MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 39 All Monsters [2 in 1]

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Yaojun suddenly realized when he heard the words: "Yes, yes, we Yaozu are very good at finding people and things. Countless races have such innate abilities, and each one is better than the other! I wonder who Master Ling is looking for? But there are his clothes and so on... This matter is left to our Yaozu, and the two people must be found in the shortest possible time, and they will be sent to the master in good condition."

Fengyin hesitated for a moment, and said: "But you don't even know their looks, how can you find them...

"There are specialties in art, cats have cat ways, rats have mouse ways, and each tribe has its specialties."

looking for. "

Yaojun said: "As long as there are items with their breath, you can

"Of course, it would be even better if there were portraits of them, so we can find more directions."

Fengyin was stunned for a moment, and said: "There are quite a few, such as the clothes they wore, the beds they used, etc...

"Take it out, take it all out, leave this matter to our Yaozu, and we will definitely not miss Master Ling's business, so you just put 1.2 million hearts on it!"

Yaojun suddenly came to the spirit. Pat your chest with a big package.

At this moment, Peng Wanli feels more and more that this Lord Yaojun is not high-class. You are a Yaojun, the top of the Yaozu. How can you speak in such a tone?

Dong Xiaoyan rolled her eyes on one side, tried her best to hold back her laughter and went into the room.

This guy had carried those things with him a long time ago, and his intention at this time was already clear, and it was clearly a plan to let the Yaozu work for him for nothing.

Otherwise, how could it be so well prepared. pot………

"It's all here. Clothes, sheets and quilts, tables, chairs, benches and iron windprints shake out a lot.

After Yaojun got the things, his spirit became more excited, he raised his sword, and with a flick of a stroke, he cut the many pieces of clothes into tens of thousands of pieces.

"Herald, flying ants, rats, bats, eagles, dogs, wolves, pigeons... the emperor comes to see you!"

Slightly leaning, after the Yaojun gave orders, each race was allocated a few pieces of rags, and rushed out to give orders as if they had found a treasure.

"All the flying monsters, also get a little bit! The whole continent, all-round, indiscriminate and dead-end search!"

The Yaojun issued a death order: "If you can't find it, then the whole Yaozu collective will be ashamed!"

Undoubtedly, the weight of this sentence was very heavy, and it made many demon emperors stand in awe, and went out to pass on orders one after another.

And then... almost instantly!

Hundreds...billions or...billions of little demons burst out and spread across the entire continent.

Um, no, it's not tiled, but the sky and the ground, including the ground below, and searched out in all directions and three-dimensionally.

The search for Zhuang Weiran is officially launched!

For Zhuang Weiran and his wife, more than 80% of the demon clan's effective force was mobilized. Such a scale is not only unprecedented, but also has a great chance of being unprecedented. This achievement is achieved by one person, oh no, an ancient pair!

"Regarding the cooperation between our Yaozu and the master, we have already shown our sincerity. Look at you...

Fengyin frowned, and said with a wry smile: "Master Yaojun has indeed shown sincerity on behalf of the Yaozu. Ling is extremely grateful, but the matter of raising cubs was discussed with His Majesty the Peacock Demon Emperor last time. The specific rules are as follows It's's not Ling asking for a price, get what you pay for, Lord Yaojun understands the importance, and makes his own choice."

After all, he said the rules made last time again. "That's all? Not too much, not too much, very cheap!"

The Yaojun immediately made a decision: "Then follow this rule. You all have no objections, right? If you have any objections, you don't have to come. I believe Master Ling will not mind, and neither will this Lord. The other Demon Kings should not mind either." Would you mind?

The demon kings: "No opinion! Don't mind! It's a matter of course, what do you mind?"

"You guys go back immediately and bring the cubs here!" "Yes!"

Several of the demon emperors turned around and left in an instant, looking impatient, obviously it was the pretentiousness of the peacock demon emperor and Peng emperor that really stimulated them.

The Dragon Emperor coughed, looked at Phoenix Emperor, and said: "The cubs of our clan have already been brought here, and they are here." "We also brought..."

The demon kings who had just rushed to the door staggered, and looked back in grief and indignation.

He also said that you have no insider information!

You even brought cubs! Besides, if there is no inside story, who will believe it? !

"Why don't you hurry up and wait? It's too late to change the demon! It's not fun to dawdle!" The demon yelled.

Brush... Yaoying.

There was no time for the demon emperors to complain, and everything was settled in an instant.

The next trend of Fengyin is to stay in the Yaozu, raise cubs, and practice crazily. Well, the main thing is to cultivate cubs, at least that's what it says on the surface.

And Yaojun left immediately after finishing the arrangement.

The abyss over there still needs to be guarded, which is very important. It is not easy for him to spare such a day or two.

Now that everything is settled, it is natural to rush back to sit in town. under the siege.

Next, Fengyin naturally fell into an unprecedented busy atmosphere and kept pointing, almost non-stop.

The objects of enlightenment are naturally not only the new cubs of various clans, but also the high-level overhaul of the cat clan and fox clan.

Even Fengying's father, mother, and aunt... Fengyin also sealed the pills with hints, and each monster gave a few pills. The little guy from the cat clan, and even the little cubs sent by other clans, started a pill. Attunement for the second time...

If this is all it takes, the number of attunement objects is not very large, but the selection objects of Fengyin are far more than these.

His goal is to include the mountains and forests around Cat Valley, and the big trees, especially the trees near the abyss, are the most important objects of care.

And such frequent and high-intensity operations are actually a kind of cultivation of the enlightenment ability of Hualingjing.

In the past, it was also in this way that the techniques of gathering spirits and pointing spirits were gradually refined to be precise and accurate. Now that the spirit-opening state has been promoted, the efficiency of attunement has greatly increased, and it is the best if it can be accurate at the same time. .

Based on this concept, Fengyin will naturally not slack in the slightest, and he will be enlightened super frequently every day, repeating the previous state of his body being hollowed out!

Naturally, Fengying received the spirit enlightenment continuously because of this, and the Ghost Snake finally reached the level where it could bear the spirit enlightenment enlightenment. In line with the principle of sharing the same taste, it was also given, but its load capacity reached the limit in an instant , fell asleep directly, and began to shed layers layer by layer.

And the little snakes are also making rapid progress.

Peng Wanli, who often sits here and pays close attention to the changes around him, is keenly aware of too many abnormalities and things that are wrong: the number of big trees near the abyss seems to have increased all of a sudden, and they are getting denser and denser, and the crowns of the trees are getting bigger and bigger that much.

Visually, it seems that they have gradually turned into rows of soldiers, guarding around the abyss, thick and big!

Even these big trees still have consciousness fluctuations.

But who is Peng Wanli, especially when he has seen the spiritual fluctuations of those big trees in Fengyin Yard and Yuezhou City...

Peng Wanli naturally chose to shut up, and didn't ask at all.

But he was overjoyed in his heart. This... is all vitality!

Fighting the abyss in the future will give you a little more confidence! Good thing!

at the same time.

The tens of billions of monster troops entered the mainland one after another forcefully, especially the human area.

The Ant Clan and the Rat Clan have even found the place where Zhuang Weiran and his wife passed by, and they searched all the way, and the direction has been determined.

The goal is directed at the country of Yan.

Ever since, more and more demon clans overwhelmingly marched towards the country of Yan, but they did not commit any crimes along the way.

This entry came to Zidi's ashram. Yan Country, Zichen Mountain!

go back.

So far, all the monsters have stopped moving, and the message

"The news of the friend that Master Ling is looking for, the last trace is Zichen Mountain where the Zidi Daoist Temple of Yan Kingdom is located!"

of! "

"Basically, it is certain that people were captured here by the Purple Emperor.

"What will happen next, whether to attack by force or use other means, please give instructions from Your Majesty."

The news quickly spread to the demon clan and to the demon kings.

Then, it was passed to Yaojun immediately. Yaojun expressed his satisfaction.

The speed of finding people is extremely fast. The location was quickly determined.

The Yaojun immediately ordered: "First confirm the current situation of the person."

This uses the small monster clan and the monster clan that can drill into the ground.

Ants, mice, centipedes, etc. started to exercise collectively. half a day.

Dozens of small passages were opened up in Zichen Mountain without any sound—a few millimeters wide and narrow.

The acid etching solution of the ant tribe has contributed countless.

The hard stone was eroded out of the cavity, turned into powder, and then drilled into it.

But during this period, Zidi found out.

Zidi didn't notice the monster clan's movements, but felt that the small animals on the mountain were so active, the whole mountain was active.

Spring is here, and these little animals are restless? Zidi felt very annoyed.

So the magic was shocked. There were countless casualties in an instant.

"Report! My ant tribe sacrificed 20 million in the first battle!" "My centipede tribe sacrificed 270,000 in the first battle!" "My pangolin tribe sacrificed in the first battle..."

Yaojun's head was as big as a bucket, and he waved his hands: "Continue to inquire... What sacrifices in the First World War, don't say such things. They didn't do anything, and you were shocked and rushed to the street... What sacrifices are so beautiful. "

Finally, when Zidi was in retreat. The channel was opened up carefully.

In the deep underground prison, at an inconspicuous corner, a small piece of soil fell down.

There is no sound.

No attention was drawn.

A tiny ant poked its head out of it. Careful, cautious to the extreme. Sticking to the stone wall, slow down...

This is the lowest level of demon ants. The demonic aura is not obvious, almost the same as ordinary ants; but it is this kind of talent that gets in because it is inconspicuous.

Those who have a little cultivation base really can't get in.

to be dismantled.

Zhuang Weiran looked tired and collapsed on the ground, Hu Lengyue was forcibly supporting his body and taking care of him.

Both husband and wife are dying. Both of them are hopeless.

They didn't even think that they would meet Zidi Dayan within a few days after they came out.


Not knowing what was going on, Zidi directly arrested the two and tortured them about their relationship with the genius doctor.

Zhuang Weiran has not figured out what is showing his feet until now. He was actually arrested by an existence like Zidi himself. This is the Purple Emperor.

The husband and wife firmly denied it.

And Zidi actually started a big soul search!

Zhuang Weiran's cultivation has improved, and his soul has been solidified a lot under the touch of Feng Yin, and he actually survived three soul searches.

Later, I only knew to say 'I don't know, three words. But the whole person was tortured almost like an idiot!

But the husband and wife are holding on tightly. There is only one belief: Never betray your benefactor!

Although Fengyin regards the husband and wife as elders, Zhuang Weiran and his wife understand it in their hearts.

All of this was obtained because of Fengyin! anyway!

Even if the body is smashed to pieces, the spirit and soul will be shattered. You can't betray your benefactor either!

Especially when the opponent is still the Zidi Emperor of Yan, how can Yifeng Langzhong's small body and strength stand up to it? As long as the news is leaked, wouldn't it mean that the husband and wife were ungrateful and killed Feng Boy?

I would rather die than do such a thing!


Unanimously made up their minds.

Every time the husband and wife were tortured, searched for souls, and were sent back to the prison, they kept silent about each other's suffering and what they were asked!

Because there must be monitoring.

So, don't say a word. They are almost two dumb to each other.

Apart from taking care of each other, they didn't even make eye contact a few times.

Faced with this situation, Zidi had no choice.

Because the endurance of the two souls has reached the limit. If they are forced to search for the soul again, then I am afraid that the sanity of the two of them will be completely destroyed.

And by that time, if there is still no gain, these two people will be useless!

Once turned into two idiots.

May I ask what you can get by searching the soul for an idiot? Zidi was also very depressed.

Because he never thought that the mere two heavenly spirits would be so stable!

Even the stability of the soul has reached the level of the cloud.

He thought he would be able to catch it with his hands, but when he realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

The next soul search has two results. The first is that the two people die on the spot; the second is that the two become idiots on the spot; the third is that they will get the news they want.

But Zidi was not sure. These two are too determined.

It's a kind of determination that "looks down on life and death, loves to do whatever, and just doesn't talk about it.

Zidi himself has not recovered from his serious injuries, so he can only be imprisoned first. He is waiting for someone.

white rainbow.

Perhaps this matter must be done together.

The power of the genius doctor is already too huge.

When Baihong arrives, he will release the news: Zhuang Weiran and his wife are in my hands.

Then look at the doctor's reaction.

As long as there is an action, it can be locked immediately. What about the protection of Tianjian Yungong?

The little demon ant poked its head out. The two tentacles vibrate slightly. Zhuang Weiran and his wife didn't notice anything.

Immediately, demon ants crawled out one by one, their tentacles constantly waving.


"Is it these two humans?" "The breath is right." "Make sure." "I'm sure.

"I'm sure too."

So the little demon ants retreated one after another.

Then from another corner, a few small centipedes popped out. They all confirmed again.

There is a small hole in the middle.

A little mouse's clever eyes are rolling. "Confirmed. Seriously injured...weak...Return."


The news came back quickly, and some even faintly sent back the pictures they saw with the help of their racial characteristics.

The news reached the demon emperors.

Then Baichuan Huihai came to Yaojun again. "Definitely! Imprisoned! Seriously injured!" The demon king immediately called the demon kings to discuss.

"The person Master Ling is looking for has been confirmed to be in Zichen Mountain. He is imprisoned, and now he is very weak and seriously injured."

"How to do it, let's discuss it."

The Dragon Emperor said: "Should I inform Master Ling about this matter?" As soon as this sentence came out.

Immediately, all the demon emperors looked at him with a kind of staring eyes.

Forcibly looking at this dragon emperor, his face was flushed, and he couldn't help but explode: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Let's see if you are a fool!" Tiger Emperor said contemptuously.

"How to say?"

"Hehe, you understand that the master is helping us raise our offspring now? Tell him the news, and then he must be worried and go there in person. It will take a month at least, and the process may not even be completed."

"Let's not talk about any accidents and dangers. If things go smoothly, it will take a month."

"This month's time will delay the growth of our three batches of descendants. Three batches, one batch of one hundred and forty, will delay the growth of nearly five hundred future demon emperors..."

The Tiger Emperor vented his anger through his nose: "You can delay, that's because our first batch of descendants are almost finished training now... so you don't worry. But believe it or not, if you delay this month, the remaining number Can the demon emperor of a hundred races go crazy?"

"What if Master goes out and doesn't come back?"

"Then our races are powerful, but they will inevitably be attacked by all races of the entire monster race...can we hold on?"

trouble! "

The Tiger Emperor said contemptuously: "Stupid! You just made this statement for yourself, which aroused the approval of all the high-level people present.

Indeed it is! The Dragon Emperor is indeed a fool!

No wonder he didn't compete for the position of Yaojun back then! It seems that except for the two horns on his head, he basically has no brains at all. "If you don't tell the master, what should you do?" The Dragon Emperor was not convinced.

Fenghuang couldn't stand it anymore, sighed and said: "Be smarter... What the master wants is to save those two old friends; even if you tell him, the goal is the same! Do you understand?" Dragon Emperor Han Han said: "I don't understand!"

The Peacock Demon Emperor rolled his eyes: "Stupid! What Sister Feng means is that even if Grandmaster finds out, aren't we the ones who actually save people? Don't you want Grandmaster to do it himself? He is Zidi's opponent ?

hand. "

The Dragon Emperor finally realized: "The master appointed that it wasn't the Purple Emperor, and then he was furious: "Who are you calling stupid?"

The peacock demon emperor rolled his eyes.

"Then it's settled!" Before the peacock demon king and the tiger king quarreled, the demon king had already made a decision.

Said: "Then there is no need to inform the master about this matter! Let's directly dispatch the masters, rescue the person, and send it to the master, which means that this matter has been successfully completed!"


This time, all the demon emperors collectively agreed.

In fact, everyone thinks this way in their hearts; there is no need to hold a meeting to discuss it, that is, Yaojun wants to give everyone a feeling of "not being dictatorial in everything.

Peng Wanli sat on it, dozing off with his eyes closed the whole time.

I kept sighing in my heart.

Now this monster is really unhappy in doing things. This kind of thing still needs to be discussed?

Wouldn't it be better to just issue an order? No courage.

"Since everyone agrees, let's make a decision... who wants to do this?"

"I!" "I!" "I I I!"

Immediately, all the demon emperors stood up. This is an opportunity for meritorious service!

It is also an excellent performance opportunity to make friends with Master Ling!

Yaojun coughed, and said: "Then issue a call-up order. Anyone who is willing to participate can participate in this operation... The Great Yan Zidi is not easy to mess with. If there are too few people going, it will be a disadvantage..."

"How about this, dragons, phoenixes, peacocks, eagles, birds, cranes, tigers, leopards, bears, wolves, etc., let's all go out for a walk. Bring enough strength, don't embarrass our monster race!"

Yaojun arranged it casually. "Follow the order!"

All the demon emperors were instantly high-spirited and left immediately.

Yaojun chuckled, and said to Peng Wanli: "Look, Uncle Peng, do we want to go and see the excitement? Suppress the crowd?"

Peng Wanli rolled his eyes, and asked in infinite surprise: "Is this still a matter of watching? This is still a matter of suppressing the formation!?"

"If you continue with this order, except for those guarding the abyss who can't leave, basically the entire Great Plains of the Monster Race will be empty... and we need to go to hold the line? That's only the Purple Emperor of Yan Kingdom. Even if it is Nine Colors The Supreme is all over there, and I can’t hold it back, Lord Yaojun!”

"You have no confidence!" Peng Wanli sighed.

Yaojun said embarrassingly: "I have been used to it since I was a child..." "Hey..."

In an instant, the sky over UU Reading Wan Yao Plain surged!

Countless demon emperors soared into the sky, and while flying wildly, they ordered: "Mobilize the whole clan! All the high-level officials rush to Zichen Mountain! Big event! Huge event!"

"The whole clan collectively listens to the order: let's go!"

For the convenience of traveling, countless flying monsters even revealed their bodies and flew directly


Lest one step behind.

In an instant, thousands of monsters soared into the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun! Just within an hour.

More than ten million demons, led by the Demon Emperor, flew over the Ten Thousand Demons Plain!

Darkness... roaring... rushing to the country of Yan!

Rush towards Zichen Mountain near the imperial capital of Yan Kingdom!

In the follow-up, there are countless monster races rushing crazily. Tens of thousands of tiger demons gallop against the wind.

Tens of thousands of bear demons are striding forward! Countless leopard clan surged.

A huge silver wave surged on the ground. That's the wolf clan dispatched.

The army of tens of millions of wolves rose against the wind, shaking their heads and tails, and rushed straight to Zichen Mountain!

The wolf king stood above and roared loudly: "This time the wolf clan did not enter the first echelon, but in this battle, we must show our wolf clan's prestige!"

Rumble... The wind and thunder shake! All Monsters!

It has to be said that this phenomenon has never been seen in the entire history of Anping Continent for hundreds of millions of years!

Never before!

The scene is extremely spectacular!

And such an unprecedented large-scale operation was just to rescue the two heavenly ranks!

And the most outrageous thing is that a certain master, an important element of such a huge scene, has no knowledge of it!

The real timeless.....



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