MTL - Blame The Villain For Being Too Beautiful-Chapter 212 The Emperor Villain (12)

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The second round of testing will begin soon.

Everyone draws lots first and goes to the stage in the order they are drawn. There are many wooden boards placed in a disorderly manner on the table, and all kinds of strange pictures are carved on the wooden boards. What the candidate saintesses have to do is draw out One piece, and tell Fu Sheng what he saw.

This is the practice that Guozhou has been selecting saintesses for a long time.

I heard that the saint who was chosen by Yinshen will have a vision when she gives a satisfactory answer to Yinshen.

And if there is no vision, there is no need to worry, Fu Sheng will choose a woman who is more suitable for a saint among all the candidates to participate in the next round again.

It is recorded in the teachings of Yinyue Sect that when the first saint appeared, there was an earthquake outside the city, and the mountain fire set the world on fire, and encountered a disaster that had not been seen in a century. The dignitaries died in the disaster, Yinyue Sect told the congregation that it was Yinshen resisting evil spirits, punishing the domineering Jiang Guozhong people, but they didn't know that Yinshen itself was the biggest evil spirit.

Song Xuyi was in front of Jiang Ruoyu, and soon it was her turn to take the stage.

After Song Xuyi took the stage, she randomly picked a piece of wood. She had already acquiesced in the fate of being eliminated if her appearance did not match her features. To try to pry these people's deep-rooted respect for Yinyue Sect...

What if there is a saint who is completely different from the teachings of Yinyue Sect?

Song Xuyi lowered his eyes. When Song Xuyi took out the wooden plank and handed it to Fu Sheng, the originally calm sky suddenly burst into violent winds, and all the flowers beside the place suddenly bloomed...

Even if it's just for a moment, it's enough.

—Everyone in the field saw the appearance of the vision.

The entire venue was full of hustle and bustle. The indifference in Fu Sheng's eyes also dissipated at this moment. He lowered his eyes and looked at Song Xuyi quietly, put away his fan, and suddenly smiled: "It's strange."

Song Xuyi didn't show anything unusual, and looked at him with a calm smile in his eyes.

Fu Sheng doesn't have any spiritual power, and there are also practitioners in the world. Even though human beings can't cultivate to become gods, they can still perform basic small spells. When Song Xuyi cast the spell just now, he completely concealed his aura. Even the gods hiding in the dark place of Guozhou couldn't tell where the strange phenomenon came from.

Fu Sheng glanced at Song Xuyi, raised his hands, and the noisy crowd immediately fell silent. He lowered his head and took the wooden board in Song Xuyi's hand. After seeing the patterns on the wooden board clearly, there was a clear scratch in his eyes. There was a trace of surprise.

He raised his eyes to look at Song Xuyi again, and said softly, "What do you think about this pattern, Miss?"

This is a very strange pattern: large swathes of black clouds seal the city, countless ghosts walk through the city, the soldiers defending the city fall step by step, blood flows in the city, but a **** stands high above the clouds, watching indifferently. with all this.

Like a prophecy, but also like a warning.

Song Xuyi looked at this scene and instinctively felt uncomfortable. Even though he knew what Fu Sheng wanted to hear, Song Xuyi had the idea of ​​testing. After thinking about it, he still opened his mouth and said: "Bloody and arbitrary."

"Oh?" Fu Sheng spoke in a drawn-out tone, took a deep look at Song Xuyi, but said nothing else, and put the wooden board back on the table, letting Song Xuyi step off the stage.

After several girls came to the stage, it was finally Jiang Ruoyu's turn.

Almost the moment Jiang Ruoyu came out, the eyes of many people present were glued to her: Jiang Ruoyu was so good-looking, she was the most eye-catching presence in the crowd when she appeared.

Moreover, more than one person discovered the similarity in appearance between Jiang Ruoyu and the previous saint, and there was another muttering in the audience. Listening to their discussion, Song Xuyi realized that they collectively referred to this type of appearance as "holy saint." Female appearance", there is no doubt that Jiang Ruoyu is the one who has the appearance of a saint, and is the top configuration of this type of appearance.

There is an unwritten rule in Guozhou City. Generally, the person with the most saintly appearance in the second round will usually be the final winner.

On normal days, Jiang Ruoyu would definitely be the most popular candidate for the saint, but because of the appearance of Song Xuyi who had a vision, everyone began to wonder who the saint would be for this year.

Jiang Ruoyu didn't pay attention to these small discussions in the venue.

When he entered the place where the planks were drawn, Jiang Ruoyu's heart suddenly twitched violently, and suddenly he was a little out of breath...

It seemed that something suddenly grew in the body, and the whole body began to lose control.

She originally wanted to choose the nearest plank, but her hands seemed to move towards the next plank uncontrollably.

Afterwards, Jiang Ruoyu realized that she and Song Xuyi were holding the same board, but Jiang Ruoyu didn't know about it at this time, she only felt an involuntary strangeness, ever since she stood on the stage, there seemed to be an invisible force Power is secretly manipulating her figure.

Jiang Ruoyu bit her lower lip tightly, the severe pain woke her up for a moment. After recovering, she found that Fu Sheng was looking at her in a strange way: as if he was looking at her, but also as if he was looking at her through the eyes. She looks at someone else.

Jiang Ruoyu was stunned for a moment, and that invisible force surged up again, submerging Jiang Ruoyu like a tide. Jiang Ruoyu could clearly perceive what she was doing, but her movements and body were no longer under control. He became an irrelevant bystander, standing aside and watching his body movements, but he couldn't stop it at all.

Fu Sheng closed his eyes again after seeing this pattern. After a moment, he came back to his senses, and asked the question again: "What does the girl think about this pattern?"

Jiang Ruoyu could feel that Song Xuyi was looking in her direction from the audience. She originally had her own answer in her heart, and originally wanted to answer the question according to Song Xuyi's favorite way, but after the words came to her lips, some voices mixed with the deepest voice in her heart. The desire involuntarily came out of his lips—

"Surrender." Jiang Ruoyu heard her own cold and hoarse voice, which seemed to be her voice, and it seemed to be another person.

And after Jiang Ruoyu spoke like this, the power that seemed to be enveloping her in the dark disappeared.

After regaining control of his body as if after a difficult fight, Jiang Ruoyu's whole heart hung up, and he almost subconsciously looked at the audience. After seeing the smile in Song Xuyi's eyes clearly, Jiang Ruoyu took a breath. After taking a few breaths, the whole person relaxed.

After hearing Jiang Ruoyu's reply, a gleam of light flashed across Fu Sheng's eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and he didn't hesitate to Jiang Ruoyu's reply to this answer: "Young lady is so insightful."

Jiang Ruoyu hooked her lips, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. She clenched her lower lip tightly, stepped off the stage and walked in the direction of Song Xuyi, but when she reached Song Xuyi's side, she stopped and lowered her head abruptly. —

"You are very capable. You are the first human race that has escaped my control in so many years." A voice suddenly appeared from the bottom of my heart. It seemed to be her own voice, but it seemed particularly malicious: "If you tell her I existence, I don’t mind killing her in Yaozhou—”

"Killing the gods is a great supplement to me!"

Jiang Ruoyu's eyes sharpened, and he clenched his fists.

What is this voice in the body?

Song Xuyi noticed Jiang Ruoyu's silence, and turned to look at Jiang Ruoyu: "Ruoyu, what's wrong with you?"

If it was the past, Jiang Ruoyu would have discussed with Song Xuyi a long time ago about the plank pattern, so she wouldn't have been silent for so long...

"No problem." Jiang Ruoyu looked up at Song Xuyi cautiously, and forced a smile from the corner of her lips. With trembling legs, she moved to Song Xuyi's side and lowered her voice: "I'm afraid that my sister will blame me. I just said something bad against my will."

As soon as Jiang Ruoyu finished speaking, he heard a cold snort from the bottom of his heart, but Song Xuyi didn't doubt it, and sighed with a smile: "I'm so indiscriminate in your heart?"

Jiang Ruoyu twitched the corners of her lips, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, my sister didn't notice that weird existence in her body.

"God, born with a spiritual body, aloof, full of benevolence and morality, but actually hypocritical..." The voice in his heart mocked again.

Jiang Ruoyu clenched her lower lip, and almost exhausted all her strength so as not to show a strange expression, she smiled and said to Song Xuyi, "Whatever my sister thinks is right in my heart."

Jiang Ruoyu tried her best to ignore the voice in her heart and discussed with Song Xuyi the boards they had drawn, only to realize that both of them had drawn the same pattern.

And the strange voice in my heart also gave an explanation: "This is a divine card, and only those with a godhead will choose it..."

Jiang Ruoyu clenched her lower lip.

Even though she didn't want to admit it, the evil **** of Yaozhou obviously possessed her body.

Before Song Xuyi told Jiang Ruoyu that the saintess of Guozhou was weird and asked her to be more careful, but Jiang Ruoyu originally thought that all of this was Yinyue Sect's pretending to be a ghost, but she didn't expect that there would be evil gods.

Thinking of Song Xuyi's appearance when he was seriously injured, it was obvious that Xu Yi's sister was defeated by this evil god, and now she was on the ground of this evil god, Jiang Ruoyu could only suppress her disgust for the evil **** in her heart, and pretended to be calm.

And the evil **** suddenly fell silent.

At this time, the entire venue had come to an end. Fu Sheng selected ten saintess candidates from all the people. Unexpectedly and expected, Song Xuyi was also among the saintess candidates.

Obviously, Song Xuyi's appearance does not have the so-called saintly appearance of Guozhou.

But because of Song Xuyi's divine body, she looks gentle and friendly, and seeing her makes people feel no bad feelings.

Song Xuyi and Jiang Ruoyu are both popular candidates to become gods this time.

"I'm interested in that girl surnamed Song. Now that the world is getting worse and worse, she has a calm temper at first glance, and can lead us to drive away famine and epidemics..."

"But she doesn't have the appearance of a goddess. That girl Jiang is the real fairy, making people want to bow down at her feet..."

Amidst the people's lively discussions, Song Xuyi found that his divine power had recovered a little bit, and some weak power of faith began to flow into Song Xuyi's body, and Fu Sheng also announced the time for the third round of screening: "Three days Afterwards, please go to the God-testing Cave on Zijin Cliff."

Song Xuyi nodded in agreement, but at this moment something happened suddenly: almost as soon as Fu Sheng finished speaking, Song Xuyi's mind suddenly sounded the pained cry of Emperor Jiang Guo: "Goddess save me..."

The wailing voices of countless people belonging to the Jiang Kingdom's royal family kept ringing in Song Xuyi's mind, and pictures emerged in Song Xuyi's mind: Jiang's palace had been reduced to purgatory, the sea of ​​fire engulfed everyone, and people wanted to escape in the fire , but can't escape...

Song Xuyi clenched his fists, almost wanting to rush back to the capital from Guozhou immediately, but the barrier above Guozhou once again worked, and Song Xuyi's soul couldn't leave at all.

And at the same time, that strange voice appeared in Jiang Ruoyu's heart again, followed by the same cruel and absurd scene——

In the face of death, no one abides by the imperial power anymore, and the guards and maids flee everywhere. The emperor is frightened and frightened, and is escorted by a few loyal servants to run around, and he does not hesitate to push his daughter Jiang Huan into the sea of ​​fire...

Half of Jiang Huan's body was on fire, her mother Wang Guipin glanced at her, gritted her teeth and left as well...

And in the palace that had turned into a purgatory on earth, the only place that didn't catch fire was the Goddess Temple. Jiang Ruoyu's mother, Dong Rou, slept extremely peacefully under the throne.

"Only I will be the best **** in the world to you! This useless Goddess of Xu Yi will only shackle you." That voice was full of pride, bewitchingly sounded in Jiang Ruoyu's mind: "Didn't you hate Jiang Guo's palace? ?"

"In order to celebrate the acquaintance between you and me, I made a special trip to the capital. Even though it took a lot of effort, I burned down the palace. When everyone is dead, you will be the only emperor..."

"At that time, if you believe in me with the whole country, I will become the most powerful **** in the world, leading you to break through the three realms, and no one can stop you! When you have the supreme power, will you still worry about whether Song Xuyi will be your friend? "

"Enough!" It has to be said that some of the words of this voice hit Jiang Ruoyu's secret thoughts, but Jiang Ruoyu turned her head and saw Song Xuyi's pale cheeks: being drawn out like this, my sister must be extremely anxious...

How could elder sister Xu Yi get hurt because of herself?

Jiang Ruoyu clenched her lower lip.

"How can you put out this fire?"

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