MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 312 Heaven has a way, you don't go 【2 in 1】

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This big girl was obviously coming out for the first time, and she was too active, riding a little white horse, going forward and backward.

He didn't know that his second uncle had already made up his mind to lock up this girl when he got home, and never take her out again.

The dart walker brings a charming girl... Is this the same as carrying explosives with him?

In my heart, I kept complaining that my elder brother had spoiled my daughter.

Fortunately, it took four hundred miles without any surprises and dangers, but it took a total of two days and three nights.

Well, the dart line naturally doesn't leave at night.

Take the darts, don't be afraid of being slow, as long as the darts are delivered safely within the time limit!

For some reason, the girl Qi in red came to chat with Fengyin whenever she had something to do.

Due to the wind of the situation, we had to adjust the time, let the little ones sleep during the day and move around secretly at night.

The six little snakes entrusted by the Snake Emperor have become more and more intelligent now, and they are hissing around the Ghost Snake every day calling for their mother.

Probably, as long as there are still awake ones, they will be able to chase the little snake to heaven and earth.

What the fuck, I'm a male snake!

Everyone in the bodyguard bureau stayed in the small town for one night, during which Qi Jianyun had a one-night meeting.

The gist is naturally that we will pass through Heiyan Mountain tomorrow.

And this Black Rock Mountain is the most dangerous section of the road that must be passed through this time.

As long as they pass Heiyan Mountain, the rest is bright and smooth, and it can almost be said that this **** mission has been completed.

"This time, don't be optimistic." Qi Jianyun said in a deep voice.

"In the past few years, we have passed here several times with darts, and this strongman from Heiyan Mountain has never given face. Even if he didn't tear his face, if he really forced you to let you go, he would have collected a lot of money to buy the way."

"But this time, I'm afraid it will be even more dangerous."

One of the escorts asked, "Could it be that this strong man from Heiyan Mountain never cares about the face of the teacher?"

Qi Jianyun showed a bitter smile on his face: "Our teacher has a lot of face, and it is true that strong people are merciful. It's just that there are relatively few times when they are directly robbed, but it doesn't mean that they have never been robbed by force."

"The boss of Heiyan Mountain here is called Hei Knife. He once said a word when we passed by: We must give Mr. Zhao Sihai's golden noodles. But our ancestors have been giving it for generations, but we have also given it. year!"

"The debt of favor has always been difficult to repay, but no matter what kind of debt of favor, if you keep paying it off, there will be a day when it will be paid off, right? Just keep giving face like this, how will we live? You come to save face, He came here to save face, so let's just go down the mountain and be good people, what kind of king of the mountain? Is it true that the northwest wind can fill our stomachs?"

"My grandfather gave Mr. Zhao face in his life, and he gave it to him for the rest of his life. My father gave Mr. Zhao face, and he gave it to me for the rest of his life. When I am here, I still have to give face. When will your old face be used?"

Qi Jianyun coughed: "That's what that black knife said at the time."

One of the guards scratched his head and murmured: "That makes sense..."

Immediately attracted the glaring of the crowd.

"The current escort...Although I haven't really seen what the **** is, is said that it is something that can deal with Hei Dao...So, the bond between this trip and Hei Dao is not insignificant. If It's okay that Heidao doesn't know the details, if he knows... I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with this matter."

Everyone was silent.

It turns out that this journey is safe, but there is a great danger waiting here?

"How can something that can deal with Heidao be escorted by the Escort?"

Qi Rong'er was puzzled, and asked about her background: "Send a master to come directly and secretly bring it back, wouldn't it be good?"

Qi Rong'er's question was exactly what everyone wanted to ask, and everyone thought it made a lot of sense.

"I don't know the reason. We are Taiping escorts, and we never ask about the purpose of the escort. But these are not important now. The important thing is that this thing is in our hands now."

Qi Jianyun sighed, looked at his niece, and felt more and more that there was something wrong with his niece's mind.

In fact, Qi Jianyun himself had already guessed about the same, but he didn't dare to tell the others: the owner of the goods might very well use his own bodyguard agency as a bait.

Or it should be said that it is a tool to attract the other party's attention.

The real thing, probably came the other way.

But these words must never be said.

Early the next morning.

Everyone in the Escort got up early and continued to set off on the road.

The dart flags were flying, and they walked along with the convoy.

Not long after, he had already arrived at a place not far from Heiyan Mountain.

As they got closer to the target, everyone became more and more anxious, and even the riders in front didn't dare to shout loudly.

In case Heidao didn't intend to come out, but was called out by himself with a loud voice, who the **** can he ask for reasoning?

In fact, Hei Dao's real name is not Hei Dao, but this product is ruthless and dark, and it either cuts off people's heads or cuts off people's small heads, which is why it got the nickname Hei Dao.

The nickname is getting louder and louder, but I forgot my real name...

Or there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames!

As time went on, it seemed that half of the boundary of Heiyan Mountain had passed.

Qi Rong'er's tense heart finally relaxed a bit, and she whispered: "There hasn't been any movement so far, are you all right?"

Qi Jianyun and the other **** leaders gave her a hard look at the same time.

'It seems to be all right, it should be all right, this journey seems to be safe'...

This kind of talk has always been an unwritten taboo when traveling in the Jianghu, especially the Jianghu in the Escort Bureau. He is giving himself a shining fg.

I don't know if this taboo is really fulfilled like a god, but Qi Rong'er just finished speaking, followed by a loud laugh, which made the faces of all the bodyguards black.

Everyone looked at Qi Rong'er with complaints in their eyes, and many of Qi Rong'er's suitors also cursed in their hearts: What a crow's mouth!

Following this wild laughter, a figure shot up from the mountainside, and then slowly descended like a black cloud.

And with the appearance of this person, a large group of men in black rose up halfway up the mountain.

Jumped out in unison, rushed to the main road, blocking the way of the guards.

Then there was another loud bang, and a big tree lay across the middle of the road, completely blocking the road.

Although this tree was just an interception of the situation, Feng Yin, who was hiding in the carriage at the moment, couldn't help admiring: This robbery business is played properly, and it can be said that it is from a professional background!

Seeing that the accident had already happened, Qi Jianyun responded quickly, and with a wave of his hand, the Escort Bureau's personnel also lined up neatly, protecting the **** carts on all sides, and were ready to fight.

But the man in black didn't seem to see the Escort's response, or he didn't pay attention to it, he floated over like a cloud, and quietly landed in front of Qi Jianyun's horse, with a sinister smile Said: "Chief Escort Qi, don't be so nervous, I'm not interested in your **** car."

"Long time no see, Master."

Qi Jianyun dismounted from his horse, with an enthusiastic expression on his face: "You are safe and well, you are as beautiful as before, I am really happy to congratulate you."

As he spoke, he waved his hand to the back, and said: "Don't make it so tense, the old and young men of Heiyan Mountain are our friends, everyone has worked hard!"

Talking about hard work is the first lesson of darts in the dart industry. If you are not familiar with it, you should be familiar with it, and you may be able to avoid a fight!

The man in black hahaha sneered: "Don't, don't relax your guard. I can't bear the self-indulgence of the chief **** of Qi. For generations, we at Heiyanshan have given you the Sihai **** agency because of Mr. Zhao Sihai. Gao Yi, but it has nothing to do with the young and old of the Four Seas Escort Bureau, the chief **** and the deputy chief escort, and we are not friends! I am not afraid to tell you clearly, I am here to rob the bodyguard today! To rob you Qi Jianyunbao This dart!"

Qi Jianyun looked stunned: "The master is... what does this mean?"

"I've made my words so clear, why are you pretending to be stupid!"

Hei Knife sneered: "I'll take a look at what the people from the Yufu entrusted you with, if it's not my target, let's turn around and leave. In the future, we Heiyanshan brothers, the escorts of your Four Seas Escort Agency, will never leave any trouble. "

Qi Jianyun took a step back and said: "Master, your request is too difficult, isn't it? You and I don't talk about friendship, we have known each other for many years. Could it be that the master doesn't think about the past relationship at all, and insists on destroying someone Qi's job? "

Hei Dao sneered and said: "The current situation is that you plan to help others get my head first, right?!"

"There's no such thing!"

Qi Jianyun denied it categorically: "I have known Dadangjia for many years, and every time I pass Heiyan Mountain, I always treat each other with courtesy. How could someone Qi do such a nasty thing!"

"Then show me the things you escorted! If I make a wrong judgment, I will let you go there immediately, and I will never break my promise."

"Boss, you're trying to smash my job! When we take the darts, we take away a reputation. Let you pass by, brother, can you still eat this bowl of rice in the future?!"

"Ms. Gan Lin!"

Hei Knife was furious, and he drew the knife in his hand with a clang: "You just say you will show it or not!?"

"Forgive me! Please be sympathetic to me. For the sake of our teacher, Mr. Sihai..."

"Mr. Zhao Sihai's face has been used for several lifetimes... When do you want to use it? Will it be used to grow grass on my grave?"

Qi Jianyun cursed angrily in his heart: With your black knife, you still want to have a grave?

He said in the mouth: "The head of the family, don't get me wrong."

"I misunderstood your size! Give me shameless things!"

Hei Dao became impatient, stood up and shouted loudly: "Brothers, do it, kill me!"

Following an order, hundreds of minions rushed up like a swarm of bees after shouting in unison.

And Hei Dao was the first to find Qi Jianyun, and started a big fight.

A few heads of the bodyguard bureau met some of Heidao's capable generals, and they fought together.

Feng Yin, who has not yet been involved in the battle situation, is quite surprised.

Because whether it is a dart walker or a robbery, the strength and cultivation shown, especially the actual combat power, all seem to be very domineering.

Just those few Escorts, all of them with prefecture-level strength, this alone has refreshed Fengyin's three-view cognition.

Didn't it mean that the Four Seas Escort Bureau relied on Mr. Zhao Sihai's face and love to go all over the world?

Or is it that the market of Escort has been involved to such an extent?

And Qi Jianyun and Heidao who fought in the middle shocked Fengyin even more.

Because these two are amazingly powerful in heaven!

Are dart players so strong now?

I don't know the wind seal, but all beings in Anping mainland believe in force, and the strong are respected. Naturally, dart walking is an extremely dangerous job. Although the strength of bodyguard masters is not low, it is also not that high. At least there are many bodyguards stronger than them, not to mention that there are many people there, and there are not a few.

After all, not everyone likes the rivers and lakes life of living in the wind, sleeping in the open, drawing swords and drinking blood.

The vast majority of people, no matter how high their cultivation level is, still prefer to live in peace and stability.

Therefore, there are not too few masters in the **** agency.

With a deafening bang, Qi Jianyun, who was at the core of the roar, staggered back, obviously losing to his opponent and almost losing.

The black knife was blazing again, and three sword lights flew out in a row, one took the throat, the second rushed down the yin, and the third actually circled and pierced towards the back of the heart!

Three kills with one knife, clearly a deadly move, quick and quick.

Qi Jianyun reacted quickly. After turning over, he had already dodged the two saber glows in front of him, and with a backhand sword, he defeated the saber energy attacking from behind, and retreated abruptly, shouting in a deep voice: "Heidao, you really don't care about your past feelings. Face, are you determined to go your own way?"

"Who has any friendship with you in the past? In the past, I gave you face all over the world because the matter has nothing to do with you, and the high-level masters will pass away. Today, it has nothing to do with your own body. What kind of face can be more important than your own wealth and life?"

Hei Dao couldn't stop laughing, he had the upper hand, he was already confident in his heart at this moment, it was only a matter of time before he won a complete victory.

He peeked around and saw that everyone on his side was basically pressing down on the bodyguards and had the overall upper hand.

If it weren't for the fear of killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, and unwillingness to pay the price, the battle could have ended early.

But now the advantage lies in oneself, it doesn't matter if it takes a long time, if the opponent can be killed without any damage, it will naturally be the greatest good thing.

Qi Rong'er was sweating profusely, flying a long sword, and stopped the three minions. In the current fierce battle, the bodyguard was the only one with the upper hand.

Fengyin sighed, considering his personal standpoint, the whole story of this robbery was full of disharmony and something was wrong.

First of all, Qi Jianyun's **** was full of strangeness!

What's more, knowing that this trip is dangerous, but still bringing along a niece who has never been out of the house and is ignorant of the world, it is even more contrary to harmony...

What's more... the appearance of the black knife is too coincidental, the gap in strength between the two is so obvious, so huge...

Many of these things could have been avoided in various ways early on, but there was no way to avoid them.


The so-called abnormality of the world is a demon, and there is a taste of 'something inside' everywhere, so it is naturally not unusual.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with Fengyin, but now Fengyin wanted to continue reading to confirm what was going on.

Who is running this big show!

But now the situation in the Escort is in a precarious situation, and blood will be seen at every turn, so think about it or make a move.

It all depends on Zhao Sihai's face, not to mention the other party's affection for taking him a long way out of good intentions.

Could it be that if you really have to wait until someone is killed before you come out to turn the tide, then it would be a bit inferior.

The first one to receive the order was the little snake, who attacked silently.

"Don't make the poison too violent, just rub a little skin to make the other party lose strength." Fengyin warned: "Don't be so rotten that it's disgusting."

With Xiao Snake's current strength and power, as soon as he made a move, he immediately changed the situation of the battle.

First, the robbers who besieged a group of bodyguards lost their strength and fell down silently, but because the battle was still in full swing, their loss of strength fell into the eyes of the bodyguards, and it was a flaw. Before they really fell down, they were already killed. He chopped off his head with a knife.

The little snake's approach was very clever, it didn't move its mouth to bite people, it just flew past quickly, sending the poisonous gas condensed in its mouth into the target robber's nose one by one.

At this moment, it was an atmosphere of shouting and fighting, whether they were shouting 'Kill! ’ Laughing, ‘hahaha...’, anyway, there are a few who shut up and keep silent.

This also led to many bandits from Heiyan Mountain who were still majestic a moment ago, suddenly lost their strength in astonishment, and were cut to the ground by their opponents.

Based on the level of the bodyguards, they didn't feel how they succeeded so easily. They only thought that they had found the opponent's flaw and turned defeat into victory.

And under this kind of mental stimulation, all the people on our side were energetic, and they attacked quickly, with the fighting spirit like a rainbow.

However, in the blink of an eye, thirty or forty people from Heiyan Mountain were killed on the spot!

Including the three Black Rock Mountain masters who fought with the three **** heads, two of them fell down!

After the two bodyguards beheaded their opponents, one went to help the other bodyguard, and the other joined forces with Qi Jianyun to attack Hei Dao. Although the defeat had not yet been reversed, the situation was no longer one-sided!

Hei Dao was naturally surprised when he saw this, he couldn't figure out what to say, how could the good situation be reversed in an instant, and it changed so much! ?

Heidao is a heaven-level cultivator, with the highest combat power in the field, and he has enough energy to pay attention to the whole battle situation against Qi Jianyun, but in his opinion, the defeat and death of several of his subordinates is like a joke: With the absolute advantage of chopping off the opponent's head with one or two moves, somehow, he took a step forward inexplicably, and with this, his head was cut twice, as if he had sent his own neck to the opponent's sword!

Waiting for one or two people can still be said to be negligent and careless, but now dozens of people are like this, isn't it a big weird thing?

This is something that happened under the blue sky and broad daylight?

Hei Dao's mind turned, knowing that there must be a strange change, he slashed Qi Jianyun with all his strength, and then he turned around, already in mid-air, with the light of the saber covering his whole body, looking around.


"Who is pretending to be a ghost!"

"Come out! Have the guts to do it, but don't have the guts to admit it?"

Hei Dao roared angrily again and again, he possessed a heaven-level cultivation base, so he was not stupid, there must be something strange about the sudden reversal of his own good situation.

With all the shocking changes in front of me, who would believe that there is no ghost?

The corners of Qi Jianyun's mouth were bleeding, and he looked at Heidao with suspicious eyes: "What the **** are you talking about?"

Hei Knife looked around in surprise and doubt, watching his subordinates continue to die inexplicably one by one.

His face turned pale.

He shouted loudly again: "Who? Come out!"

But everyone is still fighting to the death, and no one pays attention to him at all.

It's like talking to the air.

But Heidao firmly believed that this person must exist!

"Hoo hoo..."

Qi Jianyun's cultivation was inferior to Heidao's by a notch, and his support up to this point was almost at his limit, so he just took this opportunity to catch his breath.

Since Hei Dao was nervous in the air, let's do it for a while.

Just to catch my breath.

Hei Dao looked up in the air, and finally found a special person: a scholar was sitting in the carriage of the other side's escort, looking towards this side.

Everyone around was fighting desperately, shouting and fighting fiercely, only the scholar, who always looked very calm.

Sitting there, he didn't move at all, as if the war here had nothing to do with him.

Very calm, very calm look.

Where there is an abnormality, there must be a demon!

"Got you!"

With a sharp whistle, Hei Dao rushed up thirty feet into the air, and dived in the air, with the light of the blade flickering, he was actually displaying the highest speed in his life.

Meteor chasing the moon also seems to be swooping towards Fengyin, and said sharply: "The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, I want to see what kind of bird you are!"

The light of the knife and the lightning struck Fengyin's head in a flash.

Qi Rong'er was shocked when she saw this, and cried out: "He's just a student, nothing to do with it..."

But just before her words spread out, the 'weak scholar' glanced at him, and said calmly: "There is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell, come and vote!"

"Master, you have good eyesight, good eyesight, but your luck is really mediocre."

Then he floated up like a white cloud.

Facing the light of the black knife, charge straight!

It turned out to be a decisive blow to meet the black sword head-on, and also a sword light, like the splendor of the nine-day thunder, instantly connecting the sky and the earth!

The extremely magnificent knife light, like a galaxy, runs through the nine heavens.

All the people who saw this scene could hardly see anything.

Cross the sky!

Hei Dao was stupid on the spot!

This... What the **** is going on?

As the scholar said, my eyesight is good, but my luck is so bad?

It's okay if you don't find the enemy, but if you find out, you will send yourself to a dead end? !

"Do not…"

Heidao let out a loud cry and shot with all his strength.

At the same time, the body retreated rapidly at high altitude.

However, it was too late.

"You said just now that you want to have a grave."

Fengyin's eyes were cold: "Now let me tell you, you think too much. It's not good to be too greedy."

With a bang.

The blade of the black sword turned into dust.

The light of Fengyin's sword is like a torrential river, rumbling through the air.

Under Hei Knife's horrified eyes, Feng Yin's divine sword came and moved against the trend as if destroying the dead, smashing Hei Knife, including people and knives, to pieces.

This knife crossed, turning Hei Dao into a sky full of flesh and blood.

UU Reading didn't even leave a complete bone.

Not even a scream came out in time.

Following the flash of black light, it was the little snake that rushed into Fengyin's skirt, and Fengyin's figure flickered, turning into thousands of afterimages in the air, and he was already hundreds of meters away in an instant.

"Thank you for escorting me all the way, this knife will pay off the cause and effect. There will be a period later!"

The voice has not yet fallen, and the person has disappeared at the end of the sky.

The blue sky is bright and the day is bright.

The blood mist that Heitian turned into was still falling slowly.

The pink is hazy, drifting with the wind...

【. 】

Read The Duke's Passion