MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 5 Great Qin Emperor [2 in 1]

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Latest website: Dong Xiaoyan was concentrating and meditating, when she heard that the wind seal had more evil spirits than herself, she immediately said: "Thank you, Mr. Shi."

Eunuch Shi nodded, with a very rare smile on his face.

Hmph, the little girl was in such a hurry to thank her, she was already confident in her heart that she was eighty-nine percent sure, and with one more point, it could be said that she was absolutely sure.

Fengyin's heart skipped a beat, he always felt that this guy's words seemed to have some other intentions?

I have more evil spirit than Dong Xiaoyan?

Could it be that this old guy has noticed my identity as a killer in Jun Tianshou?

"Grandpa Shi, evil spirit, resentment and murderous spirit. Is there any difference?" Feng Yin asked intentionally or unintentionally.

"Badness is evil, resentment is resentment, murderousness is murderousness."

Eunuch Shi said while practicing his kung fu, "You all understand the murderous aura of killing, so I won't explain it; but evil spirit and resentment are different. Although they both come from killing, they are not the same thing."

Mr. Shi thought about it, and said, "Murderous aura is the aura that comes out when you want to kill a certain person. Fiendish aura is that after you kill someone, your life will be condensed, and it will involve the spirit platform, which can be detected by others. But resentment, But the person killed by you, the resentment has not disappeared, forming a kind of ominous luck, covering you; resentment can be dispelled, but evil spirit cannot."

"So you understand that murderous aura is aimed at living people. Evil aura comes from the body of the person who kills; and resentment refers to the theory of ghosts, do you understand?"

"I understand a little bit."

"For example, for a person with a bright heart, resentment can't be approached, and it will naturally dissipate. What he has done in his life is worthy of heaven and earth. Even if he kills, he is still selfless in his heart. How can this kind of person be affected by the resentment of ordinary little ghosts?"

"According to ancient records, where there is strong resentment, there will be resentful spirits; while people with strong evil spirit will have bad luck. These are two concepts."

Shi Gonggong explained in detail: "For example, we all know that there are resentful spirits, but have you heard of evil spirits? No?"

Fengyin also fully understood.

I see.

I can't help but think of a horror movie I watched in my previous life, no wonder it's called Curse Grudge, not Curse Sha.

I see.

(Seeing that many book friends are struggling with this problem, I will explain it specially. It’s not that you are picky, but I feel that I am quite knowledgeable, and I can count words... um... um.)

"Thank you, senior, for your clarification."

Sitting cross-legged, Fengyin said sincerely: "Thank you, senior. I've worked hard, preaching and dispelling doubts."

"Mr. Dong is too tolerant. In fact, with your fate and your luck, you don't need to care about these things. This old man is just a icing on the cake. It can't be said to be of any help."

Mr. Shi looked at Fengyin's face and said leisurely: "Mr. Dong, although you have been haunted by murder, but your chivalrous and gentle heart has already diluted a lot of evil spirits for you. Especially, the good fruits on your body will be rewarded with blessings. "

Feng Yin took a deep look at the old eunuch, and said: "Our monks, who practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies, pursue the Dao and cultivate their way, they should also have the heart to save the world, help the poor, and eradicate injustice. Otherwise, your whole life will be a murder." Words, isn’t it inferior? Let’s say that Yan Yan’s murder is all about performing tasks, being burdened by good deeds, and bound by karma... People in the world can naturally tell whether it is killing evil or good deeds.”

"It's the same killing and killing, but there is a difference between superiority and inferiority; there is God's will in the dark, and we don't ask for future blessings, but we want to be innocent, that's all."

Eunuch Shi raised his eyebrows, he felt speechless, but he had made up his mind, and said: "Yes, the cause and effect of the evil spirit on the little Palace Mistress is far less than the murder she committed, which should be the reason. !.”

Feng Yin said again: "Stained with blood and evil spirits are unavoidable, but as long as the heart is clear, why are you afraid of wind and rain?"

Shi Gonggong murmured: "This heart is pure and upright, why fear the wind and rain... Well said, well said."

He said softly: "However, evil spirits can still be less or less. Merit is naturally recognized by heaven and earth, but merit is merit, and killing evil is killing evil. Even unrivaled merit can hardly cover up the heinous killing. These are two different things."

...When the great catastrophe comes, merits and virtues will offset the series of catastrophes, but they cannot offset the intrusion of demons. This must be known, not careless. "

Fengyin was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "Remember the father-in-law's teachings, keep small words and great righteousness, and never forget."

Shi Gonggong increased his strength again and continued to absorb the evil energy. Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan continued to emit clouds of black energy, which were absorbed by him bit by bit in a visible manner.

At the same time, he said softly: "This old man's life, the path of cultivation has reached the limit, and if he is incompetent, he is doomed to fail to face the catastrophe. Therefore, before the end of the day, I am willing to... let The road to Japan for you younger generations will be smoother and smoother."

"If there is a chance, the two of you can go to the point where you can resist the catastrophe and transcend the world of mortals, and the hard work of the old man will not be in vain."

"...Maybe it will be able to offset my sins during life and my guilt after death."

After Shi Gonggong finished speaking, he stopped talking and turned to absorb the murderous evil spirit with all his strength.

After such a long, long time, it was finally done, and you're done. It's just that after absorbing the evil spirit of the two, the gloomy spirit on Mr. Shi's body suddenly became a little more gloomy.

Eunuch Shi withdrew his hand gently, there was still a sinister black air on the fingertips, entangled between the fingers, but disappeared in an instant, but the atmosphere in the field was quite cold.

A smile appeared on his skinny face: "You two are really geniuses... This evil spirit is so pure, this old slave has never seen it in his life."

"Thank you, Mr. Shi, for making it happen."

Dong Xiaoyan and Fengyin bowed to thank each other.

Fengyin glanced at Dong Xiaoyan intentionally or unintentionally.

This time, after receiving favors from others and receiving favors from others, it is not appropriate to just leave like this.

Dong Xiaoyan understood, and pulled Mr. Shi aside, saying: "Grandpa Shi's great kindness, I can't wait to repay you. On my side, I still have ten elixir given by the genius doctor..."

Shi Gonggong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said excitedly, "Ten?"

"Yes, that's all there is now. I was besieged a few days ago and consumed five of them."

Dong Xiaoyan said with some regret.

"Damn assassin!"

Eunuch Shi was furious. According to Dong Xiaoyan, didn't it mean that there were fifteen in total, and judging by Dong Xiaoyan's meaning, it was clearly intended to be given to him by the Ministry of Finance!

this... this... this

Those stabbed faces are simply a heinous crime, and they deserve death!

"This bottle of four, father-in-law can pass it on to His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress Dowager to take it, prolonging life and strengthening the foundation and Peiyuan is no problem..."

Dong Xiaoyan first handed over a small jade bottle.

Mr. Shi, like Feng Lunyin, grasped it in his hands with a slightly groggy gesture, as if he had found a treasure, and his old face was like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"These other pills are slightly less effective, but they are more suitable for weak health, congenital deficiencies, and even postpartum wear and tear. They have immediate and immediate effect."

"Good, good, good!"

Shi Gonggong's hands trembled a little.

Originally thought that even if this matter paid off, it would take Dong Xiaoyan to leave and communicate with the genius doctor before he could get the elixir.

Unexpectedly, I got it right away, and there are still so many.

He is also an old man, so he still doesn't understand: If these elixirs are really the protective items given to Dong Xiaoyan by the genius doctor, how can they be given to others so casually?

What's more, it is divided into categories, and the effects are quite different?

Why should Dong Xiaoyan consider the feelings of the genius doctor?

If calculated in this way, Dong Xiaoyan can give so many elixir at once...

There seems to be only one possibility...

That is only when the genius doctor is present and agrees face-to-face!

Anyway, Mr. Shi couldn't think of a second possibility.

Then, the real identity of this Dong Pingchuan...seems to be revealed, clearly revealed!

But Shi Gonggong knew in his heart that it was one thing for him to know, but not only could he not expose it face to face, he would not even go back.

It can be mentioned, even if it can be mentioned, only His Majesty the Emperor will know.

Once there is any news, the harem and palace ministers will definitely go crazy.

For their own sake, those people can use any kind of nasty things and tricks.

And as long as they cause a little harassment to the other party, I am afraid that the relationship with Tianjian Yungong for so long will disappear in an instant.

At the same time, the little friendship that was just established with the genius doctor will be cleared instantly, and even the negative impression will increase greatly!

Then all the credit for coming here today is gone.

And with Tianjian Yungong present, there is nothing the genius doctor can do, let alone being invited into the palace.

As long as there is a slight disturbance, I am afraid that Tianjianyun Palace will come out to protect it with all its strength, and then it will complete Tianjianyun Palace...

After all, Feng Shenyi has only had a very close relationship with Tianjian Yungong so far, and has not yet reached the point of joining Yungong, so there is still room for maneuver!

After getting the medicine, Mr. Shi didn't care about the store any more, and left quickly.

Before leaving, he only left one sentence, saying: "The old slave will go back immediately and send it to His Majesty, everyone, please go ahead, we will meet later."

With a whoosh, the shadow disappeared.

Everyone in Yungong was stunned for a moment.

How could this Eunuch Shi leave so quickly, and even bid farewell so hastily, unlike Zhou Jin's etiquette in the past, he looked like two different people!

"Let's tidy up too."

Dong Tiesong said: "Leave Xianyang this afternoon, and try to go to the mountains as soon as possible. There are already a few of our people over there, and we have to stop somewhere, but in order to avoid arousing the enemy, we did not enter the city. Ambushes nearby. Get the one who can be lured this time, once and for all.”

"Yeah, I got it."

The plan was established, everyone took the time to clean up, and the male compatriots finished cleaning up almost instantly.

On the other hand, although Dong Xiaoyan, the only woman, moved much faster than ordinary women, she still cleaned up for half an hour.

Only then did the people set off, and left the city through the south gate. Not only was the road unimpeded, but they were also escorted by troops along the way.

The head of Rainbow Tianyi even came in person to say goodbye.

The arrival of the head of the headquarters seemed to have triggered some kind of signal. Before he left, the other six ministers came to see him off enthusiastically.

Then another minister, Bu Changkong, led the crowd to see him off.

This wave after wave has really delayed a lot of time.

In this regard, Jiang Changhai and Dong Tiesong, who are veterans, have long felt that something is wrong.

What's the matter?

Why is there a smell of deliberate delay?

Then, when we got to the city gate...

But he found that Mr. Shi was already standing in front of the city gate.

"Grandpa Shi? You are..."

Dong Tiesong was taken aback when he saw this, and couldn't help asking.

Eunuch Shi laughed, and then changed to sound transmission: "His Majesty the Emperor heard that the brothers and sisters of the little palace master are leaving, and he has just received such a great gift from the little palace master, so he insists on coming to practice for you... This old slave did not stop."


Hearing this, Dong Tiesong was stunned for a moment, but there is still such a thing?

Hastily turned around and told Dong Xiaoyan.

Dong Xiaoyan was stunned after hearing this.

The Great Qin Emperor had come and gone many times before, but the one who had dealt with him was only Shi Gonggong, and the others basically had no communication, and His Majesty the Emperor had never shown his face. never showed up either...

Why this time, His Majesty the Emperor wanted to practice it himself?

This, what kind of statement is this?

"To make it official, His Majesty has asked someone to urgently erect a ten-mile-long shed..."

Eunuch Shi smiled and said: "My little palace master and Mr. Dong, don't refuse your Majesty's good wishes."

People like Tianjian Yungong understood it completely.

wave after wave of delay before daring to love

Time, the true meaning in the bones is actually for this.

The emperor is coming to see him off.

Jiang Changhai grinned and said with a smile: "This is worthwhile, it's a big face, the emperor is willing to show up to meet us, a big devil, and he will blow it for three months when he goes back."

Dong Tiesong squinted: "I don't know how long your face is. Did your majesty come here for you? Please look in the mirror and look at your own face... Don't say that your majesty will see you off. Even if you go to be an official, this appearance will You don’t even have the title of county magistrate, it’s too ugly.”

Jiang Changhai was furious: "The old man is ugly, so what? But the old man is all over the world! I am very happy!"

" have fun, go ahead...

Dong Tiesong rolled his eyes.

And Fengyin on the other side also understood, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He has always felt that this Eunuch Shi's attitude is a bit weird, and he is constantly trying to talk to himself, but he is very careful, as if there seems to be nothing...

Originally, I was just skeptical, but now that I think about it...or, it should be... guessed something... right?

Otherwise, His Majesty the Emperor would not have left the palace in person.

Dong Xiaoyan was also in a strange mood at the moment, looking at Fengyin and then at Dong Tiesong, she was speechless for a while.

The two looked at each other and smiled wryly.

The other party is the king of a country, a generation of emperors, who have already left the city ahead of time, and set up a practice banquet. Can you not give me this face?

He's really going away, do you want to lose the face of the king of a country?

In this situation, don't say Dong Xiaoyan is here, even if Dong Canglan and his wife are here, this face must be given!

No way!

Moreover, not only must it be given, but it must also be given formally, solemnly, and ready to give!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness. Since that's the case, I'd rather be obedient than respectful."

Dong Xiaoyan knew that this was going to be a tiger ride, and there was no room for turning around, so she agreed without hesitation.

Although Dong Tiesong is the elder of Yungong, and even Dong Xiaoyan's real relative and elder; but in terms of the status of Yungong, Dong Xiaoyan is still respected by their people along the way.

Therefore, to agree to the request of the other party, or even agree to go to the banquet, it is only reasonable that Dong Xiaoyan must come forward to deal with it.

Only Jiang Changhai looked at the "Dong Pingchuan" who stood shoulder to shoulder with Dong Xiaoyan, with a look of contempt flashing in his eyes.

Then he rolled his eyes again and turned his gaze to other places.

Today, the lord of Jianyun Palace has two sons and a daughter, but Dong Xiaoyan is the only one who is the key training object.

And the choice of successor palace master has already been appointed, and it is the woman Dong Xiaoyan.

It is probably because of this that it is widely rumored in the world that Dong Xiaoyan, the heir of Tianjian Yungong, is an only child.

So Jiang Changhai is very disdainful: a man makes a woman stand in front...

Bai grew up big.

Fart useless.

Hmph, little boy, I look down on you.

I can't even compete with a woman... let alone look down on her.

outside the city.

The 10,000 guards in charge of the security work have already set up their formation and set up the eight-door Golden Lock Formation.

The surrounding eight directions are all guarded as solidly as gold soup, impenetrable.

And on a slightly higher mound in the middle, the golden dragon flag is blowing in the westerly wind, making a sound of hunting.

The surrounding guards, everyone is full of energy, Yuan Chunyue Zhi, it can be seen that each of them is very skilled, and Jin is a master.

And on the mound, it has been cleaned extremely smooth, with yellow curtains and dragon-top brocade tents, separating out a rather large Fan Kingdom.

And the security around here is even stricter, obviously it is the main venue of this action, that is, the place of the banquet.

"Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace and his party have arrived!"

Mr. Shi opened his mouth.


Following the arrival of Fengyin and his party, a general waved the command flag in his hand.

Surrounding protection

The soldiers in support separated silently, and with a bang, they moved in unison, and immediately gave way to a road.

The soldiers lined up on both sides, neatly, tall and straight, imposing, and saluted at the same time.

This is the highest etiquette for welcoming guests, even for visiting princes from other countries, at most it is nothing more than that.

Eunuch Shi led the way, and the soldiers stood up to pay respects wherever they passed.

With such a solemn atmosphere, even Feng Yin couldn't help feeling an inexplicable awe in his heart.

Only the wind blows the flag and the sound of hunting.

No more noise.

On the contrary, Dong Xiaoyan acted very calmly, walking forward calmly, with a graceful demeanor, natural and generous, and an appearance of not being surprised by favor or humiliation.

A group of people arrived in front of the big tent, but saw that His Majesty the Emperor had come out and stood at the door. Although he was smiling kindly, a wave of imperial majesty rushed towards his face.

Fengyin watched subconsciously.

I saw that His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor looked about forty, with a square face and a moderate build. His visual weight was about 150 to 60 catties, neither fat nor thin. He was about 1.73 meters tall. But he is neither tall nor short, with an ordinary appearance that disappears from everyone.

But when he stood there, it made people really feel that all the mountains and rivers, and all the guards of Kyushu, had been trampled under his feet.

Between the eyebrows and eyes, there is no sharpness or domineering aura.

But in his plain eyes, it can still make people feel that the power is overwhelming, the whole world is my land; trillions of creatures are all the domineering of my subjects!

It is a kind of detachment and indifference of "the power of life and death in the palm of your hand has been ignored for too long."

There are four guards on the left and right behind him, but they are like invisible people.

There is no sense of existence at all.

Eunuch Shi took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty, the little Palace Mistress and Young Master Dong... have arrived."

His Majesty the Emperor laughed, took a step forward, looked at Dong Xiaoyan and Fengyin with a gentle smile, and said in an elegant voice: "Sure enough, he is from Tianjianyun Palace. Mr. Dong is handsome and talented; the little palace master is beautiful and fragrant. , the world of mortals has faded!"

"Idleman Dong Xiaoyan, Dong Pingchuan, see Your Majesty."

Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan bowed together to salute.

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite, today is a private meeting, not a palace ceremony.

His Majesty the Emperor laughed and said: "At the beginning, I was grateful to Palace Master Dong for not giving up, and I discussed friendship with him as an equal. Yan Yan, you and Ping Chuan, you should call me Uncle Ying."

His Majesty the emperor actually called the two by their nicknames first, which showed their closeness.

"Hello Uncle Lei."

Dong Xiaoyan is very well-behaved and kind-hearted.

"Hey, hahahaha... good niece."

"Dong Tiesong {Jiang Changhai} and others, see Your Majesty..."

Everyone saluted one after another.

His Majesty the Emperor laughed, and said: "You are all peerless masters, famous all over the world, and I have been famous for a long time. I am very proud to come here this time, and I am very proud. After all... not any country can invite you at the same time. Come to Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace to meet the masters of Absolute Sword Demon Palace, please, please."

Both Dong Tiesong and Jiang Changhai have bright faces.

Although His Majesty's words are somewhat exaggerated, they are also appropriate.

This is indeed the case, the elders of Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace and Absolute Sword Demon Palace also have very high status, although they are in the Jianghu...

Although the two of them also understood that if they came to the capital normally and wanted to see His Majesty the Emperor, it would be impossible. In other words, it depends on people's mood... But, there are many people in sedan chairs.

Especially Jiang Changhai, who felt a little glorified.

I, Jiang Changhai, even saw the emperor!


"Prepare a banquet for a while, thanks to the honor of all the masters, please, please sit inside."

His Majesty the Emperor was very happy, holding Dong Xiaoyan with his left hand and Feng Yin with his right hand.

It seems to have forgotten, just now only Dong Xiaoyan called

Uncle, and the other "Dong Pingchuan" did not call him uncle.

Just pull it like this, and walk over affectionately.

The guard next to him took a step forward and whispered, "...Your Majesty?"

"Well, no need, no need, they are all my nephews, they are my own family! Don't mess with those things that don't distinguish between inside and outside."

His Majesty the Emperor hurriedly waved his hands and laughed.

The guard led the order to retreat. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

A table of banquets has already been prepared for this meeting.

Steaming hot, fragrant, refreshing and fascinating. His Majesty the Emperor naturally sat at the head, while Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan were arranged on the side, and then he said: "Sit, all sit. Eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, don't be polite with Uncle Ying .”

Then said: "You all go out, I will talk to my niece and nephew."

The head of the guard said in a difficult way: "Your Majesty, this... this... the duty of the minister..."

His Majesty the Emperor's face darkened; "Eunuch Shi is here with you, is there any reason for you to worry? Besides, this is my own family, what are you worried about? Go and go, stay far away. How dare you eavesdrop on me? talk, I'll chop off your head."

[Tomorrow is on the 6th, we all know the special circumstances, so I won't change it. I'm working overtime tonight, and I'll write another chapter later. About nine o'clock. 】Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.