MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 95, darkness is coming again (explosion today)

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In the hall, five people sit, but no one sits in the first place. ~ top ~ point ~ small ~ said,

The first place, this should be the patriarch of Yuheng, but he has Mu Tianyang, the master, can not sit, and Mu Tianyang and his magician Xuan Tianzong, can not sit...

In the end, no one sat in the first place.

"Tianyang, tell us about what happened after you came to the [original world]!" Xuantianzong licked his mouth and looked at Mu Tianyang.

"Received, since I came to the [original world]..." Mu Tianyang’s most respected person is the magician, that is, Xuantianzong. After hearing his words, he naturally came to himself. The process of the world is said to be one and fifty.

The passing of things -

After Mu Tianyang came to the [original world], the first place to arrive was [禹界].

When he came to the first moment, Ding Hao had the same experience, that is, he felt that his strength was suppressed, and even repaired it was slowly retreating.

After he noticed this situation, for the sake of caution, he temporarily found a town to live in. He first understood the law of the "original world" and restored his strength as soon as possible. He also secretly inquired about the news about the heart of heaven and earth.

When he was searching for the news of "Heart of Heaven and Earth", he also learned that it is only one of the nine major regions [禹界], including the biggest clerk who is the patriarch of the Yi nationality.

Mu Tianyang knew that he wanted to find the heart of heaven and earth, and he had to resort to these aborigines, so he left the town directly and rushed to the Imperial City of the Yi.

After coming to the Imperial City, because of various restrictions, he was unable to enter the palace and go to see the patriarch of the Yi people. Therefore, for a long time, he only lived in an inn, and did not become a guest of the [Yi]. .

Later, when he inquired about the news, he clashed with some soldiers in the Imperial City. The result was not to be said. Naturally, those soldiers were defeated, and each one was beaten into a pig's head. This is also that Mu Tianyang does not want to make things big. Come to unnecessary trouble.

After all, what he wants is to become a guest of the [Yu nationality], and use their power to find the heart of heaven and earth. If these soldiers are killed in the imperial city, I am afraid that they have not yet become a guest, and they have been wanted.

Therefore, Mu Tianyang thinks that in the eyes of the big picture, he seems to be very generous in his eyes to let go of these soldiers who are **** a hundred times.

It’s just that he thought so, but the soldiers who were taught by him didn’t think so. It didn’t take long for them to pull out the gangs, and the friends and friends came to call a lot of people. They wanted to give Mu Tian a lesson, but as a result, these People are still all taught a lesson.

Because of that shot, Mu Tianyang successfully fell into the eyes of a [Yu] Taizifu Zhongkeqing.

He saw that Mu Tianyang's strength was not weak, and he was close to the latter, intending to introduce him to the Prince's House, which was still in front of the Prince.

Although not a patriarch of the Yi nationality, but the prince is also similar, Mu Tianyang also agreed.

In the days that followed, Mu Tianyang gradually adapted to the law of the "original world", and the cultivation gradually recovered. At the same time, he gradually emerged in the many guest secretaries of the Prince's House. With the cultivation of others and others, he truly became At that time, it was still the confidant of the Prince.

Later, the forces of darkness suddenly struck, and the leader of the Yi nationality, Ruan Deru, was unfortunately ambushed in a battle. Although hard and hard to support the madness at the crucial moment, he took the opportunity to break through the palace and return to the palace. But at that time, he was already seriously injured and was polluted by the dark forces. He could not stop the dark forces. In order not to become a dark creature, Zhai Deru broke his own life and ended his life.

A generation of arrogance, it is so depraved!

However, before he died, he also left a last word, that is, he passed the position of the patriarch to the prince, and appointed Mu Tianyang as the teacher of the prince. The identity of the regent king oversees the whole family, and the whole family must obey and follow him. Together against the forces of darkness.

In this way, Yu Heng became the new generation [Yi] patriarch, and Mu Tianyang also became the regent of the 10,000 people. Even if he was already a patriarch, he would also respectfully call a teacher. Respect, don't dare to be half-smooth.

Mu Tianyang did not disappoint Yan Heng. In the next few major wars, he successfully led the [Yi] soldiers and won a victory. The momentum was even better than that of Ruan Deru.

It is also the battle that has won a great victory in this field. The status of Mu Tianyang has gradually strengthened in the [Yi nationality], and the [Yi nationality] has not used him as a **** to worship...

These experiences are not so surprising to Ding Hao, but the words behind Mu Tianyang are to make Ding Hao and Xuan Tianzong shine.

I saw him after he had finished the previous things, and then said: "One day before, I led the army and successfully repelled the dark army and returned to the imperial city with the army. On the way, I saw a strange place. It is a canyon full of red gas."

"Listen to a sergeant who said that there is a very strange place. Those who enter there will disappear. From then on, there will be no trace. For the sake of safety, the army will naturally bypass it when passing by."

"I was also prepared to leave, but at that moment, I suddenly found out there was a power that made me feel guilty. At the same time, I vaguely noticed that there seemed to be something calling me, like this sign, let me know. There is something in it, so I let the army go back first and enter it alone, where I seem to enter the illusion, and constantly change the scene inside!"

"Those illusions will make people fall. I will stay in the singularity and finally break through the illusion. I will enter another scene. It is a red world, but the main thing is that there is a huge heart that is beating."

"Heart!" Ding Hao and Xuan Tianzong faintly guessed what.

Mu Tianyang nodded: "You guessed it well, it is [the heart of heaven and earth], but that piece of the heart of heaven and earth is only a quarter. When I touch it, the heart of heaven and earth] It became a red light and entered my body. Finally, I directly refining this piece of the heart of heaven and earth."

In this way, Mu Tianyang also got a quarter of the heart of heaven and earth!

The whereabouts of the complete [Heart of Heaven and Earth] has finally surfaced.

In Mu Tianyang, there is Xuan Tianzong, and half of the Ding Yu!

"After refining this quarter of the heart of heaven and earth, I increased my strength and directly broke through to the eternal peak. Then I searched around in the vicinity, but I didn't find other parts, so I could only return to the emperor. City, according to my thoughts, originally wanted to send some people, looking for [the heart of heaven and earth] in the [禹界], but just after returning to the imperial city, the dark army has hit again!"

Mu Tianyang looked calm, and that look seemed to be telling a story, not his own experience: "I led the army and played against this dark army. Because of my strength, the other party is not my opponent, but in me. When I was just about to kill the leader who led the dark army, a figure appeared, and this person is Ding Wei!"

"Ding Wei has also come here!" The evil moon heard the words, slammed three feet high, and hurriedly rushed to Mu Tianyang, and asked: "Do you have a good lesson, such as turning him into a pig's head? or it could be……"

Mu Tianyang directly ignored the evil moon and slowly said: "After fighting with Ding Wei, I found that he had a strange atmosphere. Later, I realized that there was half of him in the heart of heaven and earth. He The next time, I want to capture the heart of heaven and earth in my body..."

Next, Mu Tianyang will discuss the process of the battle in detail.

After listening to Mu Tianyang, Ding Hao knew that the reason why the [Yi people] can support the present, even Ding Yu’s shot, did not fall because of Mu Tianyang’s sake, and Mu Tianyang was because of the body. There is a quarter of [Heart of Heaven and Earth], in the face of Ding Wei, he can be unbeaten and support until now.

"Since Ding Hao chased here and wanted to capture another [Heart of Heaven and Earth], it is also our perfect opportunity. With Ding Wei’s character, I know that the other half are on you, and I will definitely come over and take it. That is when we solve him..." Ding Hao said after a moment of contemplation.

Xuan Tianzong nodded: "It is very likely that he has not yet been able to win the part of Heaven and Earth, and he will definitely find the heavens first."

"So when the next dark army strikes, the Ding is very likely to appear..." Xing Wei’s eyes were a bit complicated, and the tone was quite taboo.

Ding Wei is a ghost of this person, and his character is even more extreme. Xing Wei can say that he is extremely jealous. If there is Ding Hao, they are here, I am afraid that he has no confidence to face Ding Hao.


Just then, a voice came in from the outside.

"Come out!" Yan Heng seems to realize what, when he heard this voice, his face was a bit ugly.

A figure suddenly appeared in the temple, half a squat in front of Yu Heng, the tone of the word: "Your Majesty, the dark army began to have an action, I am afraid it is coming again!"

Yan Heng’s pupil was miniature, and immediately asked: “Where is it now?”

"Return to the majesty, the dark army is now dozens of miles away, is marching here, I am afraid it will not be long, you can arrive!" The man once again replied.

"I told the city's soldiers to start the battle in the city, set up the bow, and prepare to fight!" Yan Heng Lei Li commanded.

The man nodded, then turned into a black smoke, disappeared!

"Master, Master, Dark Army is coming again, we should do some preparations..." After Yan Heng ordered, he turned to look at Mu Tianyang and Xuan Tianzong.

"Well, go!" The two masters nodded at the same time, and after they looked at Ding Hao, they disappeared into the palace.

The next moment, they appeared on the gates of the Imperial City.

"There was a lot of people, this time the number is really quite a lot, enough to kill." The evil moon and the crowd just appeared, the line of sight fell in front, and the pupil suddenly shrank.

Looking at the past, I saw only there, a piece of black pressure, where the number of dark creatures who did not know the geometry, stepping on the neat pace, the momentum is huge, marching.

The momentum is amazing!


The day after tomorrow, I took my father to do the inspection. I hope that there will be nothing safe. In order to smash the character, it broke out today. There is no upper limit, and the code code does not move.

thank you all.

Don't reward the moon ticket... (Leave it to new ^_^)

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