MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 5 Confidence

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  Chapter 5 Confidence

  Simon scratched at the fish bones, and frowned impatiently: "What's the matter, I'm eating."

   "I didn't say anything, but the old butler said that the baron wanted to see you by name." The messenger replied.

  Simon smiled contemptuously: "It's nothing more than the fact that I can't eat, so please vent your anger on me."

  He drank the fish broth in the bowl in one gulp, then stood up: "Go, brothers, go and see what the little boy is capable of."

   After a while, the villagers gathered again in the open space in front of the wooden building. This was the second meeting today.

  Simon stood at the front of the crowd, with his hands folded on his chest, looking like I was the biggest man in the sky, and all the highlanders behind him also raised their heads proudly.

  It was the setting sun at this time, and the afterglow of the setting sun hit the robust bodies of these highland barbarians, but there was a sense of beauty like classical sculptures.

  Robin walked out of the wooden house with a face as heavy as water, no sadness or joy could be seen on his face. He walked up to Simon, raised his head and looked at each other.

  Robin's figure was considered tall and straight in the empire, and the years of fighting had brought him a body of lean muscles, but standing in front of the stronger Simon, he looked like a slender little girl.

   Iron Bear Warrior looked at Robin with sarcasm in his eyes. From the perspective of size alone, Simon could strangle Robin to death with one hand.

   "I don't like nonsense, so I just talk straight." Robin said loudly.

"I know that many of you don't like me and think that I came here and robbed your land and the fruits of your labor. I can understand this. In the past year or so since my uncle passed away, it was you who built this wasteland a home."

  Simon frowned when he heard this, thinking that the little white-faced baron had discovered his conscience, or he had taken the wrong medicine, and he was actually speaking for us.

   Then, Robin changed the topic.

"However, I, Robin, I am the legal heir of my uncle. I have an appointment document issued by the imperial government. I am the legal baron of Raging Waves City. I have neither stolen nor robbed. This land, including you, is all It is my legitimate and legitimate inheritance.”

  Robin paced back and forth in front of the crowd, walking slowly and talking slowly, confusing Simon, the old butler and the villagers. Why are they talking at both ends? What does the baron mean?

   "I know you don't accept me, but I have inherited this land reasonably and legally, so what should I do?"

   Robin clapped his hands and put on a look of sudden realization.

"Otherwise, I know you highlanders like to fight the most, so you send a representative out, and we'll fight twice. If you can beat me, I'll pack up and leave immediately, and Rage City will be given to you. But if I win , from now on you have to listen to me and fight for me!"

  The Highlanders are a race that worships the strong. There is no other way to make them submit, but to subdue them.

After Robin finished speaking, all the villagers were taken aback for a moment, and then laughed together. There was undisguised sarcasm in the laughter. In their opinion, this little white-faced baron must be insane. Bet.

  The old housekeeper was dumbfounded, only feeling confused for a while.

  He thought to himself that the Baron was still too young and arrogant, completely ignored his own advice, and made such a stupid decision. Now it's all right, the territory can't be defended anymore.

  Master, lord, please don't blame me, I've tried my best, your nephew is really disappointing.

Highlanders are born warriors. The extreme environment of the snow-covered plateau endowed them with great strength and tenacity. A half-sized man among the highlanders can easily defeat two adult imperial men. Even a female highlander, one One-on-one can also easily take down an Imperial soldier.

  Although the highlanders were the conquered side, the highlanders never convinced the imperialists. They believed that the imperialists won the war by relying on despicable tricks, while they lost because of their small numbers and disunity.

The excuses of the highlanders are not unreasonable. After all, very few imperial people can defeat the highlanders alone. The iron giant blood of the highlanders has an innate advantage. The physical gap caused by the different races makes the combat power of the two sides like heaven and earth. So-so.

   "Baron, are you serious?" Simon had a sarcastic sneer on his face, looking down at Robin, as if looking at a fool.

  He thought this little boy was just a weak chicken, but he didn't expect that he was an arrogant fool.

  Robin spit on the grass: "Men keep what they say, every spittle is a nail!"

   "Good!" Simon shouted. "That's it, I'll fight you!"

  The villagers retreated one after another, giving the two of them enough room to fight.

  Simon's upper body was bare, his skin was slightly iron-gray, and under the setting sun, it reflected silvery luster like metal.

  The first time I saw Simon, Robin found that Simon was completely different from other highlanders. His iron giant blood was purer and thicker, which gave him more powerful power.

  Under the eyes of the blood, the blood mist on Simon's body almost covered him. The purity of his blood surprised even Robin.

  Although this Simon has caused trouble for Robin, Robin has become more and more fond of him. If such a pure iron giant blood can become my subordinate in the future, he must be a fierce general.

  Simon didn't know that Robin had already arranged him clearly in his mind, and now he only wanted to teach this little boy to be a man.

  He shook his head, moved his shoulders, clenched his two iron fists, and stared at Robin with his big copper bell-like eyes, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

  He is the famous iron bear warrior, the strongest in the tribe, he has the capital of pride and contempt. Since he was born, he has never lost.

   Those imperial warriors who are as strong as cattle can't stand their three or two punches, this little boy? Ah.

  Robin looked very relaxed. He took off his leather armor and stood calmly in front of the Iron Bear Warrior.

  Before the battle started, the old butler still wanted to make a final struggle, hoping to save the life of the Baron, who knew nothing about the heights of the sky and the earth.

  He ran to Robin and whispered anxiously: "Master, you are not his opponent, let's change the way, you can't win!"

  The old butler was really anxious, so anxious that he didn't even have time to show mercy to Robin.

  Robin smiled back at him: "It's okay, just watch from the sidelines."

  The old butler sighed deeply. As the saying goes, good words are hard to persuade a **** ghost, so he had no choice but to step aside, praying in his heart that the baron would not be beaten too badly.

Before the duel officially started, Robin suddenly smiled and said: "It doesn't make much sense to just fight dryly like this. Otherwise, I'm a baron anyway, and I plan to bully you with you. As long as you can make me fall, Even if you win."

  He did this not just to pretend, because the highlanders only worship the strong, and the stronger you are, the more he worships you. Robin wants to let Simon and all the villagers know that I am so powerful that you can't catch up with me, so that this group of highland barbarians can truly be convinced.

  And Robin has the confidence.

  Although Simon is strong, he hasn't really awakened the blood of the Iron Giant after all, and Robin is a real Titan awakener!

  The gap between the two of them is bigger than the sky and the earth.

  Robin's behavior seemed to Simon to be a naked provocation, and the proud Iron Bear Warrior couldn't stand such an insult.

   "You will pay for your arrogance!" Simon said angrily.

   Robin waved at him: "Come on."

  The next second, Simon exerted strength in his lower body and rushed towards Robin.

  Different from ordinary stupid big men, Simon has found a perfect balance between strength and skill. His steps are light and fast, and his whole body is as fast as a gust of wind, blowing in front of Robin in an instant.

  The Iron Bear Warrior really lived up to his reputation.

   I’ve seen it all, give me a recommendation ticket



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion