MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 416 Kill the door! 【2 in 1】

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"Yes, yes, the villain will save you."

Xu Chengyun trembled, lay down on the table and began to write.

After a long time, the paper has already been covered with handwriting, covering a whole large sheet.

Fengyin narrowed his eyes and waited patiently.

The Xu Chengyun in front of him is not an idle character, but a ruthless character who ranks first in the mission target of Xianyang Amethyst. In the past few decades, in this extremely prosperous capital city, seventeen small families have been ruined. , more than 400 households of ordinary people were killed, and the number of people directly and indirectly killed by him exceeded 3,000!

In addition, there were more than 700 good girls who were sold to brothels or directly tortured to death after being played by him enough.

When Fengyin saw the intelligence information of his hunting order, his whole body trembled angrily, filled with righteous indignation.

His hands have been stained with blood since he carried out the mission of Juntian Hand, but the people he killed were all mission targets and accomplices, and at most there were guard warriors who happened to meet him.

But there has never been a practice of destroying a family.

But this time, he felt that he had to make an exception. From the moment he read the relevant information file about Xu Chengyun, he thought of making an exception. Not only should the whole family be buried with him, but the whole family would also be implicated!

Because of this person's crimes, it has been completely unspeakable.

The life of one person can never pay off the justice of so many people!

Since his family members, deployments, and subordinates also share in the benefits brought by his various evil deeds, they should all be guilty of the same crime!

Following Xu Chengyun's writing.

Fengyin saw a familiar name.

black knife.

"Black Knife?"

Fengyin was surprised. This robber who just died in his hands, did he have something to say?

"The black knife is also... on our side. But usually it is just a cooperative relationship. It is unknown which big boss in the capital he belongs to."

"The person behind the black knife is definitely not simple, my lord."

Xu Chengyun is now desperately committing crimes and doing meritorious service, and is desperately reporting and exposing.

I just hope that I can spare the net to save my life.

He is very clear.

This person in front of him absolutely doesn't care about Jun Shan.

Otherwise, it would never behave like this.

Since Junshan can't scare others, everything depends on his own efforts.

"How do you cooperate with Hei Dao?"

"Cough... When you meet someone who wants something or wants to kill, it's not appropriate to do it in Beijing, so the black knife will intercept and kill someone on the road..."

"for example?

"For example...some of the adults' political enemies were relegated from Beijing...cough cough..."

"Good means."


The butler and others, who were sent out to work, came back to report one after another. They saw that the study room was still lit, but the head of the house did not allow him to enter, so everyone had to wait outside.

Naturally, everyone felt strange.

what happened?

Why didn't you listen to the report?

Isn't this the rarest time for the head of the family, just like to hear how miserable the goal of the rectification is...  

Just when everyone was wondering...


The door of the study in front of him suddenly shattered, and a lot of blood sprayed out like sharp arrows.

Xu Chengyun's body was spraying blood all over his body, and it was even thrown out from the door, fell to the ground, rolled twice, and then stopped moving.

Immediately, a figure in white clothes put his hands behind his back, and Shi Shiran walked out of the study.


"The owner is gone..."



The butler was the most obedient, Feng Yinfu just showed up, the old man turned around and ran away, the speed of escape was quite impressive.

And he himself, as a bystander,

Speed, witnessed the speed of his movement at the moment—

While running away at full speed, he suddenly saw a headless body running at high speed in front of him, and he ran several feet in the blink of an eye.

But... how can you run without your head?

And... who is that guy?

Why does the robe on his body look so familiar...

The butler's thoughts reached here, and there was no follow-up, because he had already lost his final consciousness.

At the same time as dust fell from the butler's head, dozens of guards in the yard were also decapitated, without exception.

The corpse fell off, and the blood flowed into a river.

With Feng Yin in his hand, he circled around Xu Chengyun's Zhuangzi from the inside to the outside, and from the outside to the inside, killing him again and again.

Murder like never before!

All the people in Xu's house, men, women, old and young, don't leave any chickens or dogs behind! All the belongings were looted, everything was clean and clean, not a single cent was left.


A soaring fire ignited, directly reflecting half of the sky red.

This night, the accident happened in Xu's compound.

In the residences of many ordinary people in Xianyang City, there was a windfall, or there was a little more scattered silver, or a bag of silver coins, or an ingot and a half ingot of gold on the table, although it was not much, But it is enough for ordinary people to chew for a year and a half.


The fire burned for a whole night, and burned down the vast Xu Family Courtyard without leaving a single tile.

Fengyin put away all the kerosene and even vegetable oil in the Xu family, sprinkled them evenly in mid-air, and then lit many fires

There is no way to save such a big fire, so we can only watch it burn until it burns out.

The fire ignited and fell slightly, and the whole Xianyang was in a commotion.

Not only the nearby officials were dispatched one after another, but even many officials who seemed to be quite dignified also came in person.

But there is such a fire, even if you want to, you can't do anything about it, so you can't help it.

And many people in the vicinity also woke up in the night, regardless of the severe cold, came out one after another to watch the fire.

Under the light of the fire, everyone's face was flushed, and they didn't know whether they were illuminated by the fire or excited.

They watched the fire in Xu's family silently, their eyes sparkling, the feeling was even more magnificent than seeing the fireworks on New Year's Eve.

At this moment, everyone's scalp felt a little numb.

Many people, with tears streaming down their faces, knelt down and kowtowed, chanting words in their mouths.

Obviously thanking, thanking.

God, which **** is it, come to help me out of this breath!

There are also some people who are worshiping, worshiping those relatives who died because of the Xu family.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the blood feud that was thought to be hopeless would have to be avenged!

Sign up!

"No one from the whole Xu family escaped from birth! Men, women, old and young, including the guards, all martial chickens or dogs are left behind, and all living beings are extinct."

A person dressed as an official sighed wistfully: "Although the Xu family's reputation is a little bit bad, this kind of behavior is too cruel."

As soon as this sentence was said, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere around me was a little strange.

When I turned my head to look again, I saw that many people around me were looking at me with strange eyes.

Many people's eyes were full of unconcealable disgust, as if they saw the legendary dog ​​official!

"My lord, is there anything to be sorry for such a devoid of conscience like the Xu family?"

"The Xu family should have died a long time ago, even if they die, they won't be able to forgive their hatred!"

"Good kill! Good death!"

"Retribution is too late!"

"If this hero who killed the Xu family is caught, this old man will go bankrupt, and I will give everything to help him!"

"Me too!"

"Establish a longevity tablet for your benefactor!"

"The benefactor is worth it!"

"Officer dog! What kind of nonsense are you talking about! What kind of a good official can you be who speaks for such beasts?"


The official didn't expect that he just said a word, which caused public outrage.

The so-called Wanfu refers to nothing.

Once the voices of the people are overwhelming, how can I be okay? Just an official voice, I will rarely have any hope in my life!

Looking at the eyes of the people around who were about to rush up and tear him apart, he couldn't help but feel cold all over, and hurriedly said: "It's a slip of the tongue."

Everyone was puzzled.

"No one is allowed to report to the official!"

"We didn't see anything anyway!"


The official's face turned bitter.

Lao Tzu is an official.

Even I am here, and it is the secretary who is in charge of this pile, how can I ignore it?

What are you guys up to?

kill people?


When the fire burst into the sky.

Dong Xiaoyan is coming here.

Coincidentally, her original intention was also to complete this task.

Before, he had killed several king-level mission targets in a row. After recharging his energy and recharging his energy, he was free to scan the Jun Tianjian, and found Xu Chengyun, a big target, and his eyes lit up.

Excitedly rushed over.

See if you can harvest it easily.

After all, Xu Chengyun is only at the seventh rank of the heavenly rank, and in terms of his own strength, he can securely win it.

Who would have thought that the fire had already burst into the sky over there before his own people arrived.

Then, in her eyes, the soaring resentment on the other side was rapidly dissipating.

That was the resentment that Xu Chengyun had created over the years of doing evil to the world, and it was dissipating bit by bit, and it was about to disappear.

Dong Xiaoyan's flying figure stopped on a tall building, staring blankly at the dissipated resentment.

The originally extremely strong resentment was really slowly dissipating and gradually disappearing.

Dong Xiaoyan's insightful eyes could vaguely see the illusory faces amidst the resentment, gradually turning from resentment and hatred to peaceful, with the indifference of revenge.

Rising and surging, slowly dissipating in the air, turning into passing clouds.


I got my wish!

The villain finally died, and got the worst revenge!

The whole family is dead, and the revenge has come so far, and there is no way to add it!

At the same time when the Xu family's mansion was still steaming from the flames, several officials of the Daqin Ministry of Rites were killed one after another, and many shops of the Xu family in the city were also set ablaze.

Obviously, the murderer is carrying out one thing: imprisoned, punished to the end, punished thoroughly!

Dong Xiaoyan sighed softly, bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, and took out Jun Tianjian to check.

"I have to take a good look, who took my mother's business, this is a great pleasure, and I missed it."

Open it and swipe it, and immediately see who the culprit belongs to.

"Mistgrass, it's actually gentle!"

Dong Xiaoyan couldn't help widening her eyes, and then her eyes turned into a bright moon again.

"It turned out to be you, kid, who came so late, and snatched the girl's target...when this girl sees you, she will definitely beat you up, eighth Fighting swelling on the fifteenth day of the lunar month is absolutely indispensable! This is... Huh! Good kill!"

"These guys have done a lot of evil in Xianyang, and no one has dealt with it for so many years, huh! It's still my people who are strong, and they are cleaned up as soon as they arrive. This is so happy, so domineering!

Dong Xiaoyan's emotions surged with You Rongyan in an instant, and she was even more proud than doing it herself.

Feng Langzhong has been classified as 'my people, too.

"It's me and my people who dare to do such a great thing, how dare others?!

Miss Dong Yu

The hair is full of pride, and there is a taste of being ruthless.

Heroes in the world, only the king and the smile!


It's just that the hero in Dong Xiaoyan's heart is already red-eyed at this moment.

With the intention of eradicating all evil, he wanted to rush directly into the palace and kill the imperial concubine, who was the only remaining evil of the Xu family.

But Feng Langzhong had just arrived near the palace, but he stopped immediately.

Suddenly, I felt a strong atmosphere that belonged to the royal family, as well as a strong atmosphere of national destiny, coming towards me, and I couldn't resist it.

Fengyin can feel even more how many masters are agitating in the magnificent building in front of him. Among them, there are not a few masters in the clouds. Is it a trivial matter for a country to be important?

If you rushed in hastily, even your current self would not be optimistic.

"Learning literary and martial arts, goods and the emperor's family...It really is the most famous saying, the most unbreakable truth."

Fengyin shook his head, and finally chose to back away.

"In the imperial palace, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It is definitely not the best strategy to force your way in. Let's find another opportunity in the future."

"The Xu family has undergone such a huge change, do you not believe that this Concubine Xu will not come out of the palace to pay homage? At that time, there will be opportunities to follow."

Aside from the massacre, Fengyin still felt that the bad breath in his heart had not completely dissipated.

After this incident, even Junshan was regarded by him as a target.

"Junshan, it's not a good thing for a long time!"


Fengyin returned in dismay.

But at this moment, the Anbu of Daqin was already full of wind and thunder, turbulent and treacherous.

"Gentleness reappears, right now in the imperial capital!"

"Renrou has been promoted to the number one rank of Amethyst Killer!"

"One step further, it is the king class!"

"Report quickly!"

A tall figure strode out: "I'll check the news again to make sure."

Behind him, several people filed out upon hearing the sound.

"Is gentleness here?"

"Has this kid finally come to Xianyang?"

"I thought he was afraid to come to Xianyang! Good boy, he came after all."

One of them is the gentle instructor, Gu Yunfan.

Beside him, who looked more dignified, was the deputy head of the secret guard, Gu Yunfan's older brother, Gu Yunbian.

He is also the leader of Daqin's hidden guards.

As for the one who came out first... If the wind seal is here, you can recognize it by the accent—the chief instructor of Black Crow Valley at that time.

That is, Instructor Fei.

"Gentleness came to Xianyang? Who did you kill? Let me see, which **** is so unlucky."

Instructor Fei was talking elegantly, while rushing over from Gu Yunbian's side.

"Fei Wenya!"

Gu Yunbian was furious: "How dare you be rude to Shangguan?!"

It turned out that the name of this chief instructor who could scold everywhere and everyone dared not look up was actually Fei Wenya.

It is indeed a good name.

It is indeed elegant. Can

"I'm anxious to look at my student, the action is a little less elegant, what the hell? You're the only one who has a lot of troubles every day!"

Instructor Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Look what's wrong? Your grandma..."

Gu Yunbian was furious and was about to strike.

"If you dare to hit me, I'll hit your younger brother! Eight times a day! From morning to night, I will hit you face to face. Do you think I dare or not? Can I?"

Fei Wenya's eyes widened: "My surname Fei will do what I say!"

Gu Yunfan hurriedly persuaded: "Brother, forget it, let it go!"

Gu Yunbian almost exploded with anger: "Go away! I tried my best to get you into the hidden guards, but I didn't expect you to become my pigtail instead. You can't move

Squeeze as soon as you move, stalk as soon as you move, do you think you are wool..."

Gu Yunfan rolled his eyes: "Who the **** are you calling Lao Tzu?"

"Hahahaha..." Fei Wenya's laughter came from over there.

"This kid just wants to get it. He chopped off Xu Chengyun as soon as he came to Xianyang! There is a seed! Enough seed!"

"I don't like this guy a long time ago. If it weren't for the skin on his body, I would have done it a long time ago."

"Good kill! Great kill!"

"Immediately send my order, the killer, what he killed, what he did, the follow-up treatment and all other corresponding matters will be handled by me Anbu! Others, no one has the right to intervene, and those who intervene are enmity against me Anbu !"

Fei Wenya gave the order complacently, and then smiled like a flower with her hairy face: "You really deserve to be my disciple, with my demeanor!"

Gu Yunfan said angrily: "That kid was obviously trained by me, it's my demeanor!"

Fei Wenya ignored him and was very proud of herself.

Gu Yunbian snorted and said, "If you want to issue orders, shouldn't you ask me, the deputy minister, first?"

"Our cultivation bases are about the same, who do you think you can scare?"

"A position is a position, cultivation is a cultivation, two different things."

Gu Yun's face was like black iron: "You have a high level of cultivation, why aren't you a vice minister?

Fei Wenya was at a loss for words, and it took him a long time to get his neck stuck, and said with a blushing face: "Deputy Minister...that's great, you are so talented, you are so awesome that you are a minister!"

Gu Yunbian was furious: "Believe it or not, I gave the order to ****? Do you think I dare, or can I?"

Fei Wenya stood at attention, blushing: "What the hell..."

"Turn back! Go out ten steps! Turn left, get out!"

Then he turned around and said, "First, assign all the gentle things to the Anbu, and make sure that there are no omissions. Then order other departments, especially the Rainbow Tianyi, that no one is allowed to intervene in it, so as to avoid unnecessary incidents!"

The subordinates next to him were all taken aback: What's the difference between what Boss Fei said and what you said?

Nonsense practice?

Immediately, I saw Gu Yunbian turn around: "I'm going to find the minister right now. This guy, Wen Rou, must be brought to Anbu!"


For a moment, Xianyang City suddenly appeared in a state of undercurrents.

When ordinary people have no way of noticing it, all functional departments are busy.

This kind of act of destroying people's families, no matter how well deserved the crimes are, and how well-founded the perpetrators' reasons are, it is still an extremely bad event.

It must be investigated, thoroughly investigated, and thoroughly investigated.

Because of this, her gentleness instantly became famous in Xianyang!

But just as the scouts were out everywhere, they got news from Anbu again.

But the content of the news left everyone speechless.

Could it be that people who have been involved with you Anbu can get away with it and kill without fault?

However, following the strong order issued by the Minister of Anbu, Bu Changkong, everyone fell silent for an instant, not daring to utter a word.

And this case was handed over to Anbu for handling.

It can be seen from this that the background is strong enough, and you can really get away with it. If one day you are held accountable and killed, it will be your background, and it is not hard enough!

In the imperial city at this moment, the imperial concubine was crying like pear blossoms with rain, but this also showed her powerlessness and helplessness.

His Majesty's explanation to her was only one sentence: "Now that the ancestor has returned, what Anbu now represents is the will of the ancestor."

Concubine Xu Gui lost all opinions in an instant, and was even grateful for her own life.

I just don't know if there are more twists and turns, whether Feng Lang's plan to pay homage to Concubine Xu Guifei's family will go well.


I don't know Anbu's actions at all, and I'm still thinking about what to do next, Fengyin returns to Yanhuilou

But when he came to the left, he was stunned for a while.

Because now when the geese return to the building, there is commotion everywhere. Many guests who lived here came outside the door, gathering together as if they were hugging each other for warmth, their faces full of inexplicable fear.

Feng Yin's heart sank suddenly, and he hurriedly grabbed Xiao Er: "What happened?"

"The building...there is a snake demon in the building..."

Xiaoer's face turned pale: "It's a big, big snake demon...and there's more than one..."

"Snake demon? I am Cao!"

Fengyin immediately understood the general truth of the matter, and the film king came to him immediately: "*** luggage is still there..."

Before the words fell, he rushed in without any explanation.

A lot of people behind were shouting: "Don't go in! It's been reported..."

But Fengyin would not listen to them, he rushed in like a smoke and went back to the building.

Snake demon or something... Even if Feng Langzhong thinks with his ass, he understands the truth: this must be his gang of little snakes who were discovered!

Fengyin just rushed into the Yanhui building, and saw a huge snake head greet him.

The snake head was as big as a room by visual inspection, with a fierce light shining, and when it came out, the visual impact could be described as thrilling.

Among other things, the two eyeballs alone are almost as big as the windows, so no one would dare to look at them.

Even if the eyes are the windows to the soul, who is the window to the soul?

But Fengyin is an ordinary person. He is familiar with the details of the giant snake in front of him. Of course he dares to look carefully. He can clearly see that the huge eyeballs contain panic, which is the state of being frightened. Is at a loss.

The so-called movements, UU Reading all rely on instinct.

Fengyin shouted loudly: "Where is the evil!"

The little snake appeared instantly: "Hiss hiss..."

The huge snake head disappeared immediately.

Fengyin rushed into the room in three steps and two steps, and at a glance, he saw the six little guys huddled together, tangled in one place, crowded in the bed, and twelve small eyes looked at the door in horror. Really freaked out.

They had just hatched not long ago, and they had never seen any strangers at all.

Being discovered suddenly, not to mention frightening people, the six little guys were almost out of their minds from fright.

Seeing Fengyin and the little snake come back at this moment, they immediately hissed aggrievedly and kept rubbing their heads against each other.

Scared the baby to death, beep...

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