MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 299 Here Comes Kitty [2 in 1]

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【Blue Sky Sword】【】


Fengyin pondered for a while, and said, "I supported Wu Tiejun and Daqin with so many medicinal herbs before, isn't it a bet in advance?"

"Of course not."

Dong Xiaoyan said: "That can be regarded as a grievance in the rivers and lakes, or it can be regarded as a personal friendship between you and the Daqin military. Because you have always been in the rear after the war, and did not directly intervene in the war, even if you intervene, it will be the end of the war. The subsequent healing phase."

"Similarly, all the plots and battles, including the assassination of Wu Tiejun last time, and the riots in Yuezhou City, all belong to the level of secret warfare. In fact, the battle of this level is full of chaos, but it is only one of the chaos. In the chaos of half the city, there is no gain or weakening of the country's luck."

"So, what you're doing is not worth betting on, otherwise, even if the forces of other countries don't ask you to settle accounts, the Supreme Being of Nine Colors will trouble you."

Dong Xiaoyan said: "Although the medicines you donated can not only bring the dead back to life, but also have a huge amount, which caused the Yuezhou military's combat strength to be damaged in the previous time, but it can still be attributed to gifts from friends. So far, there is no clear text such as the imperial decree award to you, and there is.... As far as I know, you have neither the rainbow attire nor the sign of the dark guard. Activation, it can be said that it is wrong or wrong, and it is wrong."

"And this state also eliminates the reason for the high-level powers of various countries to trouble you. What you have done is only a few people from the rivers and lakes meet a few friends from the government who see the eye, and give some help. Resource sharing is very different.”

"Even now, if you enter the Qin camp to deliver medicine pills to Wu Tiejun, and you don't participate in other matters, it can still be regarded as a gift from a friend. How Wu Tiejun uses his friend's gift in the future is his personal behavior. You have nothing to do. Even if the Daqin army is defeated in the future, the luck will reverse, although it will affect you, it will not be very big. On the contrary, because of your gift, the Qin army has preserved a lot of combat power. Under the gods of resources, the cause and effect of your fetters are very few and insignificant.”

"But if you directly participate in the assassination of the other party, the meaning and result will be completely different. It is equivalent to forcibly intervening in the wars of various countries, and you will no longer be able to withdraw."

Dong Xiaoyan said: "So you have to think carefully."

Feng Yin smiled lightly and said, "I don't have so many ties to me, so I just do what I think is right."

"Knowing you would choose this."

Dong Xiaoyan pouted.

Because Fengyin made such a choice, Dong Xiaoyan's position was embarrassing.

It is really inconvenient for her to make a move, not to mention that she belongs to the Tianjian Cloud Palace, the daughter of the palace lord, and the heir appointed by the Tianjian Cloud Palace.

If she followed Fengyin, it would be equivalent to expressing her position, as if Yun Gong was on the side of Qin.

In that case, whether winning or losing, it is beyond her tolerance, and it is not her personal matter.

Because such a decision should never be made by her.

Not only is she not qualified enough, she is also judged by her own heart, and she is not allowed to choose that!

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【Blue Sky Sword】【】

In the same way, Jiao Sansheng couldn't make a move.

He is one of the strongest in the Jiao clan, and outsiders can ignore whether he has long distanced from the Jiao clan.

In fact, he is not the Jiaohuang, he has no right at all, and he has no position to make the decision of the entire Jiaozu on behalf of the Jiaohuang.

Not to mention the fact that the powerful monsters rashly intervene in the internal war of the human race, which is equivalent to the involvement of the monsters in the battle of the fate of the human country, and the backlash will only be more serious, and this backlash needs to be borne by Jiao Sansheng himself, and Jiao Sansheng asks himself. .....The little demon can't do it!

If Dong Xiaoyan and Jiao Sansheng are destined to do nothing in this battle, then the choice of Fengyin needs to be more cautious.

Mo Dao Tian-level cultivator is amazing. In the battle formation, it is the top-level Tian-level powerhouse. Once caught in the siege of the army, he has to do his best to die. Such examples have been proved before, and it is almost the same not to mention countless. The wind seal is only a small body of the primary level of the sky, and it really doesn't matter!

"The situation is now

This is the case, if you are determined to enter the war, the two of us can only fight for you, and cannot help. "

Dong Xiaoyan sighed helplessly, and said, "But if you feel unsupported, trying to escape is the right thing to do, we will take care of you, as long as we don't directly obstruct the high-end combat power of the other two countries, what is involved? The cause and effect are not big."


Fengyin said speechlessly: "How did these things come to be summed up? Don't tell me, this is all summed up by you, I don't believe it!"

"You think this is easy?"

Dong Xiaoyan rolled her eyes and said, "This is all the insights that the predecessors have tried with countless human lives for thousands of years, the decline of countless schools, and the insights that have been summed up bit by bit. Any word that seems useless to outsiders is here. With absolute correctness, there is no room for refutation!"

Fengyin couldn't help but be amazed, and dared not use words to tease Dong Xiaoyan again.

This is really not acceptable. In order to summarize these things, and they must be absolutely reasonable and absolutely correct, how many ups and downs have to be experienced?

"I guess you won't be alone on this trip."

Dong Xiaoyan said: "Since the Supreme Mountain has ended, it proves that the competitors of the Supreme Mountain will also end. This kind of ending is a kind of gamble. If it wins, the Supreme Mountain will leave its opponent far away. Behind him, how could his opponents let it go.”

"I think that big sects such as Sifang Boundless and Wuhu Mingyue will all end up betting on them, and they will never let the Supreme Mountain specialize in beauty."

Dong Xiaoyan smiled and pointed to the dark forest on all sides: "Although I haven't felt anything so far, I can still be sure that this group of people is not the only one hiding in the forest!"

Jiao Sansheng smiled bitterly.

Originally, after a little contact, Jiao Sansheng thought that he knew the temperament of this young lady Yun Gong, but through the judgment in front of him, he realized that

This little princess of the Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace is at best naive when facing Feng Shenyi, but when facing others, not only is she not naive, she is clearly very shrewd.

She was clearly asking herself.

Because of the three people present, only his own spiritual sense is strong enough to overlook the whole situation.

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【Blue Sky Sword】【】

"The little princess is right, there are indeed more than a group of people hiding next to them, and their strengths are also high and low, all of which are good, but Fengshenyi's strength theory can basically handle it, if you want to get out of the body, not Next."

Dong Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "In this case, I can relax a lot."

Immediately waved at Fengyin's little hand, he said, "My great general! Bring your subordinates, Xiaofengying and Xiao Snake, and go on an expedition!"

After all, this girl is still not at ease, and she specifically asked Fengyin to bring two bodyguards to increase her strength.


Fengyin handed over his hands and his face was solemn, as if the vanguard had obtained the command of the marshal, he turned around and left.

The wind shadow of the sky rushed into Fengyin's arms all of a sudden, full of joy, and it was impossible to see that he was about to enter the battlefield.

Seeing Fengyin leave, and looking at Dong Xiaoyan's worried look, Jiao Sansheng coughed and said, "Actually, there is another way, the little princess can also participate in the war."

Dong Xiaoyan immediately became interested when she heard the words, and said, "What can I do?"

"As long as the little princess is no longer a member of the Heavenly Sword Cloud can follow the genius doctor to fight." Jiao Sansheng coughed and pointedly said.

Dong Xiaoyan was stunned, and said, "How could I not belong to Yungong?"

Jiao Sansheng looked at the ground, and said, "As the saying goes, a girl who gets married, pours out water...that's how it is, a girl's family, from the day she gets married, not to mention the separation from her parents' family. Almost, following the husband's family to fight, no one can tell whether it is not..."


Dong Xiaoyan blushed, stepped on his feet and said, "What are you talking about...what are you talking about!"

Time, just feel like a fever on the face.


Xiangcai stepped on her feet in embarrassment and said, "But it will only work after you get married. Now this..."


Jiao Sansheng gave a meaningful oh, but this oh made Dong Xiaoyan even more ashamed, and said angrily, "I won't talk to you anymore!"

He blushed and hid away.

Too shy.

How can you say that?

This **** hasn't proposed marriage yet...and he doesn't usually propose marriage...

"Don't be ashamed!"

Dong Xiaoyan muttered.

Jiao Sansheng was speechless for a while, standing there for a long time.

Eh, just wake up and say a few words, everything else is imaginary by yourself, so swollen and forehead become old and not ashamed?

It's clearly your own imagination that makes you want to be shy...

Hey, women really can't reason.

I just heard Dong Xiaoyan say: "Senior Jiao, don't just stare blankly, you have to pay attention, pay attention to him... what happened?"

Jiao Sansheng coughed: "The divine doctor is very safe."

In fact, he took a breath of air, and was really a little surprised by the superb body technique of this Fengshen doctor in the observation of consciousness.

How could this genius doctor be so proficient in the art of stealth?

It's like... a hardened killer...

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【Blue Sky Sword】【】

Isn't he a genius doctor?

Of course, Jiao Sansheng would be surprised. He only knew that Feng Yin was a Fengshen doctor, but he didn't know whether Fengyin was a gentle killer. Fengshenyi had the means to heal the damage of the original source. His medical knowledge was clear to the sky. It is not surprising to Jiao Sansheng to have a heaven-level cultivation at a young age. Even when the Fengshen doctor decided to fight with force, Jiao Sansheng thought it was too much of a sacrifice, so you directly help the battle as a genius doctor. No, it's definitely more meaningful than doing other things...

Even though Fengyin's skills at this time, and the means to hide his traces are beyond imagination, Jiao Sansheng still feels that he is a little bit sloppy.


Fengyin also sneaked into the barracks like a ghost all the way.

The periphery is working, and with his current cultivation level and body technique attainments, there is no problem in quietly sneaking into nature.

But after entering, Fengyin found that the security inside the barracks was getting more and more strict.

He vaguely felt that this situation was like a big pocket that was tight on the outside and loose on the inside, and the defense on the outside was loose, but it was an illusion, just an illusion.

If an enemy does come in, the periphery can be alerted in an instant, and the incoming enemy will be flanked from behind and wrapped into dumplings.

Fengyin unfolded his movements, went up and down, flashed through the night and the fire, and entered the central army.

At this time, Mo Yuantu and others were still cautiously detouring, and they were still in constant trouble.

In the sky, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at them.

What Fengyin didn't know was that in the handsome account, Wu Tiejun was also watching the movement over there, um, that was the direction Mo Yuantu sneaked in.

From time to time, soldiers come in to report the news of Mo Yuantu and others.

Beside him, there is still a young girl and an old man.

"This time, thanks to Mr. Jiang and Miss Jiang for their help."

Wu Tiejun was very grateful and respectful.

"It's all thanks to Xiao Hei. You should thank him or thank him. I don't dare to take credit."

The girl smiled contentedly, with a hint of pride at the corner of her mouth.

She is confident that this kind of spiritual beast is the only one in the world, and there is no semicolon!

"Yeah, the girl's spirit beast is really supernatural, Wu Mou opened his eyes." Wu Tiejun laughed heartily.

But he was muttering in his heart: such a mighty and domineering aerial spirit beast actually took such a name, Xiao Hei.

As everyone knows, the girl is also helpless.

I don't know how many nice names I have chosen, but this spirit of my own

Chong, he doesn't agree to other names and titles, only when he is called Xiao Hei, does he react a little bit.

You say what can I do, I'm desperate too!

This young girl and the old man were Jiang Zhongxue and Jiang Laoliu, Jiang Yuan, who had taken Yun Ying Xiaohei away from He Xiangming and Fengyin.

That is, the man in the last quarter moon among the five lakes and the bright moon.

It is said that when I bought Kitty Eagle from Fengyin, compared with the current price, it can be said to have picked up a super big leak.

But at that time Fengyin had just come to Yuezhou, not to mention fame, and even worry about cultivation resources, where is there any qualification to raise prices.

And behind these two people, there are more than a dozen figures in the same costume, with a crescent moon on their cuffs, shining brightly.

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【Blue Sky Sword】【】

Obviously, he is also an elite master in the sect.

And it is the long-lost little eagle who keeps monitoring the whereabouts of Mo Yuantu and others

Jiang Zhongxue's spiritual sense is closely connected to the eagle circling in the air, no matter where Mo Yuantu and the others go, they can clearly report the position of the equipment.

It can be said that every move of the group of Supreme Mountain is under the supervision of the little eagle, just like watching the pattern on the palm, it is easy!

Hearing Wu Tiejun's compliments, and feeling the frenzied eyes of his classmates who were almost jealous, Jiang Zhongxue was unspeakably happy.

Well, Kitty is my drop!

I drop!

It's no wonder that Jiang Zhongxue is proud and proud, it's really... This kind of psychic beast, even if you look at the entire Anping Continent, only a few people can have it.

Just when Jiang Zhongxue was complacent, his face suddenly changed, showing a panicked look.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yuan was taken aback and blurted out.

"Xiao Hei suddenly came down for no reason, and he was not attacked by natural enemies..."

Jiang Zhongxue bit her lip, her eyes full of surprise and confusion.

Although Xiao Hei has the supernatural powers of eagle eyes, but when it comes to his own combat power, he is only average. What is he doing when he flies down in such a hurry? Wouldn't it be to obliterate its greatest advantage? !

Wouldn't it be bad if someone found him and shot him with a bow and arrow?

Taking ten thousand steps back, as long as it is known by the group of masters in the Supreme Mountain, it is also a huge threat and hidden danger!

Xiao Hei has always been cautious and never landed in a place where there is any threat. What happened today?

Why is it so unwise all of a sudden?

What Jiang Zhongxue didn't know was...

Now the little eagle has already been excited to the point where it is difficult to contain.


I see the master!

Am I dreaming?

Kitty Hawk rushed down from above the clouds desperately like a black lightning bolt.

At this time, where can I take care of that girl Jiang Zhongxue?

Originally, when he came to the boundary of Yuezhou, Xiaoying couldn't wait to see his master again, and he wanted to see his eldest sister again.

But Jiang Zhongxue's side has a super event after all. Based on the incense love for so many years, how could Xiaoying cooperate with her first.

But now the master was discovered during the mission!

My goodness!

Such happiness!

It made the little eagle almost cry, and of course it flew down desperately.

The joy of reuniting after a long absence, the long-awaited miss...  

The master is in front, who is Jiang Zhongxue! ?

Xiaoying is like a child who has parted from his biological father, who has crossed thousands of mountains and rivers alone, and has gone through untold hardships but has no one to rely on.

But unexpectedly, in the midst of the raging war, he suddenly saw his father-like existence!

The feeling of joy that almost exploded was beyond words!


Kitty's eyes were blurred.

Master, big sister, do you know how much I miss you?

However, near the ground

At that moment, the eagle stopped suddenly.

Because it found that the owner seems to.... is also hiding his figure and moving forward?

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【Blue Sky Sword】【】

The master is.... also has a purpose?

If I go down now, wouldn't I expose his traces?

Thinking of this, the little eagle reluctantly hovered at a low altitude in the air. Although he did not dare to meet immediately, it would be good to take a look.


A clear spiritual force came from the ground, with clear instructions in the voice, and... and the long-lost but familiar taste.

It is a memory that is engraved in the bottom of my heart, sneaking into the soul, and indelible even after nine deaths.

The little eagle was stunned for a moment.

"Go back to your sky, what are you doing down here? One more claw to kill you!"


The small eagle let out a long cry of grievance, like a sharp black arrow, returning to the heights of the night sky.

Ugh.... Big sister is still so domineering.

Still so fierce...

Still so rude.....

But I really like it, it's kind, it's intoxicating...

Hurry up and end everything here, and get back to the master as soon as possible, I can't wait uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

As a result, Jiang Zhongxue in the handsome tent regained contact with Xiaoying, and found that Xiaoying had returned to the high altitude. The next performance was more conscientious, reporting the enemy's position, more accurate and timely, especially It's faster than before.

Naturally, she didn't know that all this was just the reason why the little eagle wanted to show it well in front of the master. She thought that the little eagle suddenly got enlightened.... What did he realize?

How could there be such a huge improvement all of a sudden?

Of course, Jiang Zhongxue will never doubt that Xiaoying has never tried her best to do anything by her side.

After all, the casual performance of the little eagle is already incomparable to countless flying spirit beasts.

One by one miracles happened to Kitty almost uninterruptedly, but how could he suspect that he didn't try his best?

Not to mention, it can be said that the entire last quarter moon sect has been cultivated with all their strength, and the growth rate of the little eagle has already exceeded the expected upper limit of the last quarter moon.

"what happened?"

Feng Yin asked Feng Ying a little confused.


Wind Shadow Road.

"The little eagle is here, but it is on a mission, but it has to fly down to meet immediately. There are no rules. I let it fly back again. The mission is serious, how can it be delayed?!"

Feng Ying explained clearly.

Fengyin was surprised and inexplicable, and couldn't help but look up.

Fengyin has always been helping relatives and not helping. He has always had a close relationship with Xiaoying Xiaoji, who had to leave the first time. It is different. Now that Xiaoying is close at hand, he is naturally moved.

The little eagle in the air saw the wind print and looked up at the clouds. He was so excited that he almost shed tears. He was flattered, and his heart and soul trembled.


In the clouds, a black lightning flashed back and forth, making an eagle dance, obviously signaling hello.

"...Hello master, I miss you...I'm Xiao Hei, I miss you and big sister...and that one who doesn't know how to live or die. Little Falcon..."

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【Blue Sky Sword】【】

The wind is sweating.

The little guy is still like this.....

Make me speechless.

It's been a long time, I think Fengying is nothing, why and Xiao Falcon are still so incompatible?

Sorry, I said something about it....

Are you actually trying to flatten it?

With a wave of his hand, his body disappeared.

Do not steal the body method of heaven,

In such a densely populated place, it is the easiest to play, and the end disappears without a trace, like a trace.

The two sensed sergeants turned their heads and rubbed their eyes.

"Did something shake just now?"


"Is it wrong?"

"Be careful, check it out again."

But at this moment, UU Reading Fengyin was about to approach the group of fifteen people on Mo Yuantu's side.

Mo Yuantu and the others proceeded cautiously.

"The goal this time is not Wu Tiejun, but the troublesome words or Ma Qiange. No matter which one of the three kills, it will be considered a success."

"Don't scare the snake before you start!"

Mo Yuantu gently put down the body of a Daqin soldier.

Just stunned, no life was taken.

Just because of the smell of blood, it is too easy to attract the attention of the soldiers who have been rolling in blood all the year round.

"Be careful with your senses."

Mo Yuantu said: "Wait after the tent in front...and then rush into the largest tent in front at the fastest speed..."

"Brother, it seems...that something is wrong."

Mo Yuanqing muttered from behind: "This is a pit."

Yes, a dozen people are now hiding here. The terrain is the lowest. Although it is hidden, it is really a pit that is not very obvious.


Mo Yuantu turned his head to look, and couldn't help but stare in his heart.

Right now.

A big flag in the air unfolded with a swipe.

Suddenly, countless arrows shot precisely from all directions and from the sky!

That's...... God-killing arrow!

A weapon specially designed to target high-level cultivators, especially Jianghu visitors—the God-killing Arrow!


[A little headache, let me write a proud world, but I found that I was all myself ... I forgot ...........]

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