MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 191 Squad's downfall

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  Chapter 191 The destruction of the team

  Robin killed three Gorefiends in a row, but the situation on the battlefield remained unchanged. The Gorefiends had an overwhelming advantage over the coalition soldiers, and the battle was almost a one-sided massacre. In just ten minutes, half of the soldiers had already fallen under the claws of the Gorefiend.

  After cutting off the head of the third Gorefiend, Robin raised his head, just in time to witness the scene of Rubia's death in battle.

  The weapon he uses is a two-handed knife. This sharp long knife Robin has seen him wipe with great care many times, and it seems to be his heirloom.

  However, this favorite knife failed to save his life. The Gorefiend pierced his chest with his claws, lifted him up, and threw him into the nearby grass like throwing garbage.

   While Rubia was killed, more coalition soldiers were killed by Gorefiend.

  Scout Hassel charged at a Gorefiend on horseback, roared, pierced the opponent's chest with a lance, and nailed it to the ground.

   The Gorefiend howled angrily, twisted his huge body forcefully, and broke the lance stuck in his body. Then he spread a pair of huge wings, with half of a lance stuck in his chest, flew into the air suddenly, and chased after Hassel on horseback.

  Hassell turned his head and saw the Gorefiend swooping towards him, his face turned pale with fright, he drew out the saber on his waist, and slashed towards the Gorefiend indiscriminately.

   This knife hit the Gorefiend's shoulder, but failed to block the Gorefiend's attack.

  The Gorefiend opened its two huge claws, like an eagle pouncing on its food, and grabbed Hassel from the horse back into the air.

  Hassel was terrified, and let out a heart-piercing scream, struggling desperately with his limbs, but he couldn't escape the embrace of the blood demon.

   Under his terrified eyes, the Gorefiend opened his mouth full of fangs, and bit off his head. In mid-air, Hassel's screams stopped abruptly.

   Two of his most powerful subordinates died in battle one after another. Baron Lauren was almost going crazy, but he was entangled by two gorefiends, unable to rescue his soldiers.

   "Damn monster, die to me!"

The monstrous rage turned him into a wild beast at this moment. His whole body burst out with dazzling white vindictiveness, and rushed towards one of the blood demons recklessly, knocking the blood demon into the air like an angry bull. out.

  The other Gorefiend seized the gap in his attack and grabbed his back with one claw.

  Baron Lauren releases 【Battle Qi Armor】, which is one of the abilities of a fighting spirit knight. It wraps the whole body with fighting spirit, forming a protective layer like armor, which can resist part of the external attacks.

  However, the battle qi armor could not completely prevent the Gorefiend's claw attack. The Gorefiend scratched through his battle qi armor, leaving five **** wounds on his back.

  Baron Lauren was already on the verge of madness at this time. He ignored the pain on his back, and immediately turned around. He lifted the big sword in his hand from bottom to top, and chopped off the blood demon's head with one blow.

  The ferocious head of the Gorefiend flew up, and its huge body fell to the grass, with dark red blood flowing from its neck.

   Immediately afterwards, the Gorefiend who was knocked into the air by him jumped up again, opened its mouth full of fangs to almost 180 degrees, and bit Baron Lauren.

   Baron Lauren didn't have time to dodge, so he simply threw his heart away and raised his left arm to block in front of him.

   The Gorefiend bit his arm, and his fangs easily shattered the armor and pierced into the muscle, almost biting off his arm.

   "Do you like to bite? Try this, bastard!"

  Baron Lauren raised the big sword with one hand, and stabbed the sword into the face of the blood demon. Then he turned the hilt of the sword forcefully, and the big sword rotated accordingly, creating a blood hole the size of a fist in the face of the blood demon.

   Gorefiend's huge body immediately collapsed on the grass, but his fangs were still deeply pierced in Baron Lauren's arm. Baron Lauren gritted his teeth, cut off the Gorefiend's head with his sword, and then pulled the Gorefiend's head from his arm.

   The Gorefiend bit so deeply that when he pulled it out, he also tore a large piece of flesh from his arm, and bones could even be seen in the wound.

   Baron Lauren's left arm hangs down weakly, his arm is considered useless, and the bright red blood flows down his left arm, dripping from his fingertips onto the grass. He panted heavily, blood and sweat mixed on his face.

   On the other side of the battlefield, Robin killed another Gorefiend. He first kicked and broke one of the Gorefiend's legs, and when the Gorefiend knelt down screaming, he then cut off the Gorefiend's head with a sword.

   The Gorefiend couldn't hurt Robin, but Robin only had two hands after all. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't protect everyone. When he killed the Gorefiend, more coalition soldiers would be killed by other Goregore.

  The remaining three Gorefiends gave up attacking the other coalition soldiers, and they all surrounded Robin in unison. One of the Gorefiends spread its wings and flew into the air, swooping down on Robin from behind.

Robin seemed to have eyes behind his back. When the blood demon was about to catch him, he suddenly turned around, and the magic sword in his hand slashed down, splitting the blood demon vertically in two from the middle of his body. Half.

  The Gorefiend's body immediately separated from the left and right, and fell on the grass from both sides of Robin, all the blood and internal organs in his body splashed on him.

  Then, the other two Gorefiends rushed towards Robin, one from the left and the other from the right, trying to flank him.

  Robin's brain didn't have time to make a judgment, it was entirely out of fighting instinct, he decisively chose the blood demon on the left to meet him.

   The Gorefiend roared angrily, and slapped Robin on the head with his paw.

  Robin has gradually become familiar with their fighting methods. Before the Gorefiend's claws grabbed him, he had already drawn out his sword like lightning. A dazzling silver current erupted from the magic sword, and he cut off the arm that Goregore grabbed.

   The Gorefiend uttered a scream of pain, and instinctively took two steps back, as dark red blood spurted out from the fractured shoulder. Robin seized the opportunity, strode forward, and then chopped off the head of the blood demon.

   There was only the last Gorefiend left. Seeing that Robin was too strong, this monster stopped rushing towards Robin and turned around to attack other coalition soldiers.

   "Made!" Robin cursed angrily, and hurriedly chased after him with his sword in hand.

  Almost all the coalition soldiers who were still alive were wounded before. They didn't take part in the battle with the Gorefiend for the first time, but survived to the end. These wounded are simply lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of the Gorefiend, and their combat effectiveness is almost negligible.

  A seriously wounded man was lying on a stretcher. He had been cut in the chest in the previous battle and had been in a coma for a while. The Gorefiend's first target chose the immobile and seriously wounded man, roaring and rushing towards him. And this seriously wounded man closed his eyes tightly, not aware that death was approaching at all.

   At this moment, Abal suddenly raised his sword and stood in front of the seriously wounded man. He looked at the blood demon who rushed towards him with firm eyes, and there was no trace of timidity on his pale face.

   Seeing this scene, Robin couldn't help shouting: "Abar get out of here!"

  Abal didn't seem to hear Robin's voice, he opened his mouth and let out a cry, tightly gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and stabbed the Gorefiend with all his strength.

  The cross sword pierced through the Gorefiend's body, but at the same time, the Gorefiend's claws also pierced Abal's chest.

  Then, the Gorefiend opened his **** mouth and bit Abal's neck, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood from his neck, almost biting his neck off.

  The Gorefiend withdrew his claws, and Abal's body immediately fell down like a puppet that had lost its string.

   Then, Robin caught up with the Gorefiend, and split the Gorefiend's head with a sword.

  Abal was lying in a pool of blood, his chest, neck, and mouth were constantly bleeding out, his face was as pale as paper, life was rapidly flowing out of his body, he couldn't live anymore.

  Robin came to him, knelt down on one knee, frowned, and looked at him sadly: "Silly boy, why are you so stupid? You could have survived."

  Abal seemed to want to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he could only make an indistinct "uh uh". He slowly raised his **** right hand, and Robin quickly grabbed it.

   A few seconds later, Abar completely stopped breathing. In the end, Robin didn't know what Abal wanted to say, and he never will.

  In the poems of bards, they often like to describe the death of their comrades in a magnificent way. But on a real battlefield, death always comes suddenly. A comrade who was talking and laughing with you one second may turn into a cold corpse the next.

  Abal's hand slipped from Robin's palm and fell into the blood-soaked grass. Robin's face was gloomy. He raised his left hand and closed Abal's open eyes. Then, he took a deep breath, temporarily put aside his grief, and stood up.

  After years of fighting on the battlefield, Robin's heart has been tempered as hard as steel. The battlefield will not give you too much time to grieve, Abal is dead, but others are still alive, Robin must choose to look forward.

Robin glanced around. There were corpses of coalition soldiers everywhere on the battlefield, and everyone's death conditions were very miserable: some were torn to pieces by the gorefiend, and the corpses were divided into several pieces and scattered everywhere; Being hit head-on by the blood mist sprayed by the Gorefiend, even the corpse could not stay, and it directly turned into a puddle of blood.

  The coalition team was almost wiped out, and only a few wounded survived. They sat helplessly on the battlefield, and some were crying bitterly.

   Baron Lauren was sitting in a corner of the battlefield, holding his great sword in his arms, staring blankly at the ground, as if he had lost his soul, with a dull expression on his face.

  Robin was covered in blood, as if he had just swam in a river of blood. He shook the pieces of flesh on his body, and then walked up to Baron Lauren.

   "Hey, can you still go?" Robin opened his mouth and asked.

Baron Lauren slowly raised his head. He looked at Robin. This tall and thick man was about to cry, his eyes were red, and he blamed himself deeply: "I once said that I would take these soldiers home, but I didn't He can keep his promise."

   Robin looked at Baron Lauren's left arm, his arm was almost useless.

   "Baron Lauren, this is not your fault, you have tried your best. The important thing is that you are still alive." Robin wanted to say a few words of comfort, but when the words came out of his mouth, he felt that they were too blunt.

  He thought to himself: Maybe I have become hard-hearted, and I can’t even say words of comfort.

   Baron Lauren stood up slowly leaning on his sword, his eyes swept across the **** battlefield, looking at the soldiers of the coalition forces who died in battle, his face could not help but be filled with sadness.

Robin looked at him from the side. Although he couldn't bear it, he still had to say: "Baron Lauren, I don't have time to immerse myself in sorrow. The leaders of these blood demons are blood clans. Since the blood demons have already chased them, the other party must also We will be here soon, we must evacuate here as soon as possible."

   Baron Lauren heard this, his whole body was instantly ignited with anger, raised his eyebrows and shouted at Robin: "It's just in time for him to come, I will slash him with a sword, and avenge my soldiers!"

  Robin can understand Baron Lauren's mood. His soldiers died in battle, and any conscientious officer would not feel good.

  But he knew that it was a third-level bloodline awakener. Once the opponent caught up, even Robin himself was not sure that he would be able to defeat him. Baron Lauren has already lost an arm, and the only way to meet him is death.

   "Baron Lauren, in your current state, with all due respect, if you really fight with the blood race, you have no chance of surviving. I can understand that you want revenge, but don't use your life to be brave!"

  Robin's tone was very severe. In his opinion, Baron Lauren was already overwhelmed by anger. Although courage is commendable, there is only courage left.

At this moment, Baron Lauren couldn't listen to Robin's words at all. Like an angry lion, he began to yell hysterically towards the dark wilderness around him: "Bitch! You bastard, where are you? Get out, I'm going to chop you into meat paste!"

  His crazy appearance obviously scared the remaining few wounded. They sat in a pool of blood, staring at their baron in a daze, each of them dumbstruck with fright.

  At this time, Robin suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance, he was startled, and secretly shouted: Oh no, the blood race is really chasing after him!

  He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a figure riding a horse rushing towards him on the dark wasteland, and the man on the horse was the bald vampire!

   "Hahaha, stupid human, didn't you call me? I'm coming!"

  Before the horse under his crotch stopped, Sabri jumped off the horse, and with a bang, his strong body landed firmly on the ground.

  He was carrying the blood-forging sword, and he didn't rush to attack. Instead, he looked at the messy battlefield first, and a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although all nine of his gorefiends were killed in battle, he didn't seem to care at all, and then he looked at Robin and Baron Lauren standing there, and said in a hoarse voice: "Weak humans, you are still alive!" Come down, it’s still a bit of a skill.”

  Seeing Sabri, the hatred in Baron Lauren's heart exploded at this moment. With red eyes, he rushed towards the other side with a big sword in his hand, and shouted: "Bastard, I want your life!"

  (end of this chapter)