MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 206 Which army is this?

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  Chapter 206 Which army is this?

  The hobgoblin archers began to shoot arrows towards the river bank, and the arrows fell into the coalition army on the bank like rain, and countless soldiers immediately fell to the ground screaming from the arrows.

  Robin was soaking in the icy river water, strenuously advancing towards the opposite bank, arrows were constantly falling around him, and his ears were filled with the sound of "咻咻咻".


Suddenly there was a scream from the left, and he turned his head to look over, only to see a swimming soldier shot in the shoulder in the river five meters away, and submerged in the rushing river in the blink of an eye, leaving only a patch of water on the river. Dark red blood.

  Simon moved behind Robin, holding a round shield in his left hand to block the flying arrows.

   "Damn, it's really annoying to be beaten passively like this!" He was furious and cursed loudly, followed by a sound of "Du", an arrow shot on his shield.

   "Don't love to fight, let's go, we are living targets in the river!" Robin turned his head and shouted to Simon.

After the hobgoblin archers shot two rounds of arrows, the gnoll troops rushed down from the high ground. There were about 3,000 gnolls in total, and there was no formation at all. under the torrents.

  Like ducks, the Jackal troops pushed all the remaining allied soldiers into the Nutao River. This was a one-sided massacre. The coalition soldiers had already lost their will to fight and had no effective command. At this moment, they were completely a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

  The north bank of the Raging River turned into a horrible slaughterhouse. Many soldiers were killed on the river bank.

  On the south bank of the Raging River, the coalition soldiers who successfully landed could only watch the tragedy on the north bank, but they were helpless.

   There are still many soldiers who escaped the butcher's knife of the blood race, but failed to withstand the turbulence of the Raging River. They didn't know how to swim at all, and they wore heavy armor. They flopped helplessly in the water a few times before disappearing into the river.

  The jackals stood on the bank of the river, roaring one after another mockingly. Some jackals held crossbows in their hands, like shooting fish, and called the coalition soldiers in the river one by one;

   There were also some jackals throwing stones at the coalition soldiers in the river. Many coalition soldiers were smashed to death and struggling hard in the icy river.

   Countless coalition soldiers drowned. From the north bank of the Raging River to the south bank, the short distance of 20 meters is the distance between life and death for many soldiers.

  Robin and the Raging Waves Legion were undoubtedly lucky. They entered the river crossing channel early. At this time, the front team of the Raging Waves Legion had already climbed to the south bank of the Raging Waves River, and they were temporarily safe.

  Stepping onto the south bank of the Raging River, Robin glanced back. In the turbulent river, there are still many soldiers struggling to survive.

  The north bank of the Raging River has been completely occupied by the blood tribe army. The hobgoblin archers regrouped on the bank and fired another salvo to the south bank.

  Arrow rain fell from the sky, and the soldiers on the south bank could only flee further south again, and the scene became even more chaotic for a while.

  Part of the Jackal troop began to try to cross the river. They "plopped" into the river and chased towards the south bank along the river crossing channel.

Among the chaotic crowd, Robin's Raging Waves Legion still maintained a considerable concentration. After the iron guards and half-elves came out of the river, they immediately lined up on the bank, waiting for Robin's next order. There was no fear of the blood race on their resolute faces.

  On the north bank of the Raging River, Bloody Bill came to the bank on a black dragon-scale horse. She looked towards the south bank, and when she saw the chaos of the coalition soldiers, her pale face immediately showed a smug smile.

   "What a mob." She sneered coldly.

   But as soon as she finished speaking, she discovered Robin's Raging Wave Legion.

  The Raging Waves Legion only has nearly a hundred people. In a large army of nearly ten thousand people, their small number of people really can't make much trouble.

  However, Bill still spotted the Raging Waves Legion at a glance, because among the chaotic coalition forces, only the Raging Waves Legion remained calm and orderly, which formed a sharp contrast with the other teams scurrying around, which made them particularly conspicuous.

  Bill's eyes showed surprise, and he thought to himself: There is such a team in the human coalition.

   "Which human noble army is that?" Bill stretched out his slender index finger, pointing to the Raging Waves Legion on the opposite bank.

Beside her left hand is a male knight with a human appearance. He straightened up on his horse, looked carefully in the direction of Bill's finger, and then replied, "My lord, there are many highlanders in that army." And half-elves, as far as I know, there is only one noble lord in the human army with highlanders and half-elves in the army, and that is Baron Robin of Raging City."

   "Baron Robin?" Bill thought about it, repeated it again, and firmly remembered the name in his heart. "It seems that the nobles of the Hongman Empire are not all idiots. Is there any other information about Baron Robin?"

The male knight replied immediately: "Baron Robin only entered the wasteland this year. He defeated Baron Baron of Windcastle a few months ago. In addition, he seems to be very close to the Snow Eagle family. That's all we know so far. Since he is only a baron, we did not focus on gathering information on him."

   "Send someone later to focus on collecting information about Baron Robin." Bill ordered.

  The male knight didn't understand. He thought that Robin was just a baron, his status was not respected enough, and his strength was not strong enough, so there was no need to focus on it. However, even though he didn't understand, Master Bill had given such an order, so he naturally had to do his best to carry it out.

  So, he responded decisively: "Yes, my lord."

  The Raging River is a natural barrier. Robin believes that as long as the Raging River is guarded, the current strength of the coalition forces can completely block the blood army on the north bank of the Raging River. On the contrary, once the blood army breaks through the Nutao River, there will be no danger on the way to Dragon's Back Fort, almost all the way will be smooth.

   Unfortunately, Robin has too few troops, less than a hundred. Although the Raging Waves Legion are all brave and good at fighting, with such a small number of people, even if they resist the river and defend the territory, they will definitely not be able to stop the nearly ten thousand tiger and wolf troops of the blood clan.

  He still has a little luck, can he organize the rout?

   But looking around, there are terrified coalition soldiers everywhere, and everyone is only concerned about running for their lives. Many soldiers climbed ashore from the raging river, losing even their weapons and armor, and almost took off all their clothes to reduce weight. It is simply impossible to expect such remnants to rebuild the defense line.

  Robin sighed helplessly, he had no choice but to give up those unrealistic fantasies, turned around and ordered to the Raging Waves Legion who were ready to go: "Retreat!"

  But just as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the melodious sound of a horn coming from the far south.

"woo woo woo woo-"

  Robin was startled suddenly, like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, he immediately raised his head and looked in the direction where the trumpet sound came from.

  Every army uses bugles. To the ears of ordinary people, every bugle may sound similar. But for someone like Robin who was born in the army, his ears can distinguish the subtle differences in the sound of the trumpet very keenly, so he can judge which army it is.

  Robin pricked up his ears and listened carefully, and then a happy smile slowly appeared on his face. He had already recognized which troop's trumpet it was.

  The sound of the trumpets was high and long, as if carrying high fighting spirit. For a moment, whether it was the blood army or the retreating coalition forces, everyone was attracted by the sound of the horn. The blood army and the human soldiers raised their heads together and looked towards the south.

  On the north bank of the Raging River, Bill frowned, and looked towards the south with his cold eyes.

   Then, on the horizon at the end of the line of sight, a human army slowly emerged.

   There are tens of thousands of people in this army, and the images of densely packed people appear in people's field of vision like waves, gradually moving over from a distance. At this time, the sky was already getting dark, so this army lit torches. Countless torches formed a sea of ​​flames on the ground, and the flames soared into the sky, almost illuminating half of the sky.

  The large army slowly pressed towards the Raging River, the sense of oppression almost made people feel suffocated, hundreds of flags fluttered in the autumn wind. When the army got closer, with the help of the bright firelight, the patterns on the flags were finally clearly visible on both sides of the Raging River.

  On the blue flag, there is a white snow eagle with wings spread. In the entire Hongman Empire, there is only one family that uses such a Snow Eagle flag, and that is the Snow Eagle family.

   I'm very sorry. I've been busy with work recently, and I always work overtime. I really didn't have the energy to update after I got home yesterday. I want to say sorry to everyone.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion