation base has advanced rapidly, thousands of miles a day, and has reached the top of the world.

Qin Huang couldn't help but wonder, could this Mongolian side be the body of a miracle doctor?

For this guess, Qin Huang was looking forward to it very much, and the expectation from the bottom of his heart was true.

Although the difference in age couldn't be more obvious, but the origin of the wind doctor is mysterious, and the master's inheritance is even more mysterious. If there is any way to integrate two souls in the teacher's school, one soul is the wind doctor, and the other is the Mongolian side, and they have been dormant Don't move, what about the world of mortals?

Judging from the timeline, wouldn't it be after the Wind God Physician died out of the world of mortals that Meng Fang suddenly emerged and emerged?

Now, Bu Changkong denied this possibility, and Shi Hongzhen, who knew the emperor's heart well, could imagine His Majesty's disappointment and loss.

"Your Majesty is inside."

Bu Changkong was also full of disappointment, because he had the same hope as Qin Huang.

Now that hope has been dashed.

Although the Mongolian side is rare, it is also the choice of a rare talent that is rare in a hundred generations, but after all, it cannot be compared with the wind doctor. If the two are one, it will be better. Now it is confirmed that the two are not related. Expectations are empty and lost. It is also natural.

The Mongolian side, who was aware of this, was very surprised. Why did the boss of the hidden guard look very enthusiastic and even respectful when he saw him, but now he seems to be less interested and less enthusiastic...

But the Mongolian side is open-minded by nature, especially with a childlike heart, so he really didn't take it to heart.

"Experts, they all have eccentricities. I don't know much about cultivation, and I come from a rural background. It's difficult for the two sides to communicate well. It makes sense."



Great Master Qing Ming looked at Meng Fang in front of him, his eyes sparkled, showing a very interesting and intriguing feeling.

"General Meng is really young and promising, he's not yet at the age of thirties, is he?"

"My lord, the prize is too high. The Mongolian side is indeed less than thirty."

"May I ask where General Meng's ambition is headed?"

Meng Fang pondered for a while, and said: "Let's live a good life."

Great Master Qing Ming was stunned: "How about living?"

"Yes, I only want one person's heart, the white head will not be separated; peace and prosperity, I don't want to be rich and powerful, I just want to stay together for a lifetime, free from disease and disaster, and live indifferently. This is a beautiful thing in life, and it is a dream."

The Mongolian side answered very seriously, word by word, meticulous.

Great Master Qing Ming froze on the spot: "That's it?"

For an old man like him who has practiced for many years and lived in the world for thousands of years, the Mongolian side's meaning and vision for life, or existence, is really too... superficial?

"That's it, live in the moment, grasp the moment."

"Then you have made countless achievements in attacking cities and pulling out strongholds, and you are the supreme general..."

Great Lord Qing Ming really didn't expect that when he asked casually, he would come up with a strange thing.

"This is all from the heart, and it is also... a helpless move."

The Mongolian side sighed, and said: "The last general was born in a remote wild village, but he is a peasant. He even joined the army because he was framed by others. If he had a choice, he would not embark on the road of no return. It's just that on the battlefield, if you don't kill people, you will be killed." After being killed, in order to survive and pray for a reunion with his wife and children, he can only do his best to win every battle. However, winning a battle brings not only survival, but also accumulation of merit. Promotion, and the next battle after promotion is often more dangerous, so I have to work harder... This step by step, I have reached the high position of general, and every time I think about it, it seems like a big dream.”

Great Master Qingming and Chief Steward Shi Hongzhen, who was listening, were stunned.

This it too weird, or too plain, can you say it more plainly?

"What if His Majesty allows you to give up all official positions, disarm and return to the farmland, and live in peace!?"

"This is a good thing for the future, go home and farm immediately."

The Mongolian side was fascinated: "It is said that if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government, you will not have the power of life and death, and you will not have a heavy burden on your shoulders. If your majesty has a word, you will never come out again in this life. Find a remote place as soon as possible. , preferably the kind that no one can find, no neighbors, so as not to be framed. Men farm and women weave, don't fight with the world, clean the porridge and side dishes, and spend the rest of your life in peace."


For a moment, Master Qing Ming's face was like sinking water, but Chief Manager Shi Hongzhen was speechless.

"Actually, since you are in a high position now, if you want to farm, you can do it anytime, anywhere."

The Mongolian side said earnestly: "Your Majesty, the last general is a member of the army, even if he is ranked as the top general. In essence, he is still a soldier, or a soldier. If he leaves the team privately to return to his hometown to farm, according to the laws of our Great Qin , will still be treated as a deserter, and the general has violated the law, and he will also be questioned.”

Master Qingming finally couldn't help but complained with a dark face: "I don't see that you understand the law quite well."

The Mongolian side smiled embarrassedly: "To tell you the truth, when the last general joined the army, he often had the idea of ​​wanting to be a deserter, but he didn't want to leave hidden dangers. He studied the military laws and court regulations several times, but I couldn't find a way to follow... If I could really get away at will, I'm afraid the young general would have...cough cough cough..."

Meng Fang stopped talking, his face was full of embarrassment.

He didn't understand why he couldn't control his mouth when he got here, he just said what was in his heart, what's going on?

Great Venerable Qingming put away the Dafa of Confusing Heart more and more tiredly.

He would be really tired. He wanted to hear about the ambitions and great wishes of the new general of the Great Qin Dynasty, but he didn't want to listen to the twists and turns. People's true words, and express their hearts.

Never expected to hear such an argument.

Great Lord Qingming can guarantee that what this guy is saying at the moment is all from his heart, and it really can't be truer.

But because it was so true, Great Master Qingming felt even more tired.

What the **** is this? Isn't this too worthless?

Obviously, the first impression of this product is very good, the impression of falling in love with it at first glance, and falling in love with it at the first sight is good, but now I feel it again, although it still feels good, but why can't the mud not support the wall?!

"Come with me, boy."

Too lazy to talk to him again, he led the guy to his seat, and then said again: "Sit down."

Then he handed over another pill: "Take it."

The Mongolian side complied in a daze.

Then, Master Qing Ming slapped him on the head, and Meng Fang fainted with a "hiccup".

And then, and then Great Venerable Qingming began to empower him.

Anyway, what is it like for a dignified general of the Qin State to have such a low level of cultivation?

With such a small level of cultivation on the Mongolian side, they are almost no different from ordinary people, how can they do it well?

Therefore, even though Great Master Qing Ming had already given up some speculation in his mind, he still chose to give the initiation.

At the level of Master Qingming's cultivation, a fraction of his strength and vitality can benefit Mongolian infinitely in this life.

At the right time, spiritual power poured into the Mongolian body like a tidal wave. At this moment, Great Master Qingming personally performed it. With the Daoist Qingming's way, it is really overkill, but also Because of this, it is more handy and prevents all accidents!

But how can things like accidents be completely eliminated?!


Great Lord Qingming was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Hongzhen asked instinctively on the side, but when he was just born, he understood it himself, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why is this happening? This is..."

But seeing the pores on Meng Fangzhou's body, they were like the eyes of needles, and the spiritual energy empowered by Great Master Qingming leaked out in an orderly manner.

At that scene, his eyes were full of chi chi chi... he was really angry all over.

"This kid is actually a martial arts insulator? Born with a leaky body? According to legend, the best waste physique in heaven and earth?"

Great Master Qingming felt that his entire life of being in a daze had been wasted today.

Such a top-notch waste physique is a legend in the true sense, and it is even rarer than a top genius.

Looking at the history of practice in Anping Continent, there has never been a single one in the past and present, but now there is one in front of me, and it is the newly promoted general of Qin State


The military can count and rank the number one big man!


Chief Manager Shi Hongzhen, who saw the clue, was also stunned. This change was really unexpected, what a surprise!

"It's no wonder this guy stopped cultivating to the acquired extreme. He turned out to be a top-notch waste, and there is no room for improvement!"

Great Master Qingming laughed a little: "Going one step further, the acquired and innate power and spirit can't survive in his body at all."

With Shi Hongzhen's cultivation strength, why didn't he know the key to this, he opened his mouth subconsciously, but he didn't know what to say, he pondered for a moment before saying: "Your Majesty's wisdom is as deep as an abyss, and he understands the three realms, so what can you know?" Any way to turn around?"

Great Master Qingming said indifferently: "It's good to be reincarnated once, and the body that is born leaked will only be with you for the rest of your life. Well, to put it simply, let his mother reincarnate him once."

Shi Hongzhen was dumbfounded on the spot.

This is simply impossible, but is it really okay for you to speak so elegantly and so easy to understand?

Compared to Eunuch Shi who stood there blankly, Master Qingming was clearly interested, rubbed his chin, stared at the unconscious Meng Fang, frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing Senior Qingming thinking, the chief manager was not in a hurry to wake Meng Fang up, he was a little surprised, and said, "What doubts do you have, Senior?

Great Master Qingming said calmly: "Hongzhen, do you know what this top-level trash qualification means?"

"It's just that there is no hope of moving forward at all, right? It can't even be said that it is difficult to walk, and there is no way to walk." The chief manager puzzled.

Isn't this something everyone knows? Still asking?

"This is just one of them, or... the surface."

Great Master Qingming said carefully: "Let's put it this way, have you seen this kind of talent before?"


"This kind of endowment is the first time this old man has seen it."

Great Master Qingming said lightly.

Shi Hongzhen was shocked again.

Although his cultivation base is also profound, but ninety-nine percent of his life has been in the imperial city, and he has met countless people.

But you, Great Venerable Qingming, have lived in the world for thousands of years and have seen many things, so this is the first time you have seen it?

This is a bit interesting, it is more appalling!

"When entering Taoism, there has always been only the difference between being able to cultivate Taoism and not being able to cultivate Taoism. Ordinary people are certainly not destined for martial arts, but they are not born with such innate infirmities. They can enter Taoism and practice, but they stop at the door of Xiantian. It is within reach, but they have no chance to step into it .”

Great Master Qingming said: "This kind of innate aptitude is really a theoretical existence, and it can only exist in legends as a special endowment. Anyone who has achieved success in the practice of Xianghua can easily recognize this kind of talent. situation, I also know that there may be such a superb product, but in fact... no one has ever really seen it.”

"In other words, the Mongolian boy's physique is unprecedented in so many years since ancient times! Do you understand?"

"Doesn't that mean that the general's physique is unique and unique?" The chief executive was shocked.

It's not just the first time I've heard that the trash has reached the point where it's unique, the only thing in the world, it's the first time I've heard of it, it should be unprecedented, and it will never be seen again.

"Or it should be said that this is a qualification that should not exist in the world."

Great Master Qingming said slowly.

"My lord, can you make your words clearer, the more I hear this old servant, the more confused I become."

"Oh, it's best if you don't understand."

The chief executive shut up with some internal injuries.

What do you mean I don't understand the best?

Great Lord Qing Ming is really not in the mood to deal with Eunuch Shi's question, and the doubt in his eyes became more and more intense.

With the knowledge and wisdom he has accumulated for countless years, there are too few and rare things in this world that he can't understand or think clearly.

Enlightenment and transmission of kung fu are doomed to be fruitless, Great Master Qing Ming sat on the spot, frowning and thinking hard, thinking about the root cause of this situation.

There are causes and effects in the world, and it is absolutely impossible for a physique like the Mongolian side to appear suddenly.

And when it comes to the most bizarre people and things in this world, the Mongolian side in front of me is naturally one, and the other is the Fengshen doctor. Then, among them, they are both strange people and people who affect the trend of this world, will it be possible? What is the causal bond?

Fengshen doctor has already disappeared into the world of mortals, but it has only been a few years, and it is absolutely impossible for Mongolia to be in his twenties.

But this situation on the Mongolian side is too weird and rare, and the only possible reversal that I can think of is another bizarre person named Feng Shenyi.

Leaky body.

Completely cut off the way, and naturally cut off the possibility of living forever.

And with such characteristics, Master Qing Ming couldn't help but think about it.

"My lord, the nature of the world is mysterious. Although the physique of the Mongolian side is unprecedented, it may not be a coincidence of good fortune. What problem did you think of?"

Shi Hongzhen couldn't understand why Master Qingming was silent for so long.

"Problem? Well said, it is a big problem."

Great Master Qing Ming said solemnly: "Heaven is the Lord of all things, although there are many accidental miracles, but He is the most tolerant of human life. No matter what kind of life there is, there will be a back door, which is... the door of longevity. "

"Even ordinary people with the worst aptitude cannot step into the path of practice, there are still ways to live forever. The simplest way, such as the treasures of heaven and earth that can prolong life, or the empowerment of masters, can achieve The purpose of prolonging life results."

"And this, in fact, is the chance of longevity left by the Dao of the Heavens for human beings."

"A hundred years of life, no

Determining the death period, and there is no fixed life limit, the root cause is this. "

"So, such a heavenly leakage physique like that of the Mongolian side should not exist at all. Isn't it a big problem that it goes against the law of nature?"

Great Master Qingming said while straightening out his thoughts, and said: "Do you understand?"

Chief Chief Shi Hongzhen nodded: "I understand, so the situation of General Meng is really rare and unique."


Great Master Qingming took a look at Shi Hongzhen, and said calmly: "Your comprehension ability is beyond the scope of normal people's thinking, which opened my eyes again today."

Shi Hongzhen smiled apologetically, "Yes, yes."

Eunuch Shi is also a perceptive person, and he felt that he had already understood almost everything, but later, he wanted to present the whole story of today's events to His Majesty the Emperor, so he asked one more question: "If General Meng's physique is so different, , then in terms of life expectancy, isn’t it…”

Great Master Qingming frowned and said: "His lifespan...should be able to enjoy the lifespan of ordinary people, that is, it will not exceed a hundred years old, and he will die. Of course, if he is injured and loses his vitality... there is still a possibility in advance, um, It’s a lot ahead of time.”

Shi Hongzhen said worriedly: "General Meng has experienced hundreds of battles, and the scars on his body are already innumerable."

Great Master Qingming said: "This deity has also experienced battlefield fighting, how can he cover everything. For a general like him who moves three times a day and earns promotion through solid achievements, it is normal to have experienced hundreds of battles, and it is also normal to have many scars."

Shi Hongzhen agreed, and said: "Since that's the case, this old slave is going back to report to His Majesty. I don't know if the old ancestor has anything else for this servant to take with him?"

Great Master Qingming said: "You go, let this kid stay with me for a while. The emperor's just tell him, let him not think so much about what he has."

"Yes Yes."

Shi Hongzhen saluted: "The old slave will retire."


Great Master Qing Ming pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "Tell His Majesty the Emperor that this son can be appointed with confidence."

Shi Hongzhen seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses and said, "Yes."


Shi Hongzhen left.

Great Master Qing Ming was still sitting on the chair, frowning tightly, just looking at Meng Fang, although he was still confused, but more sure.

"What's going on?"

Great Master Qingming muttered to himself: "According to the logic, it is reasonable that the true spirit is not ambiguous. Could it be that he is not?"

"But if so, how to explain this situation?"

"This is against the basic law of cultivating the Dao, and it is absolutely unreasonable!"

Great Master Qingming thought for a long time, but he still couldn't make up his mind, and it was even more difficult to come to a conclusion.

"It's inevitable for this kid from Mongolia to stop at innate nature, and his physical body has been damaged too much, and his lifespan is bound to drop sharply. But if I were to take care of him, let him enjoy the normal life span of ninety A hundred years old is still not a problem."

"But what if it's really him?"

"After I help him recuperate, will it disrupt his own arrangements instead?"

Great Master Qingming scratched his head, it was the first time he encountered such a thing in his long life experience.

After much hesitation, he finally decided to give up.

"Let's just let nature take its course. Since it's a heavenly leak, or it's really a coincidence of good fortune, I have the right to pretend that I didn't see it."

Meng Fang woke up leisurely, only to see Great Master Qingming sitting in front of him, and looking at him with complicated eyes.

"My lord, forgive me, the last general accidentally fell asleep."

"No problem."

Great Master Qingming smiled kindly, and said: "General Meng was born and died for Daqin, he worked hard and made great achievements, and he was a little sleepy, so it is not a crime."

"Your Majesty, if you have something to do, please give me instructions. If there is nothing to do, the general will pay his respects."

"not busy."

Great Master Qingming said cordially: "If General Meng

If it's nothing important, why not drink tea with the old man. chat. "

Great Lord Qing Ming spoke politely and kindly, but the entire Great Qin Empire descended from His Majesty Qin Huang, who would dare to say something to leave after getting an invitation from his old man...

On this day, the Mongolian side drank tea for two full hours at Venerable Qing Ming's place, his stomach was bloated and his face was full of bitterness, and then he was released home.

The Mongolian side is still troubled by countless problems.

Why did Bu Changkong treat him with respect and enthusiasm at first, and then suddenly turn indifferent?

Also, Great Master Qing Ming obviously didn't care much about him at the beginning, but later he became extremely enthusiastic?

These two attitudes are quite obvious.

The Mongolian side has a very clear feeling.

What's more, Master Qingming later called a woman in Tsing Yi to accompany him, and specifically introduced him as Lord Qinglang.

It's okay not to introduce it, but once it was introduced, the Mongolian side was shocked.

Even the rumored Lord Azure Wolf is still a wolf!

And it's also a she-wolf who has turned into a human, that is, a monster as the saying goes!

Even though I know that this female wolf will not do anything to me, let alone eat me, but because of the common perception of the people in the countryside, I am still very scared to say it!

Fortunately, the beauty in green clothes transformed into a blue wolf is also very enthusiastic towards him, making people feel like a spring breeze, and they are not so afraid.

But this situation surprised the Mongolian side even more.

What's going on here, why do you treat me so differently? Will you think too highly of me?!

What the Mongolian side could not have imagined was that Qingming Dazun specially invited him when he was parting: "If you have time in the future, General Meng, feel free to come and drink tea with me. When will you come, and when will I be free?" .”

For this, the Mongolian side took it for granted as a polite remark.

When will you come and when will you be free?

What are you thinking?

If you really take this sentence seriously, you are a real fool.

Who is the person on the opposite side? That is the real Qin Optimus Prime, a figure like a totem!

No, his old man is the totem of Qin State, the unique totem!

I am a small soldier, a real countryman, and I can drink tea with the old man at any time?

I'm afraid I won't be able to find the door next time.

Therefore, the Mongolian side only regarded this invitation as a courtesy to him from Qingming Great Master, or it was a fart.

But after walking out, I saw that everyone looked at me so differently?!

This Mongolian general stayed in the secret room of Great Master Qing Ming for three full hours!

This is more than half a day!

What's more, Lord Qingming and Lord Qinglang treated him to tea.

This kind of treatment, even if the Qin Emperor came in person, he might not have it!

Ever since, the first thing that happened was that Bu Changkong's attitude changed again. Not only did he send him out in person, but he even warmly invited him again and again: "Come to be a guest when you are free."

The Mongolian side left the headquarters of the dark guard with a bewilderment, and went home all the way.

He didn't feel that there were no less than dozens of hidden guards accompanying him on the way back to protect him—with his meager cultivation, of course he couldn't detect anything.

And from this day on, the Mongolian side's road to the army and the road to officialdom have been unusually smooth.

Those who were jealous of themselves, envious of themselves, and despised themselves...

It seems that everything disappeared overnight, and instead a kind of high mountain looking up, unattainable eyes.

Even His Majesty the Emperor looked at him differently. Although he originally looked at him differently, he couldn't break the current level of...unreserved trust.

Or it should be put like this: Among all the civil and military officials in the entire Great Qin, if it is said that His Majesty's number one confidant, it must, must, must be himself, there is no dispute, and everyone will undoubtedly!

But for all this, the people outside the Mongolian family ignored it.

solution, and depression: How can I live a peaceful life in this way?

Originally, he planned to take his wife to resign and go back to seclusion after he unified the world, so that the couple could live happily ever after.

Now in this situation... this kind of plan is completely unnecessary.

The first one is His Majesty the Emperor, he will definitely not allow it!

Half a month later, Emperor Qin convened a civil and military meeting, and the top officials of the Great Qin Dynasty gathered together.

"From now on, the road to unification will officially begin! For Great Qin, lay the foundation of the eternal world!"

Follow up and order—

"The Mongolian general obeys the order!"

"The end is here!"

"As you lead millions of troops, start the attack from South Korea! Whatever actions you take, you will decide on your own. Orders and prohibitions, words and laws follow suit. Even if you go against the king's orders, your orders will come first."

Qin Huang said word by word: "You have to remember, my imperial decree is not to enter the army, and entry is also false!"

As soon as these words came out, all the officials were shocked and stunned on the spot.

The imperial decree does not enter the army!

Even if it is contrary to the king's order, your order will come first!

What an honor!

What authority?!

Even General Wang Jian, who has fought for the Great Qin all his life and made great achievements in battle, couldn't help but widen his eyes suddenly at this moment.

This is to entrust all the military power to the Mongolian side?

You must know that even Wu Tiejun, who claimed to be a "private army of the whole army", actually had an upper limit on authority: spies followed Wu Tiejun's army at all times and reported at any time.

But now, the imperial decree does not join the army and commands millions of troops!

What else is contrary to the king's order, and your order is also the first?!

This has greatly exceeded the scope of the general's rights. Before that, the emperor himself said, "Wang Jian is the only general in the military who can command millions of troops!"

It's a pity that the Mongolian side didn't fluctuate much about this, they just bowed down and accepted the order: "The last general obeys the order!"

Qin Huang said in a loud voice: "When Qing returns in triumph, I will take care of you."

He sat on the dragon chair, and said solemnly: "I have a promise from Jinkou, there will be no fakes, it can be...anything!"

As these words came out, the entire Golden Palace shook again, and the strength was three points stronger than before.

This kind of grace may not be unprecedented, but it is certain that there will be unprecedented.

Many veterans who have followed the Emperor Qin for many years even suspected that His Majesty is not crazy today, is he?

But no matter how suspicious they were, no one dared to object when the Emperor Qin's imperial decree was prepared and read out.

Bing is expensive and fast, and early the next morning, Meng conveniently swore to set off.

Only this time, there was Yu Rou'er dressed up to see him off, and made a grand trip for her husband and son-in-law.

After the army set off, Yu Rou'er lived alone in the General's Mansion, taking care of the inside and outside in an orderly manner, just like countless ordinary wives, while taking care of the family, she was eagerly looking forward to her husband's return.

In fact, when it comes to the worries, blessings, and expectations of the wife who stays at home when the husband is away on an expedition, whether it is the wife of a general or the wife of an ordinary soldier, the mood is the same, the same worries, the same midnight dreams, the same tears Wet placket.

in the same day.

After a lot of thought, Wu Tie's army suppressed Zhao Guo.

When the horse arrives, the horse arrives and the horse arrives to make great achievements in the country of Yan.

The army of the Fei family also raised troops to the state of Qi.

Bai Fu and Ma Qiange raised 300,000 soldiers and suppressed the frontiers of Qi.

The veteran Wang Jian, who had not moved for a long time, set out to suppress Chu State, and Chen Bing blocked the passage of Chu State.

And General Wu Yun also returned to the old battlefield where he fought all his life, facing Wei's army directly, and was ready to fight.

The battle for unification has officially begun.


"The holiday is over, so sad. "

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