MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 41 Cross [3 in 1]

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"What? The master is very dissatisfied?" The demon emperors were confused.

"Yes, very dissatisfied, very dissatisfied!" Eagle Emperor nodded solemnly.

"Ah? What did the master say? Tell me carefully, hurry up, hurry up..."

All the demon emperors were basically shocked, are they still dissatisfied with this? The Zichen Mountain in the Zidi Dojo was directly turned into a big lake, almost like a Lu Chen!

It's all like this, and I'm actually...dissatisfied! ? What do you want?

But the master's dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and it is a big event!

"The master asked if Zidi was dead, and I said no, because he broke through. Then the master was very dissatisfied and said: no one died, so what kind of revenge!" Eagle Emperor honestly relayed, without changing a single word, meticulous.

After hearing the words, all the demon emperors were silent.

They all felt that this sentence was too reasonable! Everyone thought about it carefully, and felt that Master Ling's idea was correct: the person who has enmity with me is Zidi, even if you demolish Zichen Mountain, what's the use? Isn't Zidi still alive?

Even if you wiped out the entire Yan Kingdom, the one who has a grudge against me is the Purple Emperor!

As long as the Purple Emperor is not dead, what more significance do those other details have, or even useless work? !

Zidi lost his dojo, Zihuan Mountain, and even lost the country of Yan, but his personal strength was not damaged. Once he recovered, he would privately seek revenge from me, Ling, wouldn't the result be the same?

The so-called people have the same heart and mind, and so do monsters. All the demon emperors who thought of this place felt embarrassing.

"Yeah, it's...not pretty."

"It's not just that it's not beautiful, it's simply unethical, it will cause far-reaching disasters, and there will be endless troubles."

"Then what should I do?"

"Of course, continue to hunt and kill the Purple Emperor! Don't stop until you die!"

"Yes, take advantage of his illness to kill him!" "Then do this!"

"Yes, it's such a happy decision!"

All the demon emperors made a decision on the spot, and immediately issued orders to withdraw in batches, ordering all the demon clans in the entire continent to hunt down and kill the purple emperor!

Then, an extremely absurd scene was staged: one of the world-renowned nine-color supreme beings, Dayan Zidi became a wanted criminal in the whole continent.

Moreover, across races, there was a full-scale hunt across more than one race! Under such pervasive pursuit from heaven to earth, one can imagine what Zidi's situation will be in the future.

...and the other side.

The heavy injuries of Zhuang Weiran and his wife, who made Wan Yao restrained, were not a big problem for Fengyin.

Even though such an injury is in the hands of any well-known doctor in Anping mainland, the best result for the husband and wife is to be an idiot for the rest of their lives. There is no luck.

But their injuries are really not a problem in Fengyin's hands.

The lack of damage to the soul, body, and vitality is not the specialty of Fengyin?

Firstly, the meridian is cleaned by the Hualingjing skill body, and then the spirit gathering is enlightened, and the two souls are gathered together immediately, and the signs of the previous collapse are restored.

The current cultivation of Zhuang Weiran and his wife is no more than heaven-level. With Fengyin's current cultivation strength and his attainments in Hualingjing, this step is nothing but an easy one.

Even the part of the soul that has been scattered has a way to follow. With the boss Huancan beside him, it is the best at collecting the soul and soul. After going to the ruined Zihuan Mountain, it is very easy to separate the two The lost souls of the couple reunited.

Then, naturally, it was arranged by enlightenment, so that the spirit and soul reunited, and put the two of them into a normal deep sleep to recuperate.

After confirming that the souls of the two couples are in good health, Fengyin then enlightened the Spiritual Sutra technique, wandering through the two people's bodies, infusing an unusually large amount of life and spiritual energy, and healing the wounds on the two people one by one.

At this point, you only need to wait for the two to recover slowly.

But Feng Yin thought that the two of them had sacrificed a lot for themselves, but their cultivation was not even at the heavenly level, which was really too weak.

Simply give a spiritual enlightenment and click on it.

Well, you two, just sleep with your whole body and mind for a few days.

When you wake up, it will be a brand new life. Well, a new way, a longer road!

Three days later, before Zhuang Weiran and his wife woke up, Dong Xiaoyan made a breakthrough first and was promoted to the eighth rank of cloud.

This level of cultivation is not far from the extreme cloud realm. Considering Dong Xiaoyan's age, it can be said to be commendable and beyond the reach of capable people. The wind seal turned to restrain and suppress one's own cultivation strength, waiting and settling.

Because the next step will be the most crucial step in the path of cultivation!

As for this step, Fengyin decided to take Dong Xiaoyan along with him. Break through the limit!

Reach Huahong!

Really step into the ranks of the world's most powerful people.

Another seven days later, the monster army returned, although there were still many

The high-level giant monster went to chase and kill Zidi, but it should be said or not, Zidi's level is really difficult to kill, especially if the other party is alone and has no worries.

No, as a matter of fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Zidi is currently suffering heavy injuries, his strength is not even one, and the fate of the Yan Kingdom is in decline, the power of the Nine-Color Supreme that he relies on for his benefit has been wiped out, and chasing and killing him is simply a joke!

Now, of course, it's a different matter. With Zidi's current state, any Cloud Cultivator can pose a threat!

But locking his position is the first problem. A strong man of this level wants to hide without being noticed.

With the return of the Yaozu army, a third batch of cubs came to replace them.

Well, a big joke happened in the middle.

When Emperor Xiong saw the wind seal, he was suddenly in a daze, sat down on the ground, stared at his big eyes, almost speechless.

"you you you·...."

Fengyin hurriedly helped him up, and said with a smile, "Is this the new Xionghuang His Majesty? He really is a talented person, outstanding and unique!"

"Yeah, hey, haha, yell at me."

Xiong Huang let out a burst of laughter that he didn't understand what it meant, but the last two words "it's me" were still wrong.

"Are these the descendants of the bear clan? They are really strong, natural seeds of cultivation."

Feng Yin praised repeatedly, and then said: "Take them all in." Xiong Huang went back to his place at night, his head was still numb and buzzing.

Queen Xiong looked at it strangely: "What's wrong with you?"

"Do you know who this Master Ling... is?" Emperor Xiong lost his mind. "who is it?"

"It's our second child... um..." Just after saying a few words, Empress Xiong immediately covered her mouth when she reacted, almost holding her breath.

"You rambunctious, did you guess it now? I have guessed it a long time ago, but I just can't be sure."

Queen Xiong said via voice transmission: "You rascal, be careful not to expose yourself!"

"What? You guessed it? How did you guess it?"

"You **** just looks at the surface of everything, why don't you think about it in depth, those monster cubs trained by Master Ling, although they are all amazingly talented and have a deeper foundation, they blinded the entire monster clan , the eyes of all the demon emperors fall into our eyes? Although I dare not say that it is nothing more than that, but if others don’t say it, you think about Xiao Bailiu, what is his aptitude background? He is inferior to those cubs who have been trained ?

What is the reason? Then think about how many cubs the second brother trained in Sijie Mountain... No matter in terms of aptitude, combat power or endowment, wouldn't they be much stronger than ordinary cubs? Much stronger than the descendants of other demon emperors? I've been skeptical for a long time..."

Queen Xiong murmured, and seriously warned her husband: "Must, must, must not miss this matter!"

"Yes Yes Yes....."

Xiong Huang repeatedly agreed, and then asked humbly: "Why can't we leak it? Wouldn't it mean that our status is higher if we miss it?"

"Our foothold is not stable, it is advisable to keep enough foundation and hole cards... rashly

If this relationship is exposed, other races will naturally have scruples, or they will choose to make friends with us, but most of them will only arouse jealousy. I guess, maybe even the demon king will feel threatened..."" Empress Xiong scolded: "Idiot, you just listen to me, show it when it's time to show it, that's our second child, you can show it casually Is it?!" "Yeah, I listen to my daughter-in-law, our second child, don't show it."

the eleventh day. Zhuang Weiran and his wife woke up.

As soon as I woke up, I just felt relaxed.

The husband and wife looked at each other: "What's going on?" "Where is this?"

The place where the two of them are now is no longer in the cave where they were imprisoned, but instead they are in a soft bed, and as far as the eye can see, there are clean and bright rooms.

What's going on?

The wounds all over my body... why are they gone?

Also, why is the pain that originated from the soul gone? The almost shattered consciousness... is it okay?

Isn't this really a dream?

And I am more energetic than ever before, and feel comfortable all over. This...

The two were not imprisoned, and felt each other's identities more clearly. They sat up without thinking, looked at each other, and felt more at ease, but they still wondered: "What's going on?"

The two confirmed their freedom, and simply stood up and tried to move around a few times.

The whole body moves freely, very agile, and then circulates the kung fu body, exhaling spiritual energy, and it is also extremely smooth.

And as they continued to breathe, the two were surprised to find that their own realm seemed to be very different from the usual...

This is... a step up, or even more? ! Could it be that Zidi helped us cultivate?

But it's unreasonable, how could he have such a good heart? But how to explain all kinds of things in front of us?

The thoughts of the husband and wife were still stuck in the moment when Zidi stretched out his hand cruelly and indifferently, pressing his head to search his soul. Naturally, I don't know what's going on in front of me! Creak, the door opened, and a long-lost figure walked in.

The husband and wife turned their heads to look at the same time, and then exclaimed at the same time, their hearts suddenly filled with joy.

Wind seal!

"You boy... why are you here?" Hu Lengyue jumped up suddenly.

It was as if he saw his son who had been reunited after a long absence, and his eyes were filled with joy.

The circles were all red, and the voice was trembling: "Didn't you..., it was you who rescued us."

Zhuang Weiran acted more casually, with a slightly trembling voice, he said, "Boy Feng, you are trying to make the life that our husband and wife owe you last forever!"

Fengyin laughed: "Where do you have to pay it off? If you don't finish it, you are a family. If you pay it off, everything is calculated clearly, so is it still a family?"

This sentence made Zhuang Weiran and the two stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Hu Lengyue felt a little emotional, and said, "That's's not over yet, it's a family."

She said the word "family" very emphatically, with tears glistening in her eyes.

Stepping forward slowly, he tidied up Fengyin's skirts carefully, and said lovingly, "Yes...a family...""

All of a sudden, they felt closer to each other. "This is where?"

"Cat Valley."

Fengyin explained the whole story to the two of them, and Zhuang Weiran and his wife finally understood it.

"It turned out that the monster clan launched the army... This, this favor is really owed."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not a big deal." Fengyin smiled lightly.

His words come from the heart, the abyss is hidden in the front, and improving the overall combat power of the monster clan is the best way to relieve the crisis. As the direct party involved in improving the overall combat power of the monster clan, he will benefit at no cost and gain a lot A lot of resources are provided for one's own practice, which is really cheap and ready-made, so why not do it!

For the longer term

, Wait until those new generation geniuses of the monster race grow up and pose a great threat to the human race...Who will they listen to in the future? It seems hard to say, but it is very, very likely... .I won't listen to their adults, as long as my wind seal is still there! "Is the king of cats here?"


Hu Lengyue suddenly felt excited.

When she was in Yuezhou, Mao Huang was very happy to get along with her. Now that the old friend is reunited soon, he is naturally happy.

"Don't rejoice too early, the Cat Emperor now has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, most of the time is guarding the abyss, but you don't have to be too disappointed, because we will probably live here for a while, and we will see each other again .”

After the introduction, Feng Yin talked about the matter of cultivating monsters, and said: "Speaking of which, this is your old job. It is necessary for the two elders to help each other and share my worries."

Zhuang Weiran laughed loudly: "I'm just worried and have nothing to do."

So the matter was settled and transitioned, and with the help of Zhuang Weiran and his wife, Fengyin became more relaxed.

In this Cat Valley site, there are demon kings going back and forth uninterruptedly to visit the cubs.

It is natural for Master Deling to meet to discuss one or two, and Fengyin and the others naturally have no shortage of opponents.

The cultivation base is improving, the actual combat is uninterrupted, and there are a lot of high-quality resources supplied, the cultivation base of Feng Yin and others is almost a thousand miles away.

Among them, Dong Xiaoyan has the fastest growth in cultivation, and then Zhuang Weiran and his wife.

Especially Zhuang Weiran is now relaxed and full of energy. Because Fengyin specially invited him for a drink one night, and told him one thing, a very important thing.

"Uncle Zhuang... your body has not only recovered from the old appearance, but also returned to the state of youth. In other words, the bodies of you and Aunt Zhuang are equivalent to adults in their thirties... ..Ahem, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood! I understand! I understand!" Zhuang Weiran's mouth was full of excitement.

Everyone is old in the world. What is the so-called understanding of elegance after hearing the strings?

Moreover, that is the wish of the husband and wife for many years, and it is also the biggest regret in this world.

It is great that there is a chance to make up for this great regret. From that day on, Zhuang Weiran asked for a separate room, separated by a small yard, and installed a sound-proof barrier every night, as if he could make a lot of noise, so as not to be heard.

With the growth of cultivation base and strength, there is still more to be done on the road to the great road, which is bright and smooth, and now there are still thoughts of descendants.

Zhuang Weiran felt that his life was suddenly complete. But during this period of time, Cat King gradually became worried about Kazekage's state.

With Peng Wanli recovering from his injuries, and the combat forces of various races agreeing to mobilize combat forces to join the guard of the abyss, the heavy responsibility on the cat emperor's shoulders suddenly eased a lot.

And while Youxia was meditating, Maohuang had nothing to do, so naturally he played with Fengying every day.

With this focus, she was naturally aware of Feng Ying's unreasonable progress.

She thinks that Fengying's rapid progress is understandable. After all, there are many cubs of various monster races as examples. Fengying has been with Fengyin almost from birth. It is a matter of course that father Shengzu is stronger in any aspect of his background.

But even here, when Cat Emperor really understood Kazekage's current level, he was still shocked.

The reason is very simple. Fengying's current aptitude has not only surpassed any ancestors of the Qiqiao civet lineage, but also reached a height that even the cat emperor can't understand now!

As far as the cat king takes it for granted, this kind of talent has never appeared in this world. If the monster cubs bred by Fengyin are uncrafted top-quality jade, Fengying is at least the same. It must be a dream-level flawless spiritual jade, and even the two are not qualified to be compared!

Further speculation: the current Kazekage, don’t say anything about surpassing his ancestors, just say that any current cat clan, if he can bite Kazekage,

Swallowing a piece of meat is enough to complete an advancement! Fengying, is the candy cat meat that is enough to promote the entire cat clan to take a big step forward? !

Although the metaphor may not be very appropriate, it is such a horror! If it is calculated from Kazekage's father, it is also incomprehensible to comment on the progress of the nine-tailed spirit fox family's practice: Kazekage has now reached the ten-tailed state that has never been recorded by the ancestors of the nine-tailed spirit fox. , Of course it is completely without any cognition!

And what is even more incomprehensible is that... Generally speaking, the seven-aperture civet can transform into form when it grows up to the commanding level normally.

Using the analogy of human cultivation level, it is the prefecture level, or even a relatively good human level high-level, can transform into form!

But Fengying now..... has clearly reached the level of the demon emperor, but has not yet transformed!

This is very intriguing, and even more terrifying!

Cat King deliberately recruited the elders of the clan, and accompanied Fengying to discuss several times.

The result is very simple and clear...the elders are completely defeated!

Even invited the Supreme Elder, after some battles, they also fell to the disadvantage.

Afterwards, Hu Qianyang personally fought with his daughter, and Feng Ying, a leaky little padded jacket, grabbed his paw on the buttocks very unfilially, which was called blood dripping.

No one expected that even Hu Qianyang would be defeated. Of course, Hu Qianyang couldn't let go of his hands and feet in this defeat, and he didn't make any big moves or ultimate moves, but for the same reason, why did Fengying really fight his father to the death? Naturally, there are many people who keep their hands. Judging from this, Fengying's combat strength has really reached the level of the Demon Emperor, and it is a certainty, no doubt, no doubt!

In the end, Cat Emperor was delighted to see Lie Xin, so he went off the field in person, and fought with Fengying to confirm Fengying's true strength level. As a result of this battle, the mother and daughter were evenly divided.

"Ying'er really already possesses the strength of the demon emperor?! No, Ying'er's strength, even among the ranks of the demon emperor of the demon clan, can still be in the front row!"

When Cat King said this, besides being unbelievable, there was also ecstasy from the heart!

Kazekage is only very old, and he is full of calculations, he is less than two and a half years old! Of course, the age of the cat family cannot be calculated in this way.

What's more, for the sake of her daughter's superior aptitude, the cat emperor used the cat tribe's secret method to fundamentally cultivate Kazekage when she was pregnant.

Generally, it takes about three years for a demon cat to conceive and collect the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon.

It basically takes about ten years to reach the top of the command. The demon king level above that is at least sixty years.

As for the higher levels of the Demon Emperor, it is more difficult to reproduce offspring, and the lowest ones have to conceive for two hundred years.

As for the gestation of the Cat Emperor, in order to make her daughter more outstanding, it took six hundred years just to conceive.

But the cat king is very clear that this foundation is definitely not enough for Kazekage to show such endowment!

Because many big monsters of sufficient level will do this, and there are even many people with more abundant background than this!

But anyone who has ever seen a two-and-a-half-year-old demon cat has the strength of a demon emperor above the middle level, and has not yet transformed! ?

This is beyond comprehension and cognition, and it is something that cannot be explained at all. Cat King dragged his daughter into the room for questioning. The core of the question was naturally related to the rapidity of cultivation and the related issues of his own transformation. "What's the matter? Why is there no change form?"

Cat King was very surprised.

"...." Kazekage turned her head and did not answer, a very awkward and unspeakable atmosphere continued to grow.

"Have you never felt transformed?" Cat King asked. "...Yes." Kazekage replied tenderly.

"Then why..." "I don't want to change form."

"Why don't you want to change form?" Cat King was even more strange.

"I used to have that feeling..." Kazekage said in a very tangled voice.

"But I used the rules of heaven and the bodiless inspection method left by my mother to look at it...""

Fengying hugged her two snow-white paws, with a melancholy expression on her face.

"It turned out to be just a child after being transformed..." Kazekage was melancholy

He bowed his head: "It looks like he's only seven or eight years old."

Cat King was surprised: "What's wrong with being seven or eight years old? It's better to transform than not to transform. The difference is huge, and it's a matter of the way." Feng Ying shook his head: "But the appearance of seven or eight years old... to get married?" "What... what?"

Cat King was completely shocked, and even thought he was insane at this moment.

What did I hear?

Could it be that I am really old and confused, and have auditory hallucinations?

"Marry...marry someone?"

The cat emperor's voice became stammered. "Yeah, it's marriage!"

Fengying raised her head innocently: "When girls grow up, don't they all want to marry? It's like a mother marrying a father."


Cat Emperor staggered and sat on the bed: "...Wait for me to stroke."

For a moment, Maohuang felt his head was about to explode, squeezed by the sudden amount of information, and wanted to be dizzy.

"Why do you want to get married?"

"Only by marrying can we be together forever, just like mother and father."

"Then who are you going to marry?"

"...I won't tell you." Fengying pretended to keep a mysterious appearance, with small ears fluttering, and a little shy.

Cat King lay on the bed clutching his forehead. Don't tell me yet! ? All fools know it!

"After the transformation, you can marry when you grow up." Cat Emperor continued to work hard, persuasively and persuasively.

"That won't work!" Kazekage was very determined. "Why?"

"I've read a lot of books, especially some articles about dads. They all say that in that way, you can only be a daughter, and you can take it seriously in front of you..." Fengying said.

"I'll go, what books are you reading?" Feng Ying simply listed a bunch of titles.

Cat Emperor was shaky when he heard this: "Who the **** showed you these messy books?"

"...I found it myself..."

"...Then tell me, when do you plan to transform?"

"When I transform into a beautiful woman like Sister Dong, no, when she is more beautiful than her!"

Fengying's milky voice was very resolute, and she seemed extremely determined and unwavering.

"That won't work!"

"The matter of transformation, I have the final say, and I will do as I say." Feng Ying said, and immediately ordered Maohuang to fall on the bed, feeling weak and unable to get up again.

Yes, everything else can be forced.

But when it comes to transforming into form, only Kazekage himself has the final say!

Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to force her to change form with external force!

The cat emperor tried hard to persuade Fengying all night, but finally persuaded Fengying to fall asleep.

Don't listen or not, let you have a thousand tricks and persuasion, anyway, just don't listen!

So far, the so-called wise and unparalleled Cat Emperor is helpless, and he sighs!

Although... cat girls generally mature relatively early, but... they can't be so early, right?

No matter what, you have to be twelve or thirteen years old, right?

Could it be that he was influenced by that kid Fengyin?

But no matter how bad the cat emperor thinks about people, he also understands that Fengyin can't instill such thoughts in the cats he raised since he was a child!

That can't be something that humans can do!

So this matter must have been Kazekage's own idea. This is a bit uncomfortable.

Cat Emperor wished he could slap himself a few times: After reuniting with Fengyin, he forced himself to be an 'auntie' because of the so-called airs.

To 'predecessors' self-esteem.

It's a good thing now, even the only question of seniority that can be discussed is gone.

Isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?

At the beginning, he should have just called out "Xiandi" and confirmed the status of titles like "adoptive father" to death

That's right!

Made a mistake. Made a mistake. …

Since that night, when Cat Emperor saw Fengyin again, his expression became a little more subtle and complicated.

What's the matter? hatred? Can't talk about it! Beat and scold? Not to mention.

It's okay to catch up with your peers! ? No way, no way! Continue to be an elder?

Then it really becomes the mother-in-law looking after the son-in-law?

Besides...I'm afraid Fengyin doesn't know about this matter, so I can't blame him no matter what!

After some brainstorming, Cat King completely depressed himself.

Fengying's father, Hu Qianyang, was keenly aware of his wife's strangeness. Why can't this **** stay up all night?

After hesitating again and again, I couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?" "I..."

The cat emperor hesitated to speak.

This matter, how can I say it, it's not easy to say, let alone sound.

This is the first time I know that in this world, as a woman, there are some things that even my own husband can't say!

This is really... family misfortune.....

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Cat King said sullenly.

Hu Qianyang scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong, but he was used to not expressing his opinion, so forget it.

The wife will naturally arrange everything very well. Don't worry about yourself.

"My daughter, the demon emperor, is still not in shape." The cat emperor murmured, looking at the ceiling, his eyes glazed over.

"Don't worry about it so much. My daughter is a real demon emperor. She is already on the same level as you now. In a few days, she will definitely be above the two of us. There must be a sense of proportion and she must have her own. If you want to, no matter how much you care about it, wouldn’t it be annoying.”

Hu Qianyang comforted him.

"No matter how big it is, I gave birth to it! No matter how big it is, it's still my daughter!" Cat King immediately frowned.

"Okay, okay... you have the final say on everything!" Hu Qianyang said.

There was nothing wrong with this sentence.

But the problem is that, this matter, Cat King knows in his heart, and he really doesn't count for it!

So when I heard this, I couldn't help getting even more furious: "'re pressing my hair!"

boom! kick!

Hu Qianyang, who was really not sure if he had really crushed Mao Huang's hair, flew out of the bed and fell firmly to the ground. A look of bewilderment.

who am I? where am I? what am i doing What happened to me?

I didn't say anything, why...

Hu Qianyang was puzzled, and there was a black line on his forehead.

But the wife is getting angry, not to mention Hu Qianyang, as long as she is still a husband, no matter how dull she is, it is impossible to argue at this time.

Quietly curled up in the corner of the bed and lay down carefully, holding your breath as much as possible... to sleep.

Can't afford to provoke! …

Fengyin lived in Maogu for five months.

The princes of various tribes of the Yaozu, one counts as one, have all been trained by him.

And Dong Xiaoyan came to the bottleneck again.

On the side of the abyss, the defenses of the demon clan are becoming more and more serious: because now there are talented descendants, for a brilliant future, no matter what, we must give them time and space to grow!

So everyone has raised their vigilance from the bottom of their hearts.

Kazekage also became excited, so far, she has endured nine spirit awakenings.

And that feeling of transformation came again. Because of the Fengyin Transformation Spiritual Sutra, now Fengying can control the sending and receiving of the transformation independently, if you don't change the shape, you won't change the shape.

As far as I can do this step, according to the ranks of the Spirit Transformation Sutra, the next step of the spirit-shaping stage is the transformation stage that belongs to the monster race in the true sense, and that is the transformation stage without any worries . The progress of the Ghost Snake during this period of time was so great that even Kazekage was surprised: just the shed snake skin filled a basket, and the whole body

The upper and lower parts present a non-gold and non-jade texture, which can be invisible with a little urging.

The little black spot on the top of the head quietly protruded and turned into a short sharp horn.

If he only looked at his head but not his body, Fengyin would think of the legendary mythical beast Pixiu.

The most important thing is that the sharp horn is almost indestructible.

The poison of the Ghost Snake has also become more overbearing and vicious. According to its own statement, even if the Demon Emperor is attacked, if the time is right, it will definitely die.

As for the six little snakes of the snake clan.

Because of the next plan, Fengyin asked Snake Emperor to secretly take it back.

Anyway, the Yaozu is now fully prepared for war, and the possibility of resuming the civil war is extremely slim.

As long as the Snake Emperor is more cautious, it will be easy to hide his six genius children.

The Snake Emperor and his wife are very grateful.

The little guys were reluctant to leave, they didn't want to leave at all, and ran around to escape.

But after all, it is too weak.

Under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, they were quickly arrested and taken away resentfully.

The cultivation base of Fengyin itself has also made great progress. The next step is to suppress the realm and consolidate the cultivation base, but it is the biggest hurdle that needs to be faced in the practice.


The transformation of Fengyin is quite different from the practice of Nine Color Supremes in Anping Continent.

The transformation of Fengyin is the next step of the Hualingjing; and taking this step is a must for the real world of mortals to refine their minds and transform their mortals.

In line with his own principles, Fengyin has already informed Dong Xiaoyan of the relevant thoughts.

Dong Xiaoyan is naturally intelligent. After so many hints, she has already understood the way forward and the direction of the avenue.

There is no problem in transforming into a mortal together with Fengyin. But still need to arrange related matters.

Fengyin didn't intend to choose another place for Huafan's place, but directly settled in Yuezhou.

this day.

Fengyin took Fengying, Dong Xiaoyan, Xiaoshe, Zhuang Weiran and his wife to bid farewell to all the monsters of the monster clan.

The farewell dinner was very grand.

Cat Emperor was so focused on keeping Fengying, and following Fengyin, he was a little worried.

But now Kazekage's combat power is not weaker than that of Cat Emperor. There are still younger brothers like Ghost Snake under his command, and the Cat King can't keep her at all. I couldn't help but give birth to a kind of helpless sigh of "my daughter is too old, I can't control it anymore".

However, I have to admit that following Fengying is the best way out.

Follow yourself, perhaps, the achievement is so far. Although it is now unprecedented, which mother would think that the future of her children is too great?

So although the cat king was reluctant and worried, he didn't stop him.

It's just that looking at Fengyin's eyes is a little complicated.

The wind seal is a little unclear, so why is the cat king's eyes a little different during this time?

After bearing this look for many times in a row, Feng Yin finally couldn't bear it.

"Why does Your Majesty look like this? What can I say directly?" Feng Yin was very frank.

He felt that the relationship between himself and Maohuang's family should be extremely harmonious.

It can be said that there is nothing to talk about, and there is no need to avoid any taboos. Cat Emperor pulled the corners of his mouth, forced a smile, and sighed: "It's okay."


Fengyin was puzzled. It's okay, why are you sighing?

The master left, and the demon emperors came to see him off one after another. Peng Wanli also appeared.

"Going back this time, it should be that your cultivation has reached a bottleneck, right?"

Peng Wanli saw it very clearly: "It should be that you will enter the world of mortals when you go back, return to your original self, turn your heart into a rainbow, and break through this step?" Fengyin smiled and said: "Yes, next, everyone should meet I haven't seen us for a long time, and there won't be any news about us circulating in Jianghu."

When these words came out, all the demon kings were shocked.

Although everyone knows that with their geniuses, they will reach this point sooner or later.


But they never expected that they would reach the peak of Anping Continent so soon.

How old are they?

Peng Wanli smiled, and said enviously, "It's great for the two of you to walk this road together."

Fengyin smiled.

Glancing at Dong Xiaoyan's hand, he said with a smile, "Everyone, life after life, doesn't they always walk like this."

Peng Wanli laughed. There was some desolation in the voice.

"Most are walking alone! Walking alone..."" Countless strong men lowered their heads.

These words in my heart made me sore, walking alone.

How many of the powerful people who have embarked on the road of the great road are neat and tidy?

The only few pairs are probably Tianjian Yungong and Absolute Sword Demon Palace. But how many people are there in the whole rivers and lakes? How many can be so happy?

walk alone.

In the end, he didn't know where he died. No matter how high you go.

When they die, they are all alone.

Now I see that Fengyin Dong Xiaoyan is about to join hands with Dao. Everyone is in a complicated mood.

"Bless you two...join hands in this life! Never part!"

For the Jianghu people, this is the best and best blessing. Fengyin laughed: "Thank you all, we will meet each other in the future."

"Yes, we will meet each other someday!" "Done!"

On the occasion of parting. Standing on Cat Valley Pass.

Fengyin looked at Peng Wanli, Maohuang and his wife, and thought of how kind they were to him and how they helped him along the way, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Said: "Senior Peng, when we are parting, I have a word to give you." "Please say."

Fengyin pondered for a while, and said seriously: "What you know as entering the world of mortals, returning to the original self, and turning your heart into a rainbow is only a half step of this step, or in other words, just taking this step is not enough."

"Not enough?" Peng Wanli wondered.

This is the supreme law recognized by the mainland. How could it not be enough?

"There is a saying called, back to basics."

Fengyin said: "The so-called entering the world of mortals, returning to the original self, turning the heart into a rainbow... just achieved the first two words. Return to the basics."

"Returning to the truth later, UU Reading is the origin of the real Dao."

"The road of practice has no end. Returning to the true self is just the beginning!"

Fengyin said earnestly: "But this step requires you to realize it by yourself. Everyone has his own self, and everyone has his way to true self."

Peng Wanli and the others almost felt that a thunderbolt suddenly appeared above their heads.

This sentence shocked me to the point of losing my mind.

Fengyin hugged Fengying, took Dong Xiaoyan's arm, and took two steps back. He said in a gentle and elegant way: "Farewell. The next time we meet, if there is no accident, it should be many years later. Take care everyone!"

Taking Dong Xiaoyan with her, she drifted away. Behind him, Peng Wanli waited in deep thought. Stand still.

Under the setting sun, the figure is very long. "Return to the true? Return to the true..."

【. . 】

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