MTL - Bloodline Lord of War-Chapter 146 A Brief History of Bloodlines

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  Chapter 146 A Brief History of Bloodlines

  In ancient times, the blood clan was also powerful on the mainland, and they called themselves "proud blood nobles".

  At that time, although the number of blood clans was small, each blood clan had very strong strength. They are very difficult to kill, even if the heart is pierced and the head is split in two, they can still survive;

  They almost have an eternal lifespan, as long as they can continue to eat blood, they can live forever; compared with the lifespan of the vampires, even long-lived species like elves pale in comparison, and the vampires are even called "eternal races";

  In addition to abnormal vitality and almost eternal lifespan, their weird blood magic has also terrified countless races.

  After the ebb tide began, the Titans were the first to fall, and then the mainland entered a rather long period of separatism. The main races such as humans, elves, orcs established their own countries one after another, and the blood race also caught up with this wave and established their own blood kingdom in the south of the mainland.

  Because the vampires need to drink blood to make themselves stronger, they are naturally aggressive. In order to obtain more high-quality blood, the blood kingdom soon launched a war against other countries, known as the "blood war" in history. Once a country is destroyed, all citizens of this country will become blood slaves of the blood kingdom.

   During the most prosperous period of the Blood Kingdom, it once occupied half of the entire continent.

  Under the powerful offensive of the Blood Kingdom, all the races on the mainland joined forces and launched a counterattack against the blood race. This war was extremely bloody, cruel, and protracted. The two sides fought back and forth for nearly a hundred years. Historians call this dark era the "Red Hundred Years."

  At the later stage of the war, even the dragon clan, who had always stayed out of the matter, joined the army to crusade against the blood clan.

   It is said that the blood royal family was so overwhelmed by the long war that they began to covet dragon blood, wanting to use dragon blood to make themselves more powerful, and even started hunting dragons.

  The ancient dragons at that time had begun to decline due to the great ebb tide, but even so, they were still a powerful force that could not be ignored on the mainland.

  The joining of the dragon clan became the last straw that overwhelmed the blood clan, and the royal city of the blood clan was finally broken.

  When the city was broken, the hatred and fear of the blood race had already made the coalition forces lose their minds, so the coalition forces launched a brutal massacre, even some elves participated in it. Almost all the blood royal family was killed, and even the non-blood residents in the city were not spared. The whole city became a purgatory on earth and was completely razed to the ground by the coalition forces.

  Although a small number of blood races escaped from this massacre, since then, the blood races have been in a slump and become a marginal race.

  Although in the long history since then, occasionally there will be powerful big blood clans, but they are quickly submerged in the long river of history, without causing much disturbance.

  Because of the blood-sucking characteristics of vampires, as well as the above-mentioned historical reasons. So for humans, blood races are like cockroaches, once discovered, they must be eliminated quickly. Although there are no pure blood races anymore, the blood race awakeners are still hated by humans.

  Robin saw the abnormal fangs in the hobgoblin's mouth, coupled with the strange behavior of sucking blood, he naturally thought of the once invincible vampire.

  However, there have been no blood awakeners on the mainland for nearly a hundred years.

  Moreover, the blood race attaches great importance to their own bloodlines, and they are not as unrestrained as the dragon race. The possibility of a blood race blood appearing on a hobgoblin is almost infinitely close to zero, so this hobgoblin cannot be a blood race awakener.

Robin suddenly recalled the strange red crystal he found in the body of the ogre. He saw that the three corpses had no trace of dissection, so he pulled out the dagger from the scabbard on his thigh, and first A knife was inserted into the hobgoblin's collarbone, and then the blade was slowly pulled downwards, cutting open the hobgoblin's body vertically.

  Aisha watched from the side, frowning slightly in doubt: "My lord, what are you doing?"

   "Find something."

   As Robin said, he directly tore open the hobgoblin's chest, and sure enough, he found an identical red crystal next to the hobgoblin's heart.

   "Sure enough!" Robin exclaimed, and then dug out the red crystal with a knife.

   This red crystal is almost exactly the same as the ogre's, and it is also shaped like a heart. You can't feel the fluctuation of magic power on it, but you can feel another kind of cold and strange energy.

   "What is this?" Aisha bent down behind Robin, looking curiously at the red crystal in his hand.

   "I don't know what it is at the moment, but there should be this thing in the other two corpses."

   Then, Robin dug up the other two corpses, and sure enough, he dug up two similar red crystals.

  Three red crystals were arranged in a row in front of Robin. Robin looked at them and fell into deep thought.

Before that, he was still wondering whether the unkillable ogre mutated naturally. After all, no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. Maybe the ogre's mother ate something unclean when she gave birth to him. Something that caused him to be born abnormal.

   But now Robin can be sure that these mutated natives definitely did not mutate themselves, and were definitely disturbed by some kind of external force. Otherwise, it would be impossible to take out the same red crystal from their bodies.

   However, Robin is still unable to judge whether this external force is a purely natural phenomenon like lightning and hail, or whether it is deliberately done by someone or a certain force behind the scenes.

  Robin hopes the truth of the matter is the former, because although nature is ruthless, it does not make eyes on the mind. If it's the latter, then things will be troublesome.

  If the opponent can turn one hobgoblin into a monster, maybe a hundred or even thousands of hobgoblins can be turned into this kind of unkillable monster. Robin can't allow such a weird and powerful force to appear around his territory.

  After the autopsy was almost done, Robin stood up. Seeing that his hands were covered with blood, Aisha took the initiative to hand over the white silk scarf she carried with her.

Robin was also polite. After taking it, he wiped the blood from his hands, and said, "Find someone to burn these three corpses, let Tess's cavalry increase the patrol range, and pay attention to whether there are other corpses around the territory." Suspicious forces. Also, keep this matter secret for the time being, and those who know must keep it a secret, so as not to cause panic in the city."

   "Yes, my lord."

   Aisha nodded seriously. In fact, Aisha is already doing what Robin said, such as increasing the scope of patrols and keeping insiders strictly confidential.

  Back to the front of the lord's mansion, Robin called the half-elf Luke over.

  The handsome elf boy trotted up to Robin: "My lord, what are your orders?"

  Robin's expression was serious: "Luke, we just came back, in fact, we should let you take a rest first, but the matter is urgent, and I need you to do something immediately."

  As soon as Luke heard this, he immediately stood at attention, and replied with firm eyes: "My lord, you just give orders, no matter what it is, I promise to complete the task!"

"it is good!"

Robin took out the red crystal in the hobgoblin's body from his pocket, and handed it to Luke: "Take this thing, and go to Silverfrost City again immediately, and let Master Negan take a look. What the **** is it?"

  Robin originally wanted to let Master Negan take a look at this red crystal when they met next time. But now three mutant natives appeared around the territory, and Robin's sense of crisis rose immediately. He felt that he couldn't wait any longer, and he had to let Master Negan see what this red crystal was as soon as possible.

  However, although Master Negan is well-informed, Robin has no idea whether he can recognize what it is. No matter how smart a person is, there are still things in this world that he doesn't know.

  Luke took the red crystal, solemnly put it in his arms, and promised: "Please rest assured, my lord, I will definitely hand it over to Master Negan."

   "Also, you take a few people with you, I'm worried that the wasteland may not be safe in the near future, so be careful in everything." Robin seriously urged.

   "I see, my lord."

  Luke took the task, ordered a few half-elves of the same race, and soon left Raging City.

   All Robin has to do now is wait, hoping that Luke will bring the answer back, and hopefully it will be a good one.


  Although such a weird thing happened, life still has to go on as usual.

   "I'm really sorry, the humble house is simple. Tonight, I would like to invite the two of you to stay in this room for one night. Please bear with me."

  Homan personally brought Martha and her son to the guest room. In front of the room door, the old housekeeper bowed and apologized to Martha and her son, and said a series of polite words.

   "It's okay, Butler Homan, you are too polite, we are bothering you." Martha followed suit politely.

   "If you two need anything, please call the maid, and I'll be downstairs."

  Horman explained a few words at the end, and then left, leaving Martha and her son in the room.

   This room is small in size, the bed can barely sleep two people, and the rest of the furniture, tables, chairs and benches are all available.

Phil wandered around in the room. If it was in the past, she must have started to complain about the bed being too small, the room being too broken, and the floor "creaking" when walking, but today Phil seems to be a little He was out of his mind and didn't say a word of complaint.

At this time, Phil suddenly heard someone talking downstairs, she recognized the voice, and quickly walked to the window, looked downstairs, and saw the female half-elf administrator of Raging Waves City talking to two members of the same clan. What are you talking about.

  Fiel looked at Aisha's beautiful face, couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said a little sourly: "That half-elf looks really good-looking."

  When she lost her mind just now, she was also thinking about Aisha's amazing face.

  Martha also leaned over, and looked at Aisha downstairs. The mother and daughter are already very beautiful, but if they stand beside Aisha, the two of them will be compared at once.

   "Unexpectedly, under that Robin's rule, there would be such a beautiful woman."

  Phil’s tone was a bit complicated. She was quite confident about her beauty, but after seeing Aisha, she suddenly felt a little ashamed.

   It feels bad to be compared. Phil is a little unconvinced, but he has no choice.

But Martha thought more realistically. She originally thought that Phil's face was her biggest advantage. Although the noble ladies in Silver Frost City might have a higher status than their mother and daughter, but relying on their beauty, Phil also To have a place here with Robin.

  After seeing Aisha, Martha was a little desperate. Compared with Aisha, Phil was much worse. She also finally understood why Robin was not tempted by Phil at all. It turned out that there was a superb beauty in Robin's family, and people of Phil's level didn't look down on her at all.

  When she saw Elsa for the first time, Martha was shocked by her beauty. Although half-elves are generally good-looking, it was the first time that Martha saw a nearly perfect woman like Elsa.

  In addition, Martha carefully discovered that Aisha was not only beautiful, but also that Miss Aisha was managing Rage City when Robin was away. Robin can hand over his territory to Aisha for management, which is enough to show Aisha's loyalty and ability.

  Good-looking, loyal, and capable, this Miss Aisha is too perfect. Martha thought.

  However, Martha will not give up on marrying her daughter to Robin. She just has a greater sense of crisis in her heart. She can see that Robin and Aisha should not have that kind of relationship. That being the case, Phil still has a chance.

  Martha believes that no matter how beautiful Aisha is, she is still a half-elf. Robin probably won't marry a half-elf as his wife.

  Martha thinks this way, but it’s not that she looks down on Aisha, it’s just ordinary humans’ prejudice against half-elves.

  Downstairs, after Aisha finished explaining the work, she suddenly noticed the eyes from upstairs. She raised her head and saw Martha and her daughter on the second floor. She was taken aback for a moment, then showed an impeccable smile, bowed to greet Martha, then turned and left.

   "Even the etiquette is so decent."

   Martha sighed with emotion, and then turned to look at her daughter, she couldn't help but sighed in disappointment. Comparing the two, her daughter is nothing compared to Aisha, and even the aristocratic temperament on her body, Aisha firmly overwhelms Phil.

  Martha couldn't understand how a half-elf in the wasteland could have such a noble aura. She couldn't help being a little nervous even when standing in front of Aisha, feeling like being suppressed by the other party's aura.

   "Phil, did you see that Baron Robin has such a beautiful woman under his command? If you don't take action, Baron Robin will be snatched away by others."

  Martha never misses any chance to persuade Phil.

  Phil was a little annoyed when he heard it, and he raised his neck and retorted: "If she is beautiful, she is beautiful. What does it matter to me? Besides, no matter how beautiful she is, she is only a half-elf, not a nobleman."

  Martha frowned, thinking that her daughter's words were too naive:

"Even a half-elf can't be underestimated. She is definitely not an ordinary person who can work for Baron Robin. Phil, remember, don't underestimate anyone until you have thoroughly figured out the other party's hole cards, otherwise you will do something for it." Pay the price!"

   "I see, mother." Phil nodded perfunctorily, as if he didn't listen.

  (end of this chapter)

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