MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 83, array method

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After the array appeared, when the people had not reacted, the surrounding scene began to change.

Surrounded by a huge mirror, it began to rupture, split into pieces, and turned into stars to begin to dissipate.

Then, the darkness gradually dissipated, and there was a faint glow in the surroundings.

In the final scene, it is presented in front of everyone, but it is the scene outside the palace.

The palace is gone!

Ding Hao looked up and looked around, slightly frowning.

After a glimpse of the evil moon, he roared: "The **** Ding Hao, there is such a hand!"

"No, this is the battle, we are trapped..."

"Oops, we are ambushing!"

"The palace is gone, and the dark creatures we met before have appeared again!"

[Meizu] people are also shocked, they did not think that there is a way to hide. Then they saw those who were squatting outside the palace. I don’t know how many dark creatures appeared in front of them at this moment. But this time, those dark creatures did not come together to kill them with Ding Hao. Instead, they stood up. Far away, it was blocked by the huge cage.

All this happened so suddenly, and it happened between lightning and thunder, which made people feel less prepared.

"吼,吼,吼,吼,吼,吼..." Suddenly, those dark creatures seem to be sensing something, screaming in the sky, the sound is higher than a wave, and when the sound has not disappeared, they will kneel down. Kneeling to the ground, the expression changed from bloodthirsty to respectful color, faint with fear, seems to be welcoming their king.

"What's wrong? What are they doing?"

Just when everyone was shocked, when Ding Hao looked at the fretting, a cold voice suddenly sounded around: "Ding Hao, since you designed to destroy my avatar, then I also designed you once, say, if it is not that battle, Letting you reveal your whereabouts, I really can't think of you coming to the [original world] so soon, and also intend to destroy my plan."

design! ?

Everyone heard the words, and the face suddenly seemed difficult to look...

"Don't dare to show people the true face of the clown, Ding, if you are acquainted, let's get out of the hurry, or else, the evil moon will let you know what is better than death!" Evil moon heard this voice, immediately recognized This person is Ding Wei, suddenly violently screaming, screaming.

"The situation is not good, it seems that we are falling into this trick of Ding Hao!" Qin Menglan Liu Mei picked up.

[Meizu] people, although they have not seen Ding Wei, but from the news of the previous spies, and the current situation, they know this voice, that is, the master behind the scenes, that is, let them [Meizu] The person who is in crisis is the master of the voice just now.

However, these are not the most important things. From the previous words, they learned that the owner behind the voice knew that Ding Hao would appear early, and that he would sneak into the dark city sooner or later, wanting to destroy the fountain of darkness. This person named Ding Hao set up the law, waiting for them to fall into the trap...

Ding Hao was silent and did not speak.

Ding Wei’s voice came again: “I know that since you came to the [original world], you will find the [Xieyang] group of wastes, and these [Meizu] people will definitely attack this darkness. City], therefore, I am ready for everything, waiting for you here, or else, do you think that you will enter here so easily?"

"At the end of the day, you still have a big idea. This move will make you fall into disrepair..."

"Don't be ruined?" Ding Hao heard, his expression was very calm, and said faintly: "This array is a trap that you evolved with the power of darkness. The defense is really good, but do you think it can really trap me?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The whistling laughter of Ding Hao in the void, followed by his sneer: "I know that although your strength has declined, there is still no formation in the world, which can really trap you, but with this array Law, if you want to trap you for a while, you can still do it..."

Evil moon disdain: "If you are trapped in Ding Hao for a while, then how can you turn over the sky? As long as he can go out, you will be defeated when you arrive, not to mention, what is the law of you? Can you really trap us for a while?"

"Stupidity like your master, if you don't believe it, even if you can try it..." Ding Wei's voice came again: "You are here, as long as they have any change, they will urge the formation." It gets smaller, and then it doesn't ring again.

Ding Hao apparently did not come out to see Ding Hao’s intentions, so he left.

However, shortly after Ding's voice fell, there were suddenly ten black figures floating around the cage.

These black figures are male and female, old and young, and look different, but they all look at Ding Hao.

Seeing these ten people, all the people of [Meizu], including the evil moon, are shrinking each pupil, and the face is also somewhat stiff. There is no reason for it. Because these ten dark figures are actually the strongest in the eternal realm. And half of them are the masters of the eternal mid-level.

"Oh, it is hosted by ten strong eternal realms. It seems that this formation is really not simple!" Evil Moon sighed, then turned to Ding Hao who just came to the side and asked: "Can you break? Open this array?"

When I heard the question of the evil moon, the people of [Meizu] paid attention to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao did not change his mind and said slowly: "I will try it..."

Ding Hao is ready to shoot!

I saw that his palm was slightly gripped, and the white light appeared, condensed, and turned into a sword.

Between the swords, a horrible momentum permeated the body, rushing between the heavens and the earth, roaring toward the void. A silent sword light blooms in an instant, breaking through the sky, shining in the sky, and the sturdy sword is roaring.

In the void, they are shrouded in the dazzling sword light.

[Meizu] people, dark creatures, including the ten eternal dark souls, see this sword light, the pupils are a contraction, terrible, it is terrible!

Ding Hao seems to be a simple wave, can actually throw such a terrible sword...

However, the dark souls of the ten eternal realms, after being shocked, turned into a calm, and there was a dark force of horror on the body. The array of law in front of them was released at the same moment and injected into the array. among.

In the cage-like array, there was a beam of sky-shattering, and the roar of the roar.

Then, the crowd saw that in the formation, a terrible dark force, along a hollow axis, gathered at the location where Jianqi was coming.


At the moment when Jianqi and dark forces came into contact, a burst of radiance broke out, followed by a burst of sound that caused the shock of the eardrum, a wave of horrible power, rippling out.

"Wow, wow..."


Some dark creatures close to the array, including the lower female warriors of [Meizu], were shocked to fly out, blood spilled, and the rest of the people, including the dark creatures, were rushing backwards and dare not approach.

Ding Hao brows slightly wrinkled, the hand in the hands of [flowing frost to mark the sword] again waved.

At this moment, the sword in his hand seems to be able to break everything and destroy the whole world.

The tremor of the void makes people feel tremble.

But the ten dark strong men, after the pupils condensed, infused toward the law, re-injecting dark power.

Endless dark brilliance rushed into the void, once again resisting Ding Hao's offensive.

The dazzling light clusters bloom again, stinging everyone's eyes and letting their hearts beat vigorously.

"Oh, Ding Hao, haven't you eaten, hurry up and break the ghost method, and you have to find out the Ding, fat him, to solve the anger that he had been ignited before, and dare to say stupid, that The guy really didn't want to live..." Evil Moon snarled on the side.

Seeing invalid, Ding Hao stopped and his left hand slightly gripped.

A blood flashed over, and the left hand palm suddenly appeared [blood drink mad knife].

Left hand knife, right hand sword.

The sword dances at the same time, and the speed is fast, which makes it difficult to see clearly.

A squally wind blew from Ding Hao.

The swords and swords light up and gather together to turn into a sword and light savage, sweeping the world, roaring and screaming.


This power is several times stronger than before!

"It’s so horrible, this time you should be able to break open..." After the crowd in the formation thought of this idea, the other party had already acted.

Seeing Ding Hao strengthen his power, the dark forces injected by the ten people also expanded.

The dark powers of the ten strands are connected together and erupted. In the void, it seems to be transformed into a demon god, waving the magic weapon in their hands, smashing the void and welcoming Ding Hao’s attack...

The two horrible forces collided with each other, the world was discolored, and the mountains and rivers were turbulent.

A circle of terrible light waves swayed and radiated around.

The vast sky broke open, and the huge hole seemed to open its mouth and cover the sky.

The ground violently vibrates, as if the volcano erupted, the crust changed...

"A very fierce confrontation, this scene in front of us is simply the end of the world..."

"Ding Daren is so strong, if it is closer to a point, it will be bombarded by the aftermath, I am afraid I will immediately vanish!"

Under the lingering aftermath of the horror, everyone was shocked and chilled, without any resistance.

Even if it is as strong as Qin Menglan, it is also pale, and the body is trembling.

This is really terrible, it is not human...

However, the array was still not broken, and it was still safe.

Ding Hao cold, swords, knife dance, horrible swordsmanship, the horrible knife broke out again.

The swordsmanship that destroyed the heavens and the earth blooms toward the front. There is no sword-shaped, knife-shaped, only the brilliance of the brilliance, as if to tear everything.

This sword, this knife, seems to bring together all the power of heaven and earth.

The glory of the eternal light re-emerged, and Ding Hao once again displayed the power of terror and bombarded the law.



Read The Duke's Passion