MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 308 Level up [2 in 1]

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Xia You stretched out her hand, took Yue Kong's hand, and said: "Promise me, as long as you have the opportunity, you will go, you must go. When it is time to sacrifice, even Chi Snake will also give up, and give up without hesitation. Otherwise, you It is doomed not to survive. Yue Kong, promise me, immediately, immediately!"

Yue Kong's face twitched and contorted, and he said in a shy voice, "If that's the case, you and Chi Snake are gone, so what's the difference between me and being dead?"

Xia You squeezed his hand hard, "There is a difference, as long as you are still alive, you can continue to breathe and live."

"If you don't agree to me, I will die with peace, don't compete with me, there is no time."

Xia You stopped Yue Kong from arguing, and said firmly, "That's it, you must listen to me!"

There was a gurgling sound in Yue Kong's throat, as if a mouthful of thick phlegm was stuck in it.

"Yue Kong, I know what you're thinking."

Xia You said softly: "If there is an afterlife, I will marry you."

Yue Kong suddenly looked up at her, his eyes flashed with hope.

"Why didn't I promise you in this life? I've always known your intentions...but we are both killers who catch the sky, even if we claim that the people we kill are all villains, we are doing justice for the sky, and we will eventually change. If you don’t have the reality of working hard at the cash register, and you have to dance on the tip of the knife all the time, your life is in danger at every turn. What should you do if you have children? What about the family? Adrift forever? Don’t build a small family, don’t have children? "

"At this moment, it is just to prove my prediction. We are together in this life, and there is no future. If you really have me in your can treat it as your own wife at this moment. Please, live on." . "

After Xia You finished speaking, she gave Yue Kong a gentle look, and then turned her head to look at the black spot that was getting closer and closer in the distance.

In the ears of the two of them, they could already hear the rustling sound of breaking through the air from the other end.

Xia You's eyes turned from soft to cold and sharp, and the sword in his hand was also flickering coldly, and he said lightly: "Yue Kong! If you are still a man, don't be mother-in-law, there is no time for you to hurt the spring and the autumn, just follow my advice." do it."

With the sound of the clothes being brushed, two figures appeared in front of them, cutting off the way forward.

The look in the eyes of the visitor was full of the cruelty of cats and mice, obviously seeing Xia Youyue Kong as a plaything, a baby in his hands, to play with at will, life and death in his hands.

"You two, the jade-branded killer Yue Kong, and the gold-branded killer Xia You, are all famous and well-known in the Goutianjian. Why do they run away after doing something, but they have the guts to do it, but they don't have the guts to bear the consequences? Could it be that they feel that they are If you can’t support what you do, why do you want to get into the job of a killer?”

This voice came from an old man behind Yue Kong and Xia You, wearing a moon-white robe, with his hands behind his back, with a mocking expression on his face.

Just like that, when he came with his hands behind his back, the grass and trees were broken wherever he passed, but the invisible sword energy overflowed his body, clearing all the obstacles in front of him for him.

Wherever you go, you can have a clear view of the land of ten feet around you.

And on the left and right of him, there is a person following each other, holding a long sword.

The two people who are blocking the road in front of them form a double-team situation.

Yue Kong and Xia You turned their eyes around, looking for a way to escape, but they saw three people approaching quickly from the left and right directions.

Obviously, the strategy adopted by the other party was to encircle and encircle all sides, completely cutting off the two people's lives.

Even if you don't count the strongest old man's side, in the other three directions, the same **** of death blocks the way, there is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth.

Xia You gritted her teeth, and looked a little further away unwillingly.

But in the distance, there are two more people coming slowly, another old man who shows Yuan Chunyue's demeanor and a young girl.

Seeing the situation like this, Yue Kong showed despair on his face, he suddenly took a step forward, and said loudly: "Seniors of Shangxianyue, junior Yue Kong. The matter of killing Ji Changan this time was arranged by junior Yue Kong alone. Nothing to do with others."

Xia You trembled and turned to look.

"Everyone came here on a mission. I must have found out the cause and effect very clearly. All of this has nothing to do with Xia You!

Even before the younger generation made the move, they didn't know the relationship between Ji Changan and Shang Xianyue, otherwise they wouldn't dare to act rashly. "

"Since the seniors of the first quarter moon came to the door today, Yue Kong is naturally willing to accept the cause and effect, but one person does one thing and one person is responsible. This matter really has nothing to do with Xia You!"

With a horizontal sword in his chest, Yue Kong said: "I, Yue Kong, am here. I will accept punishment and accept punishment. I just ask all seniors not to implicate innocent people, and let Xia You walk!"

The leading old man said indifferently: "Oh? You said that lightly, so let me ask you, if we don't have enough manpower to form an encirclement and blockade, do you still say that?"

Yue Kong said sadly: "Senior is an old Jianghu, so he doesn't know what the situation is and what the situation is, but if there is any hope, the junior will not just catch it, even if he is dying, he still has to do it."

The old man snorted and said: "You also said that I am an old Jianghu. You are already meat on the chopping board and fish in the net, but what right do you have to negotiate with us? Let Xia You walk, and leave her behind in the future. Do we take revenge?"

Yue Kong took a deep breath and said: "Seniors are very powerful. Although I, Yue Kong, am not a generation that underestimates myself, I still know the difference in strength between us. I am indeed far from your opponent. But the seniors must also know that if the juniors are desperate Take a gamble, no matter the cost, if you only want to take away one or two people, you can still do it!"

"It's Xia You. I only look for one person, and I believe that the problem is not too big."

Yue Kong said: "Now the situation is clear, if senior waits for Jinkou-nuo, and allows me, Yue Kong, to fight this matter alone, you will save a lot of trouble. With Xia You as a woman, what disturbance can be caused, won't it be everyone's own Qili, everyone is happy?"

In order to save the happy woman, he threw everything out of himself at this moment, and naturally faced death with a demeanor, standing awe-inspiring.

The harbinger of wanting to die already shocked everyone present.

It is true that the current strength of the first quarter moon is far superior to its own, but the two of Yuekong and Xiayou have become famous recently.

Especially Yue Kong, whose fame almost catches up with the fastest-rising killer Wen Wen.

Many well-known and unknown masters and celebrities all died at his hands. With his current determination to not hesitate to die, everyone on the last quarter really has to weigh it.

Contributing to the sect and protecting the prestige of the sect is the proper meaning, but if you risk your own life because of this, it will be a bit wrong. If you can choose, to achieve the goal without bloodshed is naturally the best.

Now the only key lies in Xia You's body, I don't know how she will support her, Yue Kong is so for her, will she leave Yue Kong behind?

Xia You bit her lips tightly, staring at Yue Kong's back without saying a word.

Xia You knows the priorities very well, and has already made up her mind.

Yue Kong is working hard, working hard for his own survival.

Then I can't live up to his efforts.

If you have to say something about living and dying together, going to the underworld together, and joining hands with you to make your heart sweet, then you are hypocritical, and you don't know the seriousness!

If the other party is willing to let her go, Xia You will never pretend to leave, but will fly away immediately.

But for the rest of his life, he will never die with the Shangxianyue Sword Sect!

Consumed until the end of life, how many can be killed! No matter the method, no matter the cost, use whatever method you can, even if it's a man who can do his best, is mad and has no conscience, as long as it can be exchanged for the demise of the first quarter moon, Xia You will not care a little bit, and will never Will hesitate even for a second!

The heart that controlled her was destined to die with Yue Kong today!

But if the other party disagrees, Xia You also feels that it doesn't matter, and he just dies here. After all, it is also sweet to join hands with Jun Jiuquan, which is Xia You's heartfelt voice, and hypocrisy is also the heartfelt voice.

It all depends on how Shang Quanyue and the others choose.

The two looked at the old man.

And the other Winding Moon Sect members were also looking at the old man.

The elder Shang Quanyue held his hands behind his back, looked at Yue Kong with cold eyes, and said lightly: "You

Thinking too much, now that we are encircled and blocked, we just need to be more careful when we wait for the next move, and we can naturally avoid casualties. Why should we let the tiger go back to the mountain and leave future troubles? "

Yue Kong pleaded: "Xia You is just a weak girl with a meager cultivation base. What can she do as a little woman? What can she do if she is spared? Could it be that the last quarter of the moon has inherited the sect for thousands of years, and you have to worry about a heavenly level?" A weak woman who can't reach it?"

"Although dispatching generals is not as good as aggressive generals, your aggressive general method is too clumsy."

The old man said indifferently: "Naturally, we are not afraid of a mere woman, but she is just a gold medal killer, so nothing...but we don't want to have any troubles in the future."

He swept his eyes and saw that the encirclement had been completely formed. A sharp murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he said, "You two, save your energy to waste your tongue and save your life! Huangquan is a long way away, and the fog is heavy. It's easy to go all the way. If there is In the next life, you must remember, don't mess with people you shouldn't provoke, and don't deal with things you shouldn't."

Seeing the breakdown of the negotiation, Yue Kong's eyes suddenly became like two deep and secluded holes, bottomless.

He said softly: "Ji Chang'an did all kinds of bad things, harmed the people, killed innocent people indiscriminately, and used the name of bandits to commit suicide. In the past ten years, more than 7,000 innocent souls have died under his hands! Lie Gou Tianshou is on the Gold Medal Chasing and Killing List, why is he someone who should not be provoked? How can he be someone who should not be killed?"

"Your Wannian inheritance of the first quarter moon is not a sect established because of bad things, right? At the beginning, it was also a chivalry and righteousness, which earned the name of the first quarter moon...... Now, you want to protect the bad guys, for The villain opened his eyes?"

"I kill such inhuman villains like him to do justice for the heavens and eliminate violence and peace! Now, I am willing to stand still and wait for death, one life for one life, but you don't even have the last request of me, a dying person. Don’t you agree? The first quarter moon, is that still a bright moon in five lakes?”

Murderous intent flashed in the old man's eyes, and he said calmly: "Knowing that you are about to die, it is useless to waste your words, no matter how much you say, what's the use?"

With a wave of his hand, he shouted: "Kill!"

Yue Kong let out a loud roar, his whole body's momentum soared, his muscles were all knotted, and a huge snake suddenly appeared at the place where the sword in his hand was shining with cold light.

Immediately, Yue Kong's body exuded a cold aura. Xia You cried out sadly: "Yue Kong!"

Yue Kong didn't look at her, but said word by word: "Anyone who has the slightest chance, go!"

"Or I go!"

"Or you go!"

"Both of us, at least one must live to avenge the other!"

Yue Kong said word for word.

"it is good!"

Xia You nodded yes, wiped away her tears, pulled out her long sword, and her murderous intent surged all over her body, full of murderous aura.

"At least one alive!?"

On the opposite side, the old man smiled mockingly: "With the meager strength of the two of you, you still have a delusion to escape from this old man...... Could it be that I, Chen Yuanjing, have been dismissed like this?" Is it?"

The old man's sword light suddenly dispersed, and the twelve people around him in the first half of the moon shot together to encircle and suppress Yuekong Xiayou.

The twelve swords on the side of the first quarter moon work together to cover an area of ​​a hundred feet in an instant. Within this range, there is no sword light.

And Xia You and Yue Kong were back to back, moving at the same time, staggering swords, leaning on each other, only in this way can they ignore the attack from behind.

The snake swayed and disappeared into the air.

But everyone knows that the snake hasn't disappeared, it just hides and waits for an opportunity to devour it.

Everyone in the first quarter of the moon also knows that the poisonous snake is so poisonous that it is difficult to save the middle man. The reason why Yue Kong was able to advance to the rank of the jade medal in a short period of time is really due to the power of the snake!

Even the old man Chen Yuanjing, who was at the head of the trip on the first quarter of the moon, would never dare to be bitten by a snake without warning. More than half of the space is designed for snakes. If only Yue Kong and Xia You were used, they would not use this kind of combat power configuration at all.

But what they didn't expect was that the stealthy Snake's eyes were as determined as Yue Kong's.

Absolutely, the whole body is rapidly expanding!

The Snake has not yet reached maturity, and the threat to the people of Shangquanyue is actually not as great as they predicted, so even if they participate in the battle, there is no threat to a master like Chen Yuanjing.

In fact, the main reason why Yue Kong let the snake appear is to hope that it can attract enough attention.

Then, when everyone was guarding against the sneak attack of the snake, the preparations before the self-destruction were completed.

And at that time, Yue Kong will also explode himself at the same time. And all of this is to use the flesh and blood of the two main pets to blow up a way for Xia You to survive.

As for whether it will be successful, it can only be done according to human affairs and obey the destiny.


The battle was fierce.

Almost as soon as they came up, as soon as they confronted each other, Yue Kong and Yue Kong fell into an absolute disadvantage.

If it wasn't for guarding against the surprise attack of the snake, everyone was very cautious and always on guard, leaving at least 50% of their attention to protect themselves. I am afraid that both of them would have been injured by this time, especially the weaker Xia. It is not surprising that Yu was beheaded.

"Come on!"

That day Luo Shou Chen Yuanjing shouted: "Let me focus on marking the snake!"

Shang Xianyue and his team only learned from rumors that Yue Kong has a snake as a pet, and they have never seen it before, so they overestimated the danger of the snake. Although the appearance of the brain snake just now did attract quite a few attention, but it also reveals something.

At least for experts like Chen Yuanjing, the deterrent effect of the snake has been greatly reduced, at least not as fearful as before.

"it is good!"

The others in the first quarter of the moon received the guarantee from Chen Yuanjing, and the offensive became fierce all of a sudden.

Yue Kong's eyes froze, and he glanced at Xia You.

This will be his last memorial to this world......

Seeing that Yue Kong was about to start it, he didn't expect that Xia You would rush out first!

"Yue Kong, I will marry you in the next life!"

Yue Kong was about to burst into tears.

"You silly woman!"


Yue Kong cursed wildly, he never expected that Xia You would be the first to do what he wanted to do.

But, doing it is tantamount to dying!

In an instant, a heart almost shattered.

"Be careful, she's going to blow herself up!"

Chen Yuanjing roared loudly.

And at this moment, the white shadow suddenly flickered.

Following the three crisp sounds, the three long swords stabbing at Xia You were actually broken one after the other.

A snow-white little fox, floating in the air, landed on Xia You's shoulder in a daze.

With a press of the little paw, Xia You's dantian was sealed, which interrupted her self-explosion.

Then, the small body continued to squat leisurely on Xia You's shoulder, looking indifferent, but in the next moment, eight tails came out with overwhelming force!

In the screams.

Seven or eight figures were whipped and danced in a mess, rolled in the air, hit the big tree, and bounced back, spitting blood.

That little white fox was of course Kazekage.


Feng Yin had discovered Yue Kong, Xia You and the uninvited guests who followed them early on.

I didn't intervene until now, not to pretend to be aggressive in such an emergency, but...

Fengyin wanted to take a look, to see the nature of these two people.

It depends on whether Yue Kong's contribution is worth it.

At the moment of life and death, how will the two choose in the end.

With his current cultivation and Fengying's current cultivation, it can be said that he is absolutely sure of dealing with these people outside!

Even at critical junctures that cannot be resolved, he can show up and decide everything in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Fengyin never worried about the accident between the two of them from the beginning to the end.

Of course, if the two choose to betray each other, then Fengyin will not even have to make a move.

Because that's not worth it.

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"

That Chen Yuanjing screamed, his face turned pale. In an instant, his voice was trembling, and a urge to urinate spontaneously arose.

The little fox squatted on Xia You's shoulder, looking at everyone present with cold eyes.

The powerful aura suddenly dissipated, spreading out like boundless.

Covering a radius of hundreds of feet, there is no omission.

It turned out that as soon as he made a move, he put on a posture of beheading and killing!

And Fengying stood on Xia You's shoulder, making people look... This nine-tailed sky fox belongs to Xia You!

Chen Yuanjing's bowels were remorseful.

Why did a nine-tailed sky fox suddenly appear? Does it still look like this woman?

If I had known earlier, how good would it be to let her walk just now? Or it shouldn't be done today.

Facing the nine-tailed celestial fox with eight tails, how could this be done by humans?

The other people in the first quarter moon also have complicated eyes.

The eyes of the few who looked at Chen Yuanjing were full of hatred: We were all moved just now, and we all wanted to agree to Yue Kong without bloodshed and let Xia You go.

If you just agreed directly, how can there be such a thing now?

At that time, even if this woman reveals the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, she won't do things too badly.

At least everyone is sure to save their lives.

But this old guy didn't leave any room for retreat!

It made people anxious.

Now..... I can't even say begging for mercy!

Old things are really harmful!

Chen Yuanjing also scolded his mother in his heart.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Yue Kong, his eyes were extremely complicated.

I really want to point my nose and yell.

Your special mother has a girl who is surrounded by the demon pet of the nine-tailed sky fox who has reached the eight-tailed sky, why are you begging for mercy?

Your mother wants us, right?

Chen Yuanjing felt like a clown. As a heaven-level sixth-rank master, at this moment, he really wanted to get into the soil.

He raised his hand and said loudly, "Stop!"

But the nine-tailed celestial fox had already caught his eye.

His eyes were cold and sharp.

It is full of a warning meaning of 'don't move'.

Chen Yuanjing, who was still full of confidence just now, immediately shut up.

A long white tail sweeps over the few Moon Sect members who were blown away by him, and they are lined up in a neat row in front of him.

Together with Chen Yuanjing.

Zhan Pingting and Zhan Zhixiang, who had just approached and hadn't figured out what was going on in front of them, were swept into the crowd by Fengying's tail with a dazed expression on their faces.

Suddenly, from the moment Fengying appeared, the situation was completely reversed!

Gaiyang waiting to be slaughtered has become aloof, and the original aloof has now become waiting to be slaughtered!

The desperation that Yue Kong felt just now was also reflected in Chen Yuanjing.


Fengyin in the tree hole saw Zhan Zhixiang and Zhan Pingting among the crowd, and suddenly felt like a dream.

Before the comparison, there is a feeling of repetition.

A year ago, when I saw Zhan Pingting and Zhan Zhixiang, the other party was a girl of the heavens, with a prominent sect, high above her, even if she was friendly with herself, they could only be regarded as 'friendship' and 'approachable'.

But in less than a year, UU reading www. is only the second meeting.

The other party crawled at Fengying's feet!

At that time, Fengying was still a little milk cat.

Perhaps it is difficult to face up to one's own progress in normal times, but at this moment, one can clearly feel that one has completed a transition belonging to a 'class'.

And it is a leapfrog change.

Time thoughts are flying, and there is a feeling of passing smoke.

It's not long, but it's already heaven and earth!

But Yue Kong and Xia You, who were rescued suddenly, looked confused.

Because the two of them didn't know Kazekage who was in the fox state in front of him at all.

never seen it!

What is going on? Who saved us?

Could it be that the wolf is rejected in the front and the tiger is in the back?

Especially Xia You, who was standing on Fengying's shoulders, was dizzy and could hardly stand up.

The legs felt like noodles.

Mommy...... A demon king stood on my shoulder!

As long as it wants to, it can eat itself like noodles with one mouth...

But what the **** is going on......

Fengying raised his head and let out a long whistle.


The sound is clear and exciting, vibrating in the void.

Small black dots in the sky rushed down like a black line.

Among the crowd, Zhan Pingting was taken aback: "Xiaobai! Don't! ..... Hurry up!"


Fengying standing on Xia You's shoulder almost fell off.

Looking at Xiaoji rushing straight down in the air, the black shiny feathers.




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